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" Thus with the year Seasons return, but not to me returns Day, or the sweet approach of even or morn, Or sight of vernal bloom, or summer's rose, Or flocks, or herds, or human face divine: But cloud instead, and ever-during dark Surrounds me... "
Exercises in Reading and Recitation - Página 50
por Jonathan Barber - 1828 - 251 páginas
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The Spectator, Volumen8

Joseph Addison, Sir Richard Steele - 1810 - 314 páginas
...a little after. " Seasons return, but not to me returns Day, or the sweet approach of cv'n or mornr Or sight of vernal bloom, or summer's rose, Or flocks...divine ; But cloud instead, and ever-during dark, Surround me : from the cheerful ways of meii Cut off, and for the book of knowledge fair, Presented...
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The British Essayists; with Prefaces, Historical and Biographical,: The ...

1810 - 316 páginas
...' And a little after. " Seasons return, but not to me returns Day, or the sweet approach of ev'n or morn, Or sight of vernal bloom, or summer's rose,...herds, or human face divine ; But cloud instead, and evcr-during dark, Surround me : from the cheerful ways of men Cut off, and for the book of knowledge...
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Cowley, Denham, Milton

Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - 560 páginas
...note. Thus with Ihe year Seasons return ; but not to me returns Day, or the sweet approach of even or morn, Or sight of vernal bloom, or summer's rose,...herds, or human face divine ; But cloud instead, and ever-dnring dark Surrounds me, from the cheerful ways of men Cut off, and for the book of knowledge...
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Le glaneur, ou Essais de Nicolas Freeman

Nicolas Freeman, Antoine Jay - 1812 - 442 páginas
...Seasons return , but not to me returns Day, or the sweet approach of ev'n or morn, Orsight ofvernal bloom, or summer's rose, Or flocks, or herds, or human...universal blank Of nature's works to me expung'd and rais'd, And wisdom at one entrante quite shut out. So much the rather thou, celestial light, Shine...
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Lessons in Elocution, Or, A Selection of Pieces in Prose and Verse: For the ...

William Scott - 1814 - 424 páginas
...Thus with the year, Seasons return — but not to me returns Day, or the sweet approach of even or morn, Or sight of vernal bloom, or summer's rose,...herds, or human face divine ; But cloud instead, and ever during dm-le Surround me, from the cheerful ways of men Cut off, and for the book of knowledge...
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Francis Wrangham - 1816 - 482 páginas
...' Thus, with the year, Seasons return ; but not to me returns Day, or the sweet approach of eve or morn, Or sight of vernal bloom or summer's rose, Or...with a universal blank Of nature's works — to me expunged and rased. And wisdom at one entrance quite shut out !' He then pursues a train of thought,...
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Sacred Biography: Or, The History of the Patriarchs. To which is ..., Volumen4

Henry Hunter - 1818 - 376 páginas
...herbs, or human face divine : But cloud instead, and ever during dark Surrounds me ! from the cheeiful ways of men Cut off; and for the book of knowledge...universal blank Of nature's works, to me expung'd and ras'd, And wisdom at one entrance quite shut out ! FARAD. LOST. This is " darkness which may be felt."...
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Select Works of the British Poets: With Biographical and Critical ..., Volumen1

John Aikin - 1820 - 832 páginas
...note. Thus with the year Seasons return ; but not to me returns Day, or the sweet approach of even or 2+ !2+ ofT, and for the book of knowledge fair Presented with a universal blank Of Nature's works to me expung'd...
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Lessons in Elocution: Or, A Selection of Pieces, in Prose and Verse, for the ...

William Scott - 1819 - 368 páginas
...Surround me, from the cheerful ways of men Cut off, and for the book of knowledge fair, Presented with an universal blank Of nature's works, to me expung'd...quite shut out. So much' the rather, thou, celestial light, Shine inward, and (he mind, through all her powers, Irradiate : there plant eyes ; all mist...
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Lessons in Elocution, Or, A Selection of Pieces in Prose and Verse: For the ...

William Scott - 1820 - 422 páginas
...from the cheerful ways of men •• Cut off, and for the book of knowledge fair, , Pre*ented with an universal blank Of nature's works, to me expung'd...quite shut out. So much the rather, thou, celestial light, Shine inward, and the mind, through all her powers,- . Irradiate ; there plant eyes ; all mist...
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