| Great Britain - 1765 - 514 páginas
...dectife, pretending to be, and taking upon himfelf the ßile and title of King of England, by the name tf James the Third, or of Scotland, by the name of James the Eighth, fr theßileand title of King P/Great Britain, taib act any righttrtitlt zvbatfotver to the crown of... | |
| 1766 - 520 páginas
...Wales ; and after the deceafe of the faid late king pretending to be and taking upon himfelf the ftile and title of king of England by the name of James the Third, and of and concerning his right to the crown of Great Britain." This pamphlet mentions the doctrine... | |
| Great Britain - 1767 - 674 páginas
...life of the late King James, and, fince his deceafe, pretended to be, and took upon himfelf the jlile and title of King of England, by the name of James...Scotland, by the name of James the Eighth, or the jlile and title of King of Great Britain, and their adherents, and all other enemies who, either by... | |
| Great Britain - 1767 - 674 páginas
...fince Us deceafe, pretended to A took upon himfelf the ß He and title of, King of England, by tbi name of James the Third, or of Scotland, by the name of James the Eighth, or thtßile and title of King of Great Britain, bath any right or title whatfoever to the crown of this... | |
| Sir Michael Foster - 1767 - 460 páginas
...and fa forth, andjince the Deceafe of the faid late King, pretending to be, and taking upon bimfelf the Stile and Title of King of England by the Name of James the Third, to the Crown and to the Royal State and Dignity of King, and to the Imperial Rule and Government of... | |
| 1772 - 336 páginas
...Wales, during crown, . jamei> and fince his deeeafe pretending to be, and taking upon himfelf the ftyle and title of, King of England, by the name of James...the Third, or of Scotland, by the name of James the Fifth, or the ftyle and title of King of Great Britain, hath not any right or title whatfoever to the... | |
| Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1776 - 236 páginas
...againft the James, and fince his deceafe pretending to be, and taking upon himfelf the ftile Preundtr't and title of, King of England, by the name of James the Third, or of Scotland, titk ; by the name of James the Eighth, or the ftileand title of King of Great Britain, and renuncihath... | |
| John Skinner - 1788 - 714 páginas
...the late King James ; and, fince his deceafej * pretending to be, and taking upon himfelf the * ftile and title of King of England, by the name * of James the Third, or of Scotland by the name 1 of James the Eighth, or the Itile and title of King ' of Great Britain, hath not any right or tide... | |
| Charles James Fox - 1788 - 90 páginas
...the late King James the Second, and fmce his deceafe pretended to be, and took upon himfelf the ftile and title of King of England, by the name of James the Third, &c. hath any any right or title ivhatfoever to the Crown of this realm^ &c. &c. &c. This oath appears... | |
| Sir John Simeon - 1789 - 342 páginas
...of the late King James, and, fince his deceafe, pretending to be and taking upon himfelf the ftile and title of King of England by the name of James...of Scotland by the name of James the Eighth, or the ftile and title of King of Great Britain, hath not any right or title whatfoevcr to the crown of this... | |
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