| United States - 1920 - 202 páginas
...the Philippine Islands. was established under the provisions of sections 76 to 83 of the organic act, "An act temporarily to provide for the administration of the affairs of the civil government in the Philippine Islands, and for other purposes," approved July 1, 1902, and... | |
 | United States. Supreme Court - 1921 - 636 páginas
...jeopardy of life or limb;" and, in part, upon the act of Congress of July 1st, 1902, providing temporarily for the administration of the affairs of civil government in the Philippine Islands, and which act declared that "no person for the same offense shall be twice put in jeopardy of punishment."... | |
 | United States - 1923 - 1256 páginas
...United States, and who is not thirty years of age. (32 Stat. 694.) This section was § 8 of an act entitled "An act temporarily to provide for the administration of the affairs of the civil government in the Philippine Islands, and for other purposes," cited above. It has been superseded,... | |
 | United States, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Ways and Means - 1924 - 304 páginas
...acts of the Philippine legislature, subject, however, to section seven of the Act of Congres approval July first, nineteen hundred and two, entitled "An...Act temporarily to provide for the administration of tho affairs of civfl government in the Philippine lslands, and for other purposes:" And provided further,... | |
 | Maximo Manguiat Kalaw - 1927 - 532 páginas
...Instructions to the Philippine Commission was the Philippine Bill of July 1, 1902. It is, to quote its title, an "Act Temporarily to Provide for the Administration of the Affairs of Civil Govr ernment in the Philippine Islands, and for Other Purposes." The government proposed to be established... | |
 | Philippines. Governor - 1928 - 334 páginas
...the advice and consent of the commission." The Congress, when it came to make legislative provision for the administration of the affairs of civil government in the Philippine Islands, in the act of Congress of July 1, 1902, the Philippine bill "approved, ratified, and confirmed," the... | |
 | 1928 - 332 páginas
...the advice and consent of the commission." The Congress, when it came to make legislative provision for the administration of the affairs of civil government in the Philippine Islands, in the act of Congress of July 1, 1902, the Philippine bill "approved, ratified, and confirmed," the... | |
 | 1903 - 126 páginas
...States, under the law and usages of war the military occupation of territory creates an obligation to provide for the administration of the affairs of civil government in the occupied territory. This obligation is binding upon the military authorities of the United States,... | |
 | 1944 - 944 páginas
...this Act.76 (36 Stat. 1167.) PHILIPPINE CITIZENSHIP [Act approved March 23. 1912] « That section four of the Act of Congress approved July first, nineteen...Act temporarily to provide for the administration 01 the affairs of civil government in the Philippine Islands, and for-other purposes," is hereby amended... | |
 | Philippines. Supreme Court - 1929 - 1164 páginas
...the advice and consent of the Commission." The Congress when it came to make legislative provision for the administration of the affairs of civil government in the Philippine Islands, in the Act of Congress of July 1, 1902, the Philippine Bill, "approved, ratified, and confirmed," the... | |
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