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" Fair laughs the morn, and soft the zephyr blows, While proudly riding o'er the azure realm In gallant trim the gilded vessel goes ; Youth on the prow, and Pleasure at the helm ; Regardless of the sweeping whirlwind's sway, That, hush'd in grim repose,... "
New England Magazine: An Illustrated Monthly - Página 595
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Letters from the Irish Highlands

1825 - 392 páginas
...blows, While proudly riding o'er the azure realm, In gallant trim the gilded vessel goes, Youth at the prow, and pleasure at the helm. Regardless. of the sweeping whirlwind's sway, That hushed in grim repose, expects his evening prey. . We passed through Ballynahinch late, the scenery...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare - 1826 - 474 páginas
...the imagery of this passage in his Bard, but dropt the allusion to the parable of the prodigal — ' Fair laughs the morn and soft the zephyr blows, While,...That hush'd in grim repose expects his evening prey.' 3 So in Othello : ' The bawdy wind, that kisses all it meets.' It has been observed by Mr. Steevens...
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The Poetical Works

Thomas Gray - 1826 - 190 páginas
...rests among the dead. The swarm, that in thy noontide beam were born ? Gone to salute the rising morn. Fair laughs the morn, and soft the zephyr blows, While...That, hush'd in grim repose, expects his evening prey. II. 3. " Fill high the sparkling bowl, The rich repast prepare, Ver. 64. Low on his funeral couch he...
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Elegant Extracts: Book V. Pindaric, Horatian, and other odes ; Book VI ...

1826 - 312 páginas
...rests among the dead. The swarm, that in thy noon-tide beam were born, Gone to salute the rising Morn. Fair laughs the Morn, and soft the Zephyr blows, While...Whirlwind's sway, That, hush'd in grim repose, expects bis eveningprey. II. 3. « Fill high the sparkling bowl, The rich repast prepare, Reft of a crown,...
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Merchant of Venice. As you like it. All's well that ends well. Taming of the ...

William Shakespeare - 1826 - 476 páginas
...the imagery of this passage in his Bard, hut dropt the allusion to the parable of the prodigal — ' Fair laughs the morn and soft the zephyr blows, While,...Regardless of the sweeping whirlwind's sway, That hnsh'd in grim repose expects his evening prey.' 3 So in Othello : ' The bawdy wind, that kisses all...
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Vestigia Anglicana: Or, Illustrations of the More Interesting and ..., Volumen2

Stephen Reynolds Clarke - 1826 - 494 páginas
...Edward the Third, than the clouds and tempests which darkened the horizon of his unhappy grandson : Fair laughs the morn, and soft the zephyr blows, While...Regardless of the sweeping whirlwind's sway, That, hushed in grim repose, expects his evening prey. A. — We have another illustration of the misfortunes...
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The History of Pontefract, in Yorkshire

George Fox - 1827 - 458 páginas
...magnificence and splendor which ushered in his reign. — * ' Fair laughs the morn, and soft the zepbyr blows. While proudly riding o'er the azure realm,...hush'd in grim repose, expects his evening prey.' The populace pitied his misfortunes and such numbers flocked to his standard, that they resolved to march...
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The Works of Thomas Gray, Esq

Thomas Gray, William Mason - 1827 - 468 páginas
...father. * Magnificence of Kichard the Second's reign. — See Froissard, and other contemporary writers. Regardless of the sweeping whirlwind's sway, That, hush'd in grim repose, expects his evening-prey. II. 3. : . I il / I • > " "Fill high the sparkling bowl, The rich repast prepare, Reft...
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Repository of Arts, Literature, Fashions &c

1820 - 478 páginas
...blows, While proudly riding o'er the azure realm, In gallant trim the gilded vessel goes, Youth at the prow and Pleasure at the helm, Regardless of the...whirlwind's sway, That hush'd in grim repose, expects its evening prey." (In which, by the bye, the words " realm" and " sway" are rhymes dearly purchased.)...
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The Misfortunes of Elphin

Thomas Love Peacock - 1829 - 20 páginas
...JUDGMENTS OF ARTHUR . 231 v THE MISFORTUNES OF ELPHIN. CHAP. I. THE PROSPERITY OF GWAELOD. Kegardless of the sweeping whirlwind's sway, That, hush'd in grim repose, expects his evening prey. GRAY. IN the beginning of the sixth century, when Uther Pendragon held the nominal sovereignty of Britain...
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