To exercise by its board of directors or duly authorized officers or agents, subject to law, all such incidental powers as shall be necessary to carry on the business of banking; by discounting and negotiating promissory notes, drafts, bills of exchange,... The American Monthly Review of Reviews - Página 292editado por - 1901Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | Joseph Henry Walker - 1881 - 124 páginas It says having been qualified to do so, a bank may " carry on the business of banking, namely, by discounting and negotiating promissory notes, drafts,...selling exchange, coin, and bullion ; by loaning money (its property) on personal security ; by obtaining, issuing, and circulating notes, according to the... | |
 | United States. Circuit Court (6th Circuit), William Searcy Flippin - 1881 - 754 páginas
...banking, by discounting and negotiating promissory notes, drafts, bills of exchange, and other evidence of debt; by receiving deposits; by buying and selling...and bullion; by loaning money on personal security," etc. Then follows, in the same act, Sec. 57, already quoted, providing "That suits, actions, and proceedings,... | |
 | George Washington Field - 1881 - 620 páginas
...banks organized under its provisions, 'to carry on the business of banking by discounting bills, notes, and other evidences of debt, by receiving deposits, by buying and selling gold and silver bullion, foreign coin, and foreign and inland bills of exchange, by loaning money on... | |
 | Institute of Bankers (Great Britain) - 1882 - 726 páginas
...bye-laws for the regulation of the business. To exercise all such incidental powers as are necessary to carry on the business of banking ; by discounting...; and by obtaining issuing, and circulating notes according to the provisions of the Act. This last paragraph is of considerable importance as it has... | |
 | United States. Circuit Court (2nd Circuit) - 1883 - 636 páginas
...Act of June 3d, 1864, 13 US Stat. at Large, 101,) that every banking association shall have power to exercise ''all such incidental powers as shall be...and bullion, by loaning money on personal security." The coupons appear, by the complaint, to be payable to bearer. They were, therefore, negotiable promissory... | |
 | United States. Supreme Court - 1904 - 906 páginas
...duly authorized officers or agente, subject to law, all such incidental powers a« shall be necessary to carry on the business of banking; by; and by obtaining, issuing, and circulating notes according to the provisions of this title." And, again, by I 5145 (US Сотр. Stat. 1901, p. 3403),... | |
 | A.S. Pratt & Sons - 1883 - 130 páginas its directors or authorized officers or agents, subject to law, all incidental powers necessary to carry on the business of banking, by discounting...bullion; by loaning money on personal security, and by issuing circulating notes according to law. But no bank is to transact any business except such as... | |
 | John Bouvier - 1883 - 878 páginas
...necessary to carry on the business of banking ; by discounting and negotiating promissory notes, etc.; by receiving deposits, by buying and selling exchange,...; and by obtaining, issuing, and circulating notes according to the provisions of " title 62 of the Revised Statutes." The powers of national banks are... | |
 | 1884 - 1022 páginas
...authorized, '' to exercise by its board of directors or duly authorized officers or agents, subject to law, all such incidental powers as shall be necessary to...; and by obtaining, issuing. and circulating notes according to the provisions of this title." A warehouse receipt, like a bill of lading, is a symbol... | |
 | 1884 - 1126 páginas
...valid except those on personal security." The language of that section is, "and exercise under this act all such incidental powers as shall be necessary to...and bullion; by loaning money on personal security; by obtaining, issuing and circulating notes according to the provisions of this act." § 185. Л national... | |
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