The Tabernacle, The Priesthood, and The OfferingsSolid Christian Books, 2014 M03 3 - 508 páginas His teaching was remarkable, not only for its clearness and depth, but also for its close adherence to Scripture, thus proving how much he lived in communion with God. The great central truths of Salvation through the cross of Christ, and of the Second Coming of the Lord, were ever present to his mind, and pervaded all his teaching. Fearless in his denunciation of what he believed to be error; intensely solemn in his warnings of the power and the consequences of sin; an unflinching standard-bearer of the gospel of God's grace, and yet most tender in ministering the truth of God to stricken ones—he was the means of strengthening the hands of many a feeble one, and of preserving from the snares of the adversary many of God's people. |
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... God, if those, who have undertaken to write or speak on this subject, had been subject to the definite words of Scripture, instead of adopting abstract reasonings upon the divinity and humanity of the Son of God. The Christ of God is ...
... God with the power to raise the dead, he would be so eager to exhibit that mighty power, and thereby to still ... God's glory was ever His object: and to accomplish that. He had been content to bear the questioning of those dear ...
... God sent forth His Son, made of a woman, made under the law. The second man, the brightness of God's glory, appeared on earth. Still, nothing was effected. He came into the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him ...
... God's dwelling- place. In our translation, we find the words "tabernacle of the congregation" constantly occurring; but, in almost every instance, the Hebrew has the words "tent of the congregation": for, this building was their tent of ...
... God's presence. This feast of trumpets, with its accompanying sin-offering, may have had its memorial in a fourth ... God's remembrance. The high priest, after having completed the work of atonement within the tabernacle before God ...
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The Tabernacle, the Priesthood, and the Offerings: The Priesthood and the ... Henry William Soltau Vista previa limitada - 1880 |