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The Games You Can Play

1. Pockets.

2. Cushion Ring Game.

3. Revolving Pocket Game. 4. Shooting the Pigeons. Miniature Pool.

6. Four Ring Pockets.

7. Checkers.

8. Pyramids.

9. King and Queen.

10. Go Bang.

11. Four Ring Game. 12. Pocket Numbers. 13. Three Ring Game.

14. Pen Cushion Game.

15. Fifteen Ring Pool.

16. Forty-one or Burst.

17. Rotation Cushion Game. 18. Chess.

19. Backgammon.

20. Russian Backgammon. 21. Crokinole.

22. Five Battles.

23. Reversed Crokinole.

24. Guard Your Sheep.

25. The Four Inns.

[blocks in formation]

26. Ten Pins and Nine Pins. 53. Fascination.



The Wonderful_
Combination Game Board

One Board, One Bulk, 53 Games
A rich store of Fun and Education

All the best games combined on one board. Among the
many is National Exports, the great Educational
Game-the Amusement Success.

While playing "National Exports" you become familiar with the vast export wealth of our grand country and the amount of the various commodities that go to each country in the world-a supremely interesting exciting and instructive game. This educational feature alone is worth many times the price of "Combinola" to you and to your children.

Big and little games for big and little people.
Sold by all good dealers in five grades as follows:
No. 10, first 10 games, $2.00

[blocks in formation]

20 66 2.50


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No. 13, first 35 games, $3.50 "14 all 53 4.50

Complete with golf clubs, highly polished rings, ships, ship's holders, croquet
mallets, cues, ten pins, national flags, corner covers, chess discs, indicators,
etc. A single cardboard game usually sells for 50 cents; at this rate "Com-
binola" would cost $25.00. Its price is but $4.50, or 82 cents per game.
The most elegant game board, and the greatest bargain in games ever offered.
"Combinola" is durably made and most artistically finished in hard wood.
It is an exceedingly handsome board and suitable for the drawing room.
"COMBINOLA" makes a most pleasing and valuable holiday present
for old and young. The whole family can enjoy it.

If your dealer does not keep "COMBINOLA” we will send it by express prepaid as far west as Omaha, pro rata beyond, on receipt of price. Send for circular and free book of rules. Address

LEONARD MFG. CO., 18 Ottawa St., Grand Rapids, Mich.



In a recent issue of a very prominent publication, I published an advertisement which reads as follows: "A SAFE INVESTMENT:

Those who have modest sums saved for a rainy day,and who don't want to lose in uncertain ventures, yet who are willing to investigate an enterprise, that is conducted on honor and with every guarantee of certain profits,will learn something of interest and to their profit by addressing E. M. Armstrong, 313 Chamber of Commerce Building, Chicago, Gilt edged references in abundance." I received a number of inquiries in answer to this announcement. The advertisement states nothing about the character of the investment, for I depended entirely upon the faith that the readers had in the publication, and confident that they would understand that no advertisement that had behind it any unreliable or improper motive could appear in the columns of this paper for any money and I wasn't dissappointed in the result.

To tell you in an advertisement all about the investment in which I am interested would take too much space and cost too much money, but I will say this, that it is one of the safest investments that has been recently offered to the public and it will bear the most rigid investigation, and will pay those interested large profits, for many years to come, at least calculation twenty years. I myself have invested practically all that I have in the world in the enterprise. It involves tens of thousands of dollars on my part and will make me very wealthy. Alimited amount of stock is offered for sale by the directors and a few investors can be accommodated.

It is an enterprise that is endorsed by many of the most reliable and best posted business men in the country. The members of the Directory Board comprise men, who would not under any circumstances allow their names to be used in connection with unreliable ventures. To get the stock, you would send your money to one of the soundest Banks in the West, who is the Depository of the Company. These points I mention that you may appreciate that the enterprise is on the soundest basis and that you would be doing business with parties whose statements are reliable.

It does not matter whether the amount you have to invest is $50. or $500. or even more. This proposition will repay you many times for the trouble of writing for further particulars and for your convenience I attach a coupon, which please sign your name to and address to me in an envelope under a 2c stamp. If you do not wish to mutilate your paper you need not cut out the coupon,but address me by letter or postal.


314 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Chicago.




313 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., CHICAGO, ILL.

Dear Sir:

Please send me full particulars of the reliable investment as advertised in


It being understood that I am under no obligations to invest unless I choose to do so of my own free will,




33 Per Cent Paid by the Mexican Plantation Ass'n

1603 Title and Trust Building,

20 Year Old Rubber Tree Yielding 12 Pounds of Rubber, Worth 75c per Pound. 200 Trees to the Acre, $1,800 per Acre.


Chicago, Ills.


'he Mexican Plantation Association is the oldest American Company of its character in Mexico. It was organized in 1897, and owns over 6,000 acres of land, which has since been cleared and planted to permanent products of enormous value in the world's markets, such as rubber, vanilla, coffee, etc., besides over a million pine-apple plants. Fully equipped with permanent buildings, including a large canning plant, the most complete and modern of its character in Mexico. The property of this Company enjoys an enviable reputation, and is the equal of any plantation of similar character in the world. Within a year and a half after its organization the entire stock of the Company was sold, and a

BOND OF $100,000.00

was signed by Charles W. Clark, of Butte, Montana, and James A. McDonald, Vice-President of Senator Clark's greatest copper mine in Arizona, as a guarantee that the Association would fulfill its contracts with purchasers of stock in the clearing and planting of this property. After five years of operation, this contract has practically been completed, and the permanent crops of coffee, rubber, vanilla, etc., will, within a short time, come into annual bearing.

For the year 1899 this Association paid to its stockholders a dividend of 6 per cent.; also a further dividend for the same year of 3 per cent. For the year 1900 they have paid to their stockholders two 6 per cent. dividends. For the year 1901 they have paid two more 6 per cent. dividends. These dividends in many instances might have been doubled, but no shipping facilities have been afforded the Association for the marketing of the products raised on the plantation. Since the sale of the stock a million-dollar water transportation system is being brought to the door of their plantation. This will double the earning powers and add many hundreds of thousands of dollars to the value of the plantation.

When the permanent crops of rubber, coffee, vanilla, etc., are in bearing, the earning capacity will be enormous, and increase for a lifetime.

When these shares were sold a contract was made with each purchaser which is like an insurance policy-in case of death the money is refunded. Since the organization of this company, in 1897, thirty-seven deaths have occurred, the members carrying, in some instances, as high as from ten to twenty shares each; also some others who have met with reverses in business, their money has been refunded. These few shares will now be sold by the Association at $350 per share, or acre, cash; or half cash may be paid by responsible parties and balance in three and six months, making them fully paid and non-assessable.

It is one of the finest investment opportunities before the American public, and it enables you to become a member in an old-established and successful tropical plantation, with a known profit record for years, which can with safety be relied upon to increase enormously when the permanent crops come into bearing. It gives you the chance of reaping profits that ordinarily take years, and in this particular instance five of the necessary years of waiting for the clearing, planting, and development of the plantation have passed. Let us explain to you the merits, safety, permanency, and profits of an investment in these shares.

We are simply farmers, operating a large farm in Mexico, the same as would be done in the United States if we could raise rubber, coffee, or vanilla in this country. But not a pound of rubber, a grain of coffee, or an ounce of vanilla can be grown in the United States. For particulars address as below:

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Leave Chicago this evening on the

Golden State Limited

and in less than three days you will arrive at Los Angeles.

An hour later you can be on the shores of the Pacific, listening to the roar of the surf, drinking in the wine-like air-the bluest of blue skies above you and the most charming landscapes in America all about you. This, mind you, at a time of year when the thermometer at home is 'way below zero and the newspapers are filled with details of the "greatest snow-storm in years.'

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The Golden State Limited leaves Chicago daily at 7.45 P.M.; Kansas
City at 10.40 A.M.-only 68 hours Chicago to Los Angeles; 72 hours
to San Diego; 74 hours to Santa Barbara. Route: Rock Island System
and El Paso-Rock Island route, Chicago to El Paso ; Southern Pacific
Company, El Paso to Los Angeles and San Francisco.
Electric lights; electric fans; barber shop; bathroom; Booklovers'
Library; compartment and standard sleepers; observation, dining and
library cars. Lowest altitudes and most southerly course of any line
across the continent.

Send 6 cents in stamps for book about California. Beautifully illus-
trated; interesting; practical. JOHN SEBASTIAN,

Passenger Traffic Manager, Rock Island System, Chicago.

Mention the Review of Reviews in writing to advertisers

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