Imágenes de páginas

and New Year's Day. The most important secular holidays observed in America, Great Britain, Ireland, and Canada are also included. The volume contains a topical index and an index of authors, and a complete bibliography is also included.

Although only one of the three large volumes of the "Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology," edited by Prof. J. Mark Baldwin (Macmillan), has as yet appeared, it is possible to gain from this a fairly correct impression of the character of the work. The staff of contributors embraces specialists in all parts of the world, and consulting editors in England, France, Germany, and Italy have supplied recommendations as to foreign equivalents for all the terms defined in the work. Each one of the articles has been submitted to competent authorities especially versed in the topics treated, and Dr. Baldwin's own marked qualifications as editor of such a work have already been demonstrated in earlier undertakings.

"The Municipal Year Book," issued by the Engineering News Publishing Company of New York, will be found an indispensable book of reference for all city officials and others in any way interested in American municipal government. The book is edited by Mr. M. N. Baker, associate editor of the Engineering News and editor of various works on municipal engineering, and combines a directory of municipal officials and franchise companies, an exhibit of municipal and private ownership, and an outline of leading public works and services in each of the 1,524 largest municipalities in the country, including all incorporated places of 3,000 population or upward as shown by the census of 1900, and, in addition, all New England "towns" of like size are included in Mr. Baker's tabulations. As an exhibit of the relative extent of municipal and private ownership, the book is unique. The information is first given alphabetically by States, together with other facts relating to various cities and towns, and is next presented alone in compact tabular form, with the cities appended in their order of population. Municipal boards and committees having to do with water-supply, sewage, or other similar topics should find this book of great service in enabling them to make comparative studies of places of the same general size. The book is based on special returns made, with a very few exceptions, by the city officials of the several places included.

"The Statistician and Economist," of San Francisco (L. P. McCarty), into which such an astonishing amount of useful information is packed, will hereafter be issued biennially instead of annually. This work is a combination of cyclopedia, chronological summary, technical handbook, almanac, and economic year-book. There is no other publication quite like it in the United States, nor, so far as we are aware, in any foreign country.

It is not often that one can find between the covers of a single volume selections from so wide a range of sources as have been gathered by Mr. J. N. Larned in his book entitled "A Multitude of Counsellors" (Houghton, Mifflin & Co.). In this work Mr. Larned has drawn on the codes, precepts, and rules of life embodied in ancient Egyptian, Greek, Roman, mediæval, and modern writings. All schools of thought are represented, and a more comprehensive compilation of wisdom could hardly be imagined.

The handbook of "Libraries of Greater New York," issued by the New York Library Club, shows that the libraries of the American metropolis number 288, or, in

cluding branch libraries, 350. The name, location, history, regulations, resources, and number of volumes of each library are given, as well as special collections, where such exist. There is also a manual and historical sketch of the Library Club. Special students can make good use of this manual as a guide to direct them to the best places in which to carry on their researches (New York: Gustav E. Stechert, 9 East Sixteenth Street).


It is entirely appropriate that Mr. Booker T. Washington's volume on "Character Building" (Doubleday, Page & Co.) should head the list of recent publications of this class, for it may well be doubted whether any other book of the year will accomplish so much by way of direct moral influence on individual lives. The book is made up of selections from Mr. Washington's famous Sunday evening talks to the students of Tuskegee Institute. Quite apart from the literary value of these addresses-and this is by no means slight-the moral strength and earnestness of this leader of his race is nowhere else so well exemplified. These talks are all on practical topics, and must have appealed with great force to the young negro men and women to whom they were addressed. These are a few of the topics which best illustrate the nature of the talks: "Helping Others," "On Influencing by Example," "The Virtue of Simplicity," "On Getting a Home," "The Value of System in Home Life," "Education that Educates," "The Importance of being Reliable," "Keeping Your Word," "The Gospel of Service," "Some Great Little Things," "The Cultivation of Stable Habits," "Getting On in the World," "Character as Shown in Dress," "Getting Down to Mother Earth," and "A Penny Saved." In not a few of these addresses there is a suggestion of the real eloquence for which Mr. Washington has long been distinguished; but the feature which gives them their value in their present form, as well as when originally delivered, is their invigorating moral tone.

The latest exposition of the science of ethics to come from the schools is Prof. George Trumbull Ladd's elabborate volume entitled "Philosophy of Conduct" (Scribners). While Professor Ladd has adhered to the philosophical treatment throughout his work, he regards philosophy itself as the "investigation and interpretation of the sum total of human experience," and wholly disregards the à priori method adopted by those writers on ethics who are inclined to ignore the actual facts of conduct "or the current opinions of mankind respecting the significance and the value of these facts." Ethics, in Professor Ladd's view, must always remain practical, however metaphysical it may become, "for ethics has its roots in the facts of experience, and its fruitage must be an improvement of experience." While, therefore, Professor Ladd's treatise is fundamentally a philosophical one, the discussion is conducted in accordance with modern methods and with constant reference to the actual facts of human life and conduct.

Dr. Fairbairn's work on "The Philosophy of the Christian Religion" (Macmillan) is described by its author as an attempt to do two things: First, to explain religion through nature and man; and, secondly, to construe Christianity through religion. He defines his book as neither a philosophy nor a history of religion, but as "an endeavor to look at what is at once the central fact and idea of the Christian faith by a man

whose chief labor in life has been to make such a philosophy through such a history." The problems which this book attempts to solve are, in brief, these: "What is religion in general? How and why has it arisen ? What causes have made religions to differ? What are the ultimate constituents of religious ideas and beliefs, or customs and institutions?"

The volume entitled "Through Science to Faith," by Newman Smyth (Scribners), contains a course of lectures given before the Lowell Institute of Boston. Dr. Smyth recognizes the value to theologians of a working knowledge of modern methods of scientific inquiry, and even goes so far as to demand some acquaintance with biological studies and results as a required part of instruction in the schools of theology. His present volume, however, is not intended merely for the clergy or for teachers, but for the general reader who wishes to inform himself concerning the scope and tendencies of evolution.

"The Reasonableness of Faith," by Dr. W. S. Rainsford (Doubleday, Page & Co.), is a volume of addresses given on various occasions by the well-known rector of St. George's, New York, on practical themes related to religious life. These addresses are infused with the healthy and vigorous moral earnestness of the speaker.

Count Tolstoy's most recent utterances on religious themes are included in the volume entitled "What Is Religion? and Other New Articles and Letters" (Crowell). The fact that Count Tolstoy was excommunicated by the Russian Church only a few months ago lends iuterest to his essay on religious tolerance, written as late as January of the present year.

Prof. George H. Gilbert, whose liberal scholarship recently led to his separation from the Chicago Theological Seminary, has written a brief "Primer of the Christian Religion, Based on the Teaching of Jesus, Its Founder and Living Lord" (Macmillan). The writer's well-known sympathy with the principles of modern Biblical investigation makes this attempt of his to formulate a catechism especially noteworthy. Professor Gilbert is concerned, as he states in his preface, with the facts of the Christian religion rather than with inferences from the facts or with theories by which the facts have often been explained. The book consists of a series of questions followed by specific answers, with references to Scripture passages.

Bishop Spalding, of Peoria, the scholarly Roman Catholic prelate upon whom Columbia University recently conferred the degree of Doctor of Laws, has written a little book of “Aphorisms and Reflections" (Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co.), the point of view being distinctly that of culture and religion. Bishop Spalding's qualities as an essayist have been well illustrated in earlier volumes, notably those relating to education. Men and women of all creeds will find in his "Aphorisms" much that is stimulating and satisfying to the higher moral and intellectual nature.

Dr. Josiah Strong's book on "The Next Great Awakening" (New York: Baker & Taylor Company) is chiefly devoted to an unfolding of the social teachings of Christianity, both those that have been applied by religious leaders and others that have been rejected. As in all of Dr. Strong's books, the facts of modern life rather than the deductions of theologians are considered.

In a two-volume work entitled "Christendom, Anno Domini MDCCCCI," the Rev. William D. Grant, Ph.D. (New York: Chauncey Holt), with the assistance of more than sixty contributors, has attempted a presen

tation of Christian conditions and activities in every country of the world at the beginning of the twentieth century. In the first volume there is a survey of various countries arranged in alphabetical order. The second volume is devoted to such general topics as "The Gains of Christianity in the Nineteenth Century," "Religious Thought in the Nineteenth Century," "The Social Aspect of Christianity," "Art and Social and Religious Progress," "Critical Movements in the Nineteenth Century," ," "The Religious Press," and "Religious Leaders." Chapters on "Roman Catholic Christianity" and "Roman Catholic Missions" are contributed by the Rev. Father A. P. Doyle, and there is a paper on "Greek Christianity" by Prof. A. C. Zenos. Dr. Judson Smith writes on "Protestant Foreign Missions," Bishop John F. Hurst on "Church Union Movements," Dr. A. F. Shauffler on "The Sunday School," Dr. L. L. Doggett on the origin and progress of the Y. M. C. A., Dr. Kate W. Barrett on "Rescue Work," Mrs. Katharine L. Stevenson on the W. C. T. U., Mr. John R. Mott on student federation, Commander Booth Tucker on the Salvation Army, Mr. Robert A. Woods on social settlements, and Dr. Francis B. Clark on the Christian Endeavor Society.

In a volume entitled "Spiritual Heroes," the Rev. David S. Muzzey offers studies of the life and work of some of the world's great prophets. In the author's conception the main influences in the world's spiritual development were the Hebrew prophets, the Indian mystics, the Greek thinkers, the Roman organizers, the Christian apostles, the Moslem scientists, the medieval preachers, and the modern reformers and philosophers. As representatives of these various groups the author has singled out the prophet Jeremiah, Buddha, Socrates, Jesus, St. Paul, Marcus Aurelius, Augustine, Mohammed, and Martin Luther, to each of whom a chapter in this book is devoted (Doubleday, Page & Co.).

Rev. Dr. Andrew W. Archibald, author of "The Bible Verified," has written a new volume which he entitles "The Trend of the Centuries." The book consists of a rapid survey of important epochs in human history, from the downfall of Judea to the culminating achievements of the nineteenth century. The author's main purpose has been to set forth the historical unfolding of the divine purpose. Dr. Archibald's terse and vivid descriptions of historical scenes add much to the "human interest" of his argument (Boston: The Pilgrim Press).

Prof. J. W. Moncrief, of the University of Chicago, has written "A Short History of the Christian Church for Students and General Readers" (Revell). This book meets the widespread demand for a popular history based upon scholarly research. The author makes many references to translation from the original sources, and encourages students to make the fullest use of these translations. For those readers, on the other hand, who have not time to consult larger works, this volume is sufficiently short, simple, and free from technicalities to answer every reasonable want.

A book which appeals more especially to the student is the volume by Prof. Arthur C. McGiffert on "The Apostles' Creed," being a lecture on the subject, with numerous critical notes designed to elucidate the origin, purpose, and historical interpretation of the creed (Scribners).

Under the auspices of the Central Committee on the United Study of Missions there has been published an outline study of India, entitled "Lux Christi,"

by Caroline Atwater Mason (Macmillan). This little volume is full of interesting facts regarding mission work in India, especially the work for the women of the country. There are also convenient lists of books and periodicals, and statistical papers of great value to all interested in the advancement of Christian missions.

In a series of "Handbooks on the History of Religions" (Ginn & Co.), a volume on "The Religion of the Teutons" is contributed by Prof. P. D. Chantepie de la Saussaye, the translation from the Dutch having been made by Dr. Bert J. Vos, of the Johns Hopkins University. The author of the book is an authority in the field of comparative religion, and in the present work is presented for the first time in English a reliable popular account of the Teutonic deities, myths, conceptions, and observances. The method of treatment is purely historical. The survey begins with the earliest times, and is brought down to the conversion of the Teutonic tribes to Christianity.


In the "Educational Series" issued by the J. B. Lippincott Company, Prof. E. L. Kemp contributes a compact "History of Education," including accounts of the educational systems not only of the Western nations, but of China, India, Persia, and Egypt. It is no part of the author's purpose to give an exhaustive statement of historical facts, but his aim is rather to single out those events in the history of education which illustrate most clearly the genesis and evolution of existing systems and methods.

A contribution to educational history of a more special character is Mr. J. E. G. de Montmorency's volume on "State Intervention in English Education" (Macmillan). In this book the history of state-aided education in England is traced from the beginning down to the date of the first government grant in 1833. Heretofore there has been no satisfactory book of reference on this important subject, and the record now presented will be found useful by American as well as British specialists in education. The volume includes an interesting summary of the relations between education and the state in the New England colonies.

Another volume of much interest to teachers has been made up of papers selected from the writings of Prof. S. S. Laurie, of the University of Edinburgh, and is entitled "The Training of Teachers and Methods of Instruction" (Macmillan). Among the topics treated in these papers are "The Teaching Profession and Chairs of Education;""The Philosophy of Mind and Training of Teachers;" ""The Respective Functions in Education of Primary, Secondary, and University Schools; ""The University and the People :-and the University of the Future; ""Geography in the School;" "The Religious Education of the Young;" Examinations, Emulation, and Competition," and "History and Citizenship in the School."

A book of unique value to all American teachers and school superintendents has been written by Mr. Preston W. Search, whose varied experience as a superintendent of city and village school systems in many States of the Union qualifies him to speak as one having authority. The work is entitled "An Ideal School; or, Looking Forward," and it appears in the "International Educational Series," under the editorship of Dr. William T. Harris (Appleton). In addition to the editor's preface, there is an introduction by President G. Stanley Hall, of Clark University, who speaks with the greatest en

thusiasm of the author's ability and single-minded devotion to the highest educational ideals. The topics treated in the book are of the most practical nature, such as "The Health of School Children," "Fundamentals in Planning a School," "The School Plant," "The Scope of the School," "Courses of Study," "The Function of the Teacher," "Municipal Difficulties and Organization," and "The Ethical Basis of the School." President Hall says of the book: "I can think of no single educational volume in the whole wide range of literature in this field that I believe so well calculated to do so much good at the present time, and which I could so heartily advise every teacher in the land, of whatever grade, to read and ponder."

To turn from the ideals to the realities of educational systems, an illuminating volume entitled "Life at West Point" has been written by Mr. H. Irving Hancock (Putnams), a war correspondent who has had a good opportunity to form an opinion as to the practical value of the West Point training, and who has made a careful study of the methods and aims of the Military Academy. Those among our younger readers who may have in view West Point appointments can do no better than to consult Mr. Hancock's book, and learn from it not only what studies will be pursued at the academy, but more, perhaps, about the actual daily life of the cadets than can be learned from any other single source. The author does not let pass the opportunity to make a serious estimate of the value of the discipline in the making of the American army officer, and to discuss the future of the West Point graduate in relation to our army system. The book is admirably illustrated.

What the public schools are doing for the States of the old South is well brought out in a little volume entitled "The Rebuilding of Old Commonwealths," by Walter H. Page (Doubleday, Page & Co.). These three papers,-"The Forgotten Man," The School that Built a Town," and the Atlantic Monthly article which gives its title to the volume,—make very clear the failure of the old-time systems of Southern education to reach the masses of the present day, as well as the duty which all lovers of progress, North and South, owe to the leaders and builders of the new public-school system which, in some of the Southern States, is just beginning to do effective work.

A book which will prove of great assistance to teachers of history and civics is Prof. Henry E. Bourne's "The Teaching of History and Civics in the Elementary and Secondary School" (Longmans). The first part of this volume is devoted to an exposition of the subject prepared with a view to give to all teachers who have not had special historical training a better comprehension of the problems of historical instruction, while a second part offers a review of the general field of historical study, with many bibliographical and critical helps.

"Freshman English and Theme-Correcting in Harvard College," by C. T. Copeland and H. M. Rideout (Silver, Burdett & Co.), gives in small compass the clearest possible exposition of the Harvard system of instruction and training in composition, by means of exhibits of the actual work there of the students in the English courses. Specimen themes are given, with the marks of corrections and comments of the instructors, and the reader is enabled to see just how the famous Harvard methods in English composition are applied in the class-room.

Unless otherwise specified, all references are to the September numbers of periodicals.
For table of abbreviations, see last page.

Abraham's Native Country, Religion in, E. König, and W.
F. Warren, MRNY.

Abyssinia: "King of the Kings of Ethiopia," E. A. Start,

Abyssinia: Through the Country of the King of Kings, W.
F. Whitehouse, Scrib.

Actor's Summer Colony, An, C. H. Meltzer, Cos.
Actresses, Four French, H. H. Fyfe, NatR.

Adams, The Late Dr. Charles Kendall, AMRR.
Adeler, Max, C. H. Garrett, BB.

Advertising Illustration, Beauty in, J. B. Walker, Cos.
Aerial Navigation,-II., H. Primbault, RGen, August.
Africa, European Settlers in, Dr. Barot, Nou, August 15.
Agricultural Prosperity, Diffusion of, H. C. Adams, AMRR.
Aird, Thomas, Journalist and Poet, T. Bayne, Gent.
Airship, Development of the, J. M. Bacon, NineC.
Albinos, White Mice and Other, Mabel Cornish-Bond, CLA.
Almanacs, Bundle of Old, Elizabeth Cumings, NEng.
Americans in Europe, H. G. Dwight, NAR.

Amiens, Peace of-III., A. Sorel, RDM, September 1.
Anatomy of a Double Calf, H. L. Osborn, ANat, August.
Animals, Conduct of Life Among, A. Fouillée, RDM, Au-
gust 15.

Animals, Three Strange, J. M. Gleeson, Cent.

Antarctic Problem, C. Rabot, RPar, September 1.
Antoinette, Marie-XI., H. Francis, Era.
Arbuckle, John, S. E. Moffett, Cos.


Cement Construction, French Method of-II., J. Schopfer,

Concrete Construction, Reënforced, G. Hill, Arch.
Dufayel's Store, Paris, P. Calmettes, Arch.
Italian Architecture, Modern-II., A. Melani, Arch.
New York Stock Exchange, M. Schuyler, Arch.

Sunny House with a Sheltered Garden, F. M. Day, LHJ.
Areography, P. Lowell, PopS.

Arid Countries, Ancient Civilization in, E. W. Hilgard,

Armor-Plate Making in the United States, C. O'Neil, CasM.
Army and Navy Operations, Combined, J. P. Wisser, JMSI.
Arnold, Matthew: A Man of Letters, Minnie E. Hadley, Ed.

Animal Painting, AA, August.

Arms and Armor of the Wallace Collection-II., G. F.
Laking, AJ.

Art for America, J. W. Stimson, Arena.

Art, Some Aspects of, M. McG. Jamison, AI.
Bonheur, Rosa, Miss Betham-Edwards, YW.

Caricature, French Men of Letters in, L. E. Roussillon,

Caricaturists, French-II., T. Klingsor, Revue, August 15.
Clocks, Old Long Case, F. J. Britten, IntS.

Cottet, Charles, the Painter of Sailor-Life in Brittany, B.
Karageorgevitch, MA.

Dante, Influence of, Upon the Art of His Century, A. Mc-
Leod, AJ.

Decorations in Books, L. Rhead, AI.

Decorative Art Exhibition at Turin, E. Thovez, IntS; W.
Crane, MA; A. Fogazzaro, RasN, August.

Enneking, John J., Art of, Jessie B. Rittenhouse, BP.
Flemish Art, Early, Exhibition of, Mary H. Witt, NineC.
Florence Galleries, Some Masterpieces of the, Maud Burn-
side, AI.

France, Giant Artists of, H. S. Todd, Mun.

Gem-Engraving, Epochs of, M. Summerville, Harp.
Jade, Curious Old Mineral, AA, August.

Japan, Painters of, A. Morrison, Mon R.

King, Jessie M., and Her Work, W. R. Watson, IntS.
Landscapes of Venetian Masters, E. Michel, RDM, August

Louvre, The Adolphe de Rothschild Collection at the, H.
Frantz, MA.

Mantels, Old Salem, J. W. Buckham, AI.

Michie, J. Coutts, A. L. Baldry, AJ.

Monotyping, E. Ertz, IntS.

Moro Country, Native Art in the, G. Reece, BP.

New York, National Art in, W. H. Low, Int.

Ornament, Poetic, W. Crane and L. F. Day, AJ.

Painting for Beginners, AA, August.

Paris Salons. Some Paintings and Sculpture at the, G.
Mourey, IntS.

Pictures and Parodies, R. de Cordova, Str.

Scenery of Charles Kean's Plays-II., E. F. Strange, MA.
Sculpture in Wax, French, F. Lees, Arch.

Stencil, A. Plea for the, R. D. Benn, AJ.

Tissot's Contribution to Religious Art, J. H. Hughes, BP.
University, Study of Art in the, R. Sturgis, BP.

Vibert, Jehan Georges, Appreciation of, F. W. Morton,
Wall-Papers, New Designs for, A. Vallance, AJ.
Walton, E. A., J. L. Caw, IntS.

Worcester, Art Exhibition in, F. E. Morgan, BP.
Astronomy: Our Autumn Night Skies, Elsie A. Dent, Can.
Astronomy: Stellar Research at Mount Lowe Observatory,
E. L. Larkin, Over.

Australia in Time of Drought, G. Lumley, Mac.

Australian Commonwealth, In Search of a Federal Capital
for the, J. W. Kirwan, RRM, July.

Australian National Character, Beginnings of an, P. F. Row-
land, NineC.

Austria-Hungary's Colonial Experiment in the Bosnian
Provinces, L. Villari, Mon R.

Automobile, Meaning of the, W. J. Lampton, O.
Autumn Thoughts, E. Thomas, Atlant.

Bacon-Shakespeare Controversy, Scientific Item in the, J.
Knott, West.

Balfour, Arthur James, T. P. O'Connor, Ev; PMM.

Ballad Days, In Old, Grace A. Pierce, Chaut.

Balloon Farm, Visit to a, C. McGovern, Pear.

Balzac, Honoré de, as a Playwright, W. Littlefield, Crit.
Banana, Romance of the, S. Chalmers, AngA, August.
Banking, Branch, Economics of, H. White, Gunt.
Banking: Discounts, Loans, and Investments, BankNY.
Banking World, Intervention of the State in the, C. A.
Conant, BankNY.

Battleships of England, France, and Russia, USM.
Bee Ways, Cham.

Betting, Twofold Cause of, A. T. Hadley, Cent.
Bible, Gothic, T. W. Hunt, Hom.

Bible Teacher, Consecration of the, H. W. Gates, Bib.
Biltmore, G. F. Weston, CLA.

Bingham, Amelia, A. Klauber, FrL.

Birds of the Bible, M. R. Silsby, Chaut.
Black, William, E. Fuller, Atlant.
Bodleian Library, E. E. Savage, NineC.

Bookbinding, Early American, W. L. Andrews, Bkman,
Books, On the Giving of, Cent.

Books Which Have Failed, W. Roberts, NatR.

Borneo, With O. Beccari in, P. Mantegazza, NA, August 16.
Bourget, Paul, Preacher, Hannah Lynch, Contem.

British Columbia, Mining Industry and Mineral Resources
of, W. M. Brewer, Eng.

Browning, Robert and Elizabeth Barrett, in Florence,
Lillian V. Lambert, Chaut.

Browning, Robert, as a Tree-Lover, Frances Duncan, BB.
Buddhism: Is It to Blame? Myra E. Withee, Mind.'
Burns, Robert, W. Clark, Can.

Bushnell, Horace, Theology of, G. B. Stevens, MRNY.
Butler, Samuel, R. A. Streatfield, Mon R.

Campanile of St. Mark's Cathedral, Collapse of the, AMRR.
Canadian Northwest, Migration to the, C. Warman, AMRR.
Canoeing of To-day, L. Hubbard, Jr., O.

Casanova at Dux, A. Symons, NAR.

Catholicism in the Twentieth Century, O. Rudolphi, RasN,

Cattle Industry, Modern Methods in the, C. M. Harger, Out.
Cavalry in the War of Secession-III., JMSI.

Cave Dwelling, A Modern, D. Stafford, LeisH.
Charity, Mask of, J. D. Miller, Arena.

Charity, Organized, Results of ("The Rescue of the Sub-
merged "), Anne O'Hagan, Mun.

Child Labor in the United States, B. O. Flower, Arena.
Childhood Religion, Wesley on, C. W. Rishell, MRNY.
China: Visit to the Empress Dowager, Belle V. Drake, Cent.
China, North, Sea Coast Forts in, W. E. Craighill, JMSI.
Christian Thought, Awakening of II., A. Dreux, RGen,

Christianity, Philosophy of, Dr. Fairbairn on the, J. Orr,

Church and Higher Education, W. H. Hickman, MRNY.
Church and State in New England, A. F. Moulton, NEng.
Cicero: An Interview, R. Y. Tyrrell, Int.

Cities, Distribution of Land Values in, R. M. Hurd, Yale,

City for the Children, The, G. W. Wharton, Out.

Civic Improvement in Street and Highway, S. Baxter, Cent.
Civil War, Memories of a Hospital Matron in the, Emily V.
Mason, Atlant.

Clemens, Samuel L., Boyhood Home of, H. M. Wharton,

Coal Strike: Is It a Conspiracy? G. Gunton, Gunt.
Coach, Old Road, H. H. S. Pearse, O.

Colombia, Situation of, E. A. Morales, NAR.
Colville, William W. J., Sketch of, C. B. Patterson, Mind.
Cummunipaw, New Jersey: The House of the Four Chim-

neys, G. Van Arkel, NEng.

Composers, Two Modern French: Camille Saint-Saëns and
César Franck, D. G. Mason, Out.

Connecticut Constitutional Convention of 1902, C. H. Clark,
Yale, August.

Constantinople, Harem-Life in, M. B. Falkner, Cham.
Constitution and Religion, S. Mendels, GBag.

Coöperative Conference at Lewiston, B. O. Flower, Arena.
Corn, Breeding New Kinds of, W. S. Harwood, WW.
Country Home, Making of a VII., C. Bragdon, CLA.
Cowpens, Battle of, and Its Hero, Mrs. G. K. Peay, AMonM.
Cricket Field, With" Vanity Fair" in the, Cass.
Cricket: The Present Australian Team, H. Gordon, Bad.
Criminal Classes, Adelle W. Wright, Arena.
Crusade, The Children's, J. H. Yoxall, LeisH.

Cuban Reciprocity- A Moral Issue, W. A. White, McCl.
Currency, Credit, Redemption of a, BankNY.
Curtis, Cyrus H. K., Publisher, J. M. Chapple, NatM.
Czar's Simple Life, F. Morris, Cos.

Danish West Indies, Our Duty in the, H. Wisby, Arena.
Davidson, The Late Professor A. B., G. A. Smith, Bib.
Davis, Richard Harding, Localities and Scenes of the
Stories of, J. F. J. Archibald, BB.

Dead Sea, Forgotten Exploration of the, J. R. Spears,

Declaration of Independence, Homes of the Signers of the,
E. Ellen Batchelor, AMonM.

De Kock, Charles Paul, B. Stark, Bkman.
Democracy and Society, Vida D. Scudder, Atlant.
Dickens, Charles, as an Artist, L. W. Lillingston, Str.
Dickens' London, Relics of, C. W. Dickens, Mun.

Dogs: Field Trials of Setters and Pointers, B. Waters, O.
Dogs: The Irish Terrier in America, J. Watson, CLA.
Domestic Problems, Man's Solution of, Charlotte Teller, Ev.
Dowie and Dowieism, R. Linthicum, Ains.

Dowie, John Alexander, Zion City Built by, G. Townshend,

Drama, Bases of the-III., Marguerite Merington, Bkman.
Drama, Japanese, and the Actor, O. Watanna, Crit.

Düsseldorf, International Holiday-Making at, F. H. Stead,

Eckmuhl, Campaign of, 1809-II., F. L. Huidekoper, JMSI.
Edgewood, Glimpses of, A. R. Kimball, BB.
Education: See also Kindergarten.

Agriculture in Public Schools, Teaching, J. Carter, Kind.
Business Education in England, Bank L.

Commercial Education in England, D. Bellet, RPP, Au-

Correspondence, Teaching by, R. Doubleday, WW.
Education and the Social Ideal, I. W. Howerth, EdR.
Elective System, J. H. Robinson, Int.

English Teacher, Qualifications of the, Frances W. Lewis,

France, Recent Reaction in, Anna T. Smith, Kind.
Geometry: What Is It? A. L. Baker, Ed.

German University, Taking a Degree in a, W. W. White-
lock, Chaut.

Gove, Aaron: My Schools and Schoolmasters, Ed R.
London Schools and the Poor, Lucia Stickney, Ed R.
Myth and History in the Elementary Schools, May H.
Prentice, Kind.

National Standard in High Education, H. W. Horwill,

Nature Study, Proper Guidance in, F. Waldo, Ed.
Principles of American Education, N. M. Butler, Ed R.
Problems in Education, B. T. Washington, Cos.
Professional Training for Teachers, Necessity of, W. B.
Aspenwall, Ed.

Progress, School in the Promotion of, G. McA. Miller,

Prussia, New Curricula in, C. E. Wright, Ed.
Eels and the Eel Question, M. C. Marsh, PopS.
Egypt, Education in, F. Bell, NineC.

Egypt of To-day, J. W. Jenks, Int.

Electric Interurban Railways, High Speed, G. H. Gibson,

Electric Light and Power in Korea, R. A. McLellan, CasM.
Electric Lighting of St. Paul's Cathedral, H. C. Marillier,

Electric Railways in Berlin, F. H. Mason, CasM.

Eliot, George, After Twenty Years, W. A. Sibbald, Mac.
England: see Great Britain.

England of Arthur Young and Cobbett, A. I. Shand, Corn.
English Parish, What Happened to the II., S. and Beatrice
Webb, PSQ.

English Romanist Clergy and the Church of Rome, A. Gal-
ton, Fort.

European Peace, Shifting Foundations of, Fort.
Expositions, Management and Uses of, G. F. Kunz, NAR.
Farmer, American, Improved Conditions in the Life of the,
C. H. Matson, AMRR.

Farmer's Balance Sheet for 1902, W. R. Draper, AMRR.
Fishermen of the Deep Sea, A. J. Kenealy, O.
Fishes, Food of, and How It Is Captured, J. Isabell, LeisH.
Fishing, Salt-Water, Some Hints About, E. T. Keyser, CLA.
Flint, Charles Ranlett, J. H. Bridge, Cos.
Foods, Emergency, H. E. Armstrong, Ains.
Football, Association, R. E. Foster, Bad.
Force, Rule of, A. R. Carman, Gunt.

Forestry Association, American, Summer Meeting of the,

Forestry, Experiment in, M. B. Thrasher, NEng.

Foundry Costs, Recording and Interpreting, P. Longmuir,

Agriculture, Needs of, H. Mazel, RefS, August 16.
Commercial Relations, Foreign, V. Bérard, RPar, August

Elections of 1902, J. Darcy, RDM, August 15.

French Life in Town and Country, P. Farrelly, Cath.
Military Life in France-III., A. Veuglaire, BU.
Ministry, The New, J. Brent, Mun.

Navy in Eastern Waters, J. Lemoine, RPar, August 15.
Paris Elections, P. Lagrange and J. de Nouvion, RGen,

Gael, Language of the, T. McCall, West.

Galvanometer, Development of the, J. Wright, CasM.
Gamblers, Some Famous, H. N. Williams, Cham.
Game, Big, in Wyoming, H. Seton-Karr, PMM.
Garden, Fall Work in the, E. E. Rexford, Lipp.
Gates, John Warne, E. Lefevre, Cos.

Genius Philosophy of, Merwin-Marie Snell, Arena.
Geometry, Foundations of, G. B. Halsted, OC.

German Empire, Judiciary of the, J. W. Garner, PSQ.
German Soldier in the Manoeuvres Life of a, C. D. Cross,

Germany: Fürst Hohenlohe as Chancellor, Deut, August.
Glasgow, Mediæval, Queer Laws of, W. E. Johnson, ĞBag.
Godkin, Edwin L., Recollections of, J. B. Bishop, Cent.
Goethe's Ethical and Religious Views, A. B. Faust, MRNY.
Golf and the New Ball, Black.

Gospel According to the Hebrews, W. R. Schoemaker, Bib.
Gospel Parallels from Pali Texts-VII., OC.

Gray, Horace, F. R. Jones, GBag.

Great Britain: see also South Africa.

Cables, Defenseless British, P. T. McGrath, Fort.
Colonial Troops, Sermon to the, Bishop Welldon, NineC.
Company Directors in England, W. R. Lawson, NatR.
Coronation, Military View of the, Black.
Coronation of King Edward, W. Reid, NineC.

Coronation, Significance of the, W. J. Thorold, Can.
Education Bill, Judge Bompas, Fort; A. W. Gattie, NineC.
Edwards, Former, The Upper Classes Under, H. H. Jebb,

England as Seen by an American Business Man, A. Good-
rich, WW.

Fiscal Problems of To-day, G. Byng, Fort.

Free Trade or Protection, F. W. Mueller, West.
French-Canadian in the British Empire, H. Bourassa,
Mon R.

Housing, Rural- A Lesson from Ireland, G. Slater, Contem.
King of a Crowned Republic, W. H. Fitchett, RRM, July:
Mediterranean Fleet, S. Wilkinson, NatR.
Merchant Vessels, Armed, L. H. Hordern, USM.
Ministry, A Make-Believe Reconstruction of the, NatR.
Ministry, The New, J. Brent, Mun.

Navy, Colonial Contributions to the, N. Young, USM.

Navy, Education in the-II., J. S. Corbett, MonR.
Nonconformists and the Education Bill, Contem.
Officers, Expenses of, R. Dyke, USM.

Order of Merit, New, H. W. Paul, PMM.
Parliamentary Machine, C. B. R. Kent, Long.

Political Situation in England After Salisbury, W. T.
Stead, AMRR.

Schools, Public, and Their Critics, MonR.

Solvency, National, and Banking Credit, E. E. Gellender,

Training-School, An Extinct, H. N. Shore, USM.

Grieg as a National Composer, A. M. Wergeland, NAR.
Grouse Disease and a Possible Prevention, G. Teasdale-
Buckell, Fort.

Haeckel, Ernst, Philosophy of, F. Thilly, PopS.
Hafiz, J. Mew, NineC.

Hague Court of Arbitration, Opening of the, W. T. Stead,

Hale, Edward Everett : Memories of a Hundred Years--XII.,

Harte, Bret, Biographical and Critical Sketch of, N. Brooks,

Harte, Bret, Reminiscences of: A Symposium, Over.
Harvester, Giant Automobile, at Work, AMRR.
Hawthorne's (Nathaniel) Foot Prints on the Seashore."
W. Sprange, PhoT.

Healing, Thought and, S. K. Davis, Mind.
Héloïse, I. O. Taylor, Int.

Heredity in Royalty, Mental and Moral II., F. A. Woods,

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