Imágenes de páginas

Among the new books that appeal to the amateur gardener, one of the most exhaustive is "The American Horticultural Manual," Part I., by Prof. J. L. Budd, of the Iowa State College of Agriculture, assisted by Prof. N. E. Hansen, of the South Dakota Agricultural College (New York: John Wiley & Sons). This work comprises a full statement of the leading principles and practices connected with the propagation, culture, and improvement of fruits, nuts, ornamental trees, shrubs, and plants. It is illustrated by more than one hundred figures and explanatory designs.

Of English gardening lore there is a full supply in John Lane's numerous publications adapted partiou larly to the wants of English country gentlemen, the latest of which is entitled "In My Vicarage Garden and Elsewhere," by the Rev. Henry N. Ellacombe.

"Content in a Garden" is the title of a beautifully printed volume of essays and botanical studies by Candace Wheeler (Houghton, Mifflin & Co.). The marginal decorations of the volume are supplied by Dora Wheeler Keith. In the main the book is a pleasant description of a garden in the Catskill Mountains, where the writer delights to attempt the interpretation of the thoughts and feelings which she fancifully attributes to all her flowers.

Mr. James H. Emerton indulges in the fond hope that his book on "The Common Spiders of the United States" (Ginn & Co.) will help to lessen the popular prejudice against spiders,-and lead the public into some such acquaintance with these insects as is now enjoyed by many students with birds and butterflies. Mr. Emerton states that in the neighborhood of any city in this country there are at least three or four hundred species of spiders, and that thus far there have been very few collections made. Mr. Emerton describes in this book only those species that are well known and have been described before. He omits all rare and doubtful species. The book is illustrated from drawings and photographs made by the author, who has been an enthusiastic collector for many years.

Two excellent school readers, which will do much to encourage nature study in this country have recently come to hand-"Seaside and Wayside," No. 3, by Julia McNair Wright (Boston: D. C. Heath & Co.), and "Trees in Prose and Poetry," by Gertrude L. Stone and M. Grace Fickett (Ginn & Co.).


For a full and up-to-date account of the extension of Russia's influence in northern Asia we are indebted to Prof. George Frederick Wright, of Oberlin College, whose two-volume work on "Asiatic Russia" has just appeared (McClure, Phillips & Co.). An article by Professor Wright, on "The Russian Problem in Manchuria," appeared in the REVIEW OF REVIEWS for July, 1901, and formed an important contribution to our knowledge of present-day conditions in the far East

from the American point of view. As Dr. Wright is a geologist, it was natural that in the extended journey which he made through the region described two years ago he should have an eye primarily for the physical conditions of the country. Dr. Wright is, however, a student of people as well as of rocks and water-courses, and his views of the modern development of this wonderful land are extremely interesting to the sociologist. As our readers may have gathered from Dr. Wright's REVIEW article, to which reference has already been made, his predilections toward the Russian administration are favorable rather than otherwise. His grounds for this belief are well set forth in his chapters on social, economic, and political conditions in the present volume. While his account of the various features of the Russian occupation of Siberia is full of information, much of which has never before been accessible to American readers, there are also interesting chapters on the geological history, the climate, and the flora and fauna of the land. Altogether these two volumes sum up the impressions of an exceptionally shrewd observer of political and social conditions as affected by physical environment.

"Highways and Byways in Hertfordshire," by Herbert W. Tompkins (Macmillan), is a volume well packed with minute information about a region of England comparatively little known to the traveler from other lands. Like other books in the same series to which we have made allusion from time to time in these pages, this new volume is a combination of the better class of guide-books, with a condensation of local history of the highest order. We can hardly imagine the time when such books will be written about any portion of the United States; but in a country like England, rich in historical associations, they fill a distinct niche. The illustrations for the present volume were furnished by Mr. Frederick L. Griggs.

"The World's Shrine" is the title chosen by Virginia W. Johnson for her sketch of Lake Como (New York: A. S. Barnes & Co.). In her description of this beautiful Italian lake the writer traces some of its historical associations, especially those connected with the life of the younger Pliny on the shores of Como.

Hilaire Belloc's "The Path to Rome" (Longmans) may perhaps be counted as a book of travel, although the most cursory examination leads one to conclude that that was not the author's primary purpose. There is in the story, however, a suggestion, at least, of actual journeyings, and for lack of any definite basis of classification we may group the book among the travel tales. To those disposed to take the author seriously,,-as he himself does not,-we may say that the journeyings began at Toul on the Moselle, and ended at Rome. The tedious portions of the way are enlivened by the writer's inexhaustible fund of song and story, and the individuality of his style so enchains the reader's attention that the work's deficiencies as a guide-book are soon forgotten.


Unless otherwise specified, all references are to the July numbers of periodicals.
For table of abbreviations, see last page.

Abitibi Fur Brigade, A. Heming, Scrib.
Accident Insurance for Workingmen, A. F. Weber, PSQ,

Actors' Church Alliance, G. W. Shinn, Arena.

Adams, John Quincy, and the Monroe Doctrine, W. C. Ford,

Agnosticism: A Comment on Criticism, G. Forester, West.
Air, Pure, as a Health Preserver, Cham.

Air-Ships, Some Vegetable, A. J. Grout, Harp.

America, Certain Aspects of, H. D. Sedgwick, Jr., Atlant.
Andalusia, Summer Life in, B. H. Ridgely, Harp.
Anglers of the Wharf, L. Hubbard, Jr., O.

Animal Messmates and Confederates, R. I. Pocock, PMM.
Anthracite-Carrying Railways, H. T. Newcomb, AMRR.
Antoinette, Marie-VII., H. Francis, Era.

Aran Isles, Trip to the, M. J. Simpson, LeisH.

Architectural Art, A. D. F. Hamlin, Forum.

"Art Nouveau": Interview with Alexandre Charpentier,
G. Mourey; An Architect's Opinion, H. Guimard; The
New World and the New Art, H. Croly, Arch, June.
Croscombe (England) Old Church, Arch, June.

Formal and Natural Style, G. F. Pentecost, Jr., Arch, June.
Mosaic, Cosmati, C. Coleman, Arch, June.

Roman Catholic Church Architecture, L. Gorman, Cath.
Archives, European, G. L. Burr, AHR.
Army, Promotion in the, JMSI.

Arnold, Jonathan E., D. Mowry, GBag.

Athletics, Relation of, to Art, R. H. Perry, O.
Australasia, Humorous Artists of, T. E. Čurtis, Str.
Belgian Art, Modern, H. Fierens-Geraert, NA, June 16.
Benjamin-Constant, J. J., Art of, H. T. Laerence, BP.
Buhot, Félix, in England, Octave Uzanne, MA.
Buying of Pictures-II., H. Quilter, Cham.
Caravaggio of Spain, Mary F. Nixon-Roulet, Ros.
Cassiers, Henri, a Belgian Painter, F. Khnopff, IntS.
Charcoal Drawings, Practical Notes on, AA, June.
Clodion-His Family and His Pupils, P. Pape, AI.
Colors, AA, June.

Coronation, Some Artistic Aspects of the, W. J. Loftie,

Decorative Art Exhibition at Turin, W. Crane, AJ; E.
Thovez, IntS.

Etching: The Art of the Needle Point, D. Story, Mun.
Flowers, Wild, Painting of, AA, June.

Guildhall Exhibition of Eighteenth Century Art, E.
Staley, MA.

Houdon Bust of George Washington, J. W. A. MacDonald,

Humor at the Royal Academy, F. Dolman, Str.
Illumination, Revival of the Art of, C. H. Caffin, Ev.
Industrial Art, Notes on, L. Linnet, RSoc, June.
Inlaying and Extra Illustration, Lida R. McCabe, BB.
Japan, Painters of, A. Morrison, Mon R.
London Depicted by Tony Grubhofer, IntS.

London Spring Exhibitions, Some Paintings and Sculp-
ture at the, IntS.

Modelling in Wax, AA, June.

Mural Decorations, Recent, at Boston, IntS.
Murphy, J. Francis, H. T. Lawrence, BP.

New Gallery Exhibition of 1902, AJ.

Ornament, Laws, and Materials of-III., L. Rhead, AI.
Problems of an American Art School, W. M. R. French, BP.
Rodin, Auguste, at Home, A. Anderson, PMM.
Royal Academy Exhibition of 1902, F. Rinder, AJ; MA.
Sculpture, Modern, Difficulty of Costume in, Isa C. Cabell,


"Spirit of the Confederacy, The," C. de Kay, Out.

Turin Exhibition, Austrian Section at the, A. S. Levetus,

Women, Fair, Portraits and Miniatures of, O. H. Baldwin,

Yohn, F. C., E. Knaufft, BB.

Asia and Australasia, J. Douglas, NineC.

Astronomers: What They are Doing, S. Newcomb, Harp.
Atoning Saviour of the Shiahs, S. G. Wilson, PRR.
Bacteria and Ice, G. C. Frankland, Long.

Balances, Foreign Trade, Mystery of the, W. H. Allen,

Baloochistan and Eastern Persia, NatR.

Bananas, T. Robinson, Out W.

Bank Clerk and Civil Service, W. E. Stevens, BankNY.
Bank, Individual Liability of the Officers of a, E. T. Berger,

Banking Amalgamations, British, Financial Aspect of,

Banks, City and Country, Bookkeeping for-V., Bank, NY.
Banks, National and Other Banks, BankNY.

Banks, Savings, British-II., BankL.

Bathing Places, The World's, J. Brent, Mun.
Battleship, Building of a, G. W. Dickie, Over.

Bavaria's Entrance Into the Rhinebund, Count Bray-Stein-
burg, Deut, June.

Beagle, The, J. Watson, CLA.

Beauty Through Repose, R. Romme, Revue, July 1.
Beef Trust, G. Gunton, Gunt.

Belgian Elections, F. Fischer, RSoc, June.

Belgium, School for the Mercantile Marine in, C. d'Ursel,
RGen, June.

Bengal, Mafassal Law Courts of, A. T. Sibbald, GBag.
Besant, Sir Walter, W. P. Trent, Forum.

Bible, English, American Revision of the, E. Gould, NC.

Bible, Latest Translation of the II., H. M. Whitney, Bibs.
Biblical Archæology, New Domains of, Dr. La Touche-Tré-
ville, Revue, June 15.

Biblical Law: The Position of Women, D. W. Amram,

Bibliomania, A. L. Lang, Corn.

Bird-Courtship, A. H. Japp, Gent.

Birds, A Talk on, W. E. D. Scott, Out.

Birds: How They Protect Themselves, N. Blanchan, LHJ.
Birds: Ruby-Throat and Its Flower Favorites, N. Blanchan,

Birds: Strange Experiences of a Blue Jay Family, F. M.
Chapman, Cent.

Books, Elizabethan Dedications of, E. Gosse, Harp.

Boston Schools One Hundred Years Ago, G. H. Martin,

Breathing, Art of. R. T. McKenzie, O.

Brieux, Eugène, Plays of, G. P. Baker, Atlant.

Bridge, Exposition of, J. S. McTear, Gent.

Browning's "Lauria," Study of, M. K. Hall, Temp.

Browning's Treatment of Nature-IV., S. A, Brooke, Crit.
Burma, In, with the Viceroy, Mrs. E. Cotes, Scrib.

Cables: How They Unite the World, D. Murray, WW.
Cable-Ship, Work of a, P. W. Hart, Lipp.

California, the Right Hand of the Continent-II., C. F. Lum-
mis, OutW.

Camper, Amateur, Some Hints for the, E. T. Keyser, CLA.
Camphor Industry in Formosa, Perils of the, F. H. Major,

Camping, Chat About, E. Sandys, O.

Canaan in the Fifteenth Century B.C., L. B. Paton, Bib.
Canada, Appeal from, W. F. Hatheway, Contem.

Canadian Budgetary System, R. C. Matthews, JPEcon,

Cape Nome, Gold Sands of, A. L. Queneau, Eng.

Carib Race in the West Indies, C. W. Currier, Cath.
Carlyle, Thomas, A Personal Recollection of, J. D. Hague,

Carnegie, Andrew, C. S. Gleed, Cos.

Carnegie, Andrew: His" Empire of Business," M. W. Hazel-
tine, NAR.

Cascade Mountains, Three Months' Outing in the-II., J. E.
Ross, Over.

Catacombs, Story of the, J. F. Mullany, Ros.

Cathedrals, Ancient, of Scotland-III., M. Barrett, ACQR.
Cavalry in the War of Secession-II., JMSI.
Centennial Habit, Dial, June 16.

Chautauqua, Evolution of, Chaut.

Chautauqua Literature, Recent, Makers of, Chaut.
Channing, Ellery, Walks with, R. W. Emerson, Atlant.
Charity, Twentieth Century Christian, H. F. Perry, BibS.
Chateaubriand Memoirs, G. McL. Harper, BB; Edith K.
Dunton, Dial, June 16.

Child Labor Problem, Florence Kelley, F. N. Brewer, H.
Robbins, H. F. Fox, E. Dubois, and H. White, Annals.
Child, Natural, So-called, P. Lagrange and J. de Nouvion,
Revue, July 1.


China's New Rebellion, F. Poole, Era.

Colleges, Modern, Empress Dowager's System of, R. E.
Lewis, AMRR.

German Troops, Conduct of, A. Herbert, Contem.
Health Conditions in China, F. L. Oswald, San.
Manchuria, Russian, J. Legras, RDM, July 1.

Chinese Exclusion, C. Denby, Forum.

Chloroform-Its Uses and Dangers, J. H. Girdner, Mun.
Chrisma and the Labarum, P. Carus, OC.

Christian Science, Growth of, J. D. Miller, Era.
Christianity, Beginnings of, T. J. Shahan, ACQR.
Christianity? What, Then, Is, C. G. Shaw, MRNY.
Church: Federation or Union? D. H. Evans, Hom.
Church, Growth of the, E. A. Whiston, NC.

City Government, Responsibility in, W. L. Hawley, Gunt.
Civil War, Diplomatic Episode in the, Deut, June.

Clark, George Rogers, and the Great Northwest, C. T. Brady,

Coal Mines and Mining, Anthracite, Rosamond D. Rhone,

Coal Mining Industry, Organization of the, C. Benoist, RDM,
July 1.

Coal Strike and the Public, G. Gunton, Gunt.

Coal Strike, General View of the, T. Williams, AMRR.
Coal Strike, Real Issue of the, M. G. Cunniff, WW.
Collectivism and Industrial Development, W. E. Walling,
JPEcon, June.

Colonies, American, England and the, H. L. Osgood, PSQ,

Columbus, Story of the Ashes of, W. H. Gleadell, PMM.
Compass, Inventor of the, R. Montclavel, Nou, June 15.
Concert Cafés and Music Halls, M. Talmeyr, RDM, July 1.
Congress, Southern Representation in, E. D. Crumpacker,

Constantinople, Memories of, B. Odescalchi, NA, June 1.
Cougar, About the, F. W. Calkins, O.

Country Clubs, American, F. S. Arnett, Mun.

Country Home, Making of a-IV., CLA.

Courts, Juvenile, Mrs. E. E. Williamson, A. M. Beitler, and

F. Almy, Annals.

Cramps, Craft, T. Hopkins, LeisH.

Creation-Story of Genesis I., H. Radau, Mon.

Cricket Characteristics, H. Gordon, Bad.

Cricket for Ladies, Edith Thompson, Cass.

Cricket, The Two Sides of, Fort.

Cuba, The Administration and, G. Gunton, Gunt.

Cumberland Gap, The Folk of the, O. O. Howard, Mun.
Currency, Paper, Reclassification of the, F. L. McVey,
JPEcon, June.

Dante and Beatrice, R. Le Gallienne, Cos.

Dante's Conception of the Beatific Vision, F. de Capitain,

Dante's Ideal of Patria, A. Galassini, RasN, June 1.
D'Artagnan, The Real, C. Sellier, Harp.
Darwinism and Empire, R. Balmforth, West.

Daughters of the American Revolution, Eleventh Conti-
nental Congress of the II., AMonM, June.

Davis, Richard Harding, Maturer Period of, R. S. Yard,

Declaration of Independence, Homes of the Signers of the,
Martha B. Clark, AMonM, June.

Deluge, Noahian, Geological Confirmations of the-II., G. F.
Wright, BibS.

Development of the Individual and the Race, W. L. Gladish,

Disasters, The World's Great, C. B. Taylor, Ev.
Disraeli, Prophecies of, W. Sickel, NineC.

Dogs, Breeding and Showing of, by Women, Lillian C. Moe-
ran, O.

Domestic Finance, Experiment in, J. H. Canfield, Cos.
Drama, American, J. Corbin, Forum.

Drama, Bases of the, Marguerite Merington, Bkman.
Dramatizations, P. Wilstach, Dial, July 1.

Dumas, Alexandre, the Elder, G. K. Chesterton, Bkman;

F. Gribble, Crit; Fort.

Dvorák, Anton, Work of, D. G. Mason, Out.

Eckmühl, Campaign of, 1809, F. L. Huidekoper, JMSI.

Economic Interpretation of History-III., E. R. A. Selig-
man, PSQ, June.


[blocks in formation]

Universities, Ancient, C. A. Cauchie, RGen, June.,

Edward VII., King, G. W. Smalley, Out.

Edwards, Arthur, S. J. Herben, MRNY.

Egypt, Agrarian Loan-Banks in, M. Ferraris, NA, June 1.

Electric Railway, Mechanical Engineering of an, H. P.
Quick, Eng.

Electric Railway Traction, J. Trochia, RasN, June 1.

Electrical Forms, Curious, A. Parker, Cent.

Electrical Fountain, The, H. S. Archer, Cos.

Elephant, White, Grandeur and Decadence of the, H. de
Varigny, BU.

Elliott, Maxine, E. F. Edgett, FrL.

England: see Great Britain.

Evolutionary Method and Morality-II., J. Dewey, Phil.
Extradition, L. Irwell, GBag.

Factory Office as a Productive Department-IV., K. Fal-

coner, Eng.

Factory Legislation and Inspection in the United States,

Sarah S. Whittelsey, Annals.

Falconry of To-day, V. Thompson, Harp.

Farm, Giant Kansas, C. H. Matson, WW.

Farmer Aristocracy, Our, W. R. Draper, Ains.

Fashions: How They are Set, N. M. W. Woodrow, Cos.

Feminist Movement, Mrs. Schirmacher, Revue, June 15.
Fiction, Politician in, F. C. Williams, Bkman.

Field, Eugene, the Humorist, F. Wilson, Cent.
Financial Affairs, A. D. Noyes, Forum.

Financial Legislation, Inertia of Congress Respecting,

Finland, Russification of, T. Giordana, RasN, June 1.
Fire, Place of, in Civilization, J. C. Fernald, Harp,
Fishes, Some Habits of, F. G. Aflalo, Corn.

Flora of Holy Church, A. E. P. R. Dowling, ACQR.
Flowers, Dancing, and Flower Dances, Alice M. Earle, NEng.
Flowers, Wild, Some California, Isabella G. Oakley, LeisH.
Foibles of Great Men, F. Regnault, Revue, July 1.

Ford, Paul Leicester, as Bibliographer and Historian, V. H.
Paltsits, Bkman.

Forests, American Private, O. W. Price, Harp.
Fourth of July, On Keeping the, B. Perry, Atlant.

Fox-Hunting in the English Lake Country, A. G. Bradley,


Assembly of Bordeaux, 1871, A. Bertrand, BU.

Constitution and the Anti-French Laws, RefS, June 1
and 16.

Crime During the Nineteenth Century, J. Signorel, RPP,

Military Life in France, A. Veuglaire, BU.

Poetry and Music in France, C. Mauclair, Revue, July 1.
Premier Waldeck-Rousseau and His Successor, O. Guerlac,

Sea Ports of France, C. Lenthéric, RDM, June 15 and July 1.
Sugar Industry After the Conference of Brussels, A.
Souchon, RPP, June.

Universities, Popular, H. Mackenzie, Temp; E. Kahn,
RSoc, June.

Francescas, The Three, Edith Wharton, NAR.

Fraternal State, Foregleams of the, W. H. Morrell, and A.
Rosenberg, Arena.

Free-Will and Physiological Psychology, W. H. Johnson,

French Revolution, Rationale of the, R. D. Hunt, MRNY.
Friendship and Politics, Mary K. Simkhovitch, PSQ, June.
Frohman, Charles, S. E. Moffett, Cos.

Fruits, Midsummer.-A Symposium, CLA.
Garden, In an Old French, W. H. Low, Scrib.

Garden, Japanese, in America, C. H. Townsend and E. C. B.
Fassett, CLA.

Garibaldi, Victor Emanuel and, P. Valle, NA, June 1.
Geometry, Psychology, and Development of, E. Mach, Mon.

China, Conduct of German Troops in, A. Herbert, Contem.
Colonial Forces of Germany, USM.

Empire-as Made in Germany, H. Reade, West.

England: What Is She Worth to Germany? Deut, June.
Fleet, Germany's, A. S. Hurd, NineC.

Germany as a World Power, W. von Schierbrand, Forum.

Kaiser, Personal Influence of the, on Public Life, W. von
Schierbrand, NAR.

Godkin, Edwin Lawrence, Crit.

Golf Greens of London, G. G. Smith, Cas 3.
Great Britain: see also South Africa.

Admiralty, USM.

America, English Policy Toward, in 1790-1791, AHR.
American Colonies, England and the, H. L. Osgood, PSQ,

Anti-National Party During the Great War with France,
J. H. Rose, Mon R.

Coronation Ceremony, Duke of Argyll, and C. Brown, FrL.
Coronation, Strategic Significance of the, T. M. Maguire,

Coronation, The Empire and the, Fort.

Cruisers and Commerce Protection, E. R. Fremantle,

Education Bill, Duke of Northumberland, NatR.
England After War, Fort.

Free-Trade Nation, How to Ruin a, J. B. Crozier, Fort.
House of Hanover, Passing of the, E. Clavering, Mun.
Naval Education, Side-Lights on, USM.

Navy, British, German View of the, E. T. Meyer, Contem.
New Zealand and the Empire, A. R. Atkinson, Mon R.
Officers, Report on the Education of, F. N. Maude,Contem;
F. S. Russell, NineC.

Parish, English, What Happened to the, Sidney and Bea-
trice Webb, PSQ, June.

Protection, England and, Y. Guyot, Contem.

Society of the British Empire, W. J. Courthope, NatR.
South Africa, Peace in, C. de Thierry, USM.

South African Peace, the Coronation, and the British Out-
look, W. T. Stead, AMRR.

Trade and the New World, MonR.

Greek in the Twentieth Century, F. Collard, RGen, June.

Guns, Disappearing, in the Defense of Our Seaports, J. W. Ruckman, JMSI.

Haeckel's Riddle of the Universe,” J. H. Stevens, Mind. Hale, Edward Everett: Memories of a Hundred Years-IX., Out.

Hale, Nathan, Country of, F. Sackett, Era.

Handicrafts, Feminine, Revival of, Minnie J. Reynolds, Ev.
Handwork, Skilled, Revival of, C. Barnard, WW.
Harnack's Essence of Christianity," O. Zöckler, BibS.
Harte, Bret, J. Douglas, Bkman; G. K. Chesterton, PMM.
Hawaii and the Japanese, D. Scudder, MisH.

Heinze, F. Augustus-Copper King, R. Harlowe, Ains.
Henley Regatta, M. R. Roberts, Cass.

Hewlett, Maurice, H. T. Baker, MRNY.

Historians, Some Living American, H. M. Stephens, WW. "Hooliganism," How to Put Down, R. Anderson, NineC. Horse Racing in Canada, F. Nelson, Can.

Horses as a Luxury of the Millionaires, A. Sangree, Ains. Housing Problem. R. W. DeForest, Jane Addams, R. T. Paine, and Mary R. Sayles, Annals.

Howe, Lord, Victory of, Black.

Ibex on the Red Sea Coast, C. E. Eldred, Bad.

Ibsen and Maeterlinck, Struggle Between the Soul and the
Will in, E. Schuré, Revue, June 15.

Idealism, Optimistic Implications of, J. D. Logan, IJE.
Ideals, W. B. Atwood, NC.

Immigration's Menace to the National Health, T. V. Powderly, NAR.

Immortality from the Christian Standpoint, Emma M. Caillard, Contem.

Imperialism: Its Spirit and Tendency, J. G. Godard, West.
Imperialism. Why I am Opposed to: A Symposium, Arena.
India: Guerrilla Warfare on the Frontier, R. T. Halliday,

Indian Famine Commission, Report of the, 1901, A. Rogers,
Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration, M. A. Hanna, S.
Gompers, O. S. Straus, W. H. Pfahler, and A. Purves,

Inquisition in Northern France, Beginnings of,-II., C. H.
Haskins, AHR.

Intuitionism and Teleology, F. Thilly, IJE.

Irrigation in the Great Southwest, R. S. Baker, Cent.

Irrigation Works, Government Construction of, R. P. Teele, JPEcon, June.

Islamic Libraries, K. Bukhsh, NineC.

Isthmian Canal: Why Is It Not Built? L. M. Haupt, NAR. Italy: Agrarian Banks and Sicilian Peasants, Duca di Cesaro, RasN, June 1.

Italy, Coasts of, E. Oberti, RasN, June 1.

Italy, Emigration from, A. Bodio, NA, June 1.
Japan, Workingman in, M. Dumoret, YM.

Jefferson, Thomas, and Higher Education, G. F. Mellen, Eng.
Jehovah and the Altar Service, M. A. Bullock, BibS.

Jesuits in the Trials for Witchcraft, Attitude of the, R. Schwickerath, ACQR.

Joachim, a Forerunner of St. Francis of Assisi, Miss G. E. Troutbeck, NineC.

Johnston, Sir Harry: The Man and His Book, W. T. Stead,

Journalism, Modern, Ethics of, C. B. Connolly, Cath.
Keller, Helen: The Story of My Life-IV., LHJ.

Kitchener, Lord, the Man of the Hour, T. W. Williams,

Klondike, Gold Mining in, H. A. Miers, PopS.

Labor: Child Labor Problem: A Symposium, Annals. Labor: Conciliation and Arbitration: A Symposium, Annals.

Lace Industry in Belgium, P. Verhaegen, RefS, June 1 and 16.
Lakes, Great, of America, R. Linthicum, Ains.
Language, Character in, E. Riggs, PRR.

Lawn Tennis, Recent American Development in, J. P.
Paret, O.

Leibnitz and the Nineteenth Century, W. H. Kent, ACQR. Lenox (Massachusetts) in Literature, R. de W. Mallary, Crit.

Literature, American, Beginnings of, G. E. Woodberry,

Literature, English Pastoral, L. Antheunis, RGen, June.
Literature: The Mind of America, G. H. Powell, Contem.
Locomotive Construction, European-II., C. R. King, Eng.
London Gardens, Some, C. A. Whitmore, NatR.
London, Port of, Earl Egerton, NineC.

London Press, Life on the-IV., Leis H.

London, Transportation Improvements in, W. H. Y. Webber, PMM.

Lowell, James Russell, Religion of the Scholar-Poet, G. M. Hammell, MRNY.

Lying, Psychology of, C. Melinand, Revue, June 15.

Mackenzie, William Lyon, Some Reminders of, F. Yeigh,

Macon, Nathaniel, in Southern History, W. E. Dodd, AHR.
Maeterlinck, Maurice, Talk with, R. Phillips, BB.
Maeterlinck's "Monna Vanna," Fort; NineC.
Manners of the Past, S. G. Tallentyre, Harp.

"Mark Twain," Day with, W, S, Northrop, Cass,

Martinique: see West Indies,

Maskinonge and Bass Fishing, F. M. Ivis, Can.
Matter, Elements of, A. Dastre, RDM, July 1.
McCall, John Augustine, C. S. Gleed, Cos.

McKinley, William, First Statue of, D. Malloch, NatM.
Mental Healing-II., W. J. Colville, Mind.

Methuen, Massachusetts, The King's Highway in, C. W.
Mann, NEng.

Mexican Empire, Last, W. C. Robinson, ACQR.

Military Maneuvers of Swiss Troops, W. G. Fitzgerald, Pear. Miller, Alfred, W. Lennard, Fort.

Mills, Darius Ogden, S. E. Moffett, Cos.

Ministry as a Profession, D. M. Steele, WW.

Backward Movements of Our Times, A. T. Pierson, MisR.
Christianity and Other Religions, R. E. Speer, MisR.
Gucheng, Story of, S. McFarlane, MisR.

Hawaii and the Japanese, D. Scudder, MisH.

Home Missions, One Hundred Years of, C. L. Thompson, and T. Roosevelt, MisR.

Hospitals, Memorial, in the Orient, Mrs. J. T. Gracey,

India, Christian Literature for, J. P. Jones, MisR.
Missionaries as Seen by a Pastor, J. F. Loba, MisH.
Philippopolis, New Church at, MisH.

Thomas, Wilhelm, the Apostle of Nias, B. Hitjer, MisR. Monroe Doctrine, John Quincy Adams and the, W. C. Ford, AHR.

Mormonism, Study of-II., G. R. Lunn, BibS.

Moses-An Up-to-date Statesman, J. M. Ludlow, Hom.
Mosquito, A Campaign Against the, L. O. Howard, and H. C.
Weeks, Cent.

Municipal Lighting in Massachusetts, A. D. Adams, PSQ,
Nantucket: Whale Oil and Spermaceti, Mary E. Starbuck,

Napier, Sir William, D. Hannay, Mac.

Napoleon and the Popular Drama, M. Albert, RPar, June 15 Napoleon, Prince Louis, and the Nicaragua Canal, Sara Y. Stevenson, Cent.

Natural Selection? What About, J. B. Johnston, Contem. Naval Academy, The New, R. Wainwright, WW.

Navies, Considerations Governing the Disposition of, A. T.
Mahan, NatR.

Negro, Another View of the, A. Sledd, Atlant.
New South Wales, Aborigines of, A. Graham, MisR.
New York City, Cham.

New York, Literary Landmarks of, C. Hemstreet, Crit.
New York, Problem of Life in. W. Creedmoor, Mun.
New York State, Canals and Railways of, A. Charguéraud,
RPP, June.

New Zealand, Coming Fight for Prohibition in, F. W. Isitt, and E. d'Esterre, RRM, May.

Nicaraugua or Panama? E. Berwick, Arena.

Nome, Alaska, Fourth of July at, Josephine V. Scroggs, Over.
Nore, Mutiny at the, French Share in the, W. L. Clowes, Corn.
Northwest Boundary, Along the, B. Willis, WW.
Norwalk, Connecticut, Angeline, Scott, NEng.
Novels, French, Latest, H. Bérenger, Revue, July 1.
Obligation, Consciousness of, E. B. McGilvary, Phil.
Originality, M. E. Robinson, IJE.

Packers, The Public and the, NatM.

Pampas Plumes. A. Inkersley, Str.

Panama Route for a Ship Canal, W. H. Burr, PopS.
Pan-American Congress in Mexico, J. P. de Guzman, EM,

Paper-Chasing in India, D. Fraser, Bad.

Paris: The Bois de Boulogne, B. De S. Lias, Cath.
Pastor in His Study, W. H. Mayhew, NC.
Pater, Walter, E. Dowden, Atlant.

Patten's Theory of Prosperity, A. S. Johnson, PSQ, June.
Paul, Social Teaching of-VI., S. Mathews, Bib.
Pennsylvania Germans, Lucy F. Bittinger, NEng.

Cruelties, American, L. de Norvins, Revue, July 1.
Fighting Tactics of Filipinos, C. J. Crane, JMSI.
Fighting Life in the Philippines, H. C. Rowland, McCl.
Filipino Characteristics, Some, A. J. Brown, MisR.
Friars, Spanish, Captivity of the, Ros.

Island Republic for the Filipinos, P. MacQueen, NatM.
Peoples of the Philippines, O. T. Mason, MisR.

Philippine Problem, T. Roosevelt, G. F. Hoar, and J. A.
Le Roy, WW.

Race Prejudice in the Philippines, J. A. Le Roy, Atlant.
School Question, Cath.

Phillips, Stephen, Poetry of, C. L. Thomson, YM.

Architectural Photography-VII., H. C. Delery, PhoT.
Celestial Photography, Black.

Dogs, Photographing, G. Oliver, WPM, June.

Hot Weather Troubles, A. G. Woodman, CDR.
Hypo, Complete Elimination of, WPM, June.
Intensification, Various Methods of, H. W. Bennett, WPM,

Lens, The Universal, G. Stratton-Porter, PhoT.
Mirror, The Aid of a, W. J. Rote, WPM, June,

Negatives, Improvement of, J. Hadden, CDR.

Night Photography, J. Boyd, PhoT.

Ozotype, WPM, June.

Permanence, Photographic, C. F. Himes, WPM, June.
Persulphates and Their Use in Photography, H. Marshall,
WPM, June.

Pinhole Photography, H. McB. Johnstone, PhoT.
Reducer, Choice of a, WPM, June.

Snapshot Photography, Success in, A. J. Jarman, CDR. Trimming, Mounting, and Framing, W. J. Cotterell, CDR. Uranium Printing and Toning, W. F. Thompson, CDR. Physics, Experimental, and Mathematical Physics, H. Poincaré, Mon.

Political Outlook, Present, E. Pomeroy, Arena.
Politics, American, H. L. West, Forum.

Polo, L. Lambart, Bad.

Pony, Plea for the, J. Burns, CLA.

Porto Rico, Two Years' Legislation in, W. F. Willoughby, Atlant.

Postal System, Defects and Abuses in Our-II., H. A. Castle, NAR.

Powder-Horns, Historical Military, G. Thompson, AMonM, June.

President's Business Office at the White House, W. Fawcett, WW.

Princeton in the Nation's Service, W. Wilson, PopS.
Printing-Telegraphs, Strange Story of, D. Murray, Ev.
"Problem of Conduct:" A Criticism, A. J. Jenkinson,

Prussia, Public Debt of, A. Wagner, NAR.

Puritanism, Influence of, on American Literature, H. S. Clapham, Mac.

Queensland, Cheerful View of, Lord Lamington, RRM,

Race Differences, Views of Dr. Rizal Upon, PopS.
Railroad Superstitions, H. E. Hamblen, Mun.

Railway Signalling, Revolution in, H. G. Archer, PMM.
Railways, Effect of Waterways on, S. A. Thompson, Eng.
Rebel Catalonia, Hannah Lynch, Contem.

Rest and Fatigue, G. S. Hall, Ains.

Resurrection 3000-4000 B.C. and the Old Testament, H. Osgood, BibS.

Revival Services, R. Q. Mallard, Hom.

Rhodes, Cecil J., J. B. Walker, Cos; H. Cust, NAR.
Rochdale Cooperative Society, G. L. McNutt, SocS.

Roman Catholic Church Architecture, L. Gorman, Cath.
Rosary, Our Lady's, T. Esser, Ros.

Roses, Martha McCulloch-Williams, FrL.

Ruskin, John, Debt of the Christian World to, J. F. Bonnell, MRNY.

Ruskin, John, Memorials of, Katherine Hoffman, Mun.
Russian Literature-I.. L. Wiener, Crit.

St. Albans, England, Visit to, H. Pope, Cath.

St. Augustine, Conversion of, J. McCabe, IJE.

St. Francis of Assisi, J. Goddard, NC.

St. Vincent: see West Indies.

Sailing, W. J. Henderson, Atlant.

Salisbury, The Marquis of, J. Ralph, Cent.

Salmon, Sacramento, Natural History of the, C. Rutter, PopS.

Salmon Fishing, Delights of, C. Hallock, Ev.

Saloon, Liquor, Lifting Up the, W. H. Tolman, WW. Sampson, Rear-Admiral William T., J. D. Long, McCl. Sampson, Rear-Admiral William T., Naval Career of, A. T. Mahan, McCl.

Santos-Dumont, Over-Sea Experiments of, S. Heilig, McCl.
Saybrook, Connecticut, C. Johnson, NEng.

Scholars of the Cloister: A Defense, A. H. Lloyd, IJE.
Schwab, Charles Michael, S. E. Moffett, Cos.

Science and Religion-IV., W. H. Mallock, Fort.

Science and Religion, Reaction Between, F. W. Sardeson, BibS.

Science, Applied, H. H. Suplee, Forum,

Scriptural Interpretation, Spirit's Aid in, W. Caven, Hom.
Sea Disaster and Its Lesson, W. S. Greene, NatM.
Shad-Catching for the Market, W. A. Stimpson, O.
Shakespeare as a Man of Science, E. Dowden, NatR.
Shipbuilding at the Union Iron Works, G. W. Dickie, Over.
Shipping Combine, Atlantic:

Atlantic Shipping Trust, O. Eitzbacher, Contem.
British and American Shipping, B. Taylor, NineC.
British Shipping, Doomed, P. Barry, West.

Shipping Combine, P. de Rousiers, RPar, June 15.
Shipping Combine from a Naval Point of View, Black.
Steamship Merger and American Shipbuilding, C. H.
Cramp, NAR.

Ships of the Sea, Our, J. R. Spears, Out.

Shop, Money-Making Management for the-VI., C. U. Carpenter, Eng.

Side-Shows of the Past, J. Nix, Str.

Slavery in English Countries, C. Dilke and J. A. Pease, Revue, June 15.

Sleep, The Realm of, N. Boyce, Ains.

Smallpox, Fight Against, C. F. Scott, Ains.

Snake, Common Garter, Color Variations of the, E. C. Eckel, ANat, June.

South Africa: see also Great Britain.

Anglo-Boer War and Universal Peace, J. de Bloch, Revue,
July 1.

British Army, Impressions of the, USM.
Canada and the War, N. Patterson, Can.

Cape Constitution, Suspension of the, A. Wilmot and Dr.
Wirgman, NineC.

Cause of the War-III., W. D. Macgregor, West.
Education in South Africa, W. Greswell, Mac.
Justice, Local, Future Administration of, Fort.
Magersfontein, P. Landon, Fort.

Natal Battlefields, Visit to the, USM.

Peace in South Africa, E. Tallichet. BU; Black; M. J. Farrelly, Mon R: H. W. Wilson, NatR; W. T. Stead, RRL. Spion Kop, True Story of-II., W. B. Worsfold, MonR. Transvaal Mines Under the New Régime, J. H. Hammond, Eng.

South America, Pioneer Farming in, Cham

South, New, Rare Opportunity of the, H. Robbins, Gunt.
Spanish Monarchy, V. Bérard, RPar, June 15.
Sprint, The Fastest, A. Kidd, O.

Stars and Stripes a Boston Idea. G. J. Varney, NEng.
Steeplechasing, English, G. C. Roller, O.

Stoking, Mechanical, Economy of, W. W. Christie, Eng.
Stone, Ellen M.: Six Months Among Brigands-III., McCl.
Storage Battery and the Motor Car, T. A. Edison, NAR.
Street, A Modern, S. F. Peckham, PopS.

Strikes and the Public Welfare, J. Handiboe, NAR. Success, Study of Twentieth Century, E. G. Dexter, PopS. Swedenborg and Modern Idealism, L. F. Hite, NC. Swimming, Short Cut to, J. P. Thompson, O.

Tails of Animals, L. Robinson, Pear.

Taine, Youth of-I., A. Chevrillon, RPar, July 1.
Tchekhoff Anton, R. E. C. Long, Fort.

Temperance Movement, Next Step in the, D. D. Thompson,

Theaters, National, The Case for, W. Archer, Mon R.

Theatrical Disguise, Art of, S. Dark, Cass.

Theism, Epistemological Argument for, E. H. Griffin, PRR. Theology as a Science, P. Carus, Mon.

Thrones of the World, P. Brooklyn, Cass.

Time, Metaphysics of, W. Smith, Phil.

Tolstoy, Count Leo, A Nearer View of, Mrs. E. E. Evans, OC. Trade Unionism, Social Value of, J. Martin, IJE.

Trains, American and German High-Speed, G. G. Tunell, JPEcon, June.

Tramps, Sign Language of, V. Pitkethley, Str.

Transportation, Social Effects of, M. A. Knapp, Annals.
Transvaal: see South Africa.

Trapper, Story of the-V., The Buffalo Runners, Agnes C.
Laut, O.

Trolley-Park, The, D. A. Willey, Cos.

Trusts and Combinations, Opposition to, BankNY.

Trusts and Industrial Combinations, Origin of, C. Cornélissen, RSoc, June.

Tuberculosis Question, M. Benedikt, SocS.

Turkey. Situation in, A. R. Bey de Bilinski, Fort.

Turkish Empire, Glimpses of the. J. Strong, SocS.
Turkish Parliament, Prorogued, K. Blind, NAR.

Volcano Systems of the Western Hemisphere, R. T. Hill,


Volcanoes, World's, M. Tindal, Pear.

Wager of Battle, M. S. Gilpatric, GBag.

Waldeck-Rousseau, M., O. Guerlac, AMRR; Nou, June 1. Wall Street: Making It Safe, WW.

War, Modern, Offensive Tactics in, A. W. A. Pollock, USM. Warfare: Trench, Parapet, or "The Open," JMSI. Warships, Color of, USM

Washington in Fiction, F. W. Carruth, Bkman.

Waters, When Man Turns to the, L. Vandervort, O.
Wealth, Right Use of, C. M. Sheldon, Hom.
Wesley, John, Invalid Year of, J. B. Young, MRNY.
West Indies, Volcanic Disturbances in the:

Martinique, Volcanic Disaster in, E. S. Scott, Cos; C. E.
Borchgrevink, FrL; F. A. Ober, Mun; H. Desmarest,
Nou, June 1; G. Kennan, Out; J. R. Church, Scrib; WW.
Roraima, Destruction of the, E. S. Scott, FrL.
St. Vincent, Souffrière of, H. L. Havell, Mac.
Volcanic Disturbances in the West Indies, R. T. Hill, I. C.
Russell, J. S. Diller, and W. F. Hillebrand, NatGM.
Volcanic Eruptions in the West Indies, A. Geikie, PMM.
Volcanoes, Antillean, W. J. McGee, PopS.

West Point, A Hundred Years of, J. Barnes, Out.
West Point and Its Centenary, S. E. Tillman, AMRR.
Westcott, Bishop Brooke Foss, F. N. Chase, Bib.

Westminster Abbey, the Center of the British Empire, H. H.
Henson, Corn.

Westminster Confession, Printing of the-IV., B. B. Warfield, PRR.

Wheat, Argentine and North American, Freight Rates on, R. R. Kuczynski, JPEcon, June.

Wheat Belts, Solving the Labor Problem of the, W. R, Draper, AMRR.

White House, Social Life at the, Anne H. Wharton, Era. Whitman, Walt: His Note of Democracy, W. Leighton,


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