A Catalogue of American and Foreign Books Published or be had on application. 2910 Crown Buildings, 188, Fleet Street, London, October, 1879. A List of Books PUBLISHED BY SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE, & RIVINGTON. ALPHABETICAL LIST. A CLASSIFIED Educational Catalogue of Works pub lished in Great Britain. Demy 8vo, cloth extra. Second Edition, revised and corrected to Christmas, 1878, 5s. Abney (Captain W. de W., R.E., F.R.S.) Thebes, and its Five Greater Temples. Forty large Permanent Photographs, with descriptive letter-press. Super-royal 4to, cloth extra, 635. About Some Fellows. By an ETON BOY, Author of "A Day of my Life." Cloth limp, square 16mo, 2s. 6d. Adventures of Captain Mago. A Phoenician's Explorations 1000 years B.C. By LEON CAHUN. Numerous Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, 7s. 6d. Adventures of a Young Naturalist. By LUCIEN BIART, with 117 beautiful Illustrations on Wood. Edited and adapted by PARKER GILLMORE. Post 8vo, cloth extra, gilt edges, New Edition, 7s. 6d. Afghanistan and the Afghans. Being a Brief Review of the History of the Country, and Account of its People. By H. W. BELLEW, C.S.I. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 6s. Alcott (Louisa M.) Jimmy's Cruise in the "Pinafore." With 9 Illustrations. Small post 8vo, cloth gilt, 3s. 6d. Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag. Square 16mo, 2s. 6d. (Rose Library, Is.) Small Cupid and Chow-Chow. Small post 8vo, 3s. 6d. Old-Fashioned Girl. Best Edition, small post Svo, cloth extra, gilt edges, 3s. 6d. (Rose Library, 2s.) A Alcott (Louisa M.) Work and Beginning Again. A Story of Experience. I vol., small post 8vo, cloth extra, 6s. Several Illustra tions. (Rose Library, 2 vols., Is. each.) Shawl Straps. Small post 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, 3s. 6d. Eight Cousins; or, the Aunt Hill. Small post 8vo, with Illustrations, 3s. 6d. The Rose in Bloom. Under the Lilacs. Small post 8vo, cloth extra, 3s. 6d. Small post 8vo, cloth extra, 3s. 6d. Small post 8vo, cloth extra, 5s. 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Art Treasures in the South Kensington Museum. Preparing for Publication in Monthly Parts, with the sanction of the Science and Art Department, each containing Many Plates price Is. In this series will be included representations of Decorative Art of all countries and all times from objects in the South Kensington Museum, under the following classes : Sculpture: Works in Marble, Ivory, and Terra-Cotta. Decorative Painting and Mosaic. Decorative Furniture and Carved Wood-Work. Ecclesiastical Metal-Work. Gold and Silversmiths' Work and Jewellery. Limoges and Oriental Enamels. Pottery of all Countries. Glass: Oriental, Venetian, and German. Ornamental Iron-Work: Cutlery. Textile Fabrics: Embroidery and Lace. Decorative Bookbinding. Original Designs for Works of Decorative Art. Views of the Courts and Galleries of the Museum. Architectural Decorations of the Museum. The Plates will be carefully printed with a Japanese tint in atlas 8vo (13 in. by 9 in.), on thick ivory-tinted paper. 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Cloth, large crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. per Volume. Titian. Rembrandt. Raphael. Holbein. Rubens. Tintoret and Veronese. Van Dyck and Hals. The Little Masters. Reynolds. Delaroche & Vernet. Gainsborough. "A deserving Series, based upon recent German publications."-Edinburgh Review. "Most thoroughly and tastefully edited."-Spectator. Black (Wm.) Three Feathers. Small post 8vo, cloth extra, ús. Kilmeny: a Novel. Small post 8vo, cloth, 6s. I vol., A Daughter of Heth. 11th Edition, small post 8vo, 6s. Alice Lorraine. I vol., small post 8vo, 6th Edition, 6s. Cripps the Carrier. 3rd Edition, small post 8vo, 6s. [In the press. By Blossoms from the King's Garden: Sermons for Children. the Rev. C. BOSANQUET. 2nd Edition, small post 8vo, cloth extra, 6s. Blue Banner (The); or, The Adventures of a Mussulman, a Christian, and a Pagan, in the time of the Crusades and Mongol Conquest. Translated from the French of LEON CAHUN. With Seventy-six Wood Engravings. 7s. 6d. Square imperial 16mo, cloth, |