List of Quoted Authors, with Biographical Notes and Pages whereon Quoted........... 809 Concordance to English Quotations (including English Translations of Latin and Foreign NOTE.-Readers who merely seek for quotations of a general character will find them best April, 391. Architecture, 425. Argument, 26. Contention, 112, 685. Words, 664, 753, 796. Art, 27, 678, 755. Architecture, 425. Astronomy, 426. Moon, The, 397. Stars, 575. Sun, The, 583. Audacity, 755. Bravery, 69, 680, 756. Courage, 118, 686, 760. August, 394. Aurora, 29. Morning, 399. Light, 352, 777. Sky, The, 557. Sunrise, 584. Government, 281, 709, 770. Twilight, 624. Authority, 29. Influence, 318, 715. Power, 485, 733, 784. Obedience, 420, 729. Royalty, 533, 740, 787. Authorship, 426. Literature, 353. Plagiarism, 474. Reading, 515, 786. Autumn, 543. Avarice, 30, 678. Covetousness, 120, 686. Awkwardness, 30. Bed, 38. Swan, 58. Repose, 523. Rest, 526, 739. Sleep, 560, 743, 789. Beggary, 38, 678, 756. Hunger, 311, 713. Beginnings, 678, 756. Belief, 38, 679. Confidence, 104, 684. Churches, 95, 759. Throstle, 58. Whip-poor-will, 59. Birthday, 59. Age, Old, 8, 676. Memory, 379, 725, 779. Bitterness, 756, Character, 77, 682, 757. Blacksmithing, 430. Oaths, 418. Blessings, 60. Truth, 621, 747, 793. Bells, 39. Blindness, 61. Night, 415. Charity, 86. Favor, 698. Bliss, 61. Gifts, 271, 706, 769. Kindness, 333, 718. Benevolence, 41, 679. Benefits, 679. Charity, 86. Favor, 698. Gifts, 271, 706, 769. Goodness, 279, 708, 770. Birds, 42. Albatross, 42. Bat, 42. Beach-bird, 42. Bird of Paradise, 53, Blackbird, 42. Bluebird, 43. Bobolink, 43. Canary, 43. Cock, 44. Gull, Sea, 47. Hawk, 47. Humming-bird, 47. Jackdaw, 48. Jay, 48. Kingfisher, 48. Lapwing, 48. Lark, 48. Linnet, 50. Martlet, 50. Mocking-bird, 50. Nightingale, 50. Pelican, 53. Partridge, 53. Peacock, 53. Petrel, 54. Pheasant, 54. Pigeon, 54. Quail, 54. Raven, 54. Robin, 55. Sandpiper, 56. Rook, 56. Énnui, 764. Satiety, 741. Borrowing, 69. Plagiarism, 474. Bravery, 69, 680, 756. Audacity, 755. Character, 77, 682, 757. Courage, 118, 686, 760. Daring, 130, 689. Heroes, 300, 772. Bribery, 70. Corruption, 114, 686. Brooks, 70. Rivers, 529, 740, 787. Business, 68 Mercentile, 441. Butchering, 430. Animals, 19. Eating, 166, 693, 764. Scandal, 537. Slander, 558. Candor, 71. Honesty, 304, 712. Truth, 621, 747, 793. Capacity, 681. Ability, 2, 754. Genius, 270, 706, 769. Care, 72, 681, 757. Economy, 169, 693. Carpentry, 431. Architecture, 425. Cause, 72, 681. Reason, 517, 737, 786. Ceremony, 73. Honor, 305, 712, 772. Challenge, 73. Contention, 112, 685. Duelling, 163. Conceit, 103. Pride, 490. Selfishness, 547, 741, 788. Vanity, 629, 794. Confession, 103. Repentance, 523, 738, 786. Confidence, 104, 684. Belief, 38, 679. Credit, 123. Credulity, 687, 760. Conquest, 104, 684, 759. Conscience, 105, 685, 759. Character, 77, 682, 757. Repentance, 523, 738, 786. Consequences, 685. Consideration, 107. Friendship, 263, 704, 769. Consistency, 107. Character, 77, 682, 757. Consolation, 107. Friendship, 263, 704, 769. Pity, 473. Sorrow, 568, 743, 789. Conspiracy, 107. Deceit, 143, 690, 762. Constancy, 108. Fidelity, 212, 700, Futurity, 267, 705, 769. Contempt, 109. Hatred, 294, 711. Prejudice, 490, 734, 784. Content, 109, 685. Bliss, 61. Happiness, 292, 711, 77 Rest, 526, 739. Satisfaction, 741, 787. Contention, 112, 685. Argument, 26. Contest, 686. Challenge, 73. Contention, 112, 85 |