Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

NOTE.-Readers who merely seek for quotations of a general character will find them best
under one of the topical heads. Those in search of a special verse or line should look for it in
the Concordance guided by some prominent or special word.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

April, 391.

Architecture, 425.
Art, 27, 678, 755.
Carpentry, 72.
Home, 303, 712.
Masons, 439.

Argument, 26.

Contention, 112, 685.
Dissension, 156.
Instruction, 324, 716.
Oratory, 461, 730, 782.
Reason, 517, 737, 786.
Wit, 652, 795.

Words, 664, 753, 796.

Art, 27, 678, 755.

Architecture, 425.
Music, 404, 728,780.
Painting, 446.
Sculpture, 452.
Singers, 556.
Singing, 789.
Song, 568.

Astronomy, 426.

Moon, The, 397.
Science, 538.
Sky, The, 557.

Stars, 575.

Sun, The, 583.

Audacity, 755.

Bravery, 69, 680, 756.
Character, 77, 682, 757.

Courage, 118, 686, 760.
Daring, 130, 689.

August, 394.

Aurora, 29.

Morning, 399.

Light, 352, 777.

Sky, The, 557.

Sunrise, 584.

Government, 281, 709, 770.

Twilight, 624.

Authority, 29.

Influence, 318, 715.

Power, 485, 733, 784.

Obedience, 420, 729.

Royalty, 533, 740, 787.

Authorship, 426.
Books, 63, 679.
Criticism, 124, 761.
Journalism, 435.

Literature, 353.

Plagiarism, 474.

Reading, 515, 786.

Autumn, 543.

Avarice, 30, 678.

Covetousness, 120, 686.
Economy, 169, 693.
Money, 389, 727, 780.

Awkwardness, 30.
Appearance, 25.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Bed, 38.

Swan, 58.

Repose, 523.

Rest, 526, 739.

Sleep, 560, 743, 789.

Beggary, 38, 678, 756.

Hunger, 311, 713.
Poverty, 484, 733, 784.

Beginnings, 678, 756.
Effects, 171.
End, The, 764.
Results, 526, 787.

Belief, 38, 679.

Confidence, 104, 684.
Credulity, 687, 760.
Doctrine, 157.
Faith, 197, 766.
Trust, 619, 792.

Churches, 95, 759.
Sound, 572.

Throstle, 58.
Thrush, 58.

Whip-poor-will, 59.
White-throat, 59.
Wren, 59.
Yellow-bird, 59.

Birthday, 59.

Age, Old, 8, 676.
Holidays, 302.
Joy, 329, 774.

Memory, 379, 725, 779.

Bitterness, 756,

Character, 77, 682, 757.
Satire, 537, 741.

Blacksmithing, 430.
Blasphemy, 60.

Oaths, 418.
Swearing, 745.

Blessings, 60.

Truth, 621, 747, 793.

Bells, 39.

Blindness, 61.

[blocks in formation]

Night, 415.

Charity, 86.

Favor, 698.

Bliss, 61.

Gifts, 271, 706, 769.

Kindness, 333, 718.

Benevolence, 41, 679.

Benefits, 679.

Charity, 86.

Favor, 698.

Gifts, 271, 706, 769.

Goodness, 279, 708, 770.
Kindness, 333, 718.
Love, 354, 722, 777.

Birds, 42.

Albatross, 42.

Bat, 42.

Beach-bird, 42.

Bird of Paradise, 53,

Blackbird, 42.

Bluebird, 43.

Bobolink, 43.

Canary, 43.

Cock, 44.
Crow, 44.
Cuckoo, 44.
Cygnet, 45.
Dove, 45.
Eagle, 46.
Estridge, 46.
Falcon, 46.
Fowl, Wild, 47.
Goldfinch, 47.
Goose, 47.

Gull, Sea, 47.

Hawk, 47.

Humming-bird, 47.

Jackdaw, 48.

Jay, 48.

Kingfisher, 48.

Lapwing, 48.

Lark, 48.

Linnet, 50.

Martlet, 50.

Mocking-bird, 50.

Nightingale, 50.
Owl, 52.

Pelican, 53.

Partridge, 53.

Peacock, 53.

Petrel, 54.

Pheasant, 54.

Pigeon, 54.

Quail, 54.

Raven, 54.

Robin, 55.

Sandpiper, 56.
Sea-bird, 56.

Rook, 56.

[blocks in formation]

Énnui, 764.

Satiety, 741.

Borrowing, 69.

Plagiarism, 474.

Bravery, 69, 680, 756.

Audacity, 755.

Character, 77, 682, 757.

Courage, 118, 686, 760.

Daring, 130, 689.

Heroes, 300, 772.
Valor, 628.

Bribery, 70.

Corruption, 114, 686.
Crime, 123, 687, 760.
Guilt, 290, 710.
Money, 389, 727, 780.

Brooks, 70.

Rivers, 529, 740, 787.
Water, 640

Business, 68

Mercentile, 441.
Occupations, 421.
Trade, 792.

Butchering, 430.

Animals, 19.

Eating, 166, 693, 764.

[blocks in formation]

Scandal, 537.

Slander, 558.

Candor, 71.

Honesty, 304, 712.
Sincerity, 556.

Truth, 621, 747, 793.

Capacity, 681.

Ability, 2, 754.

Genius, 270, 706, 769.
Talents, 588, 745, 791.

Care, 72, 681, 757.

Economy, 169, 693.
Prudence, 511, 735, 785.

Carpentry, 431.

Architecture, 425.
Cabinet-making, 430.

Cause, 72, 681.

Reason, 517, 737, 786.

Ceremony, 73.

Honor, 305, 712, 772.
Royalty, 533, 740, 787.

Challenge, 73.

Contention, 112, 685.
Contest, 686.

Duelling, 163.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Conceit, 103.

Pride, 490.

Selfishness, 547, 741, 788.
Self-love, 547.

Vanity, 629, 794.

Confession, 103.

Repentance, 523, 738, 786.

Confidence, 104, 684.

Belief, 38, 679.

Credit, 123.

Credulity, 687, 760.
Faith, 197, 766.
Trust, 619, 792.

Conquest, 104, 684, 759.
Glory, 272, 706, 770.
Success, 581, 744, 790.
Tyranny, 625, 748, 793.
Victory, 630, 794.
War, 635, 750, 794.

Conscience, 105, 685, 759.

Character, 77, 682, 757.
Confession, 103.
Content, 109, 685.
Guilt, 290, 710.

Repentance, 523, 738, 786.
Self-examination, 547.

Consequences, 685.
End, The, 764.
Results, 526, 787.

Consideration, 107.

Friendship, 263, 704, 769.
Love, 354, 722, 777.
Reason, 517, 737, 786.
Thought, 595, 791.

Consistency, 107.

Character, 77, 682, 757.
Reputation, 524, 786.

Consolation, 107.

Friendship, 263, 704, 769.
Kindness, 333, 718.

Pity, 473.

Sorrow, 568, 743, 789.
Sympathy, 587.
Tears, 590, 745.

Conspiracy, 107.

Deceit, 143, 690, 762.
Hypocrisy, 312.
Rebellion, 518,738.
Treason, 607, 747.
War, 635, 750, 794.

Constancy, 108.

Fidelity, 212, 700,
Friendship, 263, 704, 769.
Honor, 305, 712, 772.
Truth, 621, 747, 793.
Contemplation, 108.

Futurity, 267, 705, 769.
Meditation, 378.
Reflection, 518.
Study, 580, 744.

Contempt, 109.

Hatred, 294, 711.

Prejudice, 490, 734, 784.
Pride, 490.

Content, 109, 685.

Bliss, 61.

Happiness, 292, 711, 77
Peace, 470, 731, 788.
Repose, 523.

Rest, 526, 739.

Satisfaction, 741, 787.

Contention, 112, 685.

Argument, 26.
Dissension, 156.
Dueling, 163.
Quarreling, 513.
War, 635, 750, 794.

Contest, 686.

Challenge, 73.

Contention, 112, 85

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