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I desire to express my deep obligations to my brother, Dr. Marcus W. Jernegan, of the Carnegie Institution, to my colleagues Mr. Graham H. Kemper and Mr. Perry C. Hays, to Mr. Frank R. Lutz, Editor of Philippine Education, and to Mr. Claude W. Calvin, second assistant executive secretary of the Philippine Government, for their painstaking criticism of portions of the manuscript of this work.

It is my heartfelt wish that these pages may in some small degree make clear to the Filipino people that the only sure road to the attainment of independent democratic statehood is the patient upbuilding of the masses into an intelligent, industrious, and patriotic body of citizen-rulers. This was the message of Rizal. My belief that the Filipino people will heed this message I have elsewhere expressed in words familiar to many readers of this book: Yet still beneath thy ardent sky,

Philippines, my Philippines;

More numerous sons shall live and die,
Philippines, my Philippines;
In them shall breathe the purpose high,
The glorious day to bring more nigh
When all may sing without a sigh,
Philippines, my Philippines.


Manila, November 7th, 1907.

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