Imágenes de páginas

School Apparatus.-The facilities which the Department, through the liberality of the Legislature, has been enabled to offer to School Trustees for procuring apparatus, diagrams, and maps for their schools, have induced Trustees freely to avail themselves of the privilege, and to furnish their schools with these articles. The proper use and careful preservation of the apparatus have, therefore, become important matters of school economy. In the chapter devoted to this subject will be found embodied, it is believed, the result of much practical experience and intelligent discrimination.

Physical Training.-To this chapter we have devoted a large space, and illustrated it with a great variety of engravings. The importance of this branch of education is more and more felt every day. In Europe, especially, it has long held a prominent place in school discipline and instruction. In the Normal and Model Schools, Toronto, it has always formed an attractive and valuable feature in the ordinary exercises of these Institutions.

School Discipline.To aid the teacher in the discharge of this, perhaps the most delicate and difficult part of his duty, we have sought to make such a selection of authorities as will render the exercise of school discipline more certain and easy. The suggestions and advice of the best educators on this subject may, however, be summed up in these three words: kindness, firmness, and patience.

Teaching.-Effective teaching is a great art; and where the gift is not a natural endowment, it can only be acquired by diligent labor and by consulting the best authorities. To aid in the acquisition of this most essential qualification, we have inserted a separate article on the teaching of each of the various elementary branches of learning. The whole will be found valuable for reference. Inspection of Schools.-The frequent change of Local Superintendents seemed to render it desirable that the suggestions of the Chief Superintendent of Education on this subject should be arranged in a convenient and accessible shape for these officers; they have, therefore, been embodied in the work, together with the suggestions of the head master of the Normal School, (who is himself an experienced Inspector.) These papers give also unity and completeness to a compilation designed to form a convenient book of reference on various subjects relating to the discipline and economy of the schools.

Selections for School Recitations.-This feature of the work has been added to meet a want much felt in many of the schools. Too frequently the master, --anxious to give variety and interest to the routine duties of the week, and to cultivate a taste for correct speaking and recitation,—has had no choice but to select either inappropriate pieces, which possessed no interest for the pupil, or those which, otherwise beautiful in imagery and eloquent in language, embodied political sentiments and opinions, the very reverse of those which should be imbibed by young Canadians who, otherwise, should be taught to love and venerate that great fatherland, whose annals are so rich in heroic incident and noble achievement. To aid the teacher in his selection for these exercises, we have inserted a threefold series of extracts in prose and verse. In performing tl is duty we have sought to give a Canadian and national cast to the entire series. We have also had in view the various ages and capacities of the pupils. Short

picces have been added for the younger pupils; and we have even ventured to insert, towards the close, a few pieces of poetry designed exclusively for girls, where the mistress of a school may wish to cultivate the taste of her pupils in this particular.

The first series of the extracts is taken entire from various Canadian speeches and addresses, which have appeared from time to time in the Journal of Education and other papers. The selection would have been more varied had the editor been able to procure additional materials. The names of the chief speakers,* from whose addresses extracts are made, and the local interest which naturally attaches to the speeches themselves, independent of their intrinsic merit and the forcible and eloquent language employed, are a sufficient guarantee that this feature of the work will prove highly attractive and popular in the schools. The editor has to apologise for the insertion, at the close of the first series, of two extracts from an address prepared by himself, added simply with the view further to enlist the sympathies of the pupils in the prosperity and success of our national school system.

The second series consists of extracts from recent speeches and addresses by various statesmen in England and other persons.

The third series includes a selection of poetry which has appeared in successive volumes of the Journal of Education. A few additional picces have been added, as well to afford sufficient variety as to embrace in the selection, as far as possible, extracts from the standard poets in our language.

The editor acknowledges many imperfections in this compilation, owing to the interference of other duties. The work has by degrees grown upon his hands, and has exceeded the original limits assigned to it; but it was thought desirable to omit nothing materially affecting our school economy and discipline, which might prove useful or suggestive either to trustee, teacher, or local superintendent, in the prosecution of the great work in which we are all so deeply engaged, and on the successful accomplishment of which, under the Divine blessing, our prosperity and advancement as a people so largely depends. January, 1858.

Lord Elgin, Sir J. B. Robinson, Rev. Dr. M'Caul, Rev. Dr. Ryerson, Hon. W. H. Blake, Dr. Dawson and the Rev. Wm. Ormiston, A. M.

Prefatory Note





Part I. 1. The Educational Department, U. C. (6 engravings)....


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VI. Exterior of the School House,-Gymnastics and Calisthenics....... 98

1. Introductory remarks.

2. Sketch of the Athletic Games of the Ancients (19 engravings).

3. Skeleton Illustrations of Gymnastics (91 engravings)..

4. Simple Gymnastics for School Boys (18 engravings).

5. Calisthenics for School Girls (3 engravings)..

6. Gymnastics as a Branch of Education..

"VII. The School Room, its Discipline and Management.
1. Reprove Gently-Introductory....

2. The Theory of School Government Analysed..

3. Objections to Corporal Punishment in School considered

4. School Jurisprudence-The Old Schoolmaster's Story.

5. Civility and Refinement in School

6. Advice to a Young Teacher...

7. General Rules and Principles for Teachers and Pupils.

8. Best Means of Obtaining Order in a School....

9. Rules for Home Education.....

“VIII. The Teacher and his Duties:

[blocks in formation]


3. Developement of the Intellectual Qualities and Moral Feelings, by Lord


1. Science and Social Progress, by His Royal Highness Prince Albert....... 179

2. The Rise and Fall of Nations, by Lord John Russell..

. 100

[blocks in formation]
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