Imágenes de páginas
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Aunt Diana


"The Duchess" Marie Corelli

Mrs. Southworth

Rosa N. Carey

Rosa N. Carey

Extra Cloth.





Large Type

Fine Book Paper

Handsome Printed Wrappers

Rival Brothers, The

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These Books are stamped in White Leaf and Inks and have Inlaid
Portrait in three colors on cover

Farmer Holt's Daughter
Charles Garvice
Fatal Secret, The
Mrs. Southworth
First Violin, The Jessie Fothergill
Fortune Seeker, The
Mrs. Southworth
Gold Elsie
E. Marlitt
Gunmaker of Moscow, The
Sylvanus Cobb, jr.
Gypsy Queen's Vow, The
Mrs. May Agnes Fleming
Heiress of Castle Cliff, The
Mrs. May Agnes Fleming
Her Heart's Desire
Charles Garvice

Her Ransom Charles Garvice
Hiawatha Henry W. Longfellow
Hidden Hand, The Complete in
one volume Mrs. Southworth
Hidden Path, The

Marion Harland Homestead on the Hillside, The Mary J. Holmes Imitation of Christ, Of the

In His Steps
Ishmael; or,

Thomas A. Kempis Augusta J. Evans Charles M. Sheldon In the Depths

Mrs. Southworth Richard Whiteing Island, The Jack o' the Light Etta W.Pierce Kidnapped Robt. L. Stevenson "La Bella" and Others Egerton Castle Honore de Balzac Leighton Homestead, The Mary J. Holmes Facing the Flag Jules Verne Lena Rivers Mary J. Holmes Family Pride Mary J. Holmes Leslie's Loyalty Charles Garvice

Ethelyn's Mistake Eugenie Grandet

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Charles Garvice Owen Meredith Augusta J. Evans

Lorrie; or, Hollow Gold
Magdalen's Vow
Mrs. May Agnes Fleming
Maggie Miller Mary J. Holmes
Marble Faun, The
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Marion Grey Mary J. Holmes
Martha, the Parson's
Daughter W. Heimburg
Master of Ettersberg, The
E. Werner
Meadow Brook Mary J. Holmes
Midnight Queen, The
Mrs. May Agnes Fleming
Mildred; or, The Child of
Adoption Mary J. Holmes
Millbank; or, Roger Irving's
Mary J. Holmes

Mine Own People

Rudyard Kipling Marion Harland Moss-Side Mulvaney Stories Rudyard Kipling Mystery of Dark Hollow Mrs. South worth Owl's Nest, The E. Marlitt Pan Michael Henryk Sienkiewicz Passion Flower, A Charles Garvice Pere Goriot Honore de Balzac Phantom Rickshaw, The Rudyard Kipling Phantom Wedding, The Mrs. Southworth Price He Paid, The E. Werner Prince Charlie's Daughter Charlotte M. Braeme Princess of the Moor, The E. Marlitt


Prince of the House of

David, The Rev. J.H. Ingraham Prisoners and Captives

Henry Seton Merriman

Professor at the Breakfast

Table Oliver Wendell Holmes

Queenie's Whim Rosa N. Carey Queen of the Isle, The

Mrs. May Agnes Fleming

Rifle Rangers, The

Capt. Mayne Reid

Mrs. May Agnes Fleming

Romance of Two Worlds, A

Marie Corelli
Mary J. Holmes
Josiah Allen's Wife

Rose Mather
Samantha at Saratoga

Scalp Hunters, The
Capt. Mayne Reid
Scarlet Letter, The
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Second Wife, The E. Marlitt
Self-Raised; or, From the

Depths A Sequel to "Ishmael"
Mrs. Southworth
Singularly Deluded
Sarah Grand
Sketch Book, The
Washington Irving
Spectre Lover, The
Mrs. Southworth
Stepping Heavenward
Mrs. E. Prentiss
Suspense Henry Seton Merriman
Sweet Cymbeline Chas. Garvice
Tales from Shakespeare
Charles and Mary Lamb
Tempest and Sunshine

Mary J. Holmes Terrible Case, A Etta W. Pierce Thelma Marie Corelli Toilers of the Sea, The Victor Hugo Sequel to

Tried for Her Life

"Cruel as the Grave." Mrs. Southworth.

'Twixt Smile and Tear

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The following titles may be sold in Canada:-Among Malay Pirates,
Jack Archer, Colonel Thorndyke's Secret, Cornet of Horse,
The Golden Cannon, Rujub, the Juggler, Boy Knight.
When ordering, please state which of the two bindings is wanted.

The Federal Book Company


Mr. James MacArthur, in his "Books and Bookman" department in the current "Harper's Weekly," tells a new Carlyle story apropos of the Chelsea philosopher's notorious dislike of poetry. "It appears," says Mr. MacArthur, "that Professor Goldwin Smith was once a visitor with Carlyle at Lady Ashburton's house when Tennyson was one of the circle at The Grange.' Tennyson was asked to read one of his own poems aloud, but, to the surprise and disappointment of his gentle hostess and her company, he refused-a thing he was never apt to do. Looking across the room, Professor Smith saw the cause of the difficulty. Close to Tennyson sat Carlyle, who was wont to make a universal sweep of poetry in its relation to common sense when aroused by the proximity of the Muse. Professor Smith, devoting himself to the public good, and, we may add, in courteous consideration of his hostess, crossed the room and invited Carlyle to take a stroll in the grounds. The Sage accepted the invitation, and, during the stroll, the poet brought off his reading."


James Robert Gilmore,(" Edmund Kirk,") died in Glens Falls, N. Y., November 16th, after an illness of several years. He was born in Boston, September 10th, 1823, and was prepared for college in Utica, but entered a counting room at the age of fourteen and became a partner in the business before he was of age. At the age of twenty-five he became the head of a raw cotton and shipping firm in New York, from which he retired with a competency before the begining of the Civil War. In the early years of the war he published several novels and wrote many war songs and ballads. In 1862 he founded the "Continental Monthly " to advocate emancipation as a political necessity, but discontinued his connection with it after the issuing of President Lincoln's proclamation. In July, 1864, with Colonel Jaquess, he was intrusted with an unofficial mission to the Confederate Government, with a view to arranging peace, but only succeeded in eliciting from Jefferson Davis a declaration that he would not consent to peace except on the basis of the independ ence of the Confederate States, a result that had the effect of destroying the peace party in the North. Having lost his fortune in consequence of the war, he engaged in business again in 1873, but finally retired in 1883 and applied himself anew to the pursuit of literature. He gave a course of lectures before Lowell Institute, Boston, in 1889, and before the Peabody Institute, Baltimore, in 1890. Among his works are "My Southern Friends," "Adrift in Dixie,' "Among the Pines," "Down in Tennessee and Back by Way of Richmond," "Patriot Boys and Prison Pictures," "Among the Guerrillas," "Life of Jesus," "On the Border," "The Rear Guard of the Revolution," "John Sevier as a Commonwealth-Builder," "The Advance Guard of Western Civilization," "The Last of the Thorndikes," "The Mountain White Heroine," and "Personal Recollections of Lincoln." He was an intimate personal friend of President Lincoln, Henry W. Longfellow, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Horace Greeley. He was also the editor of the

"Cyclopedia of American Biography." He had recently been working on a psychic work, of which he had written only a few chapters. For fifteen years he had resided at Bolton, on Lake George, on the old place formerly owned by Judge John W. Edmonds, of New York, whose daughter he married.

Hugh Stowell Scott, better known by his pseudonym, Henry Seton Merriman," one of the most promising of the modern English novelists, died at Ipswich, November 19th. Of the man little is known, and he is said to have been indifferent to fame. He

was about forty years of age. When his father, who was a director of the London "Graphic," put him in business early in life, delicate health prevented him from applying himself to his duties. He took many sea voyages, in the course of which he wrote secretly several of his earlier novels, publishing them anonymously. Mr. Scott produced a great number of novels, beginning with "The Phantom Future" in 1889. This was followed by "The Slave of the Lamp," "With Edged Tools," and others which were more or less popular. His most successful volume, probably, was "The Sowers," which appeared in 1896, but several of his later works, "The Money Spinner," 'Roden's Corner," "The Isle of Unrest,"


and "The Vultures," had an extensive circulation. His stories were of a strongly melodramatic cast, but exhibited vivid descriptive power and much skill in construction. Many of them deal with Nihilistic plots, and the Russian scenes in them were written with realistic eloquence. His latest "Barlasch of the Guard," was pubstory, lished in this country last month.

The death is announced of Albert Dresden Van Dam, the journalist and author. He was born in 1843.

Literary Motes

The Rev. Joseph Hamilton, of Mimico, author of "Our Own and Other Worlds," has been asked to contribute a sermon on the stars for the Christmas issue of the New York "Christian Herald." This magazine goes to about a million of readers, not a few of whom are resident in Canada.

“The BlackShilling," by Amelia E. Barr, is making a name for itself. The sale of it has gone in leaps and bounds, and it is supplanting many of the books that are offered for the present and holiday trade. It is one of those books that take us back to the early Colonial days when Puritanism and witchcraft were at their highest, and is founded on historical facts. It is intensely interesting, and is told in such a manner that the reader is fascinated and spellbound, and lives with the characters. Handsomely bound in red cloth and gold, gilt top, deckle edges. Price, $1.50.

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Mr. John Burns contributes an article on "The Political Dangers of Protection," Mr. G. J. Holyoake writes on the condition of the laboring classes in the days of protection, Mr. Seebohm Rowntree takes up the subject of "The People on the Margin,” while Mr. Thomas Lough deals with "The Workman's Cupboard." Other contributors are Mr. J. A. Hobson, who treats of "Protection as a Working Class Policy;" Mrs. Vaughan Nash, whose subject is "The Co-operative Housewife;" Mr. G. W. Barnes (Secretary of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers), who discusses "Protection and the Staple Trades," and Mr.W.Harbutt Dawson who gives "An Object Lesson from Germany." At the present time the interest taken in the Fiscal Problem is so great that we are sure the book will find many readers.

Book Reviews

"Two Little Savages," published by William Briggs, is Ernest Thompson Seton's account of the adventures of two boys who lived as Indians. There are over two hundred drawings, and the reader is informed that the designs for cover, title page and general make-up were done by Grace Gallatin Seton. The book is as attractive from the artistic as from the literary standpoint. In fact, one is tempted to wander from the cold type and let the pictures tell the story. Glenyan Yan and Sanger Sam are two delightful small boys who take to the woods in a most enthusiastic fashion. The story of what they saw and did, of how they learned "Campercraft" and made friends with the "Woodfolk," is told with the same vivid sympathy that made us at home with Krag and Molly Cottontail. There is a touch of mystery about the life, and the old witch, Granny de Neuville, is a shadowy figure that gives the reader a pleasantly haunted feeling. Cracked Jimmy turns her sayings into poetry in this easy style: "First a curl of Birch bark, as dry as it kin be,

Then some twigs of soft wood, dead, but on the tree;

Last o' all some Pine knots to make the kittle foam,

An' thar's a fire to make you think you're settin' right at home."

The boy who will not be pleased with "Two Little Savages" for a Christmas box is hardly a human boy at all, and the grown-up who is not interested in these two precocious babes in the wood has lost the best thing in the world-the spirit of youth.


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"The Edge of Things," by Elia W. Peattie. This is a novel of Western life, and is of enthralling interest about men who did things." The scenes are divided between a Californian desert and Alaska. The sympathies of the reader are divided between Louis Papin, a worn-out and heart-sore man who has sought the desert for relief, and Dilling Brown, a fresh, ardent college man, who falls into despair in California and is rescued therefrom by a comrade who takes him off to the North. The practical reader may scoff at the idea of a strong man falling in love with the unknown wearer of a little blue thimble, but the best part of the



L. C. Smith Visible





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story is Dilling Brown's search for Katherine. There is not a dull page in the book, which cannot always be said of books of this nature. The writer's style is as untrammelled as the life he describes, and, what is more remarkable in these days, there is a wholesome, manly belief in the best things that makes the atmosphere of the book invigorating. The Fleming H. Revell Company, publishers.

"The Souter's Lamp," by Hector MacGregor, will no doubt prove somewhat of a stumbling block to these unacquainted with Scotch dialect. The difficulty of dialect, however, is worth overcoming for the sake of joining the quaint group that met on Seterday" in the Souter's kitchen, and of knowing the simple people of the glen. Each little sketch is a picture of Scottish life portrayed by a skilful and familiar hand. The Fleming H. Revell Co., Publishers.


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The Bobbs-Merrill Company will delight multitudes with their new Christy-Longfellow book. With the same artistic touch that last year made "An Old Sweetheart of Mine' so beautiful, this artist has made pictures of "The Courtship of Miles Standish," and in none of her many portraits has Priscilla, the Puritan maiden, looked more bewitching than in the drawings of Christy. The book is lavishly gotten up as a holiday offering.

"Sons of Vengeance," by Joseph S. Malone. This is a tale told of the Cumberland Highlanders. The book is well adapted for Sunday School Libraries. The title is of a sensational nature, but the story is told in an interesting way, which makes it specially adapted for what it is intended. The Fleming H. Revell Company.

Type, cover and frontispiece are in keeping with the contents of Shakespeare's "The Comedie of Errors," recently published by Thomas Y. Crowell & Co., New York. The work is from the text of the plays in the Folio of 1623, and is edited with notes, introduction, glossary list of vorarium readings and selected criticisms, by Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke, make the little volume a delight to the booklover. To those who appreciate the rational and scientific method of literary stdy, this volume will be welcome indeed. Dr. Furness first directed attention to the importance of studying the original, and since his day students of Shakespeare have turned to the text of the seventeenth century. This edition, by means of footnotes, puts the reader in command of the facts and results accruing "from the generations of Shakespeare scholarship until now.

"Our Own and Other Worlds," by Rev. Joseph Hamilton. Toronto, Wm. Briggs.

This is an exceedingly interesting and instructive book. The author does here for astronomy what we would like to see done for many other branches of science, i.e., he has studied the literature on the subject, and translates its conclusions into plain everyday English. Usually the books on scientific subjects seem to be based on the supposition that the average reader possesses a knowledge of the subject far beyond what he does. Mr. Hamilton avoids this fault, and his book can be read easily and intelli

gently even by a child. He treats entertainingly of the story of the stars, and tells of the instruments that astronomers use. As regards the question, are there inhabitants in the stars? he puts a very strong case in favor of the affirmative. The book should be in all public and school libraries, and would do great good in promoting an intelligent interest in what is now unfortunately, to the majority, merely a vague wonder.

"The Unselfishness of God," by Mrs. Pearsall Smith. Price $1.25. Toronto, Fleming H. Revell Co.

This a startling title at first sight, but a little thought shows how it calls attention to a great need in much of our modern religious thinking. A very prevalent conception of God is that which makes of Him a great remorseless machine moving on in His Own great path, regardless of human misery or weakness. The great truth that "God is Love" needs reiterating again and again, and among much that we can't agree with, this seems to be the predominant thought of Mrs. Smith's book. A passage from the Introduction will give some idea of the scope and style of the work. "To know God, as He really is, in His essential nature and character, is to have reached the absolute, and unchangeable and utterly satisfying foundation upon which, and upon which only, can be reared the whole superstructure of our religious life. . . . . But how to make this discovery is the crucial question. In our present stage of existence we have not the faculties developed that would make it possible for us to see God as He is in His essential and incomprehensible Being. We need an Interpreter. We must have an Incarnation.

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To know

God, therefore, as He really is, we must go to His Incarnation in the Lord Jesus Christ."

Among the many juvenile books published this fall, are those published by the Saalfield Publishing Company, Akron, Ohio, Chicago and New York.

"In Childhood Land," by Margaret Page, illustrated by Katharine H. Greenland. Quarto, board. Price $1.25 net. This juv enile book stands out pre-eminently above anything of its kind we have seen. The illustrations are beautifully colored on halftone paper, and each picture is a study. They are a distinct departure from what has appeared in the newer books of this nature from time to time. The artist's brush has depicted the different child series in their true colors, and everything is in harmony. The literary part is of a high nature, which is so lacking in juvenile books. It is written in plain language, suitable for what it is intended, and each page is so illustrated and written that the child will spend hours in studying them. We can not speak too highly of this book.

"Circus Day," by George Ade, illustrated by John T. McCutcheon. Cloth, price 50c. The Saalfield Publishing Co., Akron, Ohio. We feel sure that this juvenile book by George Ade will find a ready sale. The children will be anxious to see how he can amuse them. He has done it with the grown-ups, why not do it for the youngsters? From a perusal of its pages we feel sure that it will reach the hearts of the tiny tots, which will necessitate this popular author to again write a book to amuse them.

"Eleanor Lee." Cloth. Illustrated, by Margaret Sangster (Fleming H. Revell Company), the latest story penned by this bright authoress, whose writings are so popular with women. In "Eleanor Lee" Mrs. Sangster pictures very clearly the married life, with its sorrows and joys, of a most womanly woman, who, while she has, like the majority of other people, her faults, manifests a sweet patience, mingled with a deep pride, and strives to live up to the ideas she has set up for herself, and to cling to her faith in the man she has loved and married, and who is unable to resist what seems the temptation of some inherent weakness. The slumbering passion for drink and the demon of unrest take possession of him and he succumbs; but finally the struggle is overcome, and the husband proves himself worthy of the love that never wavers. The story is well told, with an element of pathos and an element of hope, and must have an elevating influence on the reader.


Roger and Rose," by Katharine Beebe, cloth, price $1.00. The Saalfield Publishing Co., Akron, Ohio. This juvenile story deals with two children, brother and sister, who are both in the second grade at school, and in the same room, but Roger is in what is called "the advanced second." They were in the country part of the summer, and the rest of the time they were in their own home in the city. What they pass through, and what they see during this period of being together, forms quite an interesting story. They play "Robinson Crusoe," Indian," " Camp Life," "Tree Planting," "Firemen," visit a great fire, and do and see many things that fall to the lot of children. 'This interesting story, coupled with the many fine illustrations, will readily place this book among the foremost books for the holiday trade. It is not only a holiday book, but it is suitable for any time of the year, and no Sunday School, which professes to have a library, should do without it. It is thoroughly wholesome, and is fragrant with episodes of child-life.

Books Received

"The Pensionnaires," by Albert R. Carman. Toronto: Wm. Briggs.

"The Way of the Sea," by Norman Duncan. Price, $1.25. Toronto: Fleming H. Revell Co.

"The Edge of Things," by Elia W. Peattie. Price, $1.00. Toronto: Fleming H. Revell Co.

"Algonquin Indian Tales," collected by Egerton R. Young. Price, $1.25. Toronto: Fleming H. Revell Co.

"Sons of Vengeance," by Joseph S. Malone. Price, $1.25. Toronto: Fleming H. Revell Co.

'Roger and Rose," by Katharine Beebe. Illustrated by K. H. Greenland. Frice, $1.00. The Saalfield Publishing Co.

"Circus Day," by Geo. Ade. Illustrated by John T. McCutcheon. Price, 50c. The Saalfield Publishing Co.

"Laura's Legacy," by E. H. Strain. T. Fisher Unwin, London.

"Guid Bits Frae Robert Burns." Illustrations by W. Fulton Brown. David Bryce & Son, Glasgow.

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The incidents of a thousand mile canoe trip through Michigan and Canada furnish the framework of this book. THE FIVE NATIONS

Rudyard Kipling


The first collection of Mr. Kipling's poems since 1896.


C. E. Black


It is so notable, both as literature and biography, that it must stand in a class apart. THE CALL OF THE WILD

Jack London


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If there were more books of the South like this, the South to-day would be better understood. HOW HARTMAN WON

Eric Bohn


A fascinating tale, clean in thought and pure in diction. THE CHILDREN OF THE TENEMENTS

Jacob A. Riis


They are true stories, some of them funny, some pathetic, but all of them go straight to the heart.

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An account of the labour and life of the London slums, by a man who knows London as Jacob A. Riis
knows New York.

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Verses so permeated with beauty they cannot fail to win the sympathy of Canadian readers.


W. S. Rainsford


Dr. Rainsford tells the secret of his success by showing, in narrative and in incident, the principle that has
guided his life.

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Lots of people ask at Xmas, "What shall I get Harry?" "Trapper Jim !"

Stewart Edward White
There is not a boy who reads it but will regret that he was not with the hero.
Jocelyn Lewis
Tells of the exciting adventures of Dorothy during a summer spent in the country.
Mabel Osgood Wright

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1.20 1.20

The above list has been selected owing to its peculiar appropriateness for Xmas and holiday gifts. The books are all new books this fall, handsomely made, and will be sent to any address postpaid, if not obtainable from your bookseller. Our new catalogue and full particulars of any of our publications gladly furnished on application to


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