J. S. Irwin File Works, Limited Company, John Tunley Company, Limited. J. C. Wilber Jewelry Company, Limited.. Keystone Seal and Press Company, Limited.. L. A. Kelsey Lumber Company, Limited. Manhattan Beef Co., Limited Material Men's Mercantile Assoc't'n, Limit'd. Munich Company, Limited. Medical Ald Society of the United States... Newspaper publishing, Job printing, etc.. Slaughtering beef, etc., and commiss'n business. Warehousing and transportation of property... Purchase, exhibition, etc., of pictures, etc Carrying on dry goods and millinery business.... Feb. 25, 1888 March 21, 1888 Jamestown 21,000 Feb. 24, 1888 March 12, 1888 New York city. 50,000 April 17, 1888 Aug. 9, 1888 April 25, 1888 Rochester 25,000 29, 1588 New York city. Manufacturing and dealing in dry goods, etc. Sept. 25, 1888 Oct. 1. 1888 New York city. 50,000 Dec. 29, 1887 Jan. 19, 1888 New York city.. 50,000 Martha Washington Creamery Buttered Flour McKinnon Dash and Hardware Co., Limited... New York Standard Pants Company, Limited. New York Quinine & Chemical Works, Limited.) North Buffalo, Lackawanna and Central Land Niagara Mercantile Agency, Limited Niagara Rapids View Company, Limited....... New York Eureka Telephone Company, Limited Oriental and Occidental Tea Company, Limited. Penn Yan Wheel Company, Limited.. Plaza Hotel Company, Limited Popp Compressed Air and Electric Power Com- Rendle Company Limited... Real Estate Investment Company, Limited. Motions for new trial upon judge's minutes, Code amended 262 327 39 41 ..... 40 42 195 230 440 608 See also CODES OF CIVIL" and "CRIMINAL PROCEDURE." Adams Basin. Waste-weir from Erie canal at, construction of.. 228 275 Adjutant-General. Albany, armory at, erection of 67 65 Brooklyn, armory for Twenty-third Regiment at, erection of 253 301 Cohoes, armory at, erection of, act amended.. 176 207 National Guard, expenses of, appropriation for.. 569 771 National Guard, expenses of, in centennial celebration in New York city. 37 40 National Guard, statement of expenditures of, to be filed by.. 569 771 Old Guard of New York city, annual report of, to 293 368 Postage and stationery for office of, appropriation for.. 569 767 Records of New York volunteers, procurement of missing, etc. 570 789 Regimental losses in American Civil War, distribution of Book of, by Rifle range for National Guard, provision for ........... Saratoga Springs, armory at, erection of. Saratoga Springs, armory at, erection of. State arsenals and armories, repairs of, appropriation for State camp, improvements at War claims, services and expenses in prosecuting, appropriation for 570 789 See also " NATIONAL GUARD." Administrators. Inventory of decedents' estate, property set apart in, for widow and children. 406 555 Public administrator, New York city, release of certain property by. Adoption. Minor children, adoption of, by adult persons, act amended.... Appointments and removals by. Oath of office and official bond of Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva. See "STATE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY." Agricultural Societies. County societies, donations for .... Farmers' institutes, maintenance of, appropriation for... State Society, moneys paid by racing associations, appropriated to. Albany City. Armory in, erection of, appropriation for..... Assessment for expense of certain work and improvements in. Board of contract, etc., assessment of expense of certain work by. City charter amended.. City charter amended 196 231 State street and certain approaches to Capitol, repaving of, etc.. 114 118 Street improvements in, charter amended as to... 196 231 Streets in, repaving of, proceedings in case of, charter amended as to.. 114 118 Taxes, assessment and collection of, act of 1850 amended. 429 587 570 783 See also "CAPITOL." Albany County. Charges against, contracting and paying, act to regulate, amended... Cohoes, school expenses, moneys for, charter amended as to. Supervisors, tax sales, reimbursement of purchase-money upon. West Troy, sewerage act amended........... Women married to, descendants of, enabled to hold real estate, etc. |