Imágenes de páginas

examinations for State certificates and uniform commissioners' certifi- examinacates by institute conductors, twenty-five thousand dollars. For the commissioners of common schools, for salaries, one hundred School and fourteen thousand five hundred dollars,






For investment of the capital of the common school fund, pursuant Investto chapter one hundred and ninety-four of the laws of eighteen hun- ment of dred and fifty-nine, fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.


For dividends to common schools, one hundred and seventy thou- Dividends sand dollars.

to schools.


Land redemptions.

For support of Indian schools, six thousand dollars. For refunding money paid into the treasury, for redemption of lands schools. sold for arrears of consideration of taxes, five hundred dollars. For refunding surplus moneys received on resales of land, five hun- Resale dred dollars.

For expenses of lands, two hundred dollars.


For dividends to academies, twelve thousand dollars.


Expenses of lauds




For investment of the United States deposit fund, one hundred Investthousand dollars.


ment of fund.



For dividends to Common schools, seventy-five thousand dollars. For dividends to academies, twenty-eight thousand dollars. For amount to be added to the capital of the common school fund, emies twenty-five thousand dollars.



For instruction and supervision of classes of common school teachers Teachers' in the academies and union schools designated by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, thirty thousand dollars.


For establishing and conducting examinations in accordance with Regents' chapter four hundred and twenty-five of the laws of eighteen hundred tious. and seventy-seven, and for conducting preliminary examinations for Law stulaw students as prescribed by the rules by the Court of Appeals in pur- liminary suance of section one hundred and ninety-three of the Code of Civil examinaProcedure, twelve thousand dollars.

deuts, pre

tious for.

For refunding money erroneously paid into the treasury, one thou- Erroneous sand dollars.


emies, for

For the purchase of text-books, maps, globes and philosophical and Acadchemical apparatus for academics, to be distributed by the Regents of textthe University in the manner provided by law, six thousand dollars. apparatus.

books and




For the Cornell University, twenty thousand dollars, pursuant to Univers- chapter five hundred and eighty-five of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-five.





records bureau. Appro

how paid.

Duty of Comptroller in drawing warrants.

Detailed statement

For the expense of the Bureau of Military Records, one thousand five hundred dollars.

The amount herein appropriated shall be paid by the Treasurer from priations, the respective funds, as specified, and the salaries named shall be established and fixed by this act for the several officers for whom they are designed; but the Comptroller shall not draw his warrant for the payment of the several amounts heretofore named except for salaries and other expenditures and appropriations, the amounts of which are duly established and fixed by law, until the persons demanding them shall present to him a detailed statement thereof, in items, and shall make all reports required of them by law; and if such account shall be for services, it must show when, where and under what authority they were rendered; if for expenditures, when, where and under what travel, etc. authority they were made; if for articles furnished, when and where they were furnished, to whom they were delivered, and under what authority; and if the demand shall be for traveling expenses, the account must also specify the distance traveled, the place of starting and destination, the duty or business, and all the dates and items of expenditure. But no payments shall be made to any salaried State officer or Commissioner, except to Commissioners of the Land Office and the Trustees of Public Buildings, for personal expenses incurred by them while in the discharge of their duties at Albany.

as to services ex


Personal expenses, provisions as to.

Accounts, how verifled.

Office expenses,

All accounts must be verified by affidavit, to the effect that the account is true, just and correct and that no part thereof has been paid, but is, actually and justly due and owing.

On all accounts for transportation, furniture, blank and other books, transpor purchased for the use of offices, binding, blanks, printing, stationery, tation,etc., postage, cleaning and other necessary and incidental expenses, a bill ceipted duly receipted must also be furnished, and it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to report annually to the Legislature the details of these report by several expenditures.

how re





No manager, trustee or other officer of any State, charitable or other institution receiving moneys in whole or in part from the State etc. not treasury for maintenance or support shall be interested in any purchase or sale made by any of said officers for any of said institutions.


to be interested

in purchases, etc.

CHAP. 570.*

AN ACT making appropriations for certain expenses of govern-
ment and supplying deficiencies in former appropriations.
APPROVED by the Governor June 15, 1889. Passed, three-fifths being present.
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:

to make


as to serv


SECTION 1. The Treasurer shall pay, on the warrant of the Comp- State troller from the several funds specified, to the persons and for the Treasurer, objects indicated in this act, the amounts named or such parts of those payments. amounts as shall be sufficient to accomplish in full the purposes designated by the appropriations; but no warrants shall be issued except in case of salaries until the amounts claimed shall have been audited Audits by and allowed by the Comptroller, who is hereby authorized to determine Comp the same. The persons demanding payment shall present to him a detailed statement in items verified by affidavit; and if the account Detailed shall be for services, it must show when, where and under what author- statement ity they were rendered, if for expenditures, when, where and under ices, exwhat authority they were made; if for articles furnished, when and travel, etc. where they were furnished, to whom they were delivered and under what authority; and if the demand be for traveling expenses, the account must also specify the distance traveled, the places of starting and destination, the duty or business and the date and items of ex- Accounts penditure. On all accounts for transportation, furniture, blanks and for transother books furnished for use of officers, binding, printing, stationery office exand postage, a bill duly certified must be furnished; but whenever an etc., how appropriation shall have been made for the same purpose or the amount certified. shall have been provided otherwise, the sum herein directed to be paid construed. shall not be considered as an addition to such other appropriation unless it shall be expressly so declared in this act.



Act, how


bly, ap

For the clergymen officiating as chaplain of the Assembly during Chaplains the session of eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, for compensation to of Assembe paid to the Clerk of the Assembly for distribution by him to those propriaclergymen, at the rate of five dollars a day for every day of attendance, five hundred dollars.

tion for.

of Senate.

For the clergymen officiating as chaplain of the Senate during the Chaplains session of eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, for compensation to be paid to the Clerk of the Senate for distribution by him to those clergymen at the rate of five dollars a day for every day of attendance, five hundred dollars.


For the removal of crippled, blind, lunatic, idiotic and other infirm Alien alien paupers, pursuant to chapter five hundred and forty-nine, laws removal of eighteen hundred and eighty, the sum of five thousand dollars, or of. so much thereof as may be necessary.

For the Comptroller, for the redemption of Niagara reservation Niagara bonds, due July first, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, and for the tion

*Items of appropriation contained in this act, as passed by the Legislature, and objected to by the Governor, with the statement of his objections thereto, are not included in this publication, which contains only so much of the act as actually became a law, under section nine of article four of the Constitution.



Surrogates, for copies

interest on all such bonds until January first, eighteen hundred and ninety, the sum of one hundred and sixteen thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.

For fees of surrogates, in furnishing to the Secretary of State certiof certain fied copies of letters of administration, copies of wills probated in other



troller, for

serving notices,



States, and subsequently filed in this State, as provided by section two thousand five hundred and three of the Code of Civil Procedure, two hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.

For the Comptroller, to pay the expenses of serving notices on occupants or despoilers of lands now owned by the State or bid in therefor etc., as to at the Comptroller's tax sales; of protecting the State's title to such lands by discharging them from the taxes due thereon, or bidding them in at, or redeeming them from county treasurers' tax sales; of preparing and recording deeds and certificates protecting the State's title to such lands; of definitely locating, appraising and examining them as may be required; of protecting them from trespassers or despoilers, and prosecuting all such offenders, and generally of guarding, preserving the value of, and protecting such lands, seven thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.


tion from trespass etc


sales, purchase of lands at.



ments for


ments, on State property.

For the Comptroller, for the purpose of paying for lands purchased upon partition sales, in pursuance of chapter four hundred and seventy, laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-three, the sum of three thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. In case the sum hereby appropriated shall at the date of a judgment of partition, as provided by chapter four hundred and seventy, laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-three, be exhausted or insufficient, the court shall upon the application of the Attorney-General, direct that no such sale be made until the expiration of two months after the adjournment of the next Legislature.

For the Comptroller, to pay assessment for local improvements on local in- property owned by the State five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and all fees, interest and expenses of sale or collection incurred by local authority, officer or agent in making an assessment, levy collection of sale upon or of State property, or property held in trust for the State, for street or other municipal improvements in any municipal corporation of the State, shall be rejected by the Comptroller

Public administrators, re

For the Comptroller, for the repayment of sums paid into the treasury by public administrators under provisions of section twenty-seven payments hundred and forty-seven of the Code of Civil Procedure, eight thou




of re-titution to.

sand dollars.

For the Comptroller, to enable him to make restitution to Joel W. deceased, Sherwood and Robert J. Miller, as executors of the last will and testament of Hannah Euston, deceased, of the sum of forty thousand and sixty-eight dollars and twenty cents paid by them into the treasury, April twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, for collateral inheritance tax, under compulsion of a decree of the surrogate's court of Kings county, dated April twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, which decree was reversed on appeal by the court of appeals, April sixteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, and which restitution has been duly ordered by the said surrogate's court by order dated May third, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, the sum of forty-five thousand two hundred and fifty dollars, or so much much* thereof as may be necessary to pay the said sum of forty thousand and

*So in the original.

of pay

sixty-eight dollars and twenty cents, and interest thereon to the date Conditions of restitution, payable only in case the attorney acting for the State and ment. the Attorney-General shall decide not to appeal the case to the supreme court of the United States.

lands, de



For deficiency in appropriations for assessments and other expenses Public of the public lands for the fiscal year ending September thirtieth, fciency in eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, one thousand dollars, or so much appro thereof as may be necessary. For the Comptroller, for repayment of moneys illegally assessed and Manufacby manufacturing corporations paid into the treasury under the pro- porations, visions of chapter five hundred and forty-two of the laws of eighteen repayment hundred and eighty, and the acts amendatory thereof, the sum of five assessthousand dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary.

turing cor

of illegal



For the Comptroller for the payment of bills to be audited by him Charles P. for Charles P. Blinn, as stenographer, lithographing and furnishing ographer, extra copies for the special Assembly committee appointed to investi- etc. gate coal troubles pursuant to resolution of the Assembly, passed January twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, the sum of nine hundred and eighty-seven dollars and twelve cents.

[blocks in formation]


For the Comptroller, for the payment of bills to be audited by him William S. for services and disbursements of William S. Carpenter as stenographer stenograto the special committee of the Senate appointed under resolution of pher. the Senate passed April eleventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, to investigate certain allleged abuses in the city of New York, the sum of three thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight dollars and forty cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary, payable to the assignees of said Carpenter.


For the Comptroller, for the payment of bills to be audited by him William for the services of William Loeb, Jr., as stenographer to the Senate Logra committee on finance in preparation of its report in regard to obstruc- pher tions in the Hudson river, the sum of thirty-seven dollars.

tion tax,

of Comp

For the Comptroller, for compensation and expenses of the clerk or Corporaclerks designated by him, under sections three hundred and twenty- expenses two and three hundred and twenty-three, of chapter four hundred and troller nine of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-two, as amended by as to. subsequent acts, three thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be


for trans

For deficiency in appropriation for compensation of sheriffs, for the Sheriffs, transportation of convicts, to State prisons, asylum for insane crim- porting inals, penitentiaries, State Industrial School, and houses of refuge, four convicts. thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.

County, for

ing tramps.


For reimbursing the county of Monroe for amount refunded by it, upon the order of the supreme court of this State, to counties in the maintain seventh judicial district, which had been paid by said counties for maintenance of tramps in the Monroe County Penitentiary, the sum of one thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. PenitentiFor deficiency in appropriations for the maintenance of convicts aries, desentenced to penitentiaries in pursuance of chapter one hundred and ficiency for fifty-eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-six, chapter five nance of hundred and eighty-four of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty. certain five, chapter six hundred and sixty-seven of the laws of eighteen hun- in. dred and sixty-six, chapter five hundred and seventy four of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, chapter two hundred and fortyseven of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-four, chapter five hundred and seventy-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy


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