Imágenes de páginas

School com


Contingent expenses of commission, seventy-five dollars.
Messenger and attendance, deficiency, three hundred and

seventy-five dollars.

Messenger and attendance, three hundred dollars..

For Commissioner of Common Schools:

Salaries of clerks, eight hundred and seventy-five dollars.
Contingent expenses, one hundred and seventy five dollars.
Traveling expenses, deficiency, one hundred dollars.

Traveling expenses, one hundred and fifty dollars.

Commission- For Commissioner of Railroads and Telegraphs:

er of rail

roads and



er of fisheries.





Salaries of


Legislature; per diem and

mileage of members and


Law library.

Salaries of clerks, six hundred and fifty dollars.

Contingent expenses, one hundred and twenty-five dollars.

For Commissioner of Fisheries:

Expenses, one thousand dollars.

For Governor:

Contingent expenses, three hundred and seventy-five dol


Salary of executive clerk, three hundred and seventy-five dollars.

Expenses of repairing the furniture, painting and var-
nishing the walls, buying new carpet and renovating the
pictures in the portrait room, and services of the artist in
superintending the same, five hundred and fifty dollars.
For Insurance Department:

Salaries of clerks, fifteen hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses, two hundred dollars.

For the Judiciary:

For salaries of supreme judges, superior judges, and common pleas judges, forty-one thousand one hundred and twenty-five dollars.

For the Legislature:

Per diem and mileage of the members of the general assembly, and the per diem of their clerks, assistant clerks, sergeants-at-arms, assistant sergeants at arms, messengers, pages, and other employès under the laws and resolutions of the senate and house, forty-five thousand dollars, for deficiency.

For the per diem and mileage of the members of the general assembly, and the per diem of their clerks, assistant clerks, sergeants-at-arms, assistant sergeants at-arms, messengers, pages, and other employès under the laws and resolutions of the senate and house, thirty-five thousand dollars.

For the expenses of the standing and select committees of both branches of the general assembly, one thousand dollars, to be paid on the order of the chairman of the respective committees, and indorsed by the chairman of the committee on claims of the respective houses.

For contingent expenses, five hundred dollars.

For Law Library:

For books, two hundred and fifty dollars.

Salary of assistant librarian, two hundred and fifty dollars.
Contingent expenses of commission, deficiency, two hun-

dred dollars.

For State Library:

For books, five hundred dollars.

Salary of assistant librarian, two hundred and fifty dollars.
Contingent expenses, one hundred and twenty-five dollars.

For Inspector of Mines:

For salary, five hundred dollars. Contingent expenses, deficiency, two hundred and fifty dollars.

Contingent expenses, two hundred and fifty dollars.

For Secretary of State:

Salaries of clerks, deficiency, seventy-nine dollars.
Salaries of clerks, two thousand and one hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses, three hundred dollars.

Distribution of laws and journals, deficiency, five hundred dollars.

Distribution of laws and journals, seven hundred dollars. Stationery for legislature and state officers, deficiency, twelve thousand and five hundred dollars.

Stationery for the legislature and state officers, fifteen thousand dollars.

For Supervisor of Public Printing:

Contingent expenses, one hundred dollars.
State printing, deficiency, eight thousand dollars.
State printing, fifteen thousand dollars.

For state binding, five thousand dollars.

For Supreme Court:

Contingent expenses, deficiency, two hundred dollars.
Contingent expenses, one hundred dollars.

State library.

Inspector of mines.

Secretary of state; salaries, stationery, etc.

Supervisor of public printing; state printing and binding.


court; salaries and de

Salary of assistant clerk, deficiency, seventy-five dollars. ficienceis. Salary of assistant clerk, three hundred and seventy-five dollars.

Contingent expenses of clerk, seventy-five dollars.
Salary of reporter, deficiency, twenty-seven dollars and

eighteen cents.

Salary of reporter, four hundred and fifty dollars. Contingent expenses of reporter, deficiency, one hundred and fifty dollars.

Contingent expenses of reporter, fifty dollars.

For State House:

Repairing roof and terrace, fifty dollars, for deficiency. For repairing roof and terrace, one hundred and twentyfive dollars.

State house; employés,

Care of house and grounds, deficiency, four hundred dollars.
Care of house and grounds, seven hundred and fifty dollars.
Wages of employés, deficiency, three hundred dollars.
Wages of employés, one thousand six hundred and twenty- heating ap-
five dollars.

Fuel, eight hundred and seventy-five dollars.

Heating apparatus, deficiency, two hundred and fifty dol


Heating apparatus, five hundred dollars.
Policeman, one hundred and eighty dollars.

paratus, etc. State offi

cers; salaries and contingencies.

Clerk of the



Athens hospital for in


Columbus hospital for insane.

Drains, etc.


Cleveland hospital for insane.

Water rent, deficiency, twenty-seven dollars.
Water rent, ninety dollars.

Carpets for senate and house, deficiency, three hundred and ten dollars and sixty-nine cents.

Sky-light improvement, deficiency, two thousand two hundred and eight dollars.

Covering diagonal walks with asphalt, deficiency, one thousand one hundred and thirty-six dollars and fifty cents. Drapery and ornamentation of the presiding chairs of the two houses, four hundred and six dollars and sixty-nine cents. For electrical apparatus for lighting the hall of the house, two hundred and fifty dollars. For State Officers:

Salaries, seven thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars. For Treasurer of State:

Salaries of clerks, one thousand and three hundred dollars. Contingent expenses, deficiency, one hundred and fifty dollars.

Contingent expenses, two hundred dollars.
Night watch, four hundred dollars.

For Clerk of the House:

Expenses of taking care of office room, incidental expenses and postage, during late adjournment, seventy-one dollars and fifty cents.


SEC. 2. That there be and hereby is appropriated out of any money in the treasury to the credit of the asylum fund, and not otherwise appropriated, the following sums, to wit: For the Athens Hospital for the Insane:

For current expenses, deficiency, nineteen thousand dollars.
For current expenses, twenty-nine thousand dollars.
Salaries of officers, nine hundred and fifty dollars.

For the Columbus Hospital for the Insane:

For furniture; kitchen utensils, laundry, and other necessary furniture for the entire building, eighty thousand dollars. For payment of existing contracts to be finished by March 1st, 1877, and other necessary work not contracted for, which should be done by March 1st, 1877, fifty thousand dollars; and the word "drains" contained in section two of the general appropriation act of April 11, 1876, under the head of "For Central Ohio Hospital for the Insane," shall be construed to include any machinery and apparatus, including water supply, deemed necessary for the efficient use and operation of the drains contemplated.

For salaries of officers, deficiency, five hundred dollars.
For current expenses, deficiency, five thousand dollars.
For current expenses, nine thousand dollars.

For Cleveland Hospital for the Insane:

For current expenses, twenty-nine thousand dollars.
For salaries of officers, eleven hundred and twenty-five
Ordinary repairs, deficiency, one thousand dollars.
Ordinary repairs, one thousand dollars.


For Dayton Hospital for the Insane:

For current expenses, deficiency, fifteen thousand dollars.
For current expenses, thirty thousand dollars.

For officers' salaries, eleven hundred and twenty-five dollars.

Ordinary repairs, deficiency, one thousand dollars.

Ordinary repairs, one thousand dollars.

Constructing sewer, deficiency, two thousand one hundred and twelve dollars.

For Longview Lunatic Asylum:

For the support of colored insane, in accordance with the terms of agreement with the state, twelve hundred dollars. For Lucas County Insane Asylum:

To support patients under the contract made in pursuance of a joint resolution passed April 27, 1872, six thousand three hundred and eight dollars.

For same purpose, for deficiency, one hundred and thirtyseven dollars and nineteen cents.

For the Asylum for the Blind:

For current expenses, eight thousand five hundred dollars. Salaries of officers and teachers, deficiency, seven hundred and fifty dollars.

Salaries of officers and teachers, thirty-five hundred dollars. For the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb:

Current expenses, sixteen thousand dollars.

Salaries of officers and teachers, deficiency, two hundred and twenty-one dollars and twenty-eight cents.

[blocks in formation]

Salaries of officers and teachers, five thousand two hundred repairs.

and fifty dollars.

For repairs, one thousand dollars.

For printing department, six hundred dollars.

For Asylum for Imbecile Youth:

For salaries, deficiency, sixty-five dollars and forty-four lum.


For salaries, three thousand dollars.

Printing de


Imbecile asy

Salaries, re

For general expenses, eighteen thousand dollars.

pairs, etc.

For repairs, twelve hundred and fifty dollars.

For iron smoke stack in ventilating shaft, eighteen hun

dred and sixty dollars.

For removing boilers and machinery to new boiler-house, three thousand eight hundred and thirty-two dollars and

forty-seven cents.

For Ohio Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans' Home:

Soldiers' and

For current expenses, deficiency, twenty thousand dollars. sailors' or

For current expenses, fifteen thousand dollars.

phans' home.

For salaries, four thousand dollars.

For ordinary repairs, deficiency, fifteen hundred dollars.

thousand dollars.

For establishing and maintaining industrial pursuits, one

Repairs, de

ficiency, etc.

For live stock, two hundred dollars.

Outside patients.

Ohio penitentiary.

Salaries, provisions, repairs, etc.

Boys reform school.

Salaries, re

pairs, etc.

Girls' indus



For trees and grading, five hundred dollars.

For pipe, hose, and fire-plug, deficiency, five hundred dollars.

For support of soldiers' and sailors' orphans outside of home at Xenia, as provided by section ten of the act to establish the Ohio soldiers' and sailors' orphans' home, passed April 14, 1870, deficiency, three thousand five hundred dollars; for the support of the same orphans, eighteen hundred dollars.

For Ohio Penitentiary:

Provisions and current expenses, deficiency, nine thousand dollars. Provisions and current expenses, thirty-five thousand dol


Salaries of warden and other officers and guards, deficiency, ten thousand dollars.

Salaries of warden and other officers and guards, thirty thousand dollars.

For manufacture of gas, deficiency, two thousand dollars.
For manufacture of gas, three thousand dollars.
For rewards to convicts, twenty-five hundred dollars.
For enlargement and repairs, six thousand dollars.

Prosecution and transportation of convicts, deficiency, forty. thousand dollars.

Prosecution and transportation of convicts, thirty thousand dollars.

For State Reform School for Boys:

Current expenses, deficiency, five thousand dollars.

Current expenses, fifteen thousand dollars.

Salaries, deficiency, two thousand dollars.

Salaries, four thousand dollars.

Ordinary repairs, deficiency, one thousand dollars.

Ordinary repairs, one thousand dollars.

For Industrial School for Girls:

For current expenses, six thousand one hundred and seventy-eight dollars and sixty-three cents.

For salaries, eighteen hundred and seventeen dollars and ninety cents.

For expenses of the Trustees of Benevolent Institutions,

six hundred dollars.

For expenses of Secretary and Board of State Charities, seven hundred and fifty dollars.

SEC. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

President pro tem. of the Senate.

Passed January 11, 1877.

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