A man after death is not a natural but a spiritual man; nevertheless he still appears in all respects like himself. 1. Conjugial Love. Par. 31. Charity itself consists in acting justly and faithfully in whatever office, business and employment a person is engaged in. u. True Christian Religion. Par. 422. Conjugial love is celestial, spiritual, and holy, because it corresponds to the celestial, spiritual and holy marriage of the Lord and the Church. v. Conjugial Love. Par. 62. Love in its essence is spiritual fire. w. True Christian Religion. Par. 31. The love that reigns in the celestial kingdom, is love to the Lord, and the light of truth thence derived is wisdom. x. Heaven and Hell. Par. 148. The omnipotence of God shines forth from the universe. Par. 726. y. Apocalypse Explained. MADAME DE STAËL. St. 15. T. TENNYSON. I see that time divided is never long, and that regularity abridges all things. 1. Abel Stevens' Life of Madame de Staël. Ch. XXXVIII. |