Desire himself runs out of breath, And, getting, doth but gain his death; And, blind, doth seldom choose the best : But as the cinders of the fire. As ships in ports desired are drowned; 20 25 The life expires, the woe remains. 30 And yet some poets fain would prove And that Desire is of that kind, As if wild beasts and men did seek To like, to love, to choose alike. Sir Walter Raleigh. IV LIFE. The World's a bubble, and the Life of Man Less than a span; In his conception wretched; from the womb So to the tomb; Curst from his cradle, and brought up to years Who then to frail mortality shall trust, But limns on water, or but writes in dust. 35 5 Yet whilst with sorrow here we live opprest, Courts are but only superficial schools To dandle fools: The rural parts are turned into a den And where's a city from foul vice so free, 15 But may be termed the worst of all the three? Domestic cares afflict the husband's bed, Or pains his head: Those that live single, take it for a curse, Or do things worse: Some would have children; those that have them, moan, Or wish them gone: What is it, then, to have, or have no wife, But single thraldom, or a double strife? 20 Our own affections still at home to please 25 To cross the seas to any foreign soil, Peril and toil: Wars with their noise affright us; when they cease, We' are worse in peace : What then remains, but that we still should cry For being born, or, being born, to die? Lord Bacon. 30 NATURAL COMPARISONS WITH PERFECT LOVE. The lowest trees have tops; the ant her gall; 5 Where rivers smoothest run, deep are the fords; The dial stirs, yet none perceives it move; The firmest faith is in the fewest words; The turtles cannot sing, and yet they love. True hearts have eyes, and ears, no tongues to speak; ΙΟ And shines like rotten wood; What's good, and doth no good. If Church and Court reply, Tell Potentates they live Not strong but by affection. Give Potentates the lie. Tell men of high condition, That manage the Estate, Their practice only hate. ΙΟ 15 20 What is the world? tell, worldling, if thou know it. If it be friend, why kills it, as a foe, 5 |