Imágenes de páginas
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O most lame and impotent conclusion! Othello. Act II. Sc. 1.


These violent delights have violent ends, And in their triumph die, like fire and powder.


Romeo and Juliet. Act II. Sc. 6. Things bad begun make strong themselves by ill.

y. Macbeth. Act III. Sc. 2.

The blood will follow where the knife is driven,


The flesh will quiver where the pincers tear. YOUNG-The Revenge. Act V. Sc. 2. RESURRECTION.


The last loud trumpet's wondrous sound Shall thro' the rending tombs rebound, And wake the nations under ground. WENTWORTH DILLON (Earl of Roscommon)-Miscellanies. On the Day of Judgment. St. 3. The trumpet! the trumpet! the dead have all heard:

Lo the depths of the stone-cover'd charnels are stirr'd:

From the sea, from the land, from the south and the north,

The vast generations of man are come forth. bb. MILMAN-Hymns for Church Service. Second Sunday in Advent.

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Son of the old Moon-mountains African!
Stream of the Pyramid and Crocodile?
We call thee fruitful, and 'that very while
A desert fills our seeing's inward span.
f. KEATS-Sonnet. To the Nile.

"O Mary, go and call the cattle home,

And call the cattle home, And call the cattle home, Across the sands o' Dee;"

The western wind was wild and dank wi foam,

And all alone went she.

3. CHARLES KINGSLEY-- The Sands o' Dee.

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Becomes a benefaction to the towns
They visit, wandering silently among them,
Like patriarchs old among their shining tents.
M. LONGFELLOW-Christus. The Golden
Legend. Pt. V.

Shallow rivers, to whose falls
Melodious birds sing madrigals.
n. MARLOWE-The Passionate Shepherd
to His Love.

Hail, gentle stream! forever dear
The rudest murmurs to mine ear!
Torn from thy banks, though far I rove,
The slave of poverty and love,
Ne'er shall thy bard, where'er he be,
Without a sigh remember thee!

0. JOHN MAYNE-To the River Nith.

Alone by the Schuylkill a wanderer rov'd,

And bright were its flowery banks to his eye; But far, very far, were the friends that he lov'd, And he gaz'd on its flowery banks with a sigh. p. MOORE-Lines Written on Leaving Philadelphia.

Now scantier limits the proud Arch confine, And scarce are seen the prostrate Nile or Rhine;

A small Euphrates thro' the piece is roll'd, And little Eagles wave their wings in gold. q. POPE-Moral Essays. Ep. V. Line 27.

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