Douglas Knoop: Municipal Trading (1912). K. Marx: Capital (Eng. tr., 1897). J. S. Nicholson: The Revival of Marxism (1920). G. Gould: The Coming Revolution (1920). E. Faguet: The Cult of Incompetence (Eng. tr. 1911). S. Grahame: Where Socialism Failed (1912). W. H. Mallock: Critical Examination of Socialism (1908). : Social Reform (1914). E. Laveleye: Socialism of To-day (n.d.). M. Beer: History of British Socialism (1919-20). Henry George: Progress and Poverty (1882). A. Menger: The Right to the whole Produce of Labour (Eng. tr., 1899). E. Bellamy: Looking Backward (1889). John Rae: Contemporary Socialism (2nd ed., 1891). W. Sombart: Sozialismus (1908). T. Kirkup: Hist. of Socialism (5th ed., 1913). R. Flint Socialism (1895). W. Pember Reeves: State Experiments in Australia and New Zealand (1902). P. Leroy Beaulieu: Le Collectivisme (4th ed., 1903). J. Ramsay Macdonald: Socialism (1907). T. Mackay (ed.): A Plea for Liberty (1894). Sir L. C. Money: Triumph of Nationalization (1920). A. J. Penty: Guilds and the Social Crisis (1919). S. G. Hobson: National Guilds (1920). Lord Emmott: Nationalization of Industry (1920). (b) Trusts, Monopolies, &c. J. B. Clark: The Problem of Monopoly (1904). R. T. Ely: Monopolist Trusts (1902). H. W. Macrosty: Trusts and the State (1901). The Trust Movement in British Ìndustry (1907). J. S. Jeans Trusts, Pools, and Corners (1894). J. W. Jenks: The Trust Problem (1900). F. Pierce: The Tariff and the Trusts (1907). J. M. Bonham: Industrial Liberty (1888). (c) Poor Law, Pauperism, and Pensions H. Fawcett: Pauperism: its Causes and Remedies (1871). C. O. S. Old Age Pensions (1903). : C. Booth: Pauperism and the Endowment of Old Age (1892). : The Aged Poor (1894). C. S. Loch: Pauperism and Old Age Pensions (1895). G. Drage: Problem of Aged Poor (1895). B. S. Rowntree: Poverty: A Study of Town Life (1908). R. Hunter: Poverty (1905). M. Loane: Queen's Poor (1906). T. W. Fowle: The Poor Law (1881). E. Sellers Foreign Solutions of P. L. Problems (1908). Miss Leonard: Early History of Poor Relief (1900). Aschrott and Preston-Thomas: English Poor Law System (1888). Reports of Royal Commission of 1834 (reprinted 1885) and 1909; and on Old Age Pensions (1893). G. Lubbock: Some Poor Relief Questions (1895). St. Loe Strachey (ed.): Manufacture of Paupers (1906). (d) Foreign Trade Lord Morley: Life of Cobden (2 vols., 1881). G. Armitage Smith: Free Trade Movement (1903). L. Levi: Hist. of British Commerce (1872). G. Schmoller: The Mercantile System (Eng. tr., 1884). T. H. Farrer: Free Trade (4th ed., 1887). - State in Relation to Trade (1883). C. F. Bastable: Theory of International Trade (4th ed., 1903). Viscount Goschen: Theory of Foreign Exchanges (1861) A. Montgredien: Hist. of Free Trade in England (1881). Sir L. Mallet: Free Exchange (1891). S. N. Patten: The Economic Basis of Protection (1890). Sir W. J. Ashley: The Tariff Problem (1903). Sir V. Caillard: Imperial Fiscal Reform (1903). W. Cunningham: Rise and Decline of the Free Trade Movement (1904). L. S. Amery: Fundamental Fallacies of Free Trade (1906). J. W. Welsford: The Strength of Nations (1907). W. Smart: The Return to Protection (1904). Reports of the Tariff Commission (Non-official). (e) Finance, Taxation, Currency, and Statistics Walter Bagehot: Lombard Street (1873). Hartley Withers: The Meaning of Money (1909). : Money Changing (1913). : War and Lombard Street (1915). : International Finance (1916). : Poverty and Waste (1914). : Stocks and Shares (1910). : Our Money and the State (1917). : The Case for Capitalism (1920). C. F. Bastable: Public Finance (1892). S. Dowell: Hist. of Taxation and Taxes, 4 vols. (2nd ed., 1888). Sir Bernard Mallet: British Budgets, 1887-1913 (1913). E. Cannan Hist. of Local Rates (1912). E. R. A. Seligman: Essays in Taxation (new ed., 1913). Sir Robert Giffen: Statistics (1913). -: Essays in Finance (1880). H. S. Foxwell: Papers on Current Finance (1919). J. W. Grice: National and Local Finance (1910). R. Jones: The Nature and First Principle of Taxation (1914). A. L. Bowley: Wages in the United Kingdom (1900). : Prices and Wages, 1914-20 (1921). : The Division of the Product of Industry (1919). : The Change in the Distribution of the National Income, 18801913 (1920). : Elements of Statistics. W. Smart Distribution of the National Income (1912). M. G. Mulhall: Dictionary of Statistics (1886). J. S. Nicholson: War Finance (1918). A. W. Kirkaldy: British Finance, 1914–21 (1921). Hon. R. H. Brand: War and National Finance (1922). Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom (88 of 1922 and annual). Lynden Macassey: Labour Policy, False and True (1922). J. H. Jones: Social Economics (1920). A. Shadwell: Industrial Efficiency (1906). Sir Josiah Stamp: The Fundamental Principles of Taxation (1921). : British Incomes (1916). V. ETHICS AND ECONOMICS Christianity and Industrial Problems (The Report of the Archbishops' Fifth Committee of Enquiry. Cited as Archbishops' Report) (1919). F. G. Peabody: Jesus Christ and the Social Question (1900). : The Approach to the Social Question (1909). Bishop B. F. Westcott: Christian Social Union Addresses (1903). W. Cunningham: Socialism and Christianity (1910). C. E. Raven: Christian Socialism (1920). P. E. Gardner: Evolution in Christian Ethics (1918). : Sesame and Lilies (1865). · Time and Tide (1868). · A Joy for Ever (1857). : Fors Clavigera (1871-1884). J. A. Hobson: John Ruskin, Social Reformer (1898). Sir E. T. Cook: Life of Ruskin (1911). J. W. Graham: The Harvest of Ruskin (1920). Sir Henry Jones: The Working Faith of the Social Reformer (1910). APPENDIX B Appended is a list of the principal articles, contributed by the author to periodical literature, on subjects dealt with in this volume. Fortnightly Review. Municipal Socialism.' Dec. 1902 'Adam Smith and Some Problems of Today.' Dec. 1904 "The Right to Work.' June 1908 "The Great Inquest' (Report of Poor Law Commission, 1909) April 1909 'Syndicalism and Socialism.' Nov. 1912 'National Expenditure.' Edinburgh Review, July 1918. A Capital Levy.' Review of Reviews, Nov. 1919. 'Parliament and Finance.' Edinburgh Review, Jan. 1920. Oct. 1919 Mar. 1920 'The Industrial Outlook.' Contemporary Review, Aug. 1921. 'Industry and Finance, I, II, III, IV. Fair Play, May 5, 12, June 2, 30, 1921. 'A Pyschological Budget' (Budget of 1922). Fair Play, May 11, 1922. 'Empire Settlement and Empire Trade, I, II, III.' Jan. 18, Jan. 25, Feb. 1, 1923. Fair Play, INDEX Acts of Parliament: Tudor Statutes, 84, 67, 155; Apprentices (1568), Agriculture. See Land. Archbishop's Report on Christianity 82. Bacon (Lord Verulam), 68, 235. Barker, Ernest, 261. Bentham, Jeremy, 39; on usury, Bills of Exchange, 194; foreign, 202. Böhm-Bawerk, on interest, 138; Bowley, Professor A. L., on Distri- Burke, Dr. Nicholas Murray, Carlyle, Thomas, 95. Cecil, Lord Robert, quoted, 56. Christ and Christianity, 3-6; and Cicero, M. T., on value, 170. Coke, Thomas William, First Earl Consumption: Problem of, Book V. Economic Theory, Science of, 9, 13, Economics and Ethics, 10. Entrepreneur: c. x; functions of, Ethics and Economics, 10; of |