pleasure-but if the things upon which you are called to consider, do not present themselves to your eyes or your ears, yet look not upon them as afar off, for who so near as GOD "whose eyes are in every place beholding the evil and the good?"* What so truly near as ETERNITY? for, a moment may exalt you to heaven, or a moment may thrust you down to hell, according to the state in which you shall be found towards God when He calls you hence; neither regard these things as not concerning your present interest, gain, and pleasure: for your present peace and only true gain and pleasure are involved in them. What true peace can there be without peace with God through Jesus Christ? What true gain can there be, whilst the soul is in jeopardy and danger? for "what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own. soul?" and "godliness" only "is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is," as well "of that which is to * Proverbs xv. 3. as + Mark viii. 36. come; 66 are ways of "* and "her ways" only pleasantness, and all her paths, peace."+ Do you yet shrink from considering your ways? Would you bring upon yourself the reproach which God uttered against his ancient people, "The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib, but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider."+ Fellow Christian! With what properties has it pleased God to endue you? Has He not gifted you with an understanding mind and an immortal spirit? And shall you give all your thoughts to the perishable things of this life, or shall you not rather bend them most intently on the imperishable things of eternity and your own soul? Has God designed you for a never-ending life in His own glorious presence, and for the society of angels, and the spirits of just men made perfect, (for He willeth not the death of a sinner, but had rather that he should repent and live; ||) and has He placed you * 1 Tim. iv. 8. Prov. iii. 17. Isaiah i. 3. || Ezekiel xviii. 23. here, for a short and uncertain time, that He may try you, and teach, and prepare you (if you will be taught and prepared) for His kingdom? And shall you not seek first of all the kingdom of God and His righteousness, when moreover you have so gracious a promise, that if you do this, "all things," all needful things, food and raiment, and lodging, "shall be added unto you:' and will you not examine yourself, whether you are in the faith, and prove your own self by the rule of His word, that you may know your state towards God? SUBJECT STATED. :"* What subjects can so properly belong to us men, gifted with an understanding soul, and an immortal spirit, as I. THE THINGS WHICH GOD HAS DONE FOR US. II. THE THINGS WHICH GOD REQUIRES FROM US; AND III. WHETHER WE OURSELVES ARE BELIEVING THE THINGS WHICH HE HAS RE * Matthew vi. 33. VEALED, AND DOING THE THINGS WHICH HE COMMANDS? Ponder these subjects in your hearts, and pray to God that He would enlighten your mind to understand the things which belong unto your everlasting peace, and dispose your heart to believe them, to the saving of your soul.-Turn your thoughts I. TO THE THINGS WHICH GOD HAS DONE FOR US. Here we must needs be brief and general, since these things are so manifold that, as the Psalmist says, "Who can utter the mighty acts of the Lord? Who can shew forth all his praise?"* But ought you not to reflect much upon Him as the Creator of this magnificent world, which He has so richly adapted for our habitation for a time; upon Him as the Maker of your body, so fearfully and wonderfully made, and the Father of your spirit, endued with such various and excellent capacities,—upon Him as the God in whom you live, and move, and have your being; as the Giver * Psalm cvi. 2. of health and strength, of your relatives and friends, of every blessing both temporal and spiritual, which you enjoy ?-shall you not reflect, above all, upon the greatest manifestation of His love to us men (which it were reasonable to think would never be long out of the thoughts of any to whom it has been made known), Redemption from sin and death by His Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, with all its blessed effects and consequences;-upon his constant and prevailing intercession with His Fatherupon the greatness of the power-the Holy Spirit of God, which is promised to all who ask of God in His name*-upon the whole of the gracious Revelation which He has given us in His word,-of the way of salvation through Himself, of our various duties towards God and man, and of "life and immortality brought to light through the Gospel?"+ And do you, Christian Brother or Sister, frequently turn your thoughts to these things? Again, *Luke xi. 13. +2 Timothy i. 10. |