Imágenes de páginas


Abardon, Hope, 1


Abashed the Devil stood, 66
Abdiel, 1

So spake the seraph, 51
Abide with me, 1

Able to corrupt a thousand, 181
Above all Greek fame, 52
Abroad, That I should be, 29

Absence makes the heart grow fonder, 1

Absent from him, 15
Absolute, Foreknowledge, 39

the knave is, How, 47
Abstract of all villany, The, 182
Abstracts and brief chronicles, 1
Abundance of heart, 1
Abuse, Stumbling on, 66
Abusing of the King's English, 46
Accident of an accident, 1
Accidents by flood and field, 55
Accompt, And cast, 209
According to Cocker, 27
to Hoyle, 27

Accordingly, A concatenation, 28
Account of empty boxes, Beggarly, 1
Sent to my, 31

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Accusing spirit, The... blushed, 5
Ache, penury, age, 36
Aching sight, Spare my,


- void, They have left an, 78 Acquaintance, Auld, 2 Across the walnuts, 185 Act well your part, 76 Action dignified, By, 181 fair and virtuous, 2 is transitory, 2

The time for, 186 to the word, Suit the, 2 Actions of the just, 2 of the last age, 2 The seed of good, 82 Actor, A well-graced, 2 - in it, And not the, 55

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[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Age, Crabbed, and youth, 3
Good old, 4

is in, When the, 194

serene and bright, An old, 3
The cradle of reposing, 4
The toys of, 24
thou art shamed, 21
to come, The, 52
to live, Taught, 212
Truminating, 212

Aged bones, Lie gently on their, 44
Agent, Trust no, 99

Ages, Alike all, 4

-one increasing purpose, Through the, 4

Agony distrest, Oft to, 101
Agree, All, 179

- on the stage, 4

Aid, Alliteration's artful, 4
Lend us thine, 19

Secret sympathetic, 26
Aim'st at, The ends thou, 4
Air and harmony of shape, 57
Castles in the, 22
Doth feed on, 198
earth, ocean, 44

is full of farewells, The, 44
it breathes, Enjoys the, 58
On the desert, 62
Airy nothing, Gives to, 80
Aisle, The long-drawn, 4
Ajax strives, When, 209
Alarums, Our stern, 39
Alas! for love, 44

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how light a cause, poor Yorick, 211


Albans, my Lord St., 45
Ale, A quart of, 4
Cakes and, 21
-enough, Good, 10
Ales, Prince of, 11
Alexandrine, A needless, 91
Alike all ages, 4

All his debts, Pays, 38
in the Downs, 42

[blocks in formation]
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vaulting, 5.


virtue, That make, 53 Ambition's ladder, Young, 5 Ambitious thought, The canker of, 5

Amen stuck in my throat, 5

Amity and love, Bond of, 47
Amorous descant, Sung her, 48

Ample room, Give, 180

Amuses the mind, Change, 23

Anchored ne'er shall be, 185

Anchors, Great, 42

Ancient days, Dames of, 4

Andrew, Merry, 115

Angel, A ministering, 197
How like an, 110
Like an, 29
The recording, 5
Thou hovering, 51

- visits, few and far between, 6
Angels alone that soar, 60
and ministers of grace, 6
- are bright still, 6
are, Our acts our, 109
are painted fair, 197
a thousand envied, 23
- could no more, 6
fear to tread, Where, 59
fell by ambition, 5
guard thy bed, 13
of life and death, 64
Sad as, 6

sung the strain, 19 Tears of all the, 198 unawares, entertained, 78 Visits like those of, 6 - visits, short and bright, 6 weep, Make the, 107 - Will plead like, 183 Anger, He carries, 6

[blocks in formation]

Annihilate but space and time, 103
Annoy, No loud storms, 41
Anointed sovereign of sighs, 31
thee, God hath, 34

Another and a better world, 205
- yet the same, 7

Another's misfortunes, Bear, 25
Answers, She who ne'er, 79
Anthem, The pealing, 4

The grand old Puritan, 79
Antidote, Some secret oblivious, 116
Antres vast, and deserts idle, 55
Anything, Work in, 208
Ape, Like an angry, 107
Apollo, The songs of, 203
Apoplexy, A slight touch of, 7

Apostles would have done, All the,


Apostolic blows and knocks, 46 Apothecary, I do remember an, 7 Apparitions seen and gone, Like, 6 Appetite, Digestion wait on, 38 Appetites are apt to change, Our,


Applaud to the very echo, 7

Applause, Attentive to his own, 57
Proprietor of just, 9

Apple rotten at the heart, 51
Apples, Choice in rotten, 7
How we swim, 7
Appliances, Desperate, 39
Apprehension, Most in, 35
of the good, 66
Approach, Death's, 34
thou, 33

April, June, and September, 21
when they woo, 201
Arabie the blest, 7
Arch, Triumphal, 7
Archdeacon, The, 11
Argues yourself unknown, 87
Arguing, His skill in, 7
Argument, A knock-down, 7
for a week, 7

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The staple of his, 180 This great, 187 wrong, His, 28

[blocks in formation]

may err, 8

not chance, From, 209

to find the mind's construction, 50 Unpremeditated, 71 With curious, 18 Artful Dodger, the, 8

- aid, Alliteration's, 4 Arthur's death, Talks of, 178 Artificer, Unwashed, 178

Arts in which the wise excel, 209
With lenient, 4

Ashamed of being virtuous, 206
Ashbourn, Romantic, 37
Ashes of his fathers, The, 36
to ashes, 8
Ask me no more, 54
Asking eye, Explain the, 4
Asleep as they be, 104
he fell, 35
Houses seem, 22
I fall, 204
Asmodeus, 8

Asmodeus's flight, An, 8
Aspect he rose, With grave, 8
Aspen, The light quivering, 197
Ass, Egregiously an, 9

Write me down an, 9
Assassination, If the, 41
Assize, The Black, 15

Assume a pleasing shape, To, 37 a virtue, 182

Assurance double sure,


Assyrian, The, came down, 9
Astronomer, An undevout, 9
Asunder, Many miles, 181

Atheist, An, half believes a God, 9
Atheist's laugh, An, 9
Athens, Maid of, 105

the eye of Greece, 9 Atlantean shoulders, With, 8 Atoms or systems, 64 Attempt, Fearing to, 41 Attention, Read with, 17 still as night, 8

[blocks in formation]

Authority, In a little brief, 107

Author's private thoughts and meanings, 17

Authors steal their books, 9
Awake, arise! 9

my St. John, 107

Awe, Character gives, 23

Nothing keeps me in such, 177
The lifted hand in, 186
the soul of Richard, 54
Awful goodness is, How, 66

Awoke one night, Abou Ben Adhem,

Axe to grind, An, 10
Axes, No ponderous, 10
Ay, but to die, 38

Azrael and Asmodeus, 8
Azure hue, In its, 40

- main, From out the, 19


Babbled of green fields, 56 Babe she lost, 10 Babel, Stir of the great, 206 Bacchus, Not so fat as, 195 Back and side go bare, 10 -on itself recoils, 148 recoiled, 146

resounded Death, 35 their own opinions, 185 to thy punishment, 143 With harness on our, 191 Backed like a weazel, 27 Bacon shined, How, 10 Bad begins, Thus, 31 eminence, That, 153 Nothing either good or, 66 strokes, 202

to worse, From, 207 world, Sick of this, 205 Bade it blossom there, 36 the world farewell, 77 Badge, Nobility's true, 114 Baffled oft, is ever won, 60

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Becks and wreathed smiles, 84
Bed go sober, To, 12
Guard thy, 13

Lies in his, 69

of death, Smooth the, 4
Bedfellows, Strange, 118
Bee, Little busy, 13
Beef, Roast, 13

Beer and Britannia, 13
Chronicle small, 59
Beelzebub and Asmodeus, 8
Beersheba, Dan to, 11
Beetle, The poor, 35
Before and after, Looking, 39

your time, To speak, 210 Beggar that is dumb, A, 102 Begged his bread, Homer, 75 Begging the question, 13 Begot of vain fantasy, 42 Beguiled, All their cares, 24 Begun, Some task, 169 Behaviour is a mirror, 13

Behind, Cast one longing, lingering look, 97

Hearts we leave, 38

Behold the child, 24
Beholding heaven, 73

Belial, Wander forth the sons of, 128
Belief, in our, 13

Believe and take it, I do, 202 - a woman, 47

- 'em, Oft repeating they, 42 in principle, I don't, 141 Believed, No more, 41

the magic wonders, 201
Bell strikes one, 13
Belle, 'Tis vain to be a, 2
Bellows blow up sin, The, 57
Bells ring out wild, 13
Those evening, 14


Belly good ale enough, 10
- In fair round, 164

Belongings, Thyself and thy, 184
Beloved brotherhood, 44

from pole to pole, 160

Bench, a little, 14

Bend the knotted oak, To, 121

Bending as he goes, 177

Benefits, Write our, 210

Benighted walks, 95

Bent, To the top of my, 59

Bequeathed by bleeding sire, 60

Berkeley, When Bishop, 111'
Besieged, By flatterers, 57
Best men. moulded out of faults,


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- of men, The, 63

of the sons of the morning, 19

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