Gradation of county treasurers' fees. state, shall be allowed as his fees for the collection, safe keeping, and disbursement of the moneys arising from the assessment of taxes on the grand duplicate (except as otherwise provided by law), on any sum so collected not exceeding ten thousand dollars, two and five-tenths of one per cent.; on the next ten thousand dollars, or any part thereof, one and five-tenths of one per cent.; on the next ten thousand dollars, or any part thereof, one per cent.; on the next two hundred thousand dollars, or any part thereof, seven-tenths of one per cent.; and on all other and further sums, five-tenths of one per cent. SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. C. H. GROSVENOR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOS. L. YOUNG, Passed February 8th, 1877. President of the Senate. Commission ers to submit question of children's home to vot AN ACT To amend section one of an act entitled "An act for the establishment, support, and regulation of children's homes in the several counties, and children's homes district in this state, and to repeal certain acts therein named," passed and took effect March 22, 1876. (O. L., Vol. 73, p. 64.) SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That section one of the above recited act be amended so as to read as follows: Section 1. That the county commissioners of any county in this state may, and they are hereby authorized, when in their opinion the interests of the public demand it, to submit the question of establishing a children's home, and the issue ers of county. of county bonds or notes to provide funds for the purchase of a site, and the erection thereon of said home to the qualified electors of such county, or to the qualified electors of counties forming such district, at the next regular election, to be held at the usual place of holding elections, for ratification or approval; notice of said election to be published at least four weeks in two or more newspapers printed and of general circulation in said county, or in the counties of said district, prior to taking such vote; and if a majority of electors voting on said question in such county, or in the counties of such district, shall be in favor of establishing said home, then the commissioners of said county, or the commissioners of any two or more adjoining counties in such district, hav Notice of election to be published four weeks. Counties may join in establishing ing so voted in favor thereof, shall proceed to carry out the homes. intent and purposes of this act, and shall provide for the purchase of a suitable site and erection of the necessary buildings, to be styled "the children's home" for such county, or "children's home" for such district, and to provide means by taxation for such purchase and support of the same, and they are authorized to receive and hold in trust for the use and benefit of said "home" any grant or devise of land, and any donation or bequest of money or other personal property that may be made for the establishment or support of said home. That the commissioners of any county, for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act, are authorized to issue the notes or bonds of said county in anticipation of the collection of the taxes levied, or to be levied, for the purchase of a suitable site and erection of the necessary buildings, or for the purchase of a suitable site and buildings already erected thereon, as contemplated in this act, said notes or bonds to bear interest at the rate not to exceed seven per cent. per annum, interest payable semi-annually, and said notes or bonds shall not be sold for less than their par value. That all elections held under said original act shall confer authority under this amended act. SEC. 2. That original section one of the above recited act be and the same is hereby repealed. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. C. H. GROSVENOR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. President pro tem. of the Senate. Commssioners may issue bonds in certain cases. Passed February 8th, 1877. AN ACT To authorize compensation to be paid members of board of equalization and their assistants. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That in each county of this state containing a city of the first class, having a population exceeding two hundred thousand inhabitants, where the members of the board of equalization for such city, and the assistants of such board, performed services in the year 1876, pursuant to the provisions of the statute relating to annual boards of equalization for cities of the first and second class of this state, and have not been paid for such services, the commissioners of such county be, and they are hereby authorized and instructed to pay all the members, except the auditor, a sum not exceeding two hundred dollars each, for their services as members of such board of equalization, and such assistants of said board as were employed by the auditor of any such county a sum not exceeding two thousand and twenty-eight dollars in the aggregate, said sums to be paid from any funds of the county not otherwise appropriated; and the auditor of the county shall draw his warrant, and the treasurer of the Compensa tion of members of board of equalization in certain cities. Aggregate not to exceed two thousand and twenty-eight dollars. Paid on order county com missioners. county shall pay the same, upon the order of the county commissioners. SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. C. H. GROSVENOR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. H. W. CURTISS, President pro tem. of the Senate. Passed February 11th, 1877. Ordinances, etc., in certain cities legal if pub lished in book form in stead of newspaper. AN ACT In relation to the codification of ordinances of certain cities. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That in cities of the first class having a population of over ninety thousand and under one hundred and fifty thousand at the last federal census, whenever ordinances shall be codified, re-arranged, and published in book form, said publication in book form shall be taken and held to be in lieu of publishing the same in a newspaper according to law, and shall be a sufficient publication to all intents and purposes, and the ordinance or several ordinances shall be held the same in law as though they had been published in in a newspaper: provided, that any ordinance or section of one ordinance in which substantial change is made by such revision or codification shall be published as so changed, as in manner now provided by law. SEC. 2. This act shall be in force from and after its passage. C. H. GROSVENOR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOS. L. YOUNG, Passed January 18th, 1877. President of the Senate. Oldest justice to appoint. AN ACT To authorize the filling of vacancies in the boards of trustees of townships. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That when any township shall, for any cause, be without a board of trustees, or for any cause there shall be a vacancy in the board of trustees of any township, it shall be the duty of the justice of the peace of such township holding the oldest commission, or in case the commission of two or more justices of the peace bear even date, then of the justice oldest in years, to appoint a suitable person or persons having the qualifications of electors in such townships, to fill the vacancy or vacancies that have occurred or may hereafter occur in any such board of trustees, and the justice of the peace discharging said duty shall make out a certificate in writing of said appointment or appointments, and file the same with the clerk of the township in which said vacancy occurred, who shall record the same; and the person or persons thus appointed shall take the same oath or affirmation rquired of like officers chosen at any annual election, and shall hold their office until their successors shall be duly elected and qualified: provided, that this act shall be supplementary and subject to the act entitled "an act supplementary to an act to incorporate the original surveyed townships," passed March 14, 1831, and to repeal an act therein named. SEC. 2. The act authorizing the filling of vacancies in the boards of trustees of townships, passed March 24, 1874, is hereby repealed. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. C. H. GROSVENOR, Passed February 23, 1877. President of the Senate. AN ACT To amend an act entitled "An act to provide for the disposition of unelaimed freight and express packages, and to amend an act entitled 'an act providing for the disposition of unclaimed freight and express packages," passed April 16, 1867, passed January 26, 1875. [Ο. L., vol. 72, p. 17.] SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That sections three and four of said act be amended so as to read as follows: When property may be sold. Section 3. That when any such property has been conveyed to any point in this state, and shall remain unclaimed for the space of six months at the place to which it is consigned, and the owner, whether known or unknown, fails within that time to claim such freight or other property, and to pay the proper charges, if there be any against it, then it shall be lawful for such persons, associations, or companies to sell such freight or other property, at public auction, offering each parcel separately: provided, if the owner or consignee is known or can be found in the county where such property Notice of is, and the notice has been given as provided in section one of this act, or in case the owner is unknown or is a non-resident of the county, or his place of residence is unknown, by publication for not less than ten days in some newspaper of sale. When suit may be brought. Cases of sto rage. Place of sale, notice, etc. general circulation in such county, and if the said charges are not paid, and the freight removed from the premises of said company within ten days from the time of service of such notice, said railroad or other company may bring suit before any court of competent jurisdiction for the amount of said freight and the legal charges thereon; and said claim, when established, shall be a lien upon the goods or merchandise so carried, and said company shall have the right to recover the amount aforesaid, with other legal charges, by public sale of such goods or merchandise: provided, it shall be lawful for such railroad or other company after the expiration of ten days from the receipt of goods at the place to which they are consigned, if the owner or consignee is unknown, or if the owner or consignee is known, after the expiration of ten days from the date of giving or depositing the notice, as provided in the first section of this act, to the owner or consignee of goods thus received, and not removed as aforesaid, to charge a fair and reasonable cost for storage of the same, which shall be a lien upon the goods so stored; also after the expiration of said ten days it shall be lawful for said company to deliver said goods to any warehouseman or storage merchant at the point of destination of such goods or merchandise, or in case there be no responsible warehousemin or storage merchant at such point willing to receive such goods, then at the most convenient point where such storage can be effected, and receive from such warehouseman the freight and charges due such railroad or other company upon the same, notifying the owner or consignee of such storage, when known, in the manner provided in the first section of this act, and the advances made and all reasonable charges for storage shall be a lien upon the goods so stored. Sec. 4. Such property shall be offered for sale in the place where the office, station, depót, or warehouse in which the same shall have been deposited for safe-keeping is located, or may be offered for sale at any other place where such persons, associations, or companies may deem best to insure a prompt sale thereof. At least thirty days' notice of the time and place of sale, containing a descriptive list of the several articles to be sold, with names, numbers, and marks thereon, shall be given, by posting such notice at the office, station, or depót of such person, association, or company in the county where the place to which such property was consigned is situated, or, if there be no such office, station, or depót, by posting such notice in three public places in such county; and, in addition to the posting at the place of consignment, such descriptive list must be posted at the place where snch property is sold, and thirty days' notice of the time and place of sale must be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the place where such property is to be sold. Such person, association, or company, from the proceeds of the sale of such property, shall pay all the necessary costs and expenses of the sale, and all proper charges for freight and |