thereto, passed March 30, 1875, be and the same are hereby repealed, saving all rights however acquired thereunder. SEC. 20. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Passed May 4, 1877. C. H. GROSVENOR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. H. W. CURTISS, President of the Senate. Power of city class to make of second improvements. AN ACT Supplementary to an act entitled "an act to provide for the organization and government of municipal corporations, authorizing certain cities therein to construct certain improvements therein named, and to issue bonds for the payment of the same." SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the city council of any city of the second class in this state, which, by the last federal census, had a population of twelve thousand six hundred and fifty-two, shall have power, whenever they deem it expedient, to make any one or all of the improvements provided for in section six hundred and one of an act entitled "an act to amend section six hundred and one of an act to provide for the organization and government of municipal corporations,' passed May 7, 1869 (O. L., vol. 66, p. 251), as amended April 29, 1873 (O. L., vol. 70, p. 192)," as amended April 11, 1876 (O. L., vol. 73, p. 167), and any and all of the improvements provided for in chapter fifty of an act entitled "a an act to provide for the organization and government of municipal corporations," passed May 7, 1869 (O. L., vol. 66, pp. 251-256), and as section six hundred and two of said chapter fifty, as amended April 18, 1870 (O. L., vol. 67, p. 82), as amended March 30, 1875 (O. L., vol. 72, p. 168), and may make any or all of said improvements at one time, or separately and at different times, as may, in the opinion of the council, be most expedient. SEC. 2. For the purpose of providing the means for payCouncil may ing the costs and expenses of making any one or all of the improvements authorized by the first section of this act, the council of such municipal corporation shall have power to issue its bonds for any amount, not exceeding, in the aggregate, thirty thousand dollars, which bonds may be for any length of time not exceeding ten years, at such rate of interest, not exceeding the rate of seven per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually. Said bonds may be issued at such time or times, and in such amount or amounts as the progress of the work and the convenience of the corporation may require. Said bonds shall not be sold or negotiated for less than par; and the proceeds of said bonds shall be applied issue bonds to make im provements authorized, not exceed ing thirty thousand dollars. Interest on and issuing bonds. Bonds to be sold at par. to the payment of the costs and expenses of such work, and improvement or improvements, as hereinbefore provided, and to no other purpose whatever. SEC. 3. For the purpose of more fully carrying out the provisions of this act, the council of said municipal corporation, and the clerk thereof, are not required to be governed by section six hundred and sixty-three of an act entitled "an act to provide for the organization and government of municipal corporations," passed May 7, 1869 (O. L., vol. 66, p. 252), as amended April 18, 1870 (O. L, vol. 67, p. 85), as amended February 1, 1873 (O. L., vol. 70, p. 21), as further amended April 8, 1876 (O. L., vol. 73, p. 126.) SEC. 4. The expenses of the improvement or improvements provided for in the first section of this act, shall be assessed and collected in the manner pointed out in chapters forty-nine and fifty, and the several amendments thereto, of which this act is supplementary. SEC. 5. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. C. H. GROSVENOR, Council and clerks are in named. Passed May 4, 1877. AN ACT To amend section nine of an act entitled "an act to amend sections twenty-four, twenty nine, thirty-nine, forty, forty-one, forty-two, forty-four, and forty-five of an act entitled 'an act for the assessment and taxation of property in this State, and for levying taxes thereon according to its true value in money, as amended April 7, 1863,'" passed and took effect May 8, 1863. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That section nine of the above entitled act be so amended as to read as follows: Section 9. There shall be a special board for the equalization of real and personal property, moneys and credits, in cities of the first and second class, to be composed of the county auditor and six citizens of each of said cities, to be appointed by the city council of such city. Said board shall meet annually, at the auditor's office in said cities, on the fourth Monday of May, and shall have power to equalize the value of the real and personal property, moneys and credits within said cities, and shall be governed by the same rules, provisions and limitations that are prescribed for the government of the county boards for the equalization of real and personal properiy, moneys and credits; that said board shall not be authorized to extend its session beyond the fourth Monday in June in each year, and each member of the city board of equalization shall be entitled to recover for each Time and place of meeting of board. Government of board. Per diem compensation of board. day necessarily employed in the performance of the duties enjoined on him by this act two dollars per day, to be paid out of the county treasury on the order of the county auditor. SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. C. H. GROSVENOR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Passed May 4th, 1877. H. W. CURTISS, Duty of innkeepers or public houses to provide fire escapes. Duty of May or to require owners of publichouses to comply with this act. Forfeiture AN ACT To require inn and boarding-house keepers to provide suitable and efficient fire escapes. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That it shall be the duty of all owners or keepers of inns or public houses where travelers or boarders are lodged, to provide suitable and efficient ladders or other safe fire escapes from the different upper stories of such inn or house, to be easily accessible to each lodger, in case of fire. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the mayor of each city or incorporated village, to require the owner or keeper of any inn or public house as described in section one of this act, to provide, in not less than sixty days after such notice shall have been given, such aforesaid ladders or fire escapes, and have the same properly placed, and convenient of access to such lodgers; and if any owner or keeper of such inn or public house, shall neglect or refuse to comply with such requirements for the time specified, he or they shall forfeit not comply when less than fifty nor more than three hundred dollars for each notified. Examination to be made by proper officer every six months. Prosecution of persons offending. month he so fails to comply with the provisions of this act, to be recovered in the name and to the use of such town, in an action for debt. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the mayor of such city or incorporated village, personally or by the police marshal or other officer of said village or city acting under his direction, to carefully examine such inns or public houses once. in six months, and report or require to be reported, all violations of the provisions of this act, to the council of such city or incorporated village, when proceedings shall be commenced without unnecessary delay against the person or persons so offending. SEC. 4. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. C. H. GROSVENOR, H. W. CURTISS, Passed May 5, 1877. AN ACT For the protection of wool-growers, and the confiscation of dogs. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That for the keeping of every dog in this state over the age of three months, the owner thereof shall be assessed, and shall pay into the proper county treasury, each year, the sum of one dollar. The sum so assessed shall be placed upon the tax duplicate, and the collection thereof made and enforced in all respects as taxes. The money so assessed and collected, and all money collected on account of any dog listed by the owner for taxation, according to the provisions of section two of this act, shall constitute a special fund, to be set apart and used for the purposes in this act specified, and not otherwise. SEC. 2. That each township and ward assessor, when taking list of personal property, shall ascertain, by oaths or affirmations of the owners, and make returns upon their statements of personal property, of the number of dogs over three months of age within his jurisdiction, specifying the name of each owner, the number of such dogs kept or har bored by him on the day preceding the second Monday of April; and the owner may list or return for taxation any dog kept by him at any arbitrary valuation he may desire to make, without being qualified thereto, and every such owner shall be taxed upon such dog, according to such return, in addition to special assessment aforesaid: provided, if any owner shall list or return for taxation any dog kept by him, and pay the tax thereon when due, at a valuation exceeding fifty dollars, he shall not be liable to said special assessment. The auditor of state shall provide the several county auditors with the necessary forms for carrying into effect the provisions of this act. SEC. 3. That in making up the tax duplicate the county auditor shall add, opposite the name of every person so returned as the owner of any such dog, the number of such dogs kept or harbored by him, and duplicates and tax receipts shall be so made as to show the amount assessed and collected on account of every such dog so returned. If at any time it shall be made to appear to any county auditor that the return of any dog, as aforesaid, has been omitted, he shail make such return himself, and proceed in respect thereto as if the same had been originally made. SEC. 4. That it shall be unlawful for any dog, unaccompanied by any person to be at large away from the premises occupied by the owner of such dog; and any such owner knowingly permitting any dog to be so at large, except as aforesaid, shall be liable to a fine of five dollars for every such offense, to be collected, with costs of prosecution, in the name of the State of Ohio, before any justice of the peace or mayor having jurisdiction. Assessment on dogs over three months old. Dog tax to be placed on tax duplicate. Moneys so collected to special fund. constitute a Duty of township and ward assessors to as certain owner'sname and number of dogs. Owners of dogs may tion. Proviso. list at arbitrary valua Auditor of state shall furnish forms to carry out provisions of this act. Duty of county auditor in collecting tax. Auditor's duty where made. omissions are Penalty for permitting at large un accompanied by owner. SEC. 5. It shall be lawful for any person to kill any dog found running at large contrary to the provisions of this act. SEC. 6. That if any dog or dogs shall kill, worry, or injure any sheep, lamb, goat, or kid, the owner or owners of such dog or dogs shall be jointly and severally liable to any person so endamaged, to the full amount of injury done by any such dog or dogs. And it shall be the duty of any court before whom the trial for damages aforesaid is had, to declare the dog or dogs found to have occasioned the damages, common nuisances, and shall make an order requiring the defendant to kill such dog or dogs, or cause the same to be done, within twenty-four hours after the rendition of judgment. SEC. 7. That the owner of any dog listed for taxation as aforesaid (but not otherwise), which shall be killed contrary to the provisions of this act, or maliciously injured when not liable to be killed as aforesaid, or shall be carried or enticed away from the premises of the owner for the purpose of being klled or injured, may recover of the person so killing or injuring the same, as exemplary damages, any sum not exceeding that for which such dog stands so returned. SEC. 8. That any person who may be damaged by the killing or injuring of sheep, may present a detailed account of the injury done with the damages claimed therefor, to the county commissioners of the county wherein such sheep were killed or injured, within the first three days of their next regular session in June or December, and shall make it to appear to the satisfaction of said commissioners, upon parol testimony of at least two other persons being freeholders of the neighborhood where the injury was done, that the same is just and reasonable, that such injury was not caused, in whole or in part, by any dog kept or harbored by the owner of such sheep, and that such owner does not know whose dog or dogs committed such injury, or if known and such account reduced to judgment, it could not be collected on execution. Said commissioners shall hear said accounts in the order of filing, and may allow the same or such parts thereof as they may deem right. If satisfied that such account is correct and just, they shall order the payment thereof out of said fund. If such fund shall be insufficient to pay all such claims allowed, in full, they shall be paid pro rata; and if, after paying all such claims at any such session, there should remain more than one thousand dollars of such fund, the excess shall be transferred to the school fund and used for the benefit of common schools in such county. No claim as aforesaid shall be allowed unless presented at the next session as aforesaid after the accruing thereof. SEC. 9. That the word "dog" in this act shall be construed to mean any animal of the dog kind, and the word "owner," when relating to dogs, any keeper or harborer of any dog, or any person permitting a dog to be upon his or her premises. |