Imágenes de páginas

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rection of of the said park commissioners, who shall stand in the missioners. place of and act when required as the common council or street commissioner would be required to act in the premises, and they shall employ an attorney, clerk and surveyor, and such other agents as may be required for the purposes of this act.

May employ officers and agents.

Street and avenue, how laid out.

Width of sidewalks.

§ 6. The said widened street and avenue shall be laid out according to a plan to be devised or adopted by the said park commissioners, the sidewalks thereof, which are contiguous to the said park, shall be thirty feet wide, and the opposite sidewalk shall be twenty feet wide, and seven feet in width of said opposite sidewalk adjoining the lots facing on said street and avenue may be used for court yards or areas, within which to erect porches or stoops to houses, provided the occupants will inclose such court yards or areas with good and sufficient iron or picket fences not exceeding five Paving and feet high. The said street and avenue shall also be

guttering of street and avenue.

Shade trees and walks.

[blocks in formation]

paved, curbed and guttered in such manner as the said park commissioners shall direct, and the said commissioners may plant the same with suitable shade trees on both sides thereof, and construct such carriageways and walks, and make use of such materials of construction or pavements as they shall deem best.

§ 7. All expenses incident to the improvement speci fied in the last preceding section of this act shall, after the completion of the same, be duly certified by the said park commissioners to the board of assessors of the city of Brooklyn, and shall by said board be apportioned and assessed upon the lands within the district of assess ment, so to be fixed by the park commissioners in the same manner as other local improvements, and by law directed to be apportioned and assessed, except that three-fifths of the said assessment shall be laid upon the sides of said street and avenue contiguous to the park, and two-fifths thereof on the opposite side. And the said assessments when laid shall, after confirmation, constitute liens upon the several pieces of property to be charged therewith, and shall be levied and collected in the same manner as other local assessments are levied and collected in said city.

§ 8. This act shall take effect immediately.

Chap. 701.

AN ACT to incorporate the Hillsdale Union
Hall Company.

Passed May 7, 1869.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:



SECTION 1. Joshua H. Bulkeley, Ira J. Winchell, Corpora Owen Bixby, George Sorenberger, Arthur F. Park, Horace G. Westlake, Henry Cornell, Freland Van Deusen, William Wright, Charles Crow, Peter J. Becker, Ezra Burrows and others in the county of Columbia, and their successors, are hereby created a body corpo- Corporate rate, by the name of the Hillsdale Union Hall Company, for the purpose of constructing a building in the Objects and village of Hillsdale, Columbia county, New York, to be purposes. used as a public hall, masonic hall, school room, and for such other purposes deemed proper by the members of said corporation, with power for such purposes to take, by purchase, devise, subject to all provisions of May hold law relative to devises and bequests of last will and personal testament or otherwise, and to hold, lease, transfer and property. convey, real and personal property to the amount of ten thousand dollars.

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§2. The control and disposal of the funds, property Executive and estate, and direction and management of the concerns of said corporation, shall be vested in an execu tive committee, whose powers and duties may be particularly described in the constitution and by-laws of the said corporation. The said executive committee Officers shall consist of the president, the secretary, the treasurer tees. and four trustees of the said corporation, who shall be elected to their respective offices at such times as may be prescribed by the constitution, and by such of the members of said corporation as are or may be entitled by the said constitution and by-laws to vote at such election.


3. The said ten thousand dollars mentioned in the Number of first section of this act, shall be divided into shares of shares of fifty dollars each, to be applied to the purchase of a site How ap and the erection thereon of a suitable building, to be plied.

devoted to the objects specified in the above named section of this act, and also for the purchase of the neces sary furniture for said building, and said shares shall be transferable in such manner as the by-laws of said Manner of corporation may direct; and every shareholder in said elections. corporation shall, while holding and owning said share, be deemed a member thereof, and shall be entitled to vote at all elections for officers of said corporation in manner prescribed by the constitution and by-laws thereof.

voting at

Subscription books to be opened.

Present officers to


§ 4. The president, secretary and treasurer of said corporation may forthwith, after the passage of this act, open books and take subscriptions and receive money for the said building stock of ten thousand dollars of said corporation, in such manner as they may deem most expedient, and to issue to such subscribers the necessary certificates of shares, which shall be signed by the presi dent and secretary.

§ 5. The several officers of said company, at the time continue in of the passage of this act, shall continue to hold their respective offices as officers of the corporation hereby created until their successors shall be elected and inLiability of stalled, and the said corporation shall assume and be liable for all contracts, agreements and liabilities which have been entered into or incurred, previous to the passage of this act, by the officers of the said company or any of them lawfully acting in behalf of the said company.

corpora. tion.


how conducted.



§ 6. The election for officers of said corporation shall be held as directed by the constitution and bylaws thereof.

§ 7. The said corporation shall possess the powers and be subject to the provisions and liabilities of the Revised Statutes relating to incorporations.

§ 8. This act shall take effect immediately.

Chap. 702.

AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act for the incorporation of the New York Harmonic Society," passed April sixteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven.

Passed May 7, 1869.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:



SECTION 1. The sixth section of the act entitled "An Time for act for the incorporation of the New York Harmonic holding Society, passed April sixteenth, eighteen hundred and election for fifty-seven, is hereby amended by striking out the words "and on the first Monday in September in every year succeeding," and inserting in lieu and stead thereof the words "and on the last Monday in June in every year succeeding."

§ 2. This act shall take effect immediately.

Chap. 703.

AN ACT to enable the Board of Public Instruction in the city of Albany to obtain sites for school houses.

Passed May 7, 1869; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

title to


SECTION 1. Whenever the Board of Public Instruction Board may in the city of Albany shall have selected any lot or acquire lots in said city, for the purpose of erecting a school lands, for house thereon, and shall be unable to agree for the pur- house chase of the same, said board shall have the right to acquire title to the same in the manner and by the special proceedings prescribed in this act.


ment of


2. For the purpose of acquiring such title said board Petition for may present a petition praying for the appointment of appoint commissioners of appraisal to the Supreme Court, at any oners of general or special term in the third district. Such peti- appraisal. tion shall be signed and verified according to the rules

Copy of petition, how served.

ings by


Title to vest in city, on pay. ment or


and practice of the court by the president or any member of said board. It must contain a description of the real estate which the board seeks to acquire, and must in effect state the purposes for which such real estate is needed; that the same is necessary for the purpose of building a school house thereon; that the board has not been able to acquire the title thereto and the reason of such inability, and also the names and residence of the parties, so far as the same can by reasonable diligence be ascertained, who own or have a claim to own, or have estates or interests in said real estate; and if any such persons are infants, their ages as near as may be, must be stated, and if any such persons are idiots, or of unsound mind or are unknown, that fact must be stated, together with such other allegations and statements of liens or incumbrances on said real estate as the board may see fit to make.

§3. A copy of such petition, with proof of service of a copy thereof, and of a notice of the time and place of presenting the same, must be served in the manner and on the persons and for the time required by the fourteenth section of the act entitled "An act to authorize the formation of railroad companies and to regulate the same," passed April second, eighteen hundred and fifty, and any amendments thereto; and thereupon said petition may be presented to said Supreme Court, and such proceedings may be had thereon as by the said aot and the amendments thereto are, or may be, authorized in the case of railroad companies desiring to acquire the title to land.

§ 4. On the payment or deposit by said board of the sums to be paid as compensation for said real estate and deposit of for the costs, expenses and counsel fees as may be directed by the order of the said court, made according to the requirements of said act and the amendments thereto, the title to said real estate shall vest in the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of Albany. And said board of public instruction shall be entitled to enter upon and take possession of said land, and to use the Possession same for school purposes. And all persons who have been made parties to the proceedings shall be divested of all right, estate and interest in said land forever.


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