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To amend section twenty of an act entitled "An act for the assessment and taxation of property in this state, and for the levying taxes thereon according to its true value in money," passed April 5, 1859. (S. & С., р. 1447).

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That section twenty of the above recited act be so amended as to read as follows:

Section 20. Each township assessor shall, on or before the third Monday of May, annually, make out and deliver to the auditor of his county, in tabular form and alphabetical order, a list or lists, of the names of the several persons, companies, or corporations, in whose name any personal property, moneys, credits, investments in bonds, stocks, or joint stock companies, or otherwise, shall have been listed in his township, and he shall enter separately in appropriate columns, opposite each name, the aggregate value of the several species of personal property enumerated in the seventh section of this act, as attested by the person required to list the same, or as determined by the assessor, making separate lists of persons residing out of an incorporated town, and of persons who are residents of any incorporated town, or who are residents of any special or separate school district; the columns shall be accurately added up, and in every case where any person whose duty it is to list any personal property, moneys, credits, investments in bonds, stocks, joint stock companies, or otherwise, for taxation, shall have refused or neglected to list the same when called on for that purpose by the assessor, or to take and subscribe an oath or affirmation, in regard to the truth of his statements of personal property, moneys, credits, investments in bonds, stocks, joint stock companies, or otherwise, or any part thereof, when required by the assessor, the assessor shall enter opposite the name of such person, in an appropriate column, the words, "refused to list, or "refused to swear," and in every case where any person required to list property for taxation, shall have been absent or unable from sickness to list the same, the assessor shall enter opposite the name of such person, in an appropriate column, the word "absent" or "sick." SEC. 2. That said section twenty, be and the same is hereby repealed.

SEC. 3. This act shall take effect on its passage.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.


President of the Senate.

Duties of township as


When per

sons refuse to list prop


Passed April 19, 1877.



To amend section eighteen of an act relating to roads and highways, passed March 9, 1868. (O. L., vol. 65, page 19.)

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That section eighteen of the above act be amended so as to read as follows:

Section 18. That if the trustees of any township shall road tax and deem an additional road tax necessary, they shall determine

per centum.

Greater levies must be submitted to


Auditor's duty.

the per centum to be levied upon the taxable property of their respective townships, not exceeding three mills on the dollar; and also determine what amount is necessary to be levied for the purpose of cutting down hills and filling low places and making repairs that may be necessary by reason of any casualty that may occur in the public highways of their respective townships, which shall not in any one year exceed the sum of two hundred dollars, unless the question of a greater levy be submitted to a vote of the qualified voters of the township at a special election called by the trustees for the purpose, and if a majority of the qualified voters at such election shall vote in favor of levying the increased taxes, for the purposes aforesaid, said board of trustees shall certify the same to the county auditor in writing, on or before the first Monday of June in each year, and the auditor of the county shall assess the same on the taxable property in the township, not included in any city or incorporated village, and the same shall be collected in the December installment, and paid out as other taxes, except as hereinafter provided.

SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

C. H. GROSVENOR, Speaker of the House of Representatives.


President of the Senate.

Passed April 20, 1877.


To regulate the Ohio agricultural and mechanical college in Ohio, and to repeal certain acts therein named.

Appointment of board of trustees.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That immediately after the passage of this act, the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, shall appoint a board of trustees of the Ohio agricultural and mechanical college, located at Columbus, Ohio. Said board shall consist of one from each congressional district of the state of Ohio. The government of said college shall be vested in said board of trustees. The governor shall


have power to make said appointments when the senate is
not in session, and in case the senate is not in session at the
time of making said appointments, the trustees so appointed
shall proceed to act upon the certificate of the governor, and
such nomination shall be submitted to the senate at its next


SEC. 2. The members of said board of trustees, and their Term of successors. shall hold their office for the term of six years each: provided, that at the first regular meeting of said board, the members thereof shall determine by lot their respective terms of office, so that, as nearly as may be, onethird sball hold their office for two years, one-third for four years, and one third for six years from the date of the first meeting of the board, or until their successors are appointed and qualified. In case a vacancy occurs, by death, resignation, or otherwise, the appointment shall be for the unexpired term. The trustees shall receive no compensation for Compensatheir services, but they shall be entitled to their reasonable tion. and necessary expenses while occupied in the discharge of their official duties. No trustee, nor relation of any trustee Relatives by blood or marriage, shall be elected or appointed to a pro- appointed. fessorship, or any other official position in the college, or to any place of trust in connection with any monetary interest of the college, the compensation of which is to be paid out of the state treasury, or the agricultural and mechanical college fund, except upon the approval of the governor.

shall not be


SEC. 3. The said board of trustees shall annually appoint Executive an executive committee, to consist of not less than three nor more than five of their own number, who, when the said. board is not in session, shall have the management and control of the affairs of said college, under the direction of said board, and they shall furnish to the board, at every regular meeting thereof, or oftener if required by said board, a full report of their proceedings in the management and control of said college.

SEC. 4. The board of trustees shall have power, and it is hereby made their duty, to secure and keep in the said college a collection of specimens in mineralogy, geology, zoology, botany, and other specimens pertaining to natural history and the sciences; and it shall be the duty of the chief geologist of the state to collect and deposit in the said college, in such manner as shall be directed by the trustees, a full and complete set of specimens as collected by him and his assistants, together with a brief description of the character of the same, and where obtained; and the said specimens shall be properly classified and kept for the benefit of said college.

Powers and duties of

board of trustees.


SEC. 5. The first meeting of the members of the board Meeting of shall be called by the governor, as soon after the appointment of said board as he may deem advisable, to be held at the said college, in Columbus, Ohio. All succeeding meetings shall be called in such manner and at such times as the board may prescribe. The said board shall meet at least

Report to the governor.

Number of copies and distribution thereof.


derived from land scrip.

Compensation of faculty.

once annually, and at such other times as they may think necessary for the best interests of the said college: provided, however, that said meetings shall not exceed two in any one year. A majority of the board of trustees present at any meeting shall constitute a quorum to do business: provided, it shall require a majority of all the board to elect or remove a president or professor.

SEC. 6. The board of trustees shall cause to be made, on or before the first day of January of each year, a report to the governor of the condition of said college; the amount of receipts and disbursements, and for what the disbursements were made; the number of professors, teachers, and other officers, and the position and compensation of each; the number of students in the several departments and classes, and the course of instruction pursued in each; also, an estimate of the expenses of the ensuing year; a statement showing the progress of said college, recording any improvements and experiments made, with their costs, and the results, and such other matters as may be supposed useful. There shall be printed, under the provisions of section seven (7) of the act passed March 30, 1875 (O. L., vol. 72, page 179), in pamphlet form, one thousand copies of said report for the general assembly, one thousand for the president and faculty of said college, and three thousand copies for distribution by the trustees in their several districts, in such manner as they shall deem best for the interests of said college. The president of said college shall transmit by mail, one copy to the secretary of the interior, and one copy to each of the colleges which are or may be endowed under the provisions of the act of congress of July 2, 1862.

SEC. 7. All funds derived from the sale of land scrip issued to the state of Ohio by the United States, in pursuance of the aforesaid act of congress, together with the interest accumulated thereon, shall constitute a part of the irreducible debt of the state, the interest upon which, as provided by the act of February 10, 1870 (O. L, vol. 67, p. 15), shall be paid to the college by the auditor of state, upon the requisition of the commissioners of the sinking fund, issued on the certificate of the secretary of the board of trustees, that the same has been appropriated by said trustees to the endowment, support and maintenance of the college, as provided in the act of congress aforesaid.

SEC. 8. That an act passed April 16, and took effect May 1, 1874 (O. L., vol. 71, p. 78), entitled "an act to amend the act entitled an act to establish and maintain an agricultural and mechanical college in Ohio," and sections ten, twelve, fourteen and sixteen of an act passed and took effect March 22, 1870 (O. L., vol. 67, p. 20), be and they are hereby repealed.

SEC. 9. That the said board of trustees shall fix the compensation for the faculty of said institution, and in fixing the same shall make such part thereof as may be just and reasonable, contingent upon the average attendance of pupils during the current year.

SEC. 10. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

President of the Senate.

Passed April 20, 1877.


Authorizing county commissioners to offer reward for the detection of horse thieves.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the county commissioners of the several counties in this state, are hereby authorized, when they deem the same expedient, to offer such reward, or employ such detectives, as in their judgment the nature of the case may require, for the detection or apprehension of any person or persons charged with or engaged in horse stealing, aiding or abetting the same, and upon the conviction of such person or persons, the county commissioners are authorized to pay such reward, or other compensation, out of the county treasury; but, in no case shall the owner of the stolen horse or horses be entitled to any of said reward.

SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Passed April 21, 1877.

President pro tem. of the Senate.


Regarding the maintenance and repair of streets and alleys, etc., in cities of the first class having a population of more than ninety thousand and less than one hundred and fifty thousand inhabitants at the last federal


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That in all cities of the first class having a population of more than ninety thousand and less than one hundred and fifty thousand inhabitants at the last federal census, and in which shall exist a board of improvements, it

Duty of

board of inprovements

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