Anderson, Wm. B., a delegate from the 5th dis- Appointed to select a commitée.. Resolutions by.. 858 29 Report presented by.. 178, 191, 522 Bill ngs, Henry W., a delegate from the 16th Resolution by.. Board of public charities to be established... 669 235 35 40 [3, 219 .191, 210 Bromwell, Henry P H., a delegate from the 623 758 Resolution by......24, 32, 40, 174, 248, 392, 535 3 363 191 Browning. Orville H, a delegate from the 28th Report presented by.. Resolutions by.. 172 352 .79, 420, 421 Bryar, Silas L., a delegate from the 9th dis- trict, Marion county. Report by.. Resolutiens by. .25, 35, 43, 60, 71, 181, 563 C Calls of the Convention, 446, 487, 523, 560, 591, 592 PAGE. Cameron, Daniel, appointed member of a com- Communications from: 327 530 Gregg, Thomas. Heaton, W. W. 394 Canal and canal lands... Committee rooms, pay allowed for the use of, Henry, L Hewitt, John H.. Hoblitt, Frank.. Holder, Charles W., Treasurer State Board of Education.. Howard, Abraham Hoyne, Thomas. Hurd, H. B.. Illinois State Agricultural Society.. Irwin, Clara C., Miss. Jones, W. B.. Jones, K. K. Kenyon, T. W Lininger, J. B. Lippincott. C. E., Anditor of State.. 6%, 812. [87, 99, 198, 216, 236, 243, 244, 261, 23, 345, Louisiana, St. John. [379, 394, 539, 721, [858 859, 907 531 Lowman, George A. M nford, W. B Marling. M. M McClurken, David. McClaughry, R. W., elerk of Hancock co.. McKee, M. A.. Bailey, Thomas 422 Miles, Stephen W. Baker, E. L.. editor State Journal. 425 Moffat, W. T... Munsel, Oliver S ..267, 322, 555, 919 Bates, Erastus N, State Treasurer. 181 865 Boise, John P. Murphy, J. F.. Myers, Sidney, Recording Secretary of the 561 Osgood, Uri.. Bonney, C. C....... 346 Brain, Mary E.. Orville N. Ellis, M. D., telegram 372 Palmer, John M., Governor of the State of Brook, M. L.. 403 Illinois Bryant, J. H., President of the Convention Pearse, W. L.. of Farmers at Bloomington.. 684 Pieper, J. H... Bunn, John W., Treas. Illinois Industrial Potter, William.. University.. 669 Pratt, Grand Burgess, William T.. Cally, R. Candel, H. H. 403 Carpenter, Philo. 318 Champlin, J. C., of Ottawa....... Citizens of various counties 562 66 Mercer and Warren..... 351 President of the Priory.. Pursells. Dell Quinn, J. H. Randolph, Charles, Secretary of the Board of Trade of Chicago Richards, J. J.. Richard. Ben. H. Roberts, Charles L Rummell, Edward, Secretary of State.. Sanford, E. Schnebely, J. H.. Schween, W Scott Lawson Siles, David... [289, 9 Simmons, John K., clerk of the city of W saw.. Sedgwick, S. P. Coulin, Philip.... 289 Connor, P.. Captain Emmet Guards. .... 456 Cortenius, Mrs... 601 Crain, J. A... 224 Culver, Page & Hoyne, Stationers... 892 Sheller, T. H Davis, Charles J 403 Shupelt, Geo. A.. Somers, W. D. Dubois, Jesse K 425 Edwards, Ninian W., cost of the Illinois and Smith, George S. Michigan Canal .. 347 Emerson, George... 369 Souie, Peleg Ewing, Christ. 369 Smiley, C. E.. Snowden, George. Stanberry, W take charge of the Matteson Esta Starne, Alexander, Trustee appoi Divorce.... ..5, 6 H Duel.. 705 E Haines, John C., a delegate from the 59th dis- Appointed to serve on a committee of inves- tigation Resolutions by 937 .40, 48, 98, 175, 18, 238 Hancock county.. Ordinance and telegram presented by. 31. 32, 211 Resolutions by. ..31, 38, 60, 233, 246 Embezzlement.. Emigration.. 72 Emmerson, Charles, a delegate from the 40th district, Champaign, Macon, Moultrie and Resolutions hy. Pike counties.. ..4, 9 [3. 43, 379 Death of.. 622 tem. 617 |