Imágenes de páginas

bour would be saved, would be very import-
ant in its effects on our literature.

some maps of the States: for instance, | art by which two thirds of the manual la-
Harper's Ferry, Shepherdstown, and Bath,
all in the same neighbourhood, in Virginia,
are no where to be found. We have allud-
ed to this defect, in the hope that the pro-
prietor may bring the plates again under
the graver, and render the work as full
and as perfect as is consistent with its na-


The Analytic Guide and Authentic Key to
the Art of Short Hand Writing. By
M. T. C. Gould. Third Edition. New
Haven, 1824. 16mo. pp. 35.

THE Science of Stenography is now so
much simplified, and is reduced so well to
a system, that it requires not more than a
month's study and practice to learn it, for
those who have acquired a ready use of the
pen by common writing. We mean that it
will require no greater actual expense of
labour; for, after that time, it may be writ-
ten and read with such facility, that no
more time will be lost. A great deal of
practice is necessary to enable one to write
a discourse accurately, as fast as it is de-
livered. By writing in this way a half an
hour each day for a year, most persons
would probably acquire a facility in it,
which would save at least half of their or-
dinary labour. This applies, of course, to
such writings as one designs only for his
own use; for, until this art becomes more
generally known, we can seldom write in
this way what we expect others to read.

Few persons will become proficients in this art, without the aid of an instructer. Those who have left school think they cannot spare time to learn the art of saving time. The science must be taught in our schools before many will profit by it; but we are decidedly of the opinion that it should be introduced into our colleges and academies, and be considered essential in a liberal education. We have not a doubt that every scholar, on finishing his college studies, would find that it had saved him as much time as it had cost. Nothing, therefore, would be lost; and all, who afterwards engaged in literary pursuits, would find it of very great value.

The little work before us is very well executed, and is the best we have seen. In this form it is designed for those who wish to acquire the art without the aid of an instructer. Some parts of it will present considerable difficulties; but they will be readily overcome by those who are resolved to learn. We learn from the Advertisement, that "the same theory has been published on a card, in a letter so large, as to be legible to a whole school at once, thus materially abridging the labour of teaching, and reducing the expense of systems, from dollars to cents." All this is very well; and we hope the public will reward Mr Gould, for labours from which they may derive much benefit.

not exert irresistible influence, until it has become a matter of business. Since then, actors are such interesting folk, a book purporting to narrate their lives, and to give into the bargain, "Original Anecdotes and Choice Poetry," ought to have been a very pleasant book indeed. But so many people are talked about, that all the narratives,—or almost all,—are meagre. Most of the poetry would not be our choice, though it may be that of the biographer. The anecdotes are about all that redeem the book from the charge of unbroken dulness. Of them, some are very good and entertaining, and in truth we should hardly have troubled ourselves to notice the work, but that certain circumstances which occurred in our own land are mentioned here, and it may amuse our readers to learn the anecdotes about us which circulate in English books.

Mr and Mrs Bartley must be well remembered by all who enjoyed the pleasure of witnessing the public exercise of their profession, or of meeting them in private life. The following anecdote about them had some foundation in fact, but unless we were deceived at the time, or now misrecollect, it was not altogether adequate to support the superstructure which our biographer has raised.

A curious instance of the laudable spirit which governs some of the Puritans in America, occurred at Hertford (the Capital of the State of Connecticut), during the visit of Mr and Mrs Bartley. It happened as they were going their first journey from New York to Boston, that they halted to breakfast at the principal hotel in Hertford. It was soon known that they were in the city, and be The Biography of the British Stage; being fore Mr Bartley had finished his meal, the landlord Correct Narratives of the Lives of all informed him that several gentlemen were in an the principal Actors and Actresses, at adjoining room, and requested to speak with him. Mr Bartley waited upon them, and they explained Drury-Lane, Covent-Garden, the Hay to him that the fame which had attended Mrs Bartmarket, the Lyceum, the Surrey, the Co-ley in New York, made them most anxious to have burg, and the Adelphi Theatres. Interspersed with Original Anecdotes and Choice and Illustrative Poetry. To which is added a Comic Poem, entitled "The Actress." New York, 1824. 12mo. pp. 267.

Many persons are troubled while composing, by having their thoughts run faster than their pens. Their minds become confused by the frequent necessity of looking back to the ideas which the pen is slowly expressing, while the principal attention and interest are directed to ideas, to be expressed some minutes, or perhaps an hour afterwards. A great deal of time is lost by the pauses which must often be made, for the purpose of recalling and arranging ideas, which had been well conceived, but could not be expressed. This process of recollection and arrangement must often THIS is a pretty dull book, if one considers be many times repeated; and the ideas how very entertaining it must have been if may well lose the vivid character and en- well executed. Most eminent actors are ergetic expression which they would have men of strange characters and strange acexhibited, if they had come forth as they cidents. They are also men of wit, and were conceived. It is doubtless useful that the vicissitudes of their profession compel we should write somewhat more slowly than them to become men of expedients; their we think, that the mind may reflect before profession is not only a peculiar one, a great it asserts; but enough of this advantage way off from the common walks of life, must always remain. Stenography can but it is a profession of pure entertainnever keep pace with thought; and after ment. Actors and actresses, have but one an idea is expressed, it may be reexamined, object,-to amuse; and just in proportion and the language corrected. Most persons can correct their language and sentiments, better after, than before, they are written. We are not attempting to give a full view of this subject, and we are aware that something of considerable weight may be urged against the importance of facilitating the labour of writing. But it is, on the whole, certain, that all who write much, desire to shorten the process; and consider it very important to be able to write rapidly. It might almost be believed, that an

as they succeed in this, they win the world-
iy goods which poor human nature cannot
help coveting. Powerful motives always
produce proportionate effects; and certain
it is, that theatrical amusements do ex-
cite a more general and a more intense in-
terest than any mode of "killing the ene-
my," which the victims of ennui have yet
discovered, This we take to be absolute-
ly true; if any exception were allowed, it
must be in favour of gambling; but let
it be recollected that the card-table does

an opportunity of witnessing her talents in Hertford; that they had no theatre, but a tolerably large Assembly-room, which they would fill, if she would engage to give readings or recitations. It was soon agreed that she should do so on her return from Boston. The night was fixed, and the room crowded to excess. Her readings from Milton and Shakspeare were highly approved, and she her next visit. The inhabitants of Hertford appromised to repeat them on her way to Boston, at prized themselves of the period of her next engage ment at Boston, and wrote to Mr Bartley, requesting him to add his quota to the promised evening's but no sooner was the announcement made, than entertainment at Hertford. This was acceded to, the rigid and puritanical part of the community set up an outcry against these repeated innovations, and Mr Ebenezer Huntingdon (the Attorney-General of the State) resolved to put into execution a dormant act of the legislature, against the perform. (wholly unconscious of what had been threatened) ances. In the mean time Mr and Mrs Bartley arrived, and were received as warmly as ever. The hour of performance having approached, the room was again crowded, and all was on the eve of commencement, when a letter addressed to the landlord of the hotel in which the assembly-room stating, that if Mr and Mrs Bartley proceeded to was situated, came from Ebenezer Huntingdon, their unlawful practices, he would prosecute them under the existing law of the State. The contents of this letter were concealed from Mr Bartley, and the performances went off with great eclat.

Shortly after Mr and Mrs Bartley had retired to rest that night, the myrmidons of Ebenezer came with a writ, to serve it on the unconscious offend

ers. The singularity of the proceedings, together with the indelicacy of selecting the hour of midnight as the proper period for the execution of the process, aroused the indignation of several gentlemen who were still in the hotel, and they gave their personal securities to produce Mr Bartley the next day, or to answer the consequences, at the same time depositing five hundred dollars to meet the expenses of the suit. A tremendous fall of snow rendered the roads impassable on the following day, and Mr and Mrs Bartley were consequently detained. Still the whole transaction was carefully kept from their knowledge; but some legal persons who interested themselves greatly in the matter, and differing as to the construction of the law from the Attorney-General, put the question in a train of judicial hearing, and were adventurous enough to invite Mr and Mrs Bartley to repeat the entertainments that evening, as the weather was so unfavourable to the prosecution of their journey to Boston. They were still unconscious of what had happened; and it was not until after some grave argumentation in the court of justice, and a decision favourable to the accused, that Mrs Bartley was made acquainted with all that had occurred, by the gentlemen, who had so spiritedly defended the prosecution at their own risk.


He took leave on the 6th of October in Othello.


Kean had too little prudence as well as too much child needs to read history in detail, more spirit, to bow before the coming tempest: accord- than one who has acquired what may be ingly when he first appeared in Richard, he was called a manly knowledge of human nagreeted with laughter and hisses, even in the first scene: for some time his patience was proof against Goldsmith's histories are quite as the worst efforts of malignity, till at last, irritated concise as works of this kind can be, to do by continued opposition, he applied the words of any good. Tytler is excellent as a book for the scene to his auditors, and boldly addressed the reviewing and reference, but in a good pit withmeasure useless to children. We speak from much experience, or should be less confident.

"Unmannered DOGS, stand ye when I command!"
The clamour of course increased, and only paused
a moment in expectation of an apology. In this,
however, they were deceived; so far from attempt
ing to soothe their wounded pride, Kean came for-
ward and told them, "that the only proof of un-
derstanding they had ever given, was the proper
application of the few words he had just uttered."
The manager now thought proper to interfere, and
the part of Richard was given to a man of less
ability, but in higher favour with the brutal audi-


If either of the Catechisms of this class

is worth anything, it is that on Jewish Antiquities. Children who have been accustomed to read their Bibles, have acquired much of that sort of interest, and some of that knowledge, which would qualify them for studying this book with advantage.

With respect to those on Botany, Astronomy, and Chemistry, it must be said, that Irving's Catechisms, in Twelve Parts; in these sciences in too small a compass, he in endeavouring to give a general view of cluding Universal History; Grecian An- gives none that is comprehensible by chiltiquities; Grecian History; Roman Anti-dren. We shall justify this remark by a quities; Roman History; Classical Bifew quotatations. ography; Mythology; Jewish Antiquities; History of England; Astronomy; Chemistry; and Botany. New York,


In the Catechism of Astronomy, page 15.

Q. What is the use of the diurnal motion of the Sun.

A. It seems probable that the Sun's diurnal motion is to throw of [off] centrifugal light, through the zodiac, giving annual and diurnal motion to the planets.

Many wise men refuse to admit this theory, because they cannot see that it rests on sufficient proof,-and cannot understand it, and what will children do?

Again, page 16.

Q. Was not the Sun formerly supposed to be a

body of fire?

A. The Sun was formerly supposed to be a body of fire; but experience has proved not only the tops of the mountains, but the upper regions of the atmosphere, to be intensely cold.

All our readers must have heard of,-and none can have forgotten Kean,-and the Kean-mania which raged for a considerable season, not only in our good "city of notions," but also in the larger capitals of the Southward. This folly was laughed at THESE are American editions of English at the time by many who indulged in it; it publications. On each of the above subhas since been laughed at as an exceeding-jects there is a little 16mo volume; they ly ridiculous absurdity, by all. But as average about ninety pages. Several of measure of precaution against its the English Reviews give them a very high ance, we will, with the help of our author, character, but we have not been disposed acquaint our dear public with the fact, that to let them pass with this commendation all this precious nonsense was carried without examining them carefully, because straight across the waters, and put into we are aware that reviewers generally give English books; and doubtless as occasion too little attention to school books, and serves, it will be made to do good service much injury is done by unmerited praise. in settling our national reputation. The result of our examination is, that they are constucted in a manner calculated to give the scholar but little useful information. Those on History, and Antiquities, This argument, besides being unintelligiconsist of facts stated in a manner so ab- ble to children, is totally nugatory. No stract and disconnected, that the volumes one doubts that we depend for heat on the have scarcely a single advantage over our Sun. There are various theories respectcommon chronological tables. It needs but ing the manner in which it is produced, little observation or experience, to teach, but the fact that the upper regions of the that children can derive no benefit from atmosphere are cold, militates equally, if at such works. The mind acquires no inter-all, against all these theories. The fact is est in a subject, upon which it is occupied not generally considered one which it is only for a moment; and if the facts stated very difficult to explain. are learned, it is only as a task. Would it not be a foolish labour for a child to commit to memory, or even to read, merely the tables of contents in our common histories? Yet this would give them about the same real historical knowledge as can be obtained from these Catechisms.

On the 11th he embarked for New York, where he arrived on the 10th of November, and made his debut on the 29th as Richard III. So highly was public curiosity excited, that many people are said to have come from Philadelphia, a distance of ninety miles, for the sole purpose of seeing his perform ance; and the receipts, which before his arrival had seldom amounted to one thousand dollars per week, now produced more than that sum nightly. On the 28th of December, some gentlemen of New York gave him a public dinner at the City Hotel, after which he set out for Philadelphia. From Philadelphia he proceeded to Boston, where the demand for places to witness his performance was so great that they were actually disposed of by auction. He returned to New York in April, played again at Philadelphia in May, and again visited Boston, but not meeting there on this occasion the same warmth of approbation which he obtained on his first visit, he quitted the Theatre in disgust, leaving the manager to appease the audience in the best way he could. He arrived at New York for the third time on the 28th of May, with the intention of continuing his performances there, but finding that a strong prejudice had been excited against him by his conduct at Boston, and that the Americans were determined to resent it, he resolved to leave America immediately. Accordingly be sailed on the 8th of June, and reached Liverpool in the third week of July, after an absence of nine months. There is another anecdote related, which is quite illustrative of the general habits of the gentleman who " quitted the Theatre in disgust." He had got into some difficulty in London which put the London audience rather out of conceit with him.

Q. Of what does the Earth consist? A. The Earth is a solid body of terrestrial matter, nearly globular.

ter! This must be interesting information The Earth is composed of terrestrial matto a child; it is fortunate that most dictionaries could impart it to him.

We believe that the common method of Besides the fault of stating facts, which, teaching history is very defective. begin usually with works of general histo- telligible, all the Catechisms abound with We with so little explanation, are totally uninry, or those which state only a few of the sentences most barbarously constructed, most prominent facts relating to all na- and the number of typographical errors tions, and to all periods. No person ever and gross misstatements of fact, renders acquired a taste for history by this drudge-the works disgraceful to the author, the ry. What can be more absurd than to ex- American editor, and the printer. pect a child to form any distinct and valu- shall give a few more extracts, both to able idea of the celebrated men and dis- show what we mean, and to prove that we tinguished events of all ages and nations, do not find fault unjustly. from one or two octavos? He might as well be expected to learn geometry, merely from reading the axioms in Euclid. A


Q. What is meant by an annual [annular} eclipse?

A. An annual eclipse is a partial central eclipse,


when the Earth is at a distance, and the Moon has | Letters from the South and West. By Ar-delphia forever! a Greek compound, you perceive, a luminous ring round her body.

Q. What is the ring?

A. The luminous ring round the Moon, in a central partial eclipse, is the body of the Sun, not able to cover, so as to obscure the whole Moon's disc.

Having informed us, Cat. of Pract. Chem. page, 10, that we could have no cold water, were it not for the atmosphere, because it would evaporate at a low temperature, he thus proceeds.

Q. How is water secured to us by means of atmospheric air?

A. The pressure of the atmosphere upon the

water, confines it down, and prevents the heat of

the sun from turning it into vapour.

As to the fact, every exhausted receiver proves, that water evaporates in a vacuum, at a temperature but little lower than 212°. As to the principle, we suppose that the air holds a stone down, and makes it weigh

more than it would in a vacuum;-and that

thur Singleton, Esq. Boston, 1824. 8vo.
pp. 159.

signifying brotherly-love; is as level as a Quaker's broad brim. The day after my arrival, I ascended the almost only eminence in the city, one of the two THIS book has quite disappointed us. From shot-towers, to spy down upon it. It appears not certain newspaper remarks, and one or two unlike a horizontal Brodingnagian brick-kiln; long never-ending blocks of brick, with little holes at little things which rumour brought to our bottom to creep in at; and little holes at top to ears, we expected to find it rather flat. It peep out at. At this altitude, the eager currents of is, however, a very amusing book, and what human beings appear diminished into a small folk, is almost as good, quite a sensible book. Sin-like Lilliputians; all, like the armies of the grandgleton is a nom de guerre-but we are well son of Cyrus, in a hundred years, to be no more. The city, which is six score of miles from the sea persuaded that the true name which it con- by the channel, is spread upon the isthmus between ceals, will be known some of these days, the Delaware, and the Schuylkill, half a score of pretty widely. The style is good, though miles above their confluence. These two rivers, very careless; sometimes obsolete or un-east and west of the city, are, the one grand, the appropriate words and phrases are used, other picturesque; and the elegant light broad-the ornaments are not always in good spanned arch thrown over the latter by our townstaste; and a little of the occasional elo- Delaware waters were, last winter, so consolidated, quence might have been very safely nipt opposite the city, that a festive ox was roasted in the bud. But all the letters are written whole upon the ice. Although this river is now with great liveliness; the remarks are gen- floating ships too and fro from all nations, once was the time, when, if a ship arrived from Europe; the

man Palmer, recalls agreeable associations. The

water holds all the heavier bodies down.erally ingenious, and sometimes extremely citizens used to chime Christ-church bells.

acute. Mingled with a great deal of huand makes them weigh more than theymour, there are some strokes of fine wit,

would in air!

Q. Where is gold obtained?

A. Gold is found in Africa, Hungary, Spain, and

France, in small grains, termed gold dust.

We had adopted the vulgar notion, that America occasionally produces some gold. Q. What are the qualities of silver? A. Silver is of a white colour, unalterable by fire, and very tenacious. T. Describe how clothes retain the heat of the body.

P. In this climate the temperature of the atmosphere is inferior to that of the body; consequently, clothes are necessary to prevent the heat of the body, which has been separated from the air by the lungs, from suddenly escaping.


Our readers will not need to be told, that clothes keep us warm, because they are not so good conductors of caloric, as the air. It is news to us, that the heat of the body is separated from the air by the lungs. the author intends to advert to the theory, that by the absorption of oxygen into the blood, latent becomes sensible heat, and thus the animal heat is created and supplied, he should have expressed himself somewhat more intelligibly,-though it would have been better to let the subject alone.

We will teaze our readers with only one example more. In the Grecian Antiquities, the country is said to have been three hundred and eighty miles long, and three hundred and ten broad. In the Grecian History its dismensions are stated at four hundred in length, and one hundred and fifty the greatest breadth.

In a previous number we expressd our opinion of the colloquial method of composing school books. We have never seen it exhibited in a form involving so much foolish and tedious repetition, as in these Catechisms. On the whole, as we are desirous of saying what we can in praise of works of which we are obliged to say so much that is not praise, we shall concede, that those who are reviewing the studies to which these relate, might obtain many important facts from them at little expense; and the numerous errors might serve a useful purpose, as examples of false syntax in the study of grammar.

From Market-street wharf, upon which Franklin first landed, one has a fine view of Jersey-shore, opposite; and of the Mariner's, Hotel, fitted from the hull of a large ship, with an ensign for a sign, and moored on the middle of the river. The Delaware is daily crossed by steam-boats, with their broad dusky pennons of steam trailing behind; and by team-boats, which wheel along the water, propelled by horses on board in circular motion. About four miles above the city, on the west banks of the river, are the almost forgotten ruins of the mansion of William Penn, upon whose top was once, it is said, a leaden fish-pond. It is a curious fact in Natural History, that the environs of this city, and of Jersey, are visited, once in seventeen years, with locusts in Egyptian multitudes. Most places this way, even if small, are chartered mon council; and I trust that Boston will soon with their mayor, recorder, aldermen, and compersuade its honest township into a lordly city: inasmuch as green-turtles are plenty. Soon after my arrival, a report of peace convulsed the whole city into ecstacies.

and the language is evidently that of one
who has words at will, and considerable
skill in the use of them. That the author
travelled; that he went,-generally speak-
ing,-where he says he did, and actually
saw most of what he says he saw, we be-
lieve, because there is an air of truth and
reality about his narrations and remarks,
which is quite convincing. But we must
suppose that he now and then locates a
floating story when he can find a good
home for it, and is generally disposed to put
things in a striking light, and fill up a de-
fective outline rather than leave a lamenta-
ble hiatus,—and sometimes takes occasion
to forget whether he saw or heard of some
clever incident and in short, remembered
that he was a traveller, and was by no
means peculiarly unwilling to avail him-
self of the ex-officio license which attaches
to that character; or else we must granted the tapers. ***
that Arthur Singleton, Esq. had most re-
markable luck, in finding provided for him,
wherever he went, an unfailing supply of
excellent matter to make letters out of.

These letters strike us as having been
written lately from materials gathered some
years since. Mr Singleton is supposed to be
travelling during the late war; but there is
something too much of freshness about his
correspondence to allow us to believe that it
has lain in his drawer for Horace's "nine
years." We rather suppose that these
letters were then written, and have since
become the foundation of the letters now

Illumination! illumination!

Briareus, with his hundred hands, was wanted, to light the flambeaux of rejoicing. Soon, however, a counter-report palsied the spirits, and extinguish

There are not so many men of letters in Phila

delphia, nor in New York, in ratio of population, as in Boston. Boston is the Edinburgh of litera


ture in America. Philadelphia and New York are the London and Liverpool of commerce. Philadelphians, in reverse to the New Yorkers, are called a cold, cautious, calculating, hard-to-be-acquainted-with people; especially to one of still, withdrawing habitudes. Although a mottled mass dreds, yet they appear, to use a phrase of one of of heterogeneous citizens, of all tongues and kintheir own late nondescript pamphleteers, to unite into a peaceable "reciprocity of commutuality." There are here fewer distinctions of caste, than in other cities; owing probably to the equalizing doctrines of the Quakers. ***

The Philadelphians are a neat folk. Come Saturday evening, and every besom in the city is They are six in number; from Philadel- alive; every servant astir, out before the frontphia, Washington, Virginia, Kentucky, door, to sweep the flag-stones, and bricked sideNew Orleans, and the Gulf of Mexico. walks, for the sabbath. Better had one not adWe rather prefer that from Philadelphia to venture along on that evening, as he would eschew suffocation, or demolition by the whirligig besoms. those which follow it;-though the interest However, that one madam is not exactly as neat as of the work is well sustained throughout. another madam here, more than in other cities, I The following extracts, from the first let- denote from the varying degrees of lustre upon the ter, may amuse our readers, and will give brazen knockers, and bell-knobs. How much triv them a very fair idea of the general char-ial differences prejudice the taste towards the inacter, and merits and demerits of the book,

Dear Brother,

mercenary squares, every citizen seems bandying dwellers. As you elbow along the lower, and more cent per cent, discount, advance sterling, invoices; This city, which is the great metropolis of all as uncongenial as hellebore to me; who would Penn's Woodland, and which was eulogized by rather see a gallant book launch from the press, Him of Tarsus, 'H Piñadiλpía pivira; Phila-than a gallant ship loom into port. In travers

ing populous cities, how convenient were it to have leave home, you will not be aware how many pro- | the cobra, or snake-stone; came from the East Infour faces, to avoid the collision of the crowd; but vincial, and fatherless and motherless heathenisms, dies, and were left in gratitude by a foreigner, many there appears to be no prospect of there being any are used in daily parle by some New Englanders; years ago, with directions how to be used, but were immediate improvements in the species. An an- although they justly take pride in being more literate long neglected. At length, it was resolved to make noyance in most cities is the populace of little cur- than most other states. For ensample:-they use trial of one, and it succeeded; and has since suctail yelpers; not altogether, whether free or in vas- the word conduct as a neuter verb; the substantive ceeded in very many cases; the patients coming salage, worth one groat to any one person. If a dog progress as a verb; and stop short at the sign of from a far land. The stones are about an inch and have a real value, then is there an excuse for keep- the infinitive mood, as, she can sing if she chooses a half cube; resemble a piece of hone, or hard ing him; but one case of hydrophobia, of late so to; i. e. to sing. They say, flowers wilt for wither, soap; and are powerful astringents and absorbents. frequent, is a powerful reason for collaring and tax- thus used in Salmagundi; tip up for tilt up, so used When put into warm water from the wound, they ing the whole canine family. As you muse along in the Pilgrim's Progress; transmogrified, used by discolour it with matter drawn from the blood. One up out of these lower regions, into the central Smollet; heft, old Saxon, for weight; serious for is owned by a company, who bought it for four wards, the heart is frequently refreshed by the sight religious; rungs for rounds of a ladder; sauce for hundred dollars, and deposited it with a physician, of airy young misses sitting at the open front doors, vegetables; gunning for shooting; tackling for har- at Tappahannock, for the use of the proprietors. and windows. A few days after I came here, as Iness; notions for articles; birth for office; scrawls The other is owned by a private man, Mr Sale, who went expatiating along the sidewalks, near Chesnut for faggots; fix for fixure; spry for nimble; lengthy derives from it a revenue; the patient boarding and Fourth, I was startled by a sudden snapping for lengthened; lick for strike; hang the horse; with him, and paying twenty dollars for the stone. noise behind me, and stared about for some varlet's had not ought; to convene for to be convenient; All the danger is, lest there should be some little whip. It was only two loving young ladies kissing complected for complexioned; slump; jounce for scratch not perceived in time; or too many wounds each other upon meeting; a not uncommon, and a jolt; chunky for chubby; slushy for sloppy; smash for the stone to be applied to in season, before the very sweet custom, if also the gentlemen might for quash; and so on. And in pronunciation, they whole system be tainted. Although somewhat inpartake with them. As you approach towards the do not aspirate the h in many words, as wich for credulus odi myself, I have been thus particular, market-house, which is supported by about three which, were for where, wen for when; and they because, relying on respectable and repeated testihundred brick pillars, and extends up and down flatten other words, as na-ter for nat-ure, vir-too for monies, I deem it of the price of human life, that for half a mile, in its various departments of flesh, virt-ue, with many more. All such backbiters of such, if possible, be procured and experimented in fish, and fruit, and is one of the most abundant and the king's English should be eschewed by every hospitals in populous cities. choice in the world, and under an excellent police; scholar, as he would eschew mean company. Howthe ear is regaled with the cries of:-" pepper-pot, ever, you need not hence conclude all the rest of right hot;" "hot corn, hot corn;"" oys, oys, poor the states to be perfect in phraseology. The PhilaJack wants his money for selling pickled oysters;" delphians, beside many of the above, have some softening the discordant gutturals:-"uch, uch, uch, peculiarities of their own, as:-like I used, for as I oaruch," of the half naked sweeps. When will a used; did not let on, for did not explain; get shut lady Montague arise, in this country, who will of a thing, for get rid of a thing; durst I go, for honour herself, by giving a welcome festival to may I go? leave me do this, for permit me to do these half famished wretches, on the return of each this; little bit of time; this is queer, for this is annual May-day? Monopolizers sometimes en strange; the dear knows, for the demon knows; deavour to circumvent the market, and thus specu- and the flat emphasis of a, as payer for pa'a; mayer late upon the poor. It is an unfair sight, to see for ma'a. But at the South, and the West, there women guiding their carry-alls to pamper the city may you hear idiomatic vulgarisms rivalling the with their luscious melons, without a man; although Eastern; and if I go thither, I will endeavour to far in Maine, I once saw red-armed women plying turn the tables upon them in these matters. Thus, the oar for a score of miles to market in an open as you coveted notices, rather than sentiment, I boat. The women of the city, and not the men, have detailed some of those minute insignificancies, do the chief chaffering, going with the sun to the which arrest the observation of a stranger, but mart, with a servant behind elbowing the basket. which, in a few weeks, become familiarized; and, Here every article goes by fip's, so many fi'p's I trust, a livelier picture of the city is thus given, (about five pennies) a piece or dozen. On one than would be given from more general traits; but, side of the market, has sojourned for many years after all, compared with the country, a city, as our a dwarf, as he is called, for exhibition; but he is friend the doctor would say, is but a crucible of what I call an imperfect man; since his head and noxious gases. Now, macte virtute, mî frater, body are stout as Samson's, his lower extremities vale atque vive! dwindled and twined into the fish-shape of a mer


Now I comprehend a dwarf to be a minikin, a biped humanly symmetrical, but in miniature. His ushering cicerone looked like Death in the Primer. At first view, the pygmean giant appeared to be so full of health, as to be almost sick. But, indeed, he had such a power of infirmities, each opposing the other, that, to save his life, he could not die, until he got the better of them. When I visit any such object of commiseration, my rule is, to look sharp, but take no notice. If he had lived in the days, and country, of Scarron, he might have applied to be second valetudinarian to her majesty. Near the lower market, at a shop door, in a cage has long hung a dusky mocking bird, which imitates the everchanging noises, and cries, in the street, with wonderful accuracy. I thought of Sterne's pathetic starling :-"I can't get out;" "I can't get out." It is difficult, for some time, for a rural stranger to sleep in a city, on account of the


rumbling, and rattling, in the streets; but, after while, if half the city were to crash down, he would esteem it a matter of course, and not awake. It is very agreeable to repose in bed, and to hear the lanterned watchmen, as they perambulate the wards, which in a dark evening are lighted with near a thousand lamps, sing out:-" past eleven o' clock, and a cloudy night;" "three o'clock, and a bright star-light;" and thus to strike the slow-passing note of time, through all the weary watches of

their walks.

I notice, in this city, the Eastern habit of balancing back upon the chair's hind legs; a posture in which Burns tells us he used to sit in his ruminating mood; and also of vexing the living coals, al though they glow never so fiercely. Until you

The picture of Washington is correct, and pleasant enough, but not very striking; -and our only additional extract shall be from the last letter. Mr S. had found himself in New Orleans rather longer than was consistent with his safety, and sailed for a northern port.

We had not been in the Gulf long, before the commander found that he had shipped Death among his steerage passengers. The yellow plague was on board. At the moon's first quarter, and within three hours of each other, two died. When a man dies at sea, a couple of mariners roll up the dead body in a sheet, or blanket; and, with their stout steel three-edged marline-needles, seam it tight, so as to shape it to the head and trunk. A plank is laid from the head of a barrel to the leeward side of the ship, upon which the corpse is extended, having an iron fifty-six appended to the feet. Then, while the officers, and the blue-jerkined shipmen, all stand solemnly round, with their heads uncovered, the burial service is read at the head of the dead, and the corse is slowly, and sacredly launchlar fashion which our author has of rambling there to remain, until the sea shall give up her Our readers will observe at once, a singu- ed overboard, and sinks standing, and floating, at a certain number of fathoms deep, in the ocean; from subject to subject, without either no- dead. Mariners are contradictory beings; these tice or provocation. This is carried so far bibulous hearts of oak would feelingly render any, as to create occasionally some little confu- the most menial, service to the sick; and somesion. A remark or statement of fact, is re- times would their rough hands dash a tear from ferred to the sentence before or after it, their weather-beaten cheeks; and yet would they, until the reader is taught by the utter non- perhaps, jest on the body as they were seaming up the corse. In about a week after the first two, and sense he thus makes, to let it stand by it-again within a few hours of each other, in the self. In one of the paragraphs just quoted, morning, died two more, and were buried in the the writer jumps from hydrophobia to airy sea. A day after, a fifth steerage passenger died young misses, thence, by the way of kiss- also on deck, and followed his four dead messmates into the overwhelming abysses. Thus, within ten ing,-to "pepper-pot, right-hot;"-from days, died, of this most repelling, and fatal disease, chimney sweeps to Lady Montague, five men, being one half of the steerage passenthence to women who drive and ought not to gers; leaving two others sick. One that died was a drive,-and then lights upon a hideous cripple. lustly pillar of strength, and portrait of health; In his letter from Virginia, one of those and yet he fell, and faded, in one day. These sad extraordinary circumstances is related, deaths will quarantine us, for a half month or more, at Tinicum Island. These unhappy men seemed which it is about equally difficult, to be- little affected at their fate; and why was it that I lieve, to deny, or to explain. myself was more affected at the death of the first, than of the last one; when, assuredly, my grief ought to have increased with the increased cause for sorrow. I repeated the sublime and solemn burial-service over the dead bodies of the two last; as we committed "the bodies to their place, their souls to Heaven's grace, and the rest in God's own time."

The chief sickness, in this ancientest dominion, is in the autumn; when you may chance to shake, on one day, so that you cannot hold into your chair: and, on the next, to burn so as to scorch your clothes. In this vicinity, they do not often suffer from hydrophobia; although surrounded by families of hounds, pointers, and spaniels. They have a method of preventing a dog from running rabid, by cutting out the worm under his tongue. Be sides, near Loretto, they have a reputed remedy against canine rabiosity; two mad-dog stones, of long-extolled efficacy. They are a little similar to

The Philosophy of Natural History, by William Smellie, Member of the Antiquarian and Royal Societies of Edinburgh.


With an Introduction and various Addi- late improvements in Comparative Anatotions and Alterations, intended to adapt it my and Physiology, sciences which, as is to the present state of Knowledge. By well known to some of our readers, have John Ware, M. D., Fellow of the Massa- been cultivated of late years by a few inchusetts Medical Society, and of the Amer-dividuals in Europe, with extraordinary zeal ican Academy of Arts and Sciences. Bos- and success. ton, 1824. 8vo. pp. 396. THE study of Natural History is particulary advantageous to the young, from its direct tendency to cultivate one of the most useful habits of the mind, that of attentive observation of things of common and every day occurrence. Its objects are every where around us, and in constant action,-swimming in the waters, flying in the air, walking the earth, and burrowing beneath it. One set provides our food and clothing, another purloins and destroys them. Some attack, and others protect us. Their forms are continually before our eyes, and their voices always sounding in It is also a science particularly attractive. A history of animals is the most agreeable book, and a menagerie or aviary the most agreeable exhibition to intelligent children, and the operations of an anthill, a birds-nest, or a bee-hive, are inexhaustible sources of amusement.

our ears.

tails. We shall extract, as an example of these, the account of the conduct of the termites or fighting ants of Africa, when an attack is made upon their habitations. We may remark, in passing, that these habitations, the work of insects of which the largest are not much more than half an inch in length, and the greater part not half that size, are solid and well built round pyramids, ten feet in height, and about as large at the base.

When a breach is made in one of the hills, the

first object that attracts attention is the behaviour of the soldiers, or fighting insects. Immediately after the blow is given, a soldier comes out, walks about the breach, and seems to examine the nature of the enemy, and the cause of the attack. He

then goes into the hill, gives the alarm, and in a short time large bodies rush out as fast as the breach will permit. It is not easy to describe the fury these insects discover. In their eagerness to repel the enemy, they frequently tumble down the sides of the hill, but recover themselves very quickly, and bite every thing they encounter. This the building, makes a crackling or vibrating noise, biting, joined to the striking of their forceps upon which is somewhat shriller and quicker than the ticking of a watch, and may be heard at the distance of three or four feet. While the attack proceeds, they are in the most violent bustle and agiges as much blood as is equal to their own weight. tation. If they get hold of any part of a man's body, they instantly make a wound, which dischar When they attack the leg, the stain of blood upon the stocking extends more than an inch in width.

stroke, and never quit their hold, but suffer them

The first chapter treats of the nature of living bodies, and the distinction between animals and vegetables, which last is a more difficult point than it would appear at first sight. We are apt to imagine that the boundary between these kingdoms is strongly marked, and are not a little surprised to discover how few qualities are Of the two which peculiar to animals. seem most distinctive, the power of local motion and that of moving parts by the operation of an internal principle, the former is wanting in some of the lower orders of animals, while it is possessed in some measure by some marine plants. The latter belongs in an eminent degree to the sensitive plant, which shrinks from the slightest touch; by the Hedysarum gyrans of the East Indies, which seems to amuse itself by moving its leaves briskly upward and downward and twisting them round on their foot-stalks, whenever the sun shines To children of a larger growth, Natural crushes the unwary insect who alights upon upon it; by the fly-trap of Carolina, which History and Animal Physiology offer the it; and less considerably by the sun-flower, greatest variety of innocent and useful the common barberry, and the mallow. gratification. The number and magnitude The difference between the animal and veg-They make their hooked jaws meet at the first of results, produced by animals with instru-etable kingdoms consists not in any single ments apparently so inadequate, their principle, but in an assemblage of circumamazing industry and forecast, and the ex-stances, such as the nature of their food, quisite adaptation of their structure and and mode of obtaining and digesting it; instincts to the wants and purposes of their the powers of knowledge, feeling, and voexistence, are always worthy of our study,lition; the manner of reproduction, strucand frequently of our imitation. ture, form, and chemical composition. With all these attractions, and all this The second chapter is devoted to the natural taste of mankind, if we may so consideration of the structure of vegetaspeak, for these studies, it is remarkable bies, and the third to that of animals, and that they have not been more generally contains "a complete view of the animal cultivated. "Even men of learning," as kingdom, beginning with man, the most Mr Smellie observes, "often betray an ig- perfect member of it, and descending to norance of the most common subjects, which those obscure and minute creatures, which it is painful to remark." Professional gen- are scarcely visible except with the astlemen, it is said, in our own country and sistance of a microscope.' And we betime, have been known to mistake a whalelieve the general reader can seldom find a for a fish,-and very grave and particular greater quantity of interesting information accounts have been published of the Mer-within the same compass. When we con- labourers, but never touches the mortar. One solmaid. We think the rudiments of Nat-sider the great light which has been thrown ural History and Physiology might be ad- upon physiology in general, and particularvantageously introduced in the course of ly upon many hitherto obscure points in that the common school education of children. of the human species, by the cultivation of These studies might serve agreeably to di- comparative anatomy in Europe, we cannot versify the severer ones of arithmetic and but regret that it has met with so little attengrammar, while they answered the addi- tion in this country, and that our cabinets, tional end of directing to useful purposes whether public or private, are so few and the amusements of hours of relaxation. so meagre. We would introduce the subject of this article to the notice of the public, as an elementary work extremely well adapted to this purpose; in which the original one of Smellie has been much improved by the numerous additions and alterations of the American editor. Among these the most important are the introductory chapters, which occupy something more than a quarter of the whole volume. They give an account of the structure and classification of living beings in general, according to the

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The body of the work is divided into fifteen chapters, under the following titles: Respiration; The Motions of Animals; Instinct; The Senses; Infancy; The Growth and Food of Animals; Their Transformation; Their Habitations; Their Hostilities; Their Artifices; Their Societies; Their Docility; Their Covering, Migration, and Torpidity; The Longevity and Dissolution of Organ ized Bodies; The Progressive Scale or Chain of Beings in the Universe. Each of these contains a variety of interesting de

selves to be pulled away leg by leg, and piece by piece, without the smallest attempt to escape. On the other hand, if a person keeps out of their reach, and gives them no further disturbance, in less than half an hour they retire into the nest, as if they supposed that the wonderful monster that damaged their castle had fled. Before the whole of the soldiers have got in, the labouring insects are all in motion, and hasten towards the breach, each of them having a quantity of tempered mortar in his mouth. This mortar they stick upon the breach as fast as they arrive, and perform the operation with so the immensity of their numbers, they never stop much despatch and facility, that notwithstanding or embarrass one another. During this scene of apparent hurry and confusion, the spectator is agreeably surprised, when he perceives a regular wall gradually arising and filling the chasm. While the labourers are thus employed, almost all the soldiers remain within; except here and there one, who saunters about among six hundred or a thousand

On the

dier, however, always takes his station close to the
wall that the labourers are building. This soldier
turns himself leisurely on all sides, and at intervals
of a minute or two, raises his head, beats upon the
building with his forceps, and makes the vibrating
noise formerly mentioned. A loud hiss instantly
issues from the inside of the dome and all the sub-
terraneous caverns or passages. That this hiss
proceeds from the labourers is apparent, for, at ev-
ery signal of this kind, they work with redoubled
quickness and alacrity. A renewal of the attack,
however, instantly changes the scene.
first stroke, the labourers run into the many pipes
and galleries with which the building is perforated,
which they do so quickly, that they seem to vanish
rush out as numerous and vindictive as before. On
for, in a few seconds all are gone, and the soldiers
finding no enemy, they return again leisurely into
the hill, and very soon after, the labourers appear
loaded as at first, as active and as sedulous, with
in the same manner, one or other of them giving
soldiers here and there among them, who act just
the signal to hasten the business. Thus the pleas-
ure of seeing them come out to work or to fight, al-
ternately, may be obtained as often as curiosity

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