Bureau Publication, Tema 10

U.S. Government Printing Office, 1915

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Página 951 - railroad' as used in this act shall Include all bridges and ferries used or operated in connection with any railroad, and also all the road in use by any corporation operating a railroad, whether owned or operated under a contract, agreement, or lease; and the term 'transportation' shall include all instrumentalities of shipment or carriage.
Página 667 - It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to employ any child under fourteen years of age in any business or service whatever, during any part of the term during which the public schools of the district in which the child resides are in session.
Página 820 - Provided, That no operator, train dispatcher, or other employee who by the use of the telegraph or telephone dispatches, reports, transmits, receives, or delivers orders pertaining to or affecting train movements shall be required or permitted to be or remain on duty for a longer period than nine hours in any twenty-four hour period in all towers, offices, places, and stations continuously operated night and day...
Página 526 - ... or when a different apportionment of the hours of labor is made for the sole purpose of making a shorter day's work for one day of the week ; and in no case shall the hours of labor exceed sixty in a week.
Página 820 - ... of such common carrier shall have been continuously on duty for sixteen hours he shall be relieved and not required or permitted again to go on duty until he has had at least ten consecutive hours off duty; and no such...
Página 621 - ... or as a gymnast, contortionist, rider, or acrobat, in any place whatever ; or for or in any obscene, indecent, or immoral purpose, exhibition, or practice, whatsoever; or for or in any business, exhibition, or vocation, injurious to the health, or dangerous to the life or limb of such child...
Página 952 - That the provisions of this act shall not apply in any case of casualty or unavoidable accident or the act of God; nor where the delay was the result of a cause not known to the carrier or its officer or agent in charge of such employee at the time said employee left a terminal, and which could not have been foreseen: Provided further, That the provisions of this act shall not apply to the crews of wrecking or relief trains.
Página 555 - The hours of work may be so arranged as to permit the employment of females at any time so that they shall not work more than ten hours during the twenty-four hours of one day, or sixty hours during any one week.
Página 877 - The school record required by this article shall be signed by the principal or chief executive officer of the school which such child has attended and shall be furnished, on demand, to a child entitled thereto. It shall contain a statement certifying that the child has regularly attended the public schools or schools equivalent thereto or parochial schools for not less than one hundred...
Página 787 - ... or as a gymnast, contortionist, rider or acrobat, in any place whatsoever ; or for or in any obscene, indecent or immoral purpose, exhibition or practice whatsoever, or for or in any business, exhibition or vocation injurious to the health, or dangerous to the life or limb of such child ; or who shall cause, procure or encourage any such child to engage therein, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

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