Consolidated Statutes of Upper Canada. •Consolidated Statutes of Canada. The Statutes otherwise indicated are those of the Province of Canada and the Dominion of Canada. The Statutes of the Province of Canada end with 1866 (29 & 30 Vict.). and those of the Dominion commence with 1867 (31 Vict.). 10. Governor, Civil List and Salaries of certain Public Officers, (Section 4 (3) only) 171 12. Public Officers, their Commissions, Oaths of Office, Security, &c., (Section 7 only)... 181 23. Public Lands, Sale and Management of Timber on 547 555 551 ........ 27. Geological Survey of the Province, (Section 3 only)...... ..... 484 453 CONSOLIDATED STATUTES OF UPPER CANADA. 1. The Consolidated Statutes for Upper Canada. Repeal of former Acts... 21 2. Intèrpretation of words 6. Militia Pension............ 7. Sale and purchase of Claims due to Government 81. To prevent Trespass to Public and Indian Lands (part) 128. Administration of Justice in Unorganized Tracts (part) 25 457 250 167 ........ 169 1860.-23 VICTORIA. САР. 21. An Act respecting the Line of Division between Upper and Lower Canada ....... PAGE 32 22. An Act respecting certain Ordnance Land Reserves in Upper Canada... 560 40. An Act to amend the Act respecting the representation of the People in the Legislative Assembly and the Act respecting the Territorial Division of Upper Canada ...... 49 2. An Act to extend the provisions of an Act respecting lands and real property held or required by the Imperial Government for the Military defence of this Province, to the construction of lines of Telegraph connected with such defence 1864.-27-28 VICTORIA. .... 477 7. An Act to authorize the acceptance of certain incorporated Companies as Sureties for Public Officers 195 7. An Act to extend and amend the Acts respecting Public Works, to and with respect to Works connected with the Defence of the Province 479 16. An Act to enable aliens to transmit and take real property in this Province by descent........ 1866.-29-30 VICTORIA. ... 137 20. An Act to confirm the Title to Lands held in trust for certain of the Indians resident in this Province 21. An Act to amend the Act twenty-ninth Victoria, chapter seven, respecting Works connected with the Defence of the Province... STATUTES OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 1867.-31 VICTORIA. 169 484 1. An Act respecting the Statutes of Canada 1 2. An Act respecting the Office of Speaker of the House of Commons of the Dominion of Canada ... 129 3. An Act relating to the Indemnity to Members and the Salaries of the Speakers of both Houses of Parliament..... 5. An Act respecting the collection and management of the Revenue, the Auditing of Public Accounts, and the liability of Public Account ants..... 130 220 CAP. 6. An Act respecting the Customs 7. An Act imposing Duties of Customs, with the Tariff of Duties payable under it 8. An Act respecting the Inland Revenue.... 12. An Act respecting the Public Works of Canada...... PAGE 253 307 343 516 22. An Act for continuing the Parliament of Canada, in case of the demise of the Crown....... 23. An Act to define the privileges, immunities and powers of the Senate and House of Commons, and to give summary protection to persons employed in the publication of Parliamentary papers................. 24. An Act to provide for Oaths to Witnesses being administered in certain cases for the purposes of either House of Parliament 25. An Act further securing the independence of Parliament.... 27. An Act respecting the internal Economy of the House of Commons, and for other purposes...... 128 122 129 124 134 28. An Act to amend an Act, intituled: An Act respecting the Statutes of Canada .... 28 204 30. An Act respecting the commencement of certain Acts of this Session therein mentioned .... 32. An Act respecting the Consolidated Revenue Fund.. 33. An Act respecting the Governor-General, the Civil List, and the Salaries of certain Public Functionaries 34. An Act respecting the Civil Service of Canada.. 35. An Act to regulate and restrict the Contingent Charges of the Departments of the Public Service, and to establish a Stationery Office... 626 36. An Act respecting Commissions, and Oaths of Allegiance and of Office 182 37. An Act respecting the Security to be given by Officers of Canada..... 38. An Act respecting Inquiries concerning Public Matters..... 39. An Act respecting the Department of Justice...... 184 181 419 40. An Act respecting the Militia and Defence of the Dominion of Canada 420 42. An Act providing for the organization of the Department of the Secretary of State of Canada, and for the management of Indian and Ordnance Lands..... 43. An Act constituting the Department of Customs 44. An Act to amend the Act of the present Session, intituled: An Act imposing duties of Customs, with the tariff of Duties payable under it 312 45. An Act respecting the Currency (Section 2 only) 46. An Act to enable Banks in any part of Canada to use Notes of the 246 Dominion instead of issuing Notes of their own..... 239 49. An Act constituting the Department of Inland Revenue 50. An Act to increase the Excise Duty on Spirits, to impose an Excise Duty on Refined Petroleum, and to provide for the Inspection thereof.... 342 400 51. An Act for better securing the payment of the duty imposed on Tobacco manufactured in Canada...... 406 53. An Act for the Organization of the Department of Agriculture.. 56. An Act to impose a duty on Foreign Reprints of British Copyright Works.... 598 66. An Act respecting Aliens and Naturalization 57. An Act for the Organization of the Department of Marine and Fisheries of Canada.... 310 561 138 67. An Act respecting the Geological Survey of Canada, (Section 4 only)... 555 |