Power to make Thirty-secondiy. Where power to make by-laws, regulations, by-laws, what rules or orders is conferred, it shall include the power to alter included by. or revoke the same and make others. Acts not to affect the Crown, unless Thirty-thirdly. No provision or enactment in any Act, shall affect in any manner or way whatsoever, the rights of Her specially de- Majesty, Her Heirs or successors, unless it is expressly stated clared to do so. therein, that Her Majesty shall be bound thereby; nor if such Act be of the nature of a private Act, shall it affect the rights private nature. of any person or of any body politic, corporate or collegiate, such only excepted as are therein mentioned or referred to. As to Acts of Power always reserved to Parliament to repeal or amend any Act. As to Bank Effect of re persons acting under it. Thirty-fourthly. Every Act shall be so construed as to reserve to Parliament the power of repealing or amending it, and of revoking, restricting or modifying any power, privilege or advantage thereby vested in or granted to any person or party, whenever such repeal, amendment, revocation, restriction or modification is deemed by Parliament to be required for the public good; And unless it is otherwise expressly provided in any Act passed for chartering any Bank, it shall be in the discretion of the Parliament at any time thereafter to make such provisions and impose such restrictions with respect to the amount and description of notes which may be issued by such Bank, as to Parliament appears expedient. Thirty-fifthly. Where any Act is repealed wholly or in part peal of Act on and other provisions substituted, all officers, persons, bodies politic or corporate acting under the old law shall continue to act as if appointed under the new law, until others are appointed in their stead; and all proceedings taken under the old law shall be taken up and continued under the new law when not inconsistent therewith; and all penalties and forfeitures may be recovered, and all proceedings had in relation to matters which have happened before the repeal in the same manner as if the law were still in force, pursuing the new provisions as far as they can be adapted to the old law. Not to affect certain proceedings. As to Acts, &c., done be fore repeal. Offences committed and penalties incurred not affected by repeal. Thirty-sixthly. The repeal of an Act at any time shall not affect any act done or any right or right of action existing, accruing, accrued or established or any proceedings commenced in a civil cause, before the time when such repeal shall take effect; but the proceedings in such case shall be conformable when necessary to the repealing Act. Thirty-seventhly. No offence committed and no penalty or forfeiture incurred and no proceeding pending under any Act at any time repealed shall be affected by the repeal, except that the proceedings shall be conformable when necessary to the repealing Act, and that where any penalty, forfeiture or punishment shall have been mitigated by any of the provisions of the repealing Act, such provisions shall be extended and applied to any judgment to be pronounced after such repeal. Acts, as re Thirty-eighthly. Every Act shall, unless by express provision All Acts to be it is declared to be a Private Act, be deemed to be a Public Act, deemed Public and shall be judicially noticed by all Judges, Justices of the gards pleadPeace and others, without being specially pleaded; And all ing. copies of Acts, public or private, printed by the Queen's printer, Proof of Acts. shall be evidence of such Acts and of their contents, and every copy purporting to be printed by the Queen's printer shall be deemed to be so printed, unless the contrary be shewn. construed as Thirty-ninthly. The Preamble of every such Act as aforesaid Preamble to be shall be deemed a part thereof intended to assist in explaining a part of Act. the purport and object of the Act;-And every Act and every All Acts remeprovision or enactment thereof, shall be deemed remedial, whe- dial, and to be ther its immediate purport be to direct the doing of any thing such. which Parliament deems to be for the public good or to prevent or punish the doing of any thing which it deems contrary to the public good, and shall accordingly receive such fair, large and liberal construction and interpretation as will best ensure the attainment of the object of the Act, and of such provision or enactment according to their true intent, meaning and spirit. Fortiethly. Nothing in this Section shall exclude the applica- Applicable tion to any Act, of any Rule of Construction applicable thereto, rules of conand not inconsistent with this Section. struction not excluded. Forty-firstly. The provisions of this Act shall apply to the Provisions construction thereof, and to the words and expressions used herein to apply therein. to this Act. 8. When any act or thing is required to be done by more than Acts to be two persons, a majority of them may do it. See 22 V. c. 29, done by more sec. 13 (5) which is identical with this sub-section. than two, DISTRIBUTION OF THE PRINTED STATUTES. 9. The Clerk of the Senate shall furnish Her Majesty's Certified copy Printer with a certified copy of every Act of the Parliament of of every Act to be furnished Canada, so soon as the same has received the Royal Assent, or if to Queen's the Bill has been reserved, so soon as the Royal Assent thereto Printer. has been proclaimed in Canada. The Clerk of the Parliaments now performs this duty under 35 V. c. 1., sec. 1. Sections 10 and 11 were repealed by 38 V. c. 1, sec. 1, and the following substituted : 10. "The Acts of the Parliament of Canada passed in the present or Acts to be any future session thereof, shall be printed in two separate volumes, the printed in two first of which shall contain such of the said Acts and such Orders in separate Council and Proclamations or other documents, and such Acts of the Par- volumes: liament of the United Kingdom, as the Governor in Council may deem to be of a public and general nature or interest in Canada, and may direct to be inserted in the said volume; and the second volume shall contain the remaining Acts of the session and shall be printed after the first what each shall contain. Copies of each volume to be printed. Distribution of copies. volume. Copies of the said volumes shall be printed in the English and French languages respectively by the Queen's Printer, who shall, as soon after the close of each Session as may be practicable, deliver or send by post or otherwise in the most economical manner, the proper number of copies to the parties hereinafter mentioned respectively, and in either or both languages, as he may be directed, that is to say "To the members of the two Houses of Parliament respectively, such number of copies each as may, from time to time be directed by joint resolution of the said Houses, or, in default of such resolution, in such numbers as shall be directed by Order of the Governor in Council, -and to such public departments, administrative bodies and officers throughout Canada (including justices of the peace in the distribution of the first but not of the second volume), as may be specified in any Order to be for that purpose made from time to time by the Governor in Council: Proviso as to "Provided that when any Bill receives the Royal Assent during and Bills assented before the termination of any session of Parliament, the Queen's Printer to during a shall, if so directed by the Secretary of State of Canada, cause distribution session. of such Act to be made, to the same parties and in like manner and numbers as herein before provided with respect to the Acts of any session; or such Act may, by order of the Governor, be published in the Canada Gazette, and printed afterwards in the proper volume of the Statutes." Duties of the If any copies remain, &c. How Statutes ed and bound. 11. "The Secretary of State of Canada shall within fifteen days after the close of each session of Parliament, transmit to the Queen's Printer a list of the public departments, administrative bodies and officers to whom the first and second volumes respectively, of the Statutes of such session are to be transmitted as aforesaid, and shall also, as occasion requires, furnish him with copies of all Orders in Council made under the provisions of this Act." 12. If after the distribution of the said printed Acts any copies remain in the hands of Her Majesty's Printer, he may deliver any number thereof to any person by order of the Governor-General, on notice thereof by the Secretary of State of Canada, or to the Members of the Senate or of the House of Commons, on the order of the Speaker of the said Houses respectively. 13. The Statutes shall be printed in Royal Octavo Form, on shall be print fine paper, in Small Pica Type, thirty-two ems by fifty-five ems,. including marginal notes in Minion, such notes referring to the year and chapter of previous Statutes, whenever the text amends, repeals or changes the enactments of former years; and shall be half-bound in Cloth with backs of White Sheep skin and lettered, with the exception of a certain number to be named Classification by the Standing Committee on Printing which shall be bound in half calf and gilt-lettered, and they shall be arranged for distribution in such manner either by the binding of the Public General Acts, and Acts of a local or private character in separate volumes, or by binding them together in the same volumes with separate indexes or otherwise as the Governor in Council may deem expedient. of Statutes. Report by number of copies distri buted. 14. Her Majesty's Printer shall, before the opening of each Session of Parliament, make a Report in triplicate to the Governor-General (to be by him laid before each House of Parliament within fifteen days after the opening of such Session), shewing the number of copies of the Acts of each Session which have been printed and distributed by him since the then last Session,-and the Departments, Administrative Bodies, Officers and persons to whom the same have been distributed, the number of copies delivered to each, and under what authority, and the numbers of copies of the Acts of each Session then remaining in his hands, and containing also a detailed account of the And as to exexpenses by him actually incurred in carrying this Act into pense incurred effect, to the end that provision may be made for defraying the by him. same, after such account has been duly audited and allowed. 15. The party obtaining an Act of a private or personal Obligations of character shall furnish, at his own cost, one hundred and fifty parties obtainprinted copies of such Act to the Government of Canada. SHORT TITLE. 16. This Act may be cited as "The Interpretation Act." ing private Acts. Short title. 22 VICT. CAP. 29. An Act respecting the Consolidated Statutes of [Assented to 4th May, 1859.] Those provisions of this Act which are identical with clauses of 31 V. c. 1, are indicated by numbers and references to the sections or sub-sections of 31 V. c. 1, supra, to which they respectively correspond. W HEREAS it has been found expedient to revise, Preamble. classify and consolidate the Public General Statutes which apply to the whole Province of Canada;-And whereas such revision, classification and consolidation have been made accordingly; And whereas it is expedient to provide for the incorporation therewith of the Public General Statutes passed during the present Session in so far as the same affect the whole Province, and for giving the force of law to the body of Consolidated Statutes to result from such incorporation: Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows: 1. The printed Roll attested as that of the said Statutes so Original Roll revised, classified and consolidated as aforesaid, under the of Statutes resignature of His Excellency the Governor-General, that of the vised, &c., to Clerk of the Legislative Council and that of the Clerk of the deposited. Legislative Assembly, and deposited in the office of the Clerk be certified and. notes, mis of the Legislative Council, shall be held to be the original thereof, and to embody the several Acts and parts of Acts mentioned as to be repealed in the Schedule A thereto anAs to marginal nexed; but the marginal notes thereon, and the references to former enactments at the foot of the several sections thereof form no part of the said Statutes and shall be held to have been inserted for convenience of reference only, and may be omitted or corrected, and any mis-print or clerical error in the said roll may also be corrected,-in the Roll hereinafter mentioned. prints, &c. Governor may cause the legis lation of this Session to be incorporated with the Statutes in the said Roll. Certified Roll including the legislation of the present Session to be deposited and serve as the original thereof. Proclamation for bringing the Consoli 2. The Governor may select such Acts and parts of Acts passed during the present Session, as he may deem it advisable to incorporate with the said Statutes contained in the said first mentioned Roll, and may cause them to be so incorporated therewith, adapting their form and language to those of the said Statutes (but without changing their effect), inserting them in their proper places in the said Statutes, striking out of the latter any enactments repealed by or inconsistent with those so incorporated, altering the numbering of the chapters and sections, if need be, and adding to the said Schedule A a list of the Acts and parts of Acts of the present Session so incorporated as aforesaid; and the Governor may direct that all sums of money stated in the said Roll in Halifax currency, be converted into dollars and cents, in all cases where it can be conveniently done. 3. So soon as the said incorporation of such Acts and parts of Acts with the said Statutes, and the said addition to the said Schedule A shall have been completed, the Governor may cause a correct printed Roll thereof attested under his signature and countersigned by the Provincial Secretary, to be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Legislative Council, which Roll shall be held to be the original thereof, and to embody the several Acts and parts of Acts mentioned as repealed in the amended Schedule A thereto annexed; any marginal notes however, and references to former enactments which may appear thereon being held to form no part of the said Statutes, but to be inserted for convenience of reference only. 4. The Governor in Council, after such deposit of the said last mentioned Roll, may, by Proclamation, declare the day on, dated Statutes from and after which the same shall come into force and have a certain day. effect as law by the designation of "The Consolidated Statutes of Canada." into force on On and after that day; By proclamation dated 9th November 1859, the GovernorGeneral (Sir Edmund Head) declared the 5th December, 1859, as the day when the Consolidated Statutes of Canada should come into effect. 5. On, from and after such day, the same shall accordingly come into force and effect as and by the designation of |