An act to incorporate the stockholders of the Bank of America, 432 AMERICAN MANUFACTURES: An act for the encouragement of,..... APPORTIONMENT: An act apportioning the representation of this State according B. .. 438 448 BANKING ASSOCIATIONS: An act to restrain unincorporated Banking Associations,.... 425 BANKS: An act to incorporate the Stockholders of the Merchants' Bank ......... An act to incorporate the Stockholders of the Union Bank in 427 ... 430 An act to incorporate the Stockholders of the Bank of Ame rica, .......... .......... 432 BILLS OF CREDIT: An act for emitting the sum of £200,000 in Bills of Credit for ...... PAGE. 409, 412, 414 C. COMMISSIONERS: An act appointing Commissioners with power to declare the CREDITORS: .. ........ An act for the relief of Creditors against Heirs, Devisees, Exe- ...... 416 408 An act to amend an act entitled "An act for regulating elec- 447 An act concerning the elections of United States Senators,.... 418 An act concerning the election of Representatives in Congress, 433 I. IMMORALITY An act to amend the act entitled "An act for suppressing immo- .... ... ....... 422 INCORPORATIONS: PAGE. An act to incorporate the Stockholders of the Merchants' Bank 427 An act to incorporate the Stockholders of the Union Bank in 430 ... An act to incorporate the Stockholders of the Bank of Ame- .... ........ J. 432 JUDGES: An act concerning the Judges of the Supreme Court,........ 436 Μ. MERCHANTS' BANK: An act to incorporate the Stockholders of the Merchants' Bank ... 427 Ν. NEW YORK CITY: An act to authorize the raising moneys by tax in the city and county of New York, for defraying the public expenses,.... 419 An act for supplying the city of New York with pure and An act to increase the number of wards in the city of New York An act to incorporate the Stockholders of the Merchants' Bank 427 Au act to incorporate the Stockholders of the Union Bank in .... An act to incorporate the Stockholders of the Bank of Ame- NEW YORK CITY: An act to alter the name of the corporation of Trinity Church PAGE 439 An act concerning vessels in the port of New York,....... 442 REPRESENTATIVES, CONGRESS: An act providing for the election of Representatives for the State in the Congress of the United States,.............. 433 RELIEF: An act for the relief of creditors against heirs, devisees, execu- An act for the relief of Henry Delord, ......... 408 429 S. SALARIES: An act for the payment of the salaries of the several officers of Government, and for other purposes therein mentioned, 405 SEA FENCIBLES: An act to authorize the raising of a corps of Sea Fencibles,.. 445 SENATORS, CONGRESS: An act for prescribing the times, places and manner of holding STATE FUNDS: An act to render the Funds of this State more productive of .... .... 421 |