DESCENTS: An act regulating descents,.... DESERTERS: An act to aid in the apprehension of deserters from the Army and Navy of the United States,.... DEVOE, WILLIAM H.: An act for the relief of William H. Devoe,.... PAGE 373 377 356 DISORDERLY PERSONS: An act for apprehending and punishing disorderly persons,.... 286 DIVORCES: An act directing a mode of trial and allowing of divorces in cases DOWER: 282 An act relative to Dower in certain cases therein mentioned, .. 333 DUTIES: An act to explain and amend an act entitled "An act imposing 267 E. ELECTIONS: An act for electing representatives for this State in the House 299 An act prescribing the manner of holding elections for Senators An act to prevent frauds at elections, and for other purposes,.. 362 EMBARGO: See Assessments. 208 EMIGRATION: An act to incorporate the German Society for encouraging emi- ENEMY: An act relative to supplying the, ENTAILS AND CONVEYANCES: PAGE. 273 240 An act to remove doubts respecting an act entitled "An act to abolish entails; to confirm conveyances by tenants in tail; to distribute estates real of intestates; to remedy defective conveyances to joint tenants, and directing the mode of such conveyances in future," passed the 12th of July, 1782,..... 270 ESCAPES: An act relative to involuntary,.... EXAMINATION OF WITNESSES: 227 An act to enable the Courts to issue commissions, &c.,........ 259 EXPORTATION OF FLOUR, &c.: An act to prevent the exportation of flour, meal and grain out of this State,... 203 F. FAIRCHILD, NANCY: An act for the relief of Nancy Fairchild and her infant son, 369 FARMERS' HALL ACADEMY: An act to authorize the Trustees of Farmers' Hall Academy to poses,. FEMES COVERT: 400 An act for the security of the estates of femes covert in certain 366 cases, FERRY: An act for establishing and regulating a ferry across the Hud- PAGE FEES: of Westchester, and Clarkstown in the county of Rock- An act for regulating the fees of the several officers and minis- FINANCES: An act relative to the finances of the United States,... FITCH, JOHN: 320 ... 285 An act repealing an act entitled “An act for granting and secur- FORD, JAMES: 237 315 An act for the relief of James Ford,.. 365 FORFEITED ESTATES: An act for the immediate sale of part of the forfeited estates, 229 An act for the speedy sale of the confiscated and forfeited estates within this State, and for other purposes therein mentioned, 256 An act limiting the period of bringing claims and prosecutions FORFEITED LANDS: .... 376 An act for the amendment of the law directing the sales of for- FORFEITURES AND CONFISCATIONS: An act for forfeitures and confiscations, and for declaring the 233 220 FREEDOM AND INDEPENDENCE OF NEW YORK: An act to preserve the freedom and independence of this State, 254 FREE ROAD: An act granting to John R. Hallenbake, and such other persons G. PAGE. 341 GENERAL SESSIONS: An act concerning the Courts of General Sessions of the Peace, 388 An act incorporating trustees to manage such funds as Alexan- H. HACKNEY COACHES AND WHEEL CARRIAGES: An act relative to,.... HALLENBAKE, JOHN R.: An act granting the privileges to; to lay out and construct a 277 234 369 294 341 HARDENBURGH, NICHOLAS: An act for the relief of Nicholas Hardenburgh, Thomas C. Jan- 357 HARLAEM BRIDGE COMPANY: An act to revive and amend the act entitled "An act to incorpo- 375 HARLAEM COMMON LANDS: PAGE An act in addition to "An act relative to the common lands of 399 An act to amend an act entitled "An act to regulate highways HIGHWAYS AND PRIVATE ROADS: An act further to amend the act entitled "An act for the better HIGHWAYS AND STREETS: 324 ... 305 An act relative to,... 303 HONEYWOOD, ST. JOHN: An act to enable St. John Honeywood to continue an attorney HORSE RACING: ... 311 An act to prevent Horse Racing and Theatrical Entertainments, 228 HUDSON CITY: An act relative to a night watch in, 310 I. IMMORALITY: An act to amend the act entitled "An act for suppressing immo rality," . 316 |