An act declaratory of the alienism of the persons therein de- AMENDMENT OF ACTS: PAGE. 268 234 311 .... 246 233, 238, 248, 267, 293, 301, 305, 313, 316, 317, 325, 338, 339, ARMY: 340, 342, 371, 375, 395 An act relative to the army of the United States,............ 237 ASSESSMENTS: An act more effectually to collect the deficiencies in assessments ..... .......... 235 An act to amend an act entitled "An act to appropriate the BREADBAKE, ANNA: An act for the relief of, BRIDGE: ............. ............. .. 293 314 An act for rebuilding a bridge in the town of Minisink,...... 402 BROOKLYN: An act concerning relief to the inhabitants of, 357 C. CANAJOHARIE AND PALATINE BRIDGE: An act to enable the Directors and Company of the Canajoharie CANAL STREET: An act relative to; in the City of New York,. 350 350 CHANCERY: An act to authorize certain proceedings in Chancery to be done CHAPMAN, EUNICE: An act for the relief of, and for other purposes,.............. 381 CHARTER OFFICERS: An act relative to; in the City of New York, CHENANGO COUNTY: PAGE. 327 An act relative to Waters being public highways, ............ 324 CHURCHES: An act to enable the Rector, Church Wardens and Vestrymen .... An act to enable the Trustees of the Reformed Dutch Church ........ An act for the relief of the Ministers, Elders and Deacons of the CITY OF NEW YORK: See New York City and County. CLERKS, SUPREME COURT: .. 329 352 .... 360 An act to amend an act entitled "An act concerning the clerks COLUMBIA COLLEGE: An act relative to,...... ............. COMMISSIONERS OF LAND OFFICE: ................... 344 An act to extend the powers of the Commissioners of the Land COMMISSIONERS OF SEQUESTRATION: An act to remove certain doubts relative to the powers of the .. 245 An act for the indemnification of the Commissioners of Sequestration and the Commissioners of Forfeitures, and the lessees under them, and for other purposes therein mentioned,..... 265 COMMISSIONERS OF TURNPIKE ROADS: An act to amend an act entitled "An act appointing commis- COMMISSIONS FOR EXAMINATION OF WITNESSES: PAGE 338 An act to enable the courts therein mentioned to issue commissions for the examination of witnesses in certain cases,..... 259 CONFISCATED AND FORFEITED ESTATES: An act for the speedy sale of the confiscated and forfeited estates within this State, and for other purposes therein mentioned, 256 CONSPIRACIES: An act for continuing the powers of the commissioners for CONVENTION: 226 An act recommending a Convention of the People of this State, 390 CONVEYANCES: An act relative to,...... COUNCIL: ............. An act for the appointment of a Council to assist in the admin- CREDITORS: .... 270 ...... 234 An act for the relief of the creditors of William Van Derlocht, CRIMES: .. An act supplementary to the act entitled "An act declaring the An act relative to certain crimes therein mentioned, 289 332 337 An act relative to the punishment of certain crimes, 343 An act relative to certain crimes therein mentioned,......... 348 D. DAY, PHILO, HEIRS OF: PAGE. An act for the relief of the heirs of Philo Day, deceased,.... 360 DEBEAVOIS, JOOST, ESTATE: An act to empower Elizabeth Debeavois, widow, and Johannes DEBTS: ... 256 An act for the more speedy recovery of debts to the value of £10, 283 An act to amend an act relative to debts due to persons within 248 An act to enable persons to discharge debts due to this State An act to amend an act entitled "An act concerning the reco- DEEDS AND CONVEYANCES: An act to cure certain defects in deeds and conveyances of real 274 .. An act concerning the proof of deeds and conveyances, ..... 321 An act to authorize the guardians of Phebe B. Hart, Sally Ann 367 ... DEFENSE: An act for raising seven hundred men to be employed in the DELAWARE COUNTY: .. 214 Act relative to Court House and Gaol in,.................. 317 |