Imágenes de páginas

1781. March 26:


An act to relieve certain persons in the county of Charlotte
from the penalty of an act entitled "An act for raising
levies to reinforce the army of the United States,"..... 237

March 27:

An act to suspend certain parts of an act entitled "An act
for raising by tax a sum equal to $150,000 in specie,”
and of an act of Congress of the 18th day of March,
1780, relative to the finances of the United States, and
making provision for redeeming the proportion of this
State of the Bills of Credit to be emitted in pursuance
of the said act of Congress, and for other purposes
therein mentioned,

June 30:

An act for raising a tax in specie, and a tax in paper

1782. April 10:

An act to empower Justices of the Peace, Mayors, Record-
ers and Aldermen to try causes to the value of £10
and under, and to repeal certain acts therein men-

April 11:

An act for raising the sum of £18,000, and the further sum
of £18,000 by tax within this State, and for settling
public accounts,...

1784. April 20:

An act to enable the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the
city and county of New York, to raise moneys, by tax,
for the purposes therein mentioned,..






[blocks in formation]

An act for raising £100,000 within the several counties
therein mentioned,.


May 10:

An act to encourage the settlement of the waste and unap-
propriated lands within this State,....


1784. May 12:



An act to preserve the freedom and independence of this
State, and for other purposes therein mentioned, ...... 254
May 12:

An act for the speedy sale of the confiscated and forfeited
estates within this State, and for other purposes therein

1785. March 9:






An act for the indemnification of the Commissioners of
Sequestration, and the Commissioners of Forfeitures, and
the lessees under them, and for other purposes therein

March 12:



An act to explain and amend an act entitled "An act impos-
ing duties on certain goods, wares and merchandise
imported into this State," passed 18th November, 1784, 267
April 4:

An act to enable persons to discharge debts due to this
State for moneys loaned while this State was a Colony, 271

April 5:

An act to appoint the place of holding the Supreme Court
of Judicature of this State in future, and to prolong the
terms thereof, and for other purposes therein mentioned, 272

April 20:

An act to vest the estate of William R. Van Cortlandt in trustees for the payment of his debts, and other purposes, 275

April 20:

An act to enable the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty
in Common Council convened, to order the raising
moneys, by tax, for the maintenance of the poor and
other contingent expenses arising in the said city of
New York,.

April 26:


An act for the payment of the salaries of the several officers
of Government, and for other purposes therein mentioned, 278

1787. February 13:


An act for settling intestates' estates, proving wills and
granting administrations,


March 19:

An act directing a mode of trial and allowing of divorces
in cases of adultery,


April 11:

An act for the more speedy recovery of debts to the value
of £10, ...

1788. February 7:



... 283

An act for apprehending and punishing disorderly persons, 286

March 21:

An act to extend the powers of the Commissioners of the
Land Office to the cases therein mentioned, and for other


March 22:


An act for the relief of the creditors of William Van
Derlocht, and for other purposes therein mentioned,... 289
March 22:

An act for directing the settlement of the public accounts,
and for other purposes therein mentioned,....

1792. December 19:


An act to amend an act entitled "An act for establishing
and opening lock navigations within this State," ...... 301

1795. March 31:

An act for the relief of certain persons claiming lands in
the patents therein mentioned,..


[blocks in formation]

An act for the better support of the Oneida, Onondaga
and Cayuga Indians, and for other purposes therein.

1796. March 11:


An act to authorize the raising moneys, by tax, in the city and county of New York, for defraying the public expenses, 309

1797. February 10:


An act for raising a further sum of money for repairing
the Court House and Gaol in the county of Herkimer, 309

1798. January 2:

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An act to vest certain powers in the freeholders and inhabi-
tants of the villages of Troy and Lansingburgh, and for
purposes therein mentioned,.....

February 2:

... 312

An act authorizing the use of paper instead of parchment,
in certain legal proceedings,...

March 23:

An act repealing the act entitled "An act for granting and securing to John Fitch the sole right and advantage of making and employing the steamboat by him lately invented, and for other purposes,"

March 30:

An act to amend the act entitled "An act for suppressing




[blocks in formation]

An act for raising money to finish and repair the Court
House and Gaol in Queens county. An act to authorize
the raising a sum of money for making certain neces-
sary accommodations for the Gaol, and certain repairs for
the Court House, in the county of Rensselaer. An act
to raise a sum of money for building a Court House and
Gaol in Delaware county, and for other purposes therein
mentioned; and An act for building a Court House and
Gaol in the county of Schoharie,

1800. April 8:

'An act for the payment of certain officers of Government,
and for other purposes,

1801. March 30:

An act authorizing John Marshall and Gilbert Brown to
erect a mill-dam and grist-mills across and upon Mill




creek, in the town of Rye, and county of Westchester,
and to enable certain persons interested in lands contigu-
ous thereto, to assent to the same,...


1804. April 4:

An act relative to the election of charter officers in the
city of New York,


1805. February 25:

An act to enable the Rector, Church Wardens and Vestry-
men of St. Ann's Church, of the town of Brooklyn, to
sell their parsonage house and lots of ground thereto
appertaining, for the purposes therein mentioned, ..... 329

1806. April 4:

An act relative to dower in certain cases therein men-


[blocks in formation]

An act to amend an act entitled "An act appointing Com-
missioners for the inspection of turnpike roads,"


1818. February 27:

An act for the relief of Eunice Chapman, and for other



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