CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF BILLS THAT DID NOT BECOME LAWS FROM THE VETOES OF THE COUNCIL. 1778. November 5: PAGE, An act for raising a further sum by tax, to be applied towards the public exigencies of this State,............ 214 1779. March 14: An act for forfeitures and confiscations, and for declaring 219 ... .... .... .... September 24: An act for continuing the powers of the Commissioners October 15: .. 226 An act to indemnify the Sheriff of the county of Ulster October 21: .......... An act to prevent Horse racing and Theatrical Entertain- 1780. March 8: ...... 227 228 An act to facilitate the levying the taxes for supporting the 231 ....... 1780. May 12: PAGE An act for the more effectual suppression of vice and 232 An act for the amendment of the law directing the sales 233 .... .... An act for the appointment of a Council to assist in the administration of the Government during the recess of the Legislature,.... 1781. March 29: .... An act to amend an act entitled "An act for regulating the March 29: 234 238 An act to prevent evil-minded persons supplying the enemy 1782. April 13: ... An act to stay suits against public officers for a limited 244 1783. March 20: .... An act for the relief of certain insolvent debtors with respect to the imprisonment of their persons,......... 244 March 24: An act to remove certain doubts relative to the powers of 1784. January 15: ..... 245 An act declaratory of the alienism of the persons therein 246 .... January 15: An act to amend an act relative to debts due to persons 1784. March 30: .... .... An act for apprehending of persons in any county upon November 25: .......... PAGE. 249 An act to empower Elizabeth Debeavois, widow, and Jo- November 27: An act for the more easy assessment of taxes in the city 1785. March 1: An act to regulate inoculation for the small pox in the 258 An act to enable the Courts therein mentioned to issue cases,. ... ... 259 .... .... .... .... March 8 An act incorporating the several tradesmen and mechanics of the city and county of New York,..... 261 March 9: An act to prevent delay in the collection of taxes, and for March 21: An act for the gradual abolition of Slavery within this An act to remove doubts respecting an act entitled "An act to abolish entails; to confirm conveyances by tenants 266 268 in tail; to distribute estates real of intestates; to 1785. April 6: An act to incorporate the German Society for encouraging ....... PAGE 270 273 .... .... An act to cure certain defects in deeds and conveyances of April 20: 274 .... An act incorporating the inhabitants residing within the April 22: 274 An act for the relief of William Gilchrist,. 277 ...... ............ 1786. February 27: An act for settling intestates' estates, proving wills and 279 1787. April 21: An act for regulating the fees of the several officers and ministers of the Courts of Justice within this State,... 285 1789. July 15: An act prescribing the manner of holding elections for 290 1790. April 3: .... An act for the relief of John Henry and others,...... An act to amend an act entitled "An act to appropriate the 291 PAGE and for other purposes therein mentioned, and for extending relief to the persons therein named,"......... 293 1791. February 21: ...... An act to invest the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty ......... 294 An act to enable the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of ............. 298 1792. December 1: An act for electing representatives for this State in the 299 .......... 1793. February 27: An aet for vesting the lands appropriated for highways 303 1794. February 21: .... An act for the relief of Mathew Trotter,.............. 304 March 27: An act further to amend the act entitled "An act for the better laying out, regulating and keeping in repair all common and public highways and private roads in the counties of Ulster, Orange, Dutchess, Westchester, Washington, Albany and Montgomery,..................... 305 1797. March 31: An act enabling the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Com- |