1781. March 26: .... .... PAGE. An act to relieve certain persons in the county of Charlotte March 27: An act to suspend certain parts of an act entitled "An act An act to amend an Act entitled "An act for regulating March 29: An act to prevent evil-minded persons supplying the enemy June 30: An act for raising a tax in specie, and a tax in paper currency, 1782. April 10: .... An act to empower Justices of the Peace, Mayors, Record April 11: 238 240 241 ... 241 An act for raising the sum of £18,000, and the further sum An act to stay suits against public officers for a limited 243 time, 244 1783. March 20: An act for the relief of certain insolvent debtors with March 24: An act to remove certain doubts relative to the powers of 1784. January 15: .... An act declaratory of the alienism of the persons therein January 15: PAGE 244 245 ... 246 An act to amend an act relative to debts due to persons March 30: An act for apprehending of persons in any county upon April 20: An act to enable the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the 248 249 251 An act for raising £100,000 within the several counties 252 An act to encourage the settlement of the waste and unap- .... 253 An act to preserve the freedom and independence of this May 12: An act for the speedy sale of the confiscated and forfeited 256 1784. November 25: .... An act to empower Elizabeth Debevois, widow, and November 27: PAGE. 256 An act for the more easy assessment of taxes in the city and county of New York, altering the mode of punishment in certain cases of petit larceny, and for the confinement of vagrants and lewd persons to hard labor,... 257 1785. March 1: .... An act to regulate inoculation for the small pox in the city March 3: An act to enable the courts therein mentioned to issue 258 cases, 259 March 8: An act incorporating the several tradesmen and mechanics March 9: An act for the indemnification of the Commissioners of March 9: An act to prevent delay in the collection of taxes, and for March 12: 261 265 266 An act to explain and amend an act entitled "An act impo- 1785. March 21: .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... An act for the gradual abolition of slavery within this An act to remove doubts respecting an act entitled "An act April 4: PAGE 268 .. 270 An act to enable persons to discharge debts due to this April 5: An act to appoint the place of holding the Supreme Court An act to incorporate the German Society for encouraging April 11: An act to cure certain defects in deeds and conveyances of April 20: An act incorporating the inhabitants residing within the April 20: 273 274 274 An act to vest the estate of William R. Van Cortlandt in trustees for the payment of his debts, and other purposes, 275 April 20: An act to enable the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty in Common Council convened, to order the raising moneys, by tax, for the maintenance of the poor and 1785. April 22: PAGE. 276 An act for the relief of William Gilchrist, April 26: An act for the payment of the salaries of the several offi- 1786. February 27: An act for settling intestates' estates, proving wills and 1787. February 13: An act for settling intestates' estates, proving wills and ... 277 278 279 281 March 19: An act directing a mode of trial and allowing of divorces. 282 An act for the more speedy recovery of debts to the value of £10, 283 .... April 21: An act for regulating the fees of the several officers and ministers of the Courts of Justice within this State,.... 285 1788. February 7: .... An act for apprehending and punishing disorderly persons, 286 An act to extend the powers of the Commissioners of the March 22: 288 An act for the relief of the creditors of William Van |