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This popular application of science to every-day results is universally liked, and has an immense circulation. No school should be without it. Inexperienced teachers have no difficulty in teaching it.


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Bouvier's Astronomy. Abridged....

No educational work published in this country has received so many recommendations. from the ablest Astronomers and Professors in Europe and America as these have had. They lead the pupil from the elements to a thorough knowledge of the science. Being in the form of questions and answers, the subject is easily taught. The works are profusely and elegantly


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94 cts.

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90 cts.

A music-book for schools compiled by one of the most accomplished musicians of the country. It is full of choice pieces by eminent composers.


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1. Physical and Political Map of the Western Hemisphere..


7 ft. by 7 ft.

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This beautiful series of Maps is so well known throughout the country that a lengthy description seems to be hardly necessary. It is the only set on a large scale exhibiting the main features of Physical Geography without detracting from the more practical and useful features of Political and Local Geography.

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Sample copies sent to Teachers and School Officers for examination upon re

ceipt of one-half of above prices.

Introduction Supplies furnished upon most liberal terms.

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Correspondence, School Catalogues and Reports solicited.

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530 Market St., Philadelphia.

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