PUBLICATIONS OF SOWER, POTTS & CO., PHILADELPHIA. THE NORMAL EDUCATIONAL SERIES OF SCHOOL AND COLLEGE TEXT-BOOKS. "Every child that comes into the world has a right to an education." The art of Teaching, as well as all other arts, is making very rapid progress in this very progressive age. The remarkable growth of Normal Schools, organized to instruct in the best methods of teaching, and employing as professors the most able and advanced educators in the country, has given an immense impetus to the advancement of this most honorable and useful of professions, and almost revolutionized the whole art of teaching. These great changes create a necessity for text-books adapted to them, and the publishers of the above series have taken great pains to meet this necessity. By the aid of their improved text-books, the work of the school-room, instead of being a drudgery, becomes pleasant to teachers and pupils, and they as well as parents are delighted with the rapid progress made with them. These elementary works are admirably arranged and classified. Simple and easy, yet logical and comprehensive, they never fail to make ready and correct spellers. PRICE .... 45 cts. 65 Fewsmith's Elementary Grammar. BY WM. FEWSMITH, A.M., AND EDGAR A. SINGER. The uniform testimony of teachers who have introduced these grammars is, that they have been most agreeably surprised at their effects upon pupils. They are easy to understand by the youngest pupil, and the lessons before dreaded become a delight to teacher and pupils. Extraordinary care has been taken in grading every lesson, modeling rules and definitions after a definite and uniform plan, and making every word and sentence an example of grammatical accuracy. They only need a trial to supersede all others. PUBLICATIONS OF SOWER, POTTS & CO., PHILADELPHIA. THE NORMAL SERIES OF MATHEMATICS. BY EDWARD BROOKS, A.M., PRINCIPAL AND PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS IN PENNSYLVANIA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL AT MILLERSVILLE. This series, still new and fresh, has had an extraordinary success, and is used in very many of the best Normal Schools, Academies, Seminaries and Public Schools in the country. Wherever the works are known they receive the highest commendations of leading professors and teachers. Brooks's Normal Primary Arithmetic The Primary contains Mental and Written Exercises for very young pupils. very plain, easy and progressive. PRICE 25 cts. Its treatment is PRICE Brooks's Normal Elementary Arithmetic 50 cts. The Elementary will furnish a practical business education in a shorter time and with less labor than any other, and is emphatically the work for those pupils who must be qualified for common business in one or two terms. Brooks's Normal Mental Arithmetic PRICE 38 cts. The Mental is a philosophical and comprehensive treatise upon the Analysis of Numbers. It is easily mastered by young pupils, and those who accomplish it are ready to grapple with the most difficult problems. It makes logical thinkers on all subjects. All who use it say they cannot be induced to dispense with it. PRICE Brooks's Normal Written Arithmetic .. 95 cts. The Written is a comprehensive and practical work, full of business applications. It is admirably arranged, and progresses step by step until pupils master it almost without conscious effort. Its treatment is novel in many respects and very interesting, and as it is very successful in the schocl-room, it is very popular among the best educators. PRICE .. Brooks's Key to Mental Arithmetic. $.38 .50 1.00 In addition to the matter usually contained in Keys, the first and last of these contain many valuable suggestions on the best methods of teaching Arithmetic. |