| William Shakespeare, Nicholas Rowe - 1709 - 560 páginas
...the Sparrow, Be Comfort to my Age; here. is the Gold, All this I give you, let me be your Servant, Tho' I look old, yet I am ftrong and lufty, For in...in my Blood, Nor did I with unbafhful Forehead woo Means of Weaknefsand Debility; Frofty, but kindly; let me go with you, I'll do the Service of a younger... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1733 - 548 páginas
...All this I give you, let me be your Tervantt Tho'I look old, yet I am ftrong and luftyj For in nay youth I never did apply Hot and rebellious liquors in my blood ; Nor did I with unbafhtul forehead woo The means of weaknefs and debility : Therefore ray age is as a lufty winter,... | |
| Sir Thomas Hayward - 1738 - 324 páginas
...ftrengthen, and the ftrong fupprefs. Spenfer's Fairy Queen. Tho' I look old, yet I am ftrong and lulty ; For in my youth I never did apply Hot and rebellious...Nor did I with unbafhful forehead woo The means of weaknefs'and debility : Therefore my age is as a lufty winter, Frofty, but kindly. Shakefpear's As... | |
| John Hill - 1750 - 350 páginas
...look old, yet I am ftrong and lufty ; For in my youth, I never did apply Hot and rebellious liquors to my blood, Nor did I with unbafhful forehead, woo The means of weaknefs and debility ; Therefore ray age is as a lufty winter, Frofty, but kindly Let me go with you, I'll do the fervice of a younger... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1920 - 172 páginas
...gold ; 45 All this I give you. Let me be your servant : Though I look old, yet I am strong and lusty, For in my youth I never did apply Hot and rebellious liquors in my blood, Nor did not with unbashful forehead woo 50 The means of weakness and debility ; Therefore my age is as a lusty... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1752 - 452 páginas
...the gold, All this I give you, let me be your fervant ; Tho' I look old, yet I am ftrong and lufly ; For in my youth I never did apply Hot and rebellious liquors in my blood ; Ttfor did I with unba(hful forehead woo The means of weaknefs and debility; Therefore my age is as... | |
| Zachary Grey - 1754 - 440 páginas
...for the fparrow •, be comfort to my age.] See Job xxxviii, 41. Pfalm Ixxxiv. 3. Mat. x. 29. Id. ib. For in my youth I never did apply Hot and rebellious liquors in my blood, [qu. to Nor did I with unbajhful forehead woo . The means of weaknefs and debility.] " Nor did not,... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1762 - 454 páginas
...the fparrow, Be comfort to my age ! here is the gold, All this I give you, let me be your fervant ; Tho' I look old, yet I am ftrong and lufty ; .For...and rebellious liquors in my blood ; Nor did I with unba(hful forehead woo The means of weaknefs and debility ; Therefore my age is as a lufty winter,... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1765 - 582 páginas
...nature. 4 ' Be Be comfort to my age ! Here is the gold, All this I give you, let me be your fervant; Tho* I look old, yet I am ftrong and lufty ; For in...and rebellious liquors in my blood ; Nor did I with unbamful forehead wop The means of weaknefs and debility j Therefore my age is as a lufly winter, Frofly,... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1767 - 454 páginas
...the g6ld, All this I give you, let me be your lei vant; Tho' 1 look old, yet I am ftrong and Iu3y; For in my youth I never did apply Hot and rebellious...in my blood ; Nor did I with unbafhful forehead woo VoL. H. N the i he means of weaknefs and debility : Therefore my age is as a lufty winter, ..'. Prorty,... | |
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