Imágenes de páginas


ful discharge of his duty in the disbursement of any funds which
may hereafter come into his hands: Provided, further, That the
said fund be distributed among the Catawba Indians living in
South Carolina.


SEC. 9. 1. That the following sums, if so much be necessary, be, and the same are hereby, appropriated for miscellaneous expenses, as follows:

2. For the Civil Contingent Fund, five hundred dollars, to be paid on the order of the Governor, upon the warrant of the Comptroller-General.

3. For the purposes of an Act entitled "An Act to provide for the payment of water used in the public institutions of the State located in Columbia," approved February 9th, 1882, one thousand dollars, to be paid on the warrants of the Comptroller-General issued in accordance with the provisions of said Act.

A. D. 1892.



Civil Contingent Fund.

Water in public buildings.

17 Stat., 944.

Committee to examine Trea

4. To pay the expenses of the Joint Committee of the two Houses appointed to examine the books of the State Treasurer surer's books. for the two fiscal years ending October 31st, 1892, three hundred dollars, if so much be necessary.


5. For defraying the expenses of the continuance of the con- of bonded debt. solidation of the bonded debt of the State, as provided by law, one thousand dollars, if so much be necessary, the sum to be paid on the application of the State Treasurer, upon the warrants of the Comptroller-General.

6. To pay the claims passed by the General Assembly at its regular session of 1892, three thousand dollars, if so much be necessary, to be paid by the State Treasurer upon the warrants of the Comptroller-General. To pay the claim of J. D. Maxwell for services rendered as Deputy Supervisor for Anderson County, passed by the General Assembly at its session in 1890, one hundred dollars.


7. To pay for the public printing of this fiscal year, twenty Public printing. thousand dollars, if so much be necessary.


8. For the salaries of the Railroad Commissioners, six thousand Railroad Comthree hundred dollars; for the salary of the Clerk of the Railroad Commissioners, twelve hundred dollars, and three hundred and fifty dollars to pay the contingent expenses of the office for the fiscal year commencing November 1st, 1892, if so much be necessary, to be advanced by the State until the same shall have been collected from the railroad companies of this State, in the

A. D. 1892.


manner prescribed by law, and when collected the same shall be replaced in the State Treasury.

Supervisors of 9. For the salaries of the Supervisors of Registration, three thousand six hundred dollars; that is to say, to pay the Supervisor of Registration for each County in the State, except Charleston County, the sum of one hundred dollars for the services to be rendered during the fiscal year commencing November 1st, 1892; and to the Supervisor of Registration for Charleston County the sum of two hundred dollars for services to be rendered during the same period, said amount to be paid one-half on the 1st day of June, 1893, and the remaining one-half on the 1st day of November, 1893, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.

Transportation of convicts.

Governor's Mansion.

Lighting State House.



19 Stat., 826.

penses, &c.

10. For the transportation of convicts to the Penitentiary from the several Counties of this State, three thousand dollars, if so much be necessary, to be paid on the application of the Superintendent of the Penitentiary, approved by the Board of Directors, upon the warrants of the Comptroller-General.

11. For repairs and improvements to the Governor's Mansion and for insurance and lighting of the same, twelve hundred and fifty dollars, if so much be necessary, to be paid on the order of the Governor, upon the warrant of the Comptroller-General.

12. For paying for lighting the State House and grounds, twelve hundred ($1200) dollars, is so much be necessary.

13. To pay for fuel for the purpose of heating the State House, nine hundred dollars, if so much be necessary.

14. For the purpose of an Act entitled "An Act to provide for the relief of certain soldiers, sailors and widows of soldiers or sailors of the late war between the States," approved December Clerical ex- 24th, A. D. 1887, or Acts amendatory thereto, and clerical expenses incident thereto not to exceed four hundred dollars, and one hundred and twenty dollars additional for necessary stationery and postage expenses incident thereto, fifty thousand dollars, if so much be necessary, said appropriation, except as to clerical expenses, to be paid at such times during the current fiscal year as may be designated by the State Board of Pensioners: Provided, That the Pension Board shall, before paying out any of the amount hereby appropriated, revise the whole list of pensioners and pay only those found to be in actual need of support whose names are now on the list or may hereafter be put thereon: Provided, further, That the Governor be, and he is hereby, authorized to borrow from time to time such amounts as may be

Revision of



A. D. 1892.

Warrants to

necessary to meet this appropriation: Provided, further, That the Comptroller-General is authorized to issue his warrant to the Clerks of Court of the several Counties for such amounts as may County Clerks be determined as belonging to the pensioners of such County, to be by him disbursed according to law.

of Court.

Index Clerk.

20 Stat., 294.

15. To pay the salary of the Index Clerk in the Secretary of State's office, twelve hundred dollars, to be paid as provided in Joint Resolution to provide for the indexing of all records in the office of Secretary of State, approved December 23rd, A. D. 1889. For expenses of Phosphate Commission, two thousand and five Phosphate hundred (2,500) dollars; for books and certificates of Registration, one hundred and fifty (150) dollars; for repairs on Beaufort State Arsenal, one hundred (100) dollars.


in litigation.

16. For the payment of services rendered and to be rendered Special counsel by assistant counsel Samuel Lord and Ira B. Jones in prosecuting the cases in behalf of the State known as the railroad cases, two thousand five hundred ($2,500.00) dollars: Provided, This sum shall be in full payment of all services rendered in above cases.

17. To pay Drury L. Lumsden, a disabled invalid Confederate soldier, as a pension, the sum of one hundred dollars, and the same shall be paid by the State Treasurer out of any funds in his hands not otherwise appropriated, upon the warrant of the Comptroller-General.

Drury L. Lumsden.

Fish patrol.

18. For the per diem of the Fish Patrol on Waccamaw, Pee Dee, Bull Creek Rivers and Winyah Bay, as provided by law, the 20 Stat,, 1118. sum of five hundred and twenty-five (525) dollars.


valid debt.

SEC. 10. That the sum of three hundred and seventy-five Interest on thousand dollars, if so much be necessary, be, and the same is hereby, appropriated to pay interest on the valid debt of the State which shall mature and become payable on the first day of January and on the first day of July, 1893, and for unpaid interest payable in prior years.

paid monthly.

SEC. 11. That the amounts specified in the several preceding Salaries to be Sections of this Act for salaries and clerical services shall be paid in monthly installments and shall be paid upon the warrants of How paid. the Comptroller-General, and the amounts specified for contingent funds and stationery as shall be required shall be paid upon the warrants of the Comptroller-General on the application of the various officers entitled to the same: Provided, That the accounts Vouchers to be and vouchers upon which said applications are made shall be filed.


A. D. 1892.


accounted for by

with the Comptroller-General before issuing his warrants on the State Treasurer for same; and that for the amounts required by the various officers for the purchase of stamps the ComptrollerGeneral is hereby authorized to issue his warrant to said officer. Moneys to be SEC. 12. That the moneys herein before set apart to be used as public officers. contingent funds and for other purposes by the various officers of the State government shall be duly accounted for, and such officer shall make a detailed statement of the disposition made thereof to the General Assembly at the next regular session, on or before the No contract to first day of December, 1893: Provided, That no officer authorpriation. ized to make contracts or draw funds from said appropriations shall expend or make contracts for expending more than has been specified for any purpose by this Act.

exceed appro

not to exceed


Compensation SEC. 13. That in the event that salaries or other compensation salaries fixed by for services now provided for by law for officers, clerks and other persons, for which appropriation is herein made, shall be fixed by law at other rates than those herein provided for, only so much of the sums herein before appropriated shall be paid as may be necessary to conform to the law applicable to such salaries or compensation.

When to take effect.



SEC. 14. That this Act shall take effect from and immediately after its approval.

SEC. 15. That all Acts and Joint Resolutions or parts of Acts and Joint Resolutions inconsistent or conflicting with the provisions of this Act be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Approved December 24th, A. D. 1892.



SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That General a p- the following sums, if so much be necessary, be, and the same are hereby, appropriated to meet the expenses of the General Assembly at its regular session beginning on the twenty-second


day of November, 1892, to the close of the session, and for other purposes herein named, as is more specifically indicated in the several succeeding Sections of this Act, that is to say:


A. D. 1892.


SEC. 2. That the following sums, if so much be necessary, be, Senate exand the same are hereby, appropriated to pay the expenses of the Senate from the twenty-second day of November, 1892, inclusive, to the close of the session, as follows:

President and





Bill Clerk.


For the per diem, mileage and stationery certificates of the members of the Senate and the presiding officer thereof, if so much be necessary, seven thousand and five hundred dollars; for the pay of Sampson Pope, Clerk of the Senate, one thousand Clerk and Asdollars; for the pay of R. M. McCown, Assistant Clerk of the Senate, two hundred and fifty dollars; for the pay of J. Y. Jones, Journal Clerk. Journal Clerk of the Senate, one hundred and sixty-five dollars, and four dollars per day for the number of days he may be actually engaged in the work of the Senate after the adjournment thereof, not to exceed twenty days, said number of days of such engagement to be certified by the said Journal Clerk; for the pay of F. C. Caughman, Reading Clerk of the Senate, two Reading Clerk. hundred and fifty dollars; for the pay of J. C. Elliott, Sergeantat-Arms of the Senate, two hundred and fifty dollars; for the pay of W. J. Moore, Bill Clerk of the Senate, one hundred and sixty-five dollars; for the pay of B. McLure, Clerk of the Judiciary Committee Committee of the Senate, one hundred and sixty-five dollars; for the pay of J. H. Thomas, Clerk of the Finance Committee of the Senate, one hundred and sixty-five dollars; for the pay of W. H. Meetze, Clerk of Committee of Roads, Bridges and Ferries, one hundred and sixty-five dollars; for the pay of J. W. Boyd, General Committee Clerk of the Senate, one hundred and sixty-five dollars; for the pay of H. B. Crossland, Clerk of the Committees on Railroads and Incorporations of the Senate, one hundred and sixty-five dollars; for the pay of Thomas Whittle, Doorkeepers. W. B. Going, John W. Rector and H. R. McManus, Doorkeepers of the Senate, each, ninety-nine dollars; for the pay of David Irons, Mingo White and Sam Austin, Laborers of the Senate, each, sixty-six dollars; for the pay of Calhoun Butler, Porter in the office of the Clerk of the Senate, and Keeper of the President of the Senate's room, ninety-nine dollars; for the pay of J. A. Carnes and W. W. Lazzenberry, Porters to the Committee Rooms of the Senate, each, sixty-six dollars; for the pay of W. L. Pages.

Laborers and other employees

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