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colleges, agencies, associations, conferences, and institutes, to practice nonsegregation and nondiscrimination in enrollment, employment, church extension, and church conservation, and organization." The resolution also called "upon all Americans to undertake timely and tolerant implementation of the Supreme Court decision, and that our department of race relations and the council for social action carry forward such activities as will develop public support for the Supreme Court decision."

The Methodist Church.-The general board of the Methodist Church has not met since the decision has been announced. However, several conferences of that church have issued statements or passed resolutions supporting the Supreme Court decision. Among these conferences are: the western North Carolina conference, the Indiana conference, the west Wisconsin conference, the south Georgia conference, the Little Rock conference, the Minnesota conference, and the North Arkansas conference.

The bishop of the south Georgia conference appointed an eight-man committee to give guidance to Methodists in that conference. The Little Rock conference called upon Methodists in that jurisdiction (1) "to take an active part in discussions and plans in their communities to help find just ways of implementing the Supreme Court decision; (2) in every circumstance to exercise clear, calm judgment, and Christian good will in all their attitudes and actions."

The western North Carolina conference declared that there are more Negroes in that State than in any other State except Mississippi, and that the members of the conference were deeply concerned about the consequences of the decision. They called upon their people "to exercise patience and forbearance, to refrain from hasty words, and in every circumstance to maintain the spirit of Him whom we call Lord and Master." The statement further declared that "we recognize the obligation of all citizens to obey the law of the land." It further called upon "the institutions of the church, local churches, colleges, universities, theological schools, hospitals, and homes, carefully to restudy their policies and practices as they relate to race, making certain that these policies and practices are Christian." The resolution also reaffirmed the 1952 declaration of the general conference, namely, that "to discriminate against a person solely upon the basis of his race is both unfair and unchristian. Every child of God is entitled to the place in society which he has won by his industry and character."

The Presbyterian Church, United States (South).-The general assembly of this body was meeting at the time the decision was announced and passed a resolution in support thereof, calling upon its constituent bodies and institutions to abolish segregation wherever it is practiced.

The synod of Texas of that same denomination meeting in September passed a resolution which stated among other things: "The synod affirms that enforced segregation of the races is discrimination which is out of harmony with Christian theology and ethics, and that the church, in its relationships to cultural patterns, should lead rather than follow :

"That trustees, directors, and officers of institutions and agencies of synod be urged to adopt policies for operating these institutions and agencies on an unsegregated basis;

"That the presbyteries be requested to urge sessions of local churches to admit persons to membership and fellowship in the local church on the scriptural basis of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ without reference to race;

"That in time of crisis and concern we commend to the membership of synod and especially to all leaders of our churches, the earnest cultivation and practice of the Christian graces of forbearance, patience, humility, and persistent good will."

The Cumberland Presbyterian Church.-The 124th general assembly of this denomination, meeting in June, passed a resolution approving the Court's decision and instructed its board of missions and evangelism "to prepare and distribute materials which will aid in orienting ministers and churches in how to meet the issues arising from the decision of the Supreme Court."

The Presbyterian Church U.S.A.-Following the Court's decision the board of national missions of this denomination reaffirmed its position against segregation in the schools which it maintains. Three of these schools are in States where local laws prohibit mixed enrollment. The board statement recognized that local conditions would affect the rate at which constructive changes would take place, but declared "meantime, the board continues its policy of open enrollment without restriction as to race."

Interdenominational groups

Several local councils of churches in southern communities have passed resolutions and issued statements in support of the Supreme Court decision. Among these are the Atlanta Christian Council, the New Orleans Council of Churches, the Oklahoma Council of Churches, the Washington Federation of Churches, and the Virginia Council of Churches.

The Oklahoma City Council of Churches in an open letter to the Christian people of that city made the following three suggestions: (1) That each church have an active race relations committee; (2) that people study the text of the decision itself; and (3) that the church be ready "to help people to be prepared to give a positive answer to questions or statements based on propaganda born of ancient prejudices."

The Metropolitan Church Federation of St. Louis urged its 550 member churches to abolish race segregation in "worship, fellowship and membership," and praised the Supreme Court decision in a resolution passed unanimously at the Federation annual assembly.

Jewish religious bodies

The Synagogue Council of America greeted with "deep satisfaction the historic decision of the Supreme Court." The statement saw the decision as a "conclusive repudiation of the Communist challenge to the genuineness of America's democratic avowals."

The Union of American Hebrew Congregations.-The executive board of this body issued a statement approving the decision as "a major chapter in the history of the growth of true equality under the law."

Episcopal Church reaction

Background: Reaction within the Episcopal Church to the Supreme Court ruling on segregation in the public schools can be properly evaluated only in the light of certain recent trends and events within the church which preceded the ruling.

First, there are two resolutions adopted by general convention in Boston, 1952, which commit the church to oppose racial discrimination:

(a) "Whereas Christ teaches above all the fatherhood of God, the consequent brotherhood of man and the oneness of the whole human family; and "Whereas present-day developments, leading to an increasing interdependence of nations and peoples, are making ever clearer the necessity of Christ's way of brotherhood; and

"Whereas Christ's teaching is incompatible with every form of discrimination based on color or race both domestic and international; and

"Whereas almost every country today, including our own, is guilty in greater or less degree of mass racial or color discrimination: Therefore, be it

"Resolved, That we consistently oppose and combat discrimination based on color or race in every form, both within the church and without, in this country and internationally."

(b) "Whereas it is the clear duty of Christians to lead, in seeking justice and equality of opportunity for all men, regardless of color or racial origin: Therefore, be it

"Resolved, That this convention affirms its conviction that no branch of the Christian Church should rest content while any injustices in racial relations obtain in parishes, schools, and agencies under her control or in association with her; and that it urges every member of the church to labor unceasingly for the elimination of such injustices."

Second, there is the public discussion and the subsequent modification of the admissions policy of the School of Theology of the University of the South. These events were touched off by actions of the synod of the province of Sewanee, initiated by its department of Christian social relations.

Third, there is the cooperation of the Episcopal National Council with the Southern Regional Council. This includes contributions, as well as the assistance of the division of Christian citizenship in a combined field work program of the National Council of Churches and the Southern Regional Council. Prior to the ruling, this program provided fieldworkers who visited towns in seven Southern States to aid local church people in developing ways to prepare their communities to deal with the implications of the forthcoming Supreme Court decision. These field visits have continued since the ruling was announced and are to be expanded.

Fourth, and of greatest importance, is an increasing churchwide willingness to have, and experience in, nonsegregated activities. In many dioceses-South, North, West, and East-summer conferences are held on an integrated basis. All dioceses now include representatives of Negro parishes or missions in diocesan conventions. Woman's auxiliaries, young people's groups, and others are becoming more and more nonsegregated. The National Council employs clerical workers without regard to race and is the first American church body to appoint a Negro clergyman to a nonracial national post.

A sampling of church actions

As far as the inquiries of the department of christian social relations reveal, the actions of Episcopal Church groups on the Supreme Court ruling have been positive and supportive. They range all the way from general affirmations of principles to specific recommendations, or specific acts in a crisis community situation. These actions are characterized both by a strong sense of the church's identity as a responsible force and by productive cooperation which was interdenominational or even communitywide.

Provincial action

Leaders of the province of Sewanee have given effective leadership in support of the ruling. The very day after it was delivered, the department of Christian social relations of that province assembled at Atlanta, Ga., passed the following supporting resolutions, which declared the Supreme Court's decision was "just and right," and called on public authorities and church people to give it proper support:

"The Conference of Christian Life and Work of the Department of Christian Social Relations in the Province of Sewanee, Fourth Province, of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the United States of America, in meeting assembled, May 18, 1954, agree as a group that the decision of the Supreme Sourt outlawing segregation in public schools is just and right: Be it therefore,

“Resolved, That we go on record urging our public authorities to give proper support and direction toward putting this ruling into effect as best manifests our Christian heritage; be it further

"Resolved, That we urge all church people sincerely and courageously in the light of the teachings of our lord and master, Jesus Christ, to examine their own responsibilities in seeing that this ruling is accepted in each community with calm, quiet consideration and support.

"Copy of the above to be sent to the Governor, State superintendent of public instruction, secretary of state, attorney general of each State in the fourth province, to chairmen of departments of Christian social relations, and woman's auxiliary secretaries of Christian social relations in each diocese of the province, and to all bishops in the province, for approval and information," and

"That every diocesan department of Christian social relations have a diocesan conference prior to the synod and including synod delegates on segregation,” and "That a joint session on segregation be held at the synod."

The province of Sewanee again showed its leadership by "adopting as an expression of the mind of the synod" a portion of the sermon delivered by the Right Reverend Edwin A. Penick to the synod on November 17, 1954. Excerpts of that portion adopted follow:

"We are a chosen generation because God is expecting us to find the answer to the social humanitarian question that fell on us like a mountain with the Supreme Court's decision last May. Can it be that God has brought us to grips with this issue because, in His wisdom, we are spiritually mature enough to meet it with reason, justice, good will and submission to the mind of Christ? Does God account us worthy to meet this challenge? We do not pretend, of course, to be men and women of higher intelligence, fairness, or superiority of character. But we are realistic enough to recognize the plain fact that this staggering racial problem is here, with its countless baffling and even terrifying implications, and the end is not yet *** We can't refer it to posterity. It won't be solved by extremists or radicals or impatient, aggressive pressure groups or impractical idealists. It won't be solved by compromise or evasions or ingenious political runarounds. The issue divides itself into two parts: first, the principle involved, and then the practice of it. The principle was enunciated last May when the Court spoke. The practice of it, how the decision is to be applied we do not know. The implementing decree is yet to come. And I hope when it does come, it will not be too detailed in its provisions, or too particular in its demands. The rule of thumb is almost impossible when applied to people, or it

defeats itself like the prohibition amendment. It will be, I trust, like an honor code *** The church rests this process in which we are now engaged, of helping to work out a right relationship between the races, upon such proved spiritual foundations as respect for the high worth of human personality, honor one for the other, good will and justice, not to a minority, but to all. These things are not temporary expedients. They are not human contrivances. They are derived from God. They are revealed by God in Christ. They are written deep into the constitution of the children of God. They are engraved indelibly in the record of human experience. In their direction lies the gradual progressive emergence of a complex but adjusted society ** Our prayer is that we may not be found fighting against God. With an opportunity for immeasurable service to our generation and the future, let us beware as we come to grips with this thing, my brethren, lest we southerners "make the word of God of none effect through our tradition."

The synod also adopted a resolution placing heavy responsibility for continued education on its departments of Christian social relations:

“Be it resolved, That the department of Christian social relations of this province be directed, with the help of all of the departments of the province, to develop an extensive guide for the extensive study of the problem of racial segregation, such as might be used effectively on the parish level, with the guidance of each diocesan department of Christian social relations in order to create a positive and receptive atmosphere for the recent Supreme Court decision and its forthcoming enactments."

The synod of the province of Washington, assembled at Philadelphia, October 21, 1954, adopted this resolution, calling on church people to anticipate and prepare for community disturbances caused by prejudiced groups and to give patient and vigorous leadership in support of the law:

"Whereas the Supreme Court decison, declaring racial segregation in public education is illegal, has but made explicit, in terms of law, the Christian teaching of equality of all men before God, and

"Whereas varying difficulties of adjustment to that decision are being encountered in some areas: Therefore be it

"Resolved, That the 25th synod of the third province calls upon the church people of this province in their several communities, wisely to anticipate and prepare for crises arising from activities of prejudiced groups, and to give patient, vigorous leadership and support to all forces of tolerance, orderly change, and good will."

Diocesan actions

Delaware. Perhaps the most concerted action was that in the diocese of Delaware, occasioned by the prosegregation agitation and school strikes in Sussex County. At the annual fall clergy conference, on October 5, the clergy gave unanimous approval of a pastoral letter, to be read in all Episocpal churches on October 10.

The letter, speaking in the name of the bishops, priests, and deacons of the diocese, appealed for "revised attitudes" which will conform to the Supreme Court decision. It deplored "hysterical fear" and urged "loyalty to the Christian principle of the brotherhood of all of us under God." The letter said in part:

"We hold that no attitude that keeps men in permanent separation is acceptable to God ***. We support the early integration of our public school population, in keeping with the coming directive of the Supreme Court.

"We uphold communities and individuals in our State and Nation who have been able to make the first courageous beginnings, and we urge sympathetic understanding for other communities in which the problems of adjustment are more complicated.

"We adhere, as directed in Holy Scripture, to submission and loyalty to the civil law and to constituted civil authority. We hold that violators of law must be brought under the discipline of the State, and that all members of this church stand under the judgment of God and the discipline of the church. The bishop coadjutor and other clergy preached on the subject and exhorted parents and students to obey the law and to accept the desegregation program as being in accord with the Christian principle of brotherhood. In Wilmington, the Episcopal bishops and other clergy gave moral support to the integration program of the school authorities. They helped in other ways to make possible the peaceful transition which is being made.

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The interracial relations committee of the diocesan department of Christian social relations has been active for many years and accomplished many forward steps in integrated church life. It has been active in the diocesan response to the Supreme Court ruling and is now promoting State legislation to implement the goals of the ruling.

Leaders of other communions in Delaware likewise gave their support and leadership.

Mississippi. The department of Christian social relations in this diocese prepared a statement on the decision, with the support and assistance of the bishop, which was printed in the diocesan magazine and published as a pamphlet, under the title "The Church and the Supreme Court Decision." The pamphlet was circulated for the guidance of Episcopalians rather than as a political instrument. The pamphlet discusses the decision in the light of Christian faith and democratic ideals, and concludes that it was "just and right." It explores the delicate and difficult question of "What can we do?" and recommended four policies as a necessary basis for a constructive approach to the application of the principle affirmed by the decision. The pamphlet has helped Episcopalians in that diocese and elsewhere to understand the religious, moral, and political significance of the decision.

North Carolina.-The department of Christian social relations submitted to the executive council of the diocese a resolution which was adopted. The resolution "urges the members of the Episcopal Church in the diocese to accept, in the Christian spirit of the brotherhood of man, the decision *** and to work with school authorities and with parents, pupils, and the public at large in an effort to effect an orderly transition to an integrated public school system * *

The department has an active, continuing committee to provide leadership to the people of the diocese in the coming years. The committee represents leadership from the Negro and white races, men and women, clergy, and laity, and the different geographic communities involved. It recognized as a foremost necessity, corporate and individual prayer, and has reproduced and distributed suitable prayers to the clergy and heads of organizations. They include one by Bishop Penick which has been printed and authorized for use in formal services of worship.

Prayer for human relations

"O, God, our Heavenly Father, who hast created all men after Thy likeness, we beseech Thee to incline Thine ear to us as we ask Thy help in doing our duty as Christian citizens and as members of Thy holy church. We acknowledge our many transgressions of Thy righteous law and especially our failure to see Thine image in all Thy children for whose sake Thy Son was content to die. Grant that we may follow in the steps of Him with whom there was no respect of persons. "Make us ready to acknowledge the truth as it stands written in Thy holy word. Give us courage in our thinking and honesty in our decisions. Lift us above self-interest and prejudice and whatsoever else may hinder us from a just and righteous dealing with our neighbor. Guide with Thy wisdom those to whom Thou hast committed the responsibility of government, that all things pertaining to the relationship of man with man may be settled upon the sure foundation of Thy holy will as made known to us in Thy Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.”—THE RT. REV. EDWIN A. PENICK, D.D.

The committee is also distributing four presentations, given in a panel on the subject at a woman's auxiliary conference last summer, and is organizing similar panels on a regional basis. Available literature is being assembled for the use of parish discussion groups.

The committee is sending written messages to official governmental bodies dealing with methods and plans for desegregation.

Alabama. The department of Christian social relations held a diocesan conference on the segregation ruling, September 24 and 25. No resolutions were passed or votes taken, since the purpose was to find out the attitude of church members toward the decision and how these might be improved. Twenty-five parishes, including three Negro parishes, were represented. Persons were selected for their future effectiveness in educating the parishes from which they


Kentucky. The department of Christian social relations of the diocese of Kentucky has asked parishes to sponsor study groups on the ruling and to report back problems that arise in their communities, as well as a summary of their findings. The department has also conducted an opinion survey on desegregation of Kentucky's public schools. A questionnaire was sent to 26 par

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