the act repealing it was received. The difficulty could be remedied only by taking out that chapter and inserting an "Act to authorize the formation of corporations for the construction of plank or turnpike roads," in its place, as chapter four of the old act. Fortunately the new act was about the same length as the old chapter, and on the same subject. This course was accordingly pursued, and foot notes added referring to the fact. The "Act declaring certain rivers and creeks navigable," on page 247, is amended on page 916. An "Act concerning the office of county treasurer," on page 110, is amended on page 920. Several acts organizing new counties have been omitted, believing that they would greatly encumber the work, without adding to its usefulness. Great care has been taken to present the entire statute law of the state, of a public and general nature, in the best and most convenient form, disencumbered of all repealed, expired, and amended acts. To the whole, marginal notes and a copious index have been added, which, it is believed, will greatly facilitate reference, and add to its usefulness. Had a greater discretion and longer time been allowed to the compilers, much useful matter might have been added, and a better arrangement obtained. The work, however, is submitted to the public, with the hope that it may prove more convenient than the four volumes in which the statute law of the state is now found. S. GARFIELDE. BENICIA, August 1st, 1853. AN ACT To provide for the Compilation and Publication of the Laws of the State of California, and the Payment thereof.-[Passed April 27, 1853.] The People of the State of California, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. Frederick A. Snyder is hereby appointed and constituted an agent on the part of the state of California, to compile, codify, and publish the laws of the state of California in one volume, in the manner hereinafter designated. SEC. 2. Before entering upon the duties of his agency, said agent shall execute a bond, in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars, payable to the people of the state of California, with two or more sureties, to be approved by the governor, for the faithful performance of the duties enjoined on him by this act, which bond shall be filed in the office of the secretary of state. SBC. 3. It shall be the duty of said agent to carefully compile and codify all laws of a public and general nature that may be in force at the close of the present session of the legislature of the state of California, and combine therewith all such laws as may be enacted during the present session of said legislature; to carefully index the same, and make full marginal notes indicating the contents of each section, and cause and procure the same to be printed and published in a neat manner, and bound in leather cover in a strong and durable manner, in convenient form, in one volume. SEC. 4. In order to enable the said Snyder to carry out the objects of this act, it shall be the duty of the secretary of state, within thirty days after the close of the present session of the legislature, to furnish him with certified copies of all laws passed during the present session of the legislature. SEC. 5. The volume of compiled laws herein provided for shall be printed on paper of good quality, with neat long primer type, bound as provided in section three of this act, and the whole number mentioned in section six shall be delivered by said Snyder to the secretary of state within six months from the adjournment of the present legislature. SEC. 6. The number of copies published according to the provisions of this act shall be twelve hundred, to be distributed and disposed of in the manner prescribed by law. SEC. 7. Immediately after said agent shall have filed his bond as herein specified, it shall be the duty of the comptroller of state to issue his warrant drawn on the treasurer of state in favor of said Snyder, for the sum of four thousand dollars, payable out of the general fund, and when said agent shall deposit in the office of the secretary of state twelve hundred copies of said compiled and codified statutes, it shall be the duty of the comptroller of state to issue a like warrant, payable out of the same fund;. H in favor of said Snyder for the additional sum of six thousand dollars, which shall be his compensation in full for the twelve hundred copies of said statutes. SEC. 8. Selucius Garfielde is hereby constituted an examiner, who, in conjunction with the said Snyder, shall carefully examine any compilation prepared by said Snyder, and aid in the correction of such compilation, and in making such further compilation as may be necessary for the completion and the perfection of the work herein provided for: Provided, that said Garfielde shall receive no compensation from the state for such examination. SEC. 9. On the completion of the examination aforesaid, the examiner mentioned in section eight shall certify to said agent the correctness of said compilation, which certificate shall authorize said agent to proceed forthwith to publish the compilation herein provided for. SEC. 10. Before entering upon their respective duties, the agent and examine r aforesaid shall be sworn by some person competent to administer oaths, to faithfully perform the duties imposed upon them by this act. SEC. 11. All laws, and parts of laws, conflicting with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed. CERTIFICATE. I hereby certify that I have examined the following compilation of the laws of California, made in conformity to an act of the Legislature "To provide for the compilation and publication of the laws of the State of California, and the payment thereof," and that the same is correct according to the provisions of the aforesaid act. SELUCIUS GARFIELDE, Examiner. GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FOR 1853. GOVERNOR, JOHN BIGLER. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, TREASURER, RICHARD ROMAN. COMPTROLLER, WINSLOW S. PIERCE. SECRETARY OF STATE, J. W. DENVER. SURVEYOR GENERAL, WILLIAM M. EDDY. SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, SUPREME COURT, SOLOMON HEYDENFELDT, Chief Justice. |