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SEC. 11. He shall have power to administer all oaths or affirma- May administer tions required or allowed by law in matters touching the duties of his office; and shall perform all duties not enumerated in this act, which may be enjoined by law.

SEC. 12. This act shall be in force from and after its passage.


of act.


AN ACT concerning the office of the Secretary of State. (1)—[Passed
January 24, 1850.]

The People of the State of California, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows :

office to give

SECTION 1. The Secretary of State, before entering upon the dis- Before taking charge of any of the duties of his office, shall make and execute his bond. bond to the state of California, in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars, with at least two sufficient sureties, conditioned for the faithful performance and discharge of the several duties and trusts imposupon him by the constitution and laws of this state: Provided, Present secretary that this section shall not apply to the Secretary of State heretofore to qualify, etc. appointed, who shall have ten days after the passage of this act, in which to take the oath of office and execute his bond.


to have ten days

approved and

SEC. 2. Said bond and sureties shall be approved by the Governor, Bond etc., to be and such bond shall be by him deposited in the office of the Recorder recordedfor the county in which the seat of government is situated, and there recorded. (2)

of all state

SEC. 3. The Secretary of State shall have the custody of, and care- To have custody fully preserve the enrolled copy of the constitution of the state of California, the description of the state seal, and other seals of which a description may be required to be deposited in his office; the manuscripts containing the enrolled acts, and joint resolutions, and journals of the legislature; and all the books, records, parchments, maps, registers, and papers that may be deposited in his office; all deeds and conveyances belonging to the state; all official bonds of officers approved by the Governor, except the bond of said Secretary;

(1) See Stat. 1851, page 416, Sec. 4.

(2) See Stat. 1850, page 74, Sec. 1. Recorder is changed to clerk.


Duties as secretary.

To furnish copies

of laws, records,

and all written contracts to which the state is a party, unless required to be deposited elsewhere.

SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to keep a fair register of, and attest all the official acts and proceedings of the Governor, and affix the seal of the state with such attestations, to all commissions, pardons, and other public instruments to which the signature of the Governor is required; to lay all papers, minutes, and vouchers relative to the official acts and proceedings of the Governor, before either House of the legislature, when required by such House; to permit all the books, bonds, deeds, registers, papers, and transactions of his office to be open at all times to the inspection and examination of any committee of either branch of the legislature (1); to furnish information in writing upon any subject relating to the duties of his office to the Governor, whenever required; to deliver up in good order and condition to his successor, all the records, books, papers, and other things belonging to his office, and to perform all such other duties as may be enjoined upon him by the constitution and laws of this state.

SEC. 5. The Secretary of State shall furnish on demand to any etc., on request. person paying the proper legal fee or fees therefor, a duly certified copy of all or any part of any law, act, record, or other instrument of writing on file or deposited in his office, and of which a copy may be properly given.

Original laws and joint resolutions

be bound, etc.

SEC. 6. Immediately after the adjournment of each session of the of legislature to legislature, the Secretary of State shall cause the original laws and joint resolutions passed and adopted at such session, with the journals of the Senate and Assembly, to be bound with substantial leather binding, in a volume or volumes of such size as he may find convenient, and shall cause the title thereof, with the session at which the same shall have been passed, to be written or printed on the back of such volume or volumes.

To deliver to state printer

SEC. 7. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to deliver to copies of all acts, the printer for the state, at the earliest day practicable, copies of all joint resolutions, etc., and to acts, and joint resolutions, and journals passed or adopted by the superintend printing and dis- legislature, to superintend the printing and correct the proof sheets of the acts, joint resolutions, and journals required by law to be printed, and to attend to the distribution thereof.

tribution thereof.

May appoint a deputy and employ clerks.

SEC. 8. Whenever the Secretary of State shall, by reason of sick

(1) See Stat. 1851, page 304, Sec. 16.

ness, necessary absence, or inability, be prevented from discharging in person the duties of his office, he shall have power under his hand and seal to appoint a deputy, who may perform all the duties belonging to the office of Secretary of State; and whenever it may in his opinion be necessary, he may employ any number of clerks, not exceeding four, to aid and assist in making copies of acts and joint resolutions to be delivered to the printer.

state librarian


SEC. 9. The Secretary of State shall be ex officio state librarian; To be ex officio he shall procure a suitable place for the library of the state, and take his duties as charge of the same in a manner best calculated to subserve the object of said library; he shall transmit copies of all volumes of laws, journals, reports, and other documents, and of maps which may be authorized by this state, to each of the departments of the United States at Washington, and to each of the states of the Union, and receive in return such books, maps, etc., which may be sent to this state by the government of the United States and the several states; it shall be his duty to distribute to the several counties of this state, and the different officers thereof, the laws and documents sent to this state by the United States, intended for distribution among the several counties, in such numbers as he may be directed by law. (1)

office, and office

SEC. 10. The Secretary of State shall keep his office at the seat of Where to keep government, and shall not absent himself from the state without leave hours. granted by the legislature, and shall attend the same either in person or by his deputy every day in the year, Sundays excepted, from the hours of ten o'clock of the forenoon until two o'clock in the afternoon.

SEC. 11. This act shall be in full force from and after its passage. Commencement


AN ACT fixing the time for Acts and Joint Resolutions to take

effect.-[Passed January 24, 1850.]

The People of the State of California, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

of act.


SECTION 1. All acts and joint resolutions shall take effect from Acts and joint and after their passage, unless some other time is expressly stated when to take therein. (2).

SEC. 2. This act shall be in force from and after its passage.

(1) See Stat. 1850, p. 172, sec. 2.

(2) See Cal. Sup. Court Rep., vol. 1., p. 406. Held, that when a statute is


Commencement of act.

Penalty on per

sons or corporations intrusted with state

moneys, and failing duly to


AN ACT prescribing the mode of receiving, keeping, and paying out the Public Funds.-[Passed January 31, 1850.]

The People of the State of California, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION. 1. That whenever any officer, or other person or persons, or corporation, has received moneys belonging to the state, or has been intrusted with the collection, management, or disbursement of account therefor. any moneys, bonds, or interest accruing therefrom, belonging in like manner to, or held in trust by, the state, and shall fail to render an account thereof to, and make settlement with, the Comptroller within the time prescribed by law, or when no particular time is specified, shall fail to render such account and make settlement upon being required so to do by the Comptroller, within twenty days after such requisition, it shall be the duty of such Comptroller to state an account of such officer, or person or persons, or corporations charging twenty-five per cent. damages, and interest at the rate of ten per cent. per annum from the time of failing to render an account and settle as aforesaid.

State debtors to be sued.

SEC. 2. Whenever any officer, or other person or persons, or corporation, shall be indebted to the state, and fail or refuse to make settlement with the Comptroller as in this act required, and shall fail to pay over to the Treasurer, on the printed or written order of the Comptroller, according to the provisions of this act, the amount or balance to be paid by such officer, or other person or persons, or corporation, into the Treasury, or to such person or persons entitled by law to receive the same within the time prescribed by law, or if no time be prescribed by law, then within twenty days after; the Comptroller shall notify such officer, or other person or persons, or corporation, to settle and pay the same; said Comptroller shall, upon being informed or notified, or coming to his knowledge from any source whatever of such failure, cause suit to be instituted against such officer, or other person or persons, or corporation thus in default, for

declared to take effect from and after its passage, it takes effect at the very mo ment of its approval by the Governor.

the recovery of the amount thus due and unpaid, with damages and interest thereon.


copy of

prima facie evi

SEC. 3. A copy of the account in such case made out and certified In such action by the Comptroller, with his official seal affixed thereto, shall be suffi- the account to be cient evidence to support an action in any court of competent juris- dence. diction for the amount or balance stated therein to be due, without proof of the signature or official character of such Comptroller; subject, however, to the right of the defendant to plead and give in evidence, as in other actions, all such matters as shall be legal and proper for his defence or discharge.

defendants shall

be liable for the


SEC. 4. The party thus sued shall be subject to the costs and In such action charges of suit, whether the ultimate decision be against him or in his favor, except in cases in which he shall have rendered a true account, and shall also have paid the full amount to the proper person authorized by law to receive the same, before the commencement of said suit; or when the suit is brought to recover against a deceased Exception. debtor to the state, before the expiration of the time prescribed by law, within which representatives are allowed by law to qualify on


such actions lia

on the trial he

which he with

SEC. 5. If any defendant in any suit prosecuted at the instance of The defendant in the Comptroller under the provisions of this act, shall at the trial ble to costs, where give any evidence which existed prior to the time, and within the gives evidence knowledge of the defendant at the time of such adjustment and settle- held from compment of his accounts, and which was not produced to said Comptroller at the time of said settlement, such defendant shall be subject to the costs and charges of said suit, whether the ultimate decision be against him or in his favor.

SEC. 6. The Comptroller shall charge and enter in a proper book or books, to be provided for that purpose, under distinct heads, for each debtor, or disburser, or holder of public moneys, or dues to the state, of all and every description whatever, with a suitable index arranged in alphabetical order, of all such persons, corporations, states, or the United States, as soon as such liabilities or indebtedness shall come officially to his knowledge, charging such officer, person or persons, corporations, states, or the United States, with the amount or amounts of such liabilities, stating whether such dues be in money, property, or securities of any kind; and particularly of all collectors of the public revenues of the state, and all dues to the state, whether money, property, securities, or other things from any and all sources whatever; and as soon as the same is due by law, or if no time be stipulated or fixed by law, then as soon after twenty days' notice as


To keep an ac

count of state

debtors, and en

force payment.

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