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SEC. 30. The act entitled "An act concerning Jurors," passed Former act April twenty-eighth, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, and the act entitled "An act to exempt fire-men from militia service and jury duty," passed January twenty-eighth, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, are repealed.

of this act.

SEC. 31. This act shall take effect from and after the first of May, Commencement one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two.


AN ACT to exempt Firemen from Militia Service and Jury Duty. -[Passed March 25, 1853.]

The People of the State of California, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:

from military

SECTION 1. The officers and members of any fire company, regu- Firemen exempt larly attached to the fire department, of any city, town or village and jury duty. within the state, organized according to ordinance of such city, town

or village, shall be exempt from militia service and jury duty, except

as hereinafter provided.

SEC. 2. The officers and members of any company in said fire de- The same. partment shall be exempt from military duty, except in case of war, invasion, or insurrection.


SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of each person claiming exemption Certificate of from military or jury duty, under the provisions of this act, to produce, if required by the officer serving a jury or militia notice, a certificate of his active membership to the fire department or company to which he is attached, signed by the chief engineer, secretary of the board of delegates of the fire department, foreman of the company, or chief magistrate of the city, town or village.

serving notice.

SEC. 4. The officer serving the jury summons or militia notice, may Duty of officer in require the oath of the party summoned or notified, before any magistrate, that he has not resigned, been expelled, or forfeited his membership of the company or department, since the date of his certifi


members to each

SEC. 5. There shall not be allowed to any engine company more Number of than sixty-five certificate members; to any hose company more than company. twenty-five certificate members; to any hook and ladder companies more than sixty-five certificate members.

SEC. 6. Any member who shall have served as an active fireman Time of service.

for the period of five years, and shall produce a certificate of the same, signed by the chief engineer, secretary of the board of delegates of the fire department, or other officers to whom such duty may Exempt firemen. be assigned, shall be entitled to receive a certificate as an exempt fireman, which shall forever release him in this state from jury duty or militia service.

Privileges under this act.


Fire department
of San Francisco.
Of Sacramento.

Of Marysville.
Of Stockton.

SEC. 7. All persons who have served as active firemen in companies duly organized according to the provisions of this act, subsequent to the first day of January, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, shall be entitled to date their term of five years service from the date of their becoming certificate members :Provided, that the service that shall entitle such person to the exemption herein provided, shall not date prior to the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three.

SEC. 8 The fire department of the city of San Francisco shall at no time be allowed more than twenty companies; the city of Sacramento more than ten companies; the city of Marysville more than five companies; the city of Stockton more than five companies. Nor shall there be allowed in any other cities, towns or villages more than one company for each one thousand inhabitants: Provided, always, Other cities, etc. that one company shall be allowed in any city, town or village where the population is less than one thousand.

The city council

to have power to pass the necessary ordinances.


AN ACT to authorize the Mayor and Common Council of the City
of Sacramento to contract for supplying the City with Water.—
[Passed May 3, 1852.]

The People of the State of California, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. The mayor and common council of the city of Sacramento are hereby authorized and empowered to contract, by special ordinance, in such manner and form as they may choose, with any association, person or persons, to supply the said city with water. Any contract or contracts so made and entered into, shall be valid and binding in law.


AN ACT creating the office of Clerk of the Recorder's Court of the
City of Sacramento.-[Passed May 1, 1852.]

The People of the State of California, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:

appoint a clerk.

SECTION 1. That the recorder of the city of Sacramento may have Recorder may power to appoint a clerk, to be styled the "Clerk of the Recorder's Court," who shall be paid for his services by the recorder, as he may Salary agree with the said clerk.


SEC. 2. The said clerk, when so appointed, shall have power to is- Powers and sue all writs which the recorder may order; to administer all oaths known to the law; to keep a docket or record of the proceedings of the said court, and generally to do and perform all duties properly belonging to the office of clerk of said court.


AN ACT to provide for the Construction of Telegraph Lines within the State of California.-[Passed May 3, 1852.]

The People of the State of California, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:


SECTION 1. The right and privilege is hereby granted to Oliver E. To whom Allen and Clark Burnham, or their assigns, to construct and put in operation an electro-magnetic telegraph line, from the city of San Francisco to the city of Marysville, by the way of the cities of San Jose, Stockton and Sacramento, with right of way over any lands be- Rights and privileges. longing to this state, and on or along any streets, roads or highways, or across any stream or streams: Provided, they do not obstruct the same, and no person or persons shall be allowed to locate, or construct, or run any telegraph line, or any portion thereof, within half a mile of the line or route selected by the said Allen and Burnham or their assigns, except that when within half a mile of any incorporated city, the proprietors of any similar line of telegraph, may enter said Duty of grantees. city and depart therefrom, making their station therein, within twenty


To the public press.

Existing law not to conflict.

Revenue to state.

Penalties and fines.

Repeal of this law.

yards of the station of said Allen and Burnham, or their successors, for the term of fifteen years: Provided, that the said above named parties, or their assigns, shall, within eighteen months from the passage of this act, construct and put in operation a telegraph line from the city of San Francisco to the city of Marysville, by the way of San Jose, and Stockton, and Sacramento: Provided, also, that this act shall not prohibit the construction of local side lines. But lines shall not be constructed nor offices established so as to do business directly or indirectly between the cities aforesaid; but side lines may establish offices in said cities for the transmission of communications to and from the main line. This line shall be bound to do the business of said lines, and to transmit all despatches in the order in which they are received, under the penalty of one hundred dollars, to be recovered, with costs of suit, by the person or persons whose despatch is postponed out of its order, as herein prescribed: Provided, however, that an arrangement may be made with the proprietors or publishers of newspapers for the transmission, for the purpose of publication, of intelligence of general and public interest out of its regular order: and provided, further, that preference may be given to sheriffs and other civil officers for the transmission of intelligence for the detection and capture of criminals.

SEC. 2. No existing law shall be so construed as to conflict or interfere with the provisions of this act: Provided, that the owners of this line shall at all times conform to the present law of the state concerning telegraph companies, so far as it relates to the transmission of messages.

SEC. 3. From and after three years from the completion of said telegraph lines, said Allen and Burnham, or their assigns, shall pay to the treasurer of state three per cent. of the net proceeds of said line, which payment shall be made on the first Monday of May in each year.

SEC. 4. Any person or persons who shall unlawfully and intentionally injure, molest or destroy any of said lines, posts, wires, pins, or the materials or other property belonging thereto, shall, on conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and be punished by a fine not less than three hundred dollars, nor more than one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment for each offence, and shall be liable, to the party injured, in a civil action, for double the amount of damages sustained.

SEC. 5. Any future legislature may alter, amend, or repeal this act, upon the petition of a majority of the voters of the counties through which the line may pass.


SEC. 6. Nothing in this act shall be so construed as to prevent the Meaning of this construction of a telegraph line between the Atlantic and Pacific.


AN ACT concerning the Offices of Comptroller and Treasurer of
State. (1)-[Passed May 3, 1852.]

The People of the State of California, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:

against the state

without endorse


SECTION 1. That hereafter it is required of all persons to whom Indebtedness any warrant on the treasurer of state is issued, by the comptroller, not transferable before such warrant shall constitute an indebtedness against the state, ment of state such warrant shall be presented to the treasurer, who shall, if it be a lawful warrant, endorse the same on the back, officially, with the date of such endorsement, made by him, and no transfer shall be valid without such endorsement.


SEC. 2. It is hereby made the duty of the treasurer to keep a proper Duty of book for the register of such warrants as are required to be endorsed by him, by the foregoing section, and such register shall contain the date of the endorsement, the name of the person to whom issued, the amount, the number, and for what purpose issued.

SEC. 3. This act shall take effect from and after its


Commencement of the act.


AN ACT authorizing the Comptroller of State to sue and prosecute
County Treasurers and other Officers charged with the Collection
of State Revenue, who have failed or refused to discharge their
Duties. (2)-[Passed March 3, 1852.]

The People of the State of California, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:

troller when

SECTION 1. In all cases, where, in the judgment of the comptroller Duty of compof state, any county treasurer, or other person charged with the collec- collecting officers tion of state revenue, shall be guilty of conduct tending or designed to fraud.

are guilty of

(1) See ante, pages 72, 75.

(2) See ante, page 72.

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