Imágenes de páginas

of America, by reason of any such injury, defacement, or removal; to be recovered by action on the case in any court of competent jurisdiction.

SEC. 7. This act shall take effect from and after its passage.

Commencement of this act.



AN ACT giving the Consent of the Legislature of the State of California to the Purchase by the United States, of Land within this State for public purposes.-[Passed April 27, 1852.]

The People of the State of California, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:


under the act.

SECTION 1. That the consent of the legislature of California be and For what the same is hereby given to the purchase by the government of the United States, or under the authority of the same, of any tract, piece or parcel of land, from any individual or individuals, bodies politic or corporate, within the boundaries or limits of this state, for the purpose of erecting thereon armories, arsenals, forts, fortifications, navy yards, or dock yards, magazines, custom houses, light houses, and other needful public buildings or establishments whatsoever; and Proceedings all deeds, conveyances or title papers for the same, shall be recorded, as in other cases, upon the land records of the county, in which the land so conveyed may lie; and in like manner may be recorded a sufficient description, by metes and bounds, courses and distances, of any tract or tracts, legal divisions or sub-divisions, of any public land belonging to the United States, which may be set apart by the general government, for any or either of the purposes before mentioned, by an order, patent, or other official document or paper so describing such land. The consent herein and hereby given being in accordance with the seventeenth clause of the eighth section of the first article of the constitution of the United States, and with the acts of congress in such cases made and provided.


SEC. 2. The lots, parcels or tracts of land so selected, together Exempt from with the tenements and appurtenances, for the purposes before mentioned, shall be held exempt from taxation by the state of California.


Atlantic and


AN ACT to grant the Right of Way to the United States for Rail
Road purposes.-[Passed May 1, 1852.]

Whereas, the interests of this state, as well as those of the whole Union, require the immediate action of the government of the United States for the construction of a national thoroughfare connecting the navigable waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, for the purposes of the national safety, in the event of war, and to promote the highest commercial interests of the republic, therefore,

The People of the State of California, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. The right of way through this state is hereby granted Pacific Railroad, to the United States for the purpose of constructing a rail road from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans.

Advertise for proposals:

Governor and comptroller to make the contract.


AN ACT to provide for the Public Printing.-[Passed April 29, 1852.]

The People of the State of California, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. The office of state printer is hereby abolished.

SEC. 2. The printing of the laws and joint resolutions, and of the journals of both houses of the legislature, and all other printing of the senate and assembly, and the several offices and departments of state, shall hereafter be done as follows: The governor and comptroller of state shall give twenty days public notice, from and after the adjournment of the session of the legislature, in two daily newspapers in each of the cities of San Francisco, Sacramento and Stockton, that they will, on or before a day to be mentioned in said notice, receive sealed proposals at the seat of government for the printing provided to be done under this act, to be performed as hereinafter provided. At the expiration of the time so mentioned, they will open said proposals, and enter into a contract with such persons as

shall make an offer or bid to do the said work at the lowest and most
advantageous terms for the state, who shall at the same time give
security within three days, in a bond to the state of California, in Amount.
the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, with one or more sufficient
sureties acceptable to the governor and comptroller of state, which
contract shall be for the term of nine months from the first day of
May, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, and shall contain a
covenant that the contractor agrees to accept the prices therein pro-
vided, as a just and full compensation for the work to be done.




SEC. 3. Said proposals shall state the price of composition, in Price of English, per thousand ems, on all journals, laws, messages, reports, and other documents, in book form, printed on new and neat smallpica type, the page thirty-four ems wide and fifty-seven ems long, and the same in Spanish. The price per thousand ems for rule-work and Laws in Spanish. for figure-work, and for rule and figure-work in English, and the same Rule and figure in Spanish. The price per thousand ems for all bills and other docu- Bills, etc. ments printed with open lines like bills, the page forty-five ems smallpica wide, and seventy ems long the form: No blank pages to be Blank pages. charged, except where necessary in making up. The price of Press work. presswork per token, of two hundred and forty impressions or less. The price per ream for certificates, circulars, receipts, and other blanks, Price of blanks, for the several departments of state. The price of rule-work, of figure-work, and of rule and figure-work on the same per quire. The price per page for marginal notes, which shall be printed in a type Marginal notes. not larger than minion, and not wider than six ems: the price per Style of work. page for folding, and also for folding and stitching, and for putting Folding and up the laws and journals in blue printed paper covering. Said printing to be done after the pattern, as to mechanical execution, of Style of work. the statutes of one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, now in the office of the secretary of state. No proposal shall be regarded, unless it be accompanied by a sufficient guarantee, subscribed to by a Bids to b guarantor of adequate ability, that the person making such bid or proposal, will, if the same be accepted, enter into a contract, according to the terms thereof, and file the security required by law, in such case, within the time above specified for that purpose; to which guarantee a certificate shall be annexed by the district judge of the district, where the guarantor resides, that the guarantor is a man of property, and able to make good his guarantee: and the person or persons so proposing, shall give to the state security to double the amount of said proposals, for the completion of said work, that they will never call on the state for further remuneration, compensation,,



reifted by

district judge.

Style of composition.

Number of copies to be printed.

In Spanish.

or reward. All journals, laws, messages, reports, and other documents in book form, shall be printed solid.

SEC. 4. There shall be printed of the laws and joint resolutions of each session of the legislature, seven hundred copies in English, and of such laws as may be designated for publication in Spanish, three hundred copies, which shall be delivered by the printer under this Time allowed to act to the secretary of state, within sixty days after he shall have received the certified copies thereof, from the secretary of state. Of

complete print

ing journals. Number to be printed.

Printing to be

done in the state.

Printer to

furnish paper.

The secretary of

copies for publication.

Notes and indexes.

the journals of the senate and assembly, there shall be printed four hundred and eighty copies in one volume or two, as may be required by the size thereof: Provided, that all printing ordered under this act shall be executed within the state of California.

SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the printer, under this act, to provide for the state, under the direction of the secretary of state, a sufficiency of paper of good quality for the printing to be done, as herein provided: and his bills for the same, when allowed by the secretary of state, shall be audited by the comptroller of state, who shall draw his warrants on the treasurer for the same, to be paid out of any moneys therein not otherwise appropriated.

SEC. 6. The secretary of state shall deliver to the printer, under state to furnish this act, as expeditiously as possible, the manuscript copies of the journals of both houses of the legislature, and of the laws and joint resolutions of each session, with full and proper indexes, appendixes, marginal and side notes, prepared for publication. The copies of the journals to be furnished to the secretary of state by the secretary of the senate and clerk of the assembly, who shall receive the same compensation for making copies as is allowed to the secretary of state; and the secretary of state is hereby authorized to contract for the making of such indexes, appendixes, marginal and side notes, with some competent person, at a rate not exceeding two dollars a folio of one hundred words.

Extra copies to bills, etc., to be bound.

Distribution of the laws and


SEC. 7. The printer, under this act, shall, in addition to the copies of all bills, reports, messages, and other documents ordered to be printed for the senate and assembly, print twenty-five copies extra, which shall be bound up at the end of the session, by the secretary of state, uniform with the journals: one copy shall be furnished to each of the state officers, for his office, and to the president of the senate and speaker of the assembly; the residue shall belong to the state library.

SEC. 8. The distribution of the volumes of the laws and of the journals shall be made by the secretary of state, as follows: One copy to each officer of state, to each member of the legislature, to

each district judge, to each district attorney, to each justice of the supreme court, to each county clerk, to each county judge, and to each senator and representative in congress from this state, to the library of congress at Washington, and to the state library of each state in the Union two copies; and one copy of the laws to each justice of the peace in each county; and one copy of the laws to each county treasurer, county surveyor, county assessor, and sheriff of each county that is now organized, or that may hereafter be organized, and all other officers that may be created under the statutes of this state, when, in the opinion of the secretary of state, they are entitled to the same. The residue shall be placed in the state library until otherwise disposed of by law.

laws in Spanish.

SEC. 9. All copies of books furnished under this act, to any state, Distribution of county, or judicial officers within this state, except members of the legislature, shall be for the use of the office of such officer, and shall belong to said office. The distribution of the laws in Spanish shall be made by the secretary of state, as follows: One copy to each justice of the supreme court, to each district judge, to each county clerk, to each senator and member of assembly in the counties of Sonoma, Marin, Mendocino, Contra Costa, Santa Clara, Monterey, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, San Diego and Los Angeles, and to each county judge in said counties. The residue shall remain in the state library until otherwise disposed of by law.

issue warrants

SEC. 10. Upon the execution of any work under this act, the Comptroller to comptroller of state shall audit the bills therefor, and draw his war- for printing. rant on the treasury for the amount, which shall be paid out of any moneys not otherwise appropriated by law. The secretary of state and the comptroller shall at any time reject altogether, or make a deduction in the price of any work not done according to law, either as to the manner of its execution or the time of its delivery.


SEC. 11. The contract made and entered into under the provisions Contracts of this act, is hereby declared to be non-transferable.

inconsistent with

this repealed.

SEC. 12. "An Act to create the office of state printer, and define All former laws his duties," passed January eighth, one thousand eight hundred and the provisions of fifty; “An Act, defining the duties of state printer, and fixing his compensation," passed March ninth, one thousand eight hundred and fifty; "An Act to provide for the distribution of the journals, laws, supreme court reports, and other documents," passed April twentysecond, one thousand eight hundred and fifty; "An Act to amend an Act defining the duties of state printer, and fixing his compensation," (passed March ninth, one thousand eight hundred and fifty,) passed March twenty-fifth, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one; "An

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