convicted of SEC. 14. In case of the conviction of an Attorney or Counsellor, of Attorney a felony, or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, the Clerk of the felony, etc. Court in which the conviction was had, shall within thirty days thereafter transmit to the Supreme Court a certified copy of the record of conviction. remove an etc. SEC. 15. The proceedings to remove or suspend an Attorney and Proceedings to Counsellor, under the first subdivision of section thirteenth, shall be Attorney, taken by the Court on the receipt of the certified copy of the record of conviction; the proceedings under the second subdivision of section thirteenth, may be taken by the Court for matters within its knowledge, or may be taken upon the information of another. SEC. 16. If the proceedings be upon the information of another, The like. the accusation shall be in writing, and shall be presented to the Court. SEC. 17. The accusation shall state the matters charged, and shall The like. be verified by the oath of the person making it, or some other person, to the effect that the charges therein contained are true. SEC. 18. After receiving the accusation the Court shall, if, in its The like. opinion, the case require it, make an order requiring the accused to appear and answer the accusation, at a specified time, in the same or subsequent term, and shall cause a copy of the order and of the accusation to be served upon the accused, within a prescribed time, before the day appointed in the order. SEC. 19. The accused must appear at the time appointed in the The like. order, and answer the accusation, unless for sufficient cause the Court assign another day for that purpose; if he do not appear, the Court may proceed and determine the accusation in his absence. SEC. 20. The accused may answer to the accusation, either by ob- The like. jecting to the sufficiency, or by denying its truth. SEC. 21. If he object to the sufficiency of the accusation, the The like. objection shall be in writing, but need not be in any specific form; it being sufficient if it present intelligibly the grounds of the objec tion: If he deny the truth of the accusation, the denial may be oral, and without oath, and shall be entered upon the minutes. SEC. 22. If an objection to the sufficiency of the accusation be The like. not sustained, the accused shall answer forthwith. SEC. 23. If the accused plead guilty, or refuse to answer the ac- The like. cusation, the Court shall proceed to judgment of removal or suspension. If he deny the matters charged, the Court shall immediately, or at such time as it may appoint, proceed to try the accusation. SEC. 24. The Court may in its discretion order a reference to a The like committee to take depositions in the matter, and to report to the Court before proceeding to try the accusation. The like. SEC. 25. Upon conviction, in cases arising under the first subdivision of section thirteenth, the judgment of the Court shall be, that the name of the party be stricken from the roll of Attorneys and Counsellors of the Court, and he be precluded from practicing as such Attorney or Counsellor in all the Courts of this State; and upon conviction in cases under the second subdivision of section thirteenth, the judgment of the Court may be according to the gravity of the offence charged; deprivation of the right to practice as Attorneys or Counsellors in the Courts of this State, permanently or for a limited period. CHAPTER L. Terms in leases limited Leases when void. AN ACT to limit the terms of Leases.-[Passed April 21, 1851.] The People of the State of California, represented in Senate and SECTION 1. No lands within this state shall hereafter be conveyed by lease or otherwise except in fee and perpetual succession, for a longer period than ten years; nor shall any town or city lots, or other real property, be so conveyed for a longer time than twenty years. SEC. 2. All leases hereafter made, contrary to the provisions of this act, shall be void. When goods may be sold for storage. CHAPTER LI. AN ACT to authorize the keepers of Warehouses to sell Goods on storage after a certain period.—[Passed May 1, 1851.] The People of the State of California, represented in Senate and SECTION 1. It shall and it is hereby made lawful for any merchant or keeper of a warehouse in this state to sell by public auction any and all goods, wares, or merchandise, which may have been left in his store or on storage three months after the storage as agreed upon by the parties shall become due, by giving at least thirty days' notice of such sale, provided he shall only sell sufficient to pay the storage: Provided, however, that if no agreement shall have been made by the parties, twelve months shall be considered the time for goods to remain in store before the advertising of and sale for storage shall take place. advertised SEC. 2. All goods offered for sale to pay storage as aforesaid, shall sale to be be published in some newspaper published in such city, town, or place, or if there should not be any newspaper published in any such city, town, or place, then there shall be a notice posted in writing at three of the most public places in such city, town, or place, setting forth the kind of goods offered for sale, after which sale the party having them in store shall make out an account of the same, which sums shall be deducted from said sale; the residue shall be paid over Surplus proceeds, to the order of the Treasurer of the State Hospital within the after paying county, and in the county of San Francisco to the City Treasurer for hospital purposes, to the credit of the party owning the goods so sold. SEC. 3. All sums thus paid over to the Treasurer of the State Sums paid to State Hospital. Hospital shall go into the general fund of the State Hospital, until claimed by the rightful owner. In the event, however, that there is no such institution as a State Hospital within the county where such sale shall take place, then, and in that case, all such sums of money may be used by the Court of Sessions for the use of the poor of said county, until called for by its proper owner. storage, etc. Treasurer of SEC. 4. In all cases where goods, wares, or merchandise shall be Notice of sale to offered for sale, as aforesaid, to pay charges for storage, it shall be State Hospital. the duty of the party offering the same to give written notice to the Treasurer of the State Hospital that such sale will take place, whereupon it shall be the duty of the Treasurer of the State Hospital to attend such sale, or appoint some one to attend such sale and make a settlement with the party, as directed in this act; should there be no State Hospital in the county where such sale shall take place, then the County Treasurer shall attend such sales, and make a settlement with the party as directed in this act. SEC. 5. In no case shall chests or trunks containing the wearing Chests of apparel of an individual be sold under the provisions of this act, in wearing apparel. less than twelve months from the time the same was stored, unless, by express written agreement between the warehouse keeper and the owner of such chest or trunk, authority is given for the sale of the same at a time fixed. SEC. 6. That in case of the death of any person having goods sold Where owner of under the provisions of this act, the executor or administrator of such goods dies. deceased person shall be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, after the payment of the warehouse or other proper charges on the same. Chests of wearing apparel to be opened. SEC. 7. That in all cases of sale of chests or trunks, containing wearing apparel, under the provisions of this act, such chests or trunks shall be opened and the goods exposed to public view, so that purchasers may judge of the value of the articles so offered for sale: Private papers, Provided, that all private papers or family relics found in such chests or trunks, shall be deposited with the County Treasurers for safe keeping, until called for by the owner, or person properly authorized to receive the same. etc. Liability of persons making coin. Refusing to redeem coin. "Date to be stamped on coin. Coin of less than its nominal value CHAPTER LII. AN ACT to regulate the Coining of Money by Individuals.-[Passed The People of the State of California, represented in Senate and SECTION 1. Any person or company who shall make or cause to be made, within this state, any piece of gold or silver, whether pure or alloyed, in the form of coin or otherwise, and intended or calculated to circulate as money, shall be held responsible to the holder thereof, for the marked value thereof, or the rate at which such coin is uttered, and shall on presentation redeem all such coins at such rate with legalized coin of the United States. SEC. 2. If any person making or uttering such coins shall refuse or neglect to redeem the same, in the manner prescribed in section one, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be liable, on conviction, to be punished in each case by fine not less than five hundred dollars, nor more than five thousand dollars, or imprisonment for not less than six months, nor more than three years, or both such fine and imprisonment. SEC. 3. If any person shall hereafter make or utter any piece of gold or silver as described in section one, without stamping upon the same the day, month, and year, of its manufacture, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be liable, on conviction thereof, to the same penalty as is prescribed in section two. SEC. 4. If any person shall hereafter make or utter any coin, or piece of gold or silver, such as is described in section one of this chapter, of less value than its marked or nominal value, or the value at which it is issued, he shall be deemed guilty of fraud, and on con viction thereof, shall be liable to the penalties mentioned in section second. SEC. 5. This act shall take effect on the fifth day after its passage. When act to take effect. CHAPTER LIII. AN ACT to fix the times of holding Court in the Eleventh Judicial The People of the State of California, represented in Senate and County. SECTION 1. The terms of the District Court of the Eleventh Judi- Term for El Dorado County. cial District, shall be held as follows: In the county of El Dorado on the fourth Monday in January, the second Monday in May, the third Monday in August, and the third Monday in November, in each year; in the county of Placer on the third Monday in February, the third For Placer Monday in June, and the third Monday in October in each year; in the county of Yolo on the third Monday in March, the second For Yolo County. Monday in August, and the third Monday in December, in each year: Provided, that there shall be a term of said court held in the county Special Term. of Placer on the third Monday in January of the present year. SEC. 2. All laws and parts of laws that conflict with the provisions of this act be and the same are hereby repealed. SEC. 3. This act to take effect from and after its passage. Placer County. Former laws repealed. Commencement of this act. CHAPTER LIV. AN ACT to authorize certain officers and other persons to adminis- The People of the State of California, represented in Senate and Senate and House. SECTION 1. The President of the Senate and the Speaker of the President of the Assembly are hereby empowered to administer the oath or affirmation Speaker of the of office to any Senator or Assemblyman, and the officers of their respective bodies, before they enter upon the discharge of their duties, or the member of the Senate or Assembly take his seat as such. SEC. 2. The chairman of any standing committee either of the Chairman of Senate or Assembly, or a chairman of a select committee of either Committee. |