Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

should be righted, 469
America first, 109, 175
America, Spirit of, 115, 122, 127,
211, 291

America, Without hampering ambi-

tions as world power, 111, 134,
168, 199, 313

American Electric Railway Associa-
tion, Address before, 97

American Federation of Labor, Ad-
dress before, 434

American system of government,
Balance of, 324; a lawyer's gov
ernment, 324

Americans, Disloyal ("hyphenated"),
110, 132, 150, 293, 310
Americans, foreign born, Addresses
to, 114, 290

Americans, Undivided allegiance of,
110, 115, 125, 132

Anti-trust legislation (See Sherman

Anti-trust Law and Trusts and

Arbitration, Failure of, in railroad
eight-hour demand, 296
Arbitration law, Suggested changes
in, 301; recommendations re-
newed, 339

Arbitration treaties; Ratification
urged, 38

Army (See Defense, National)
Associated Press, Address before
members of, 108

Austria-Hungary; Diplomatic rela-
tions interrupted, but peace main-
tained, 381

Austria-Hungary, Diplomatic corre-
spondence with (See War)
Austria-Hungary must be delivered
from Prussian domination, 447
Austria-Hungary must continue to
have access to sea, 450
Austria-Hungary: People must be
accorded free opportunity for au-

Austria-Hungary, War against, ad-
vised, 451

Austro-Hungarian Empire not to be
rearranged by United States, 447
Aviation (See Defense, National)


Bagdad Railway, 437

Balkan States controlled by Ger-
many, 437, 447

Banking: Restrictions upon national
banks in international trade, 279,
Banking legislation (See Currency,
also Federal Reserve Bank Sys-

Belgium must be evacuated and re-
stored, 469

Benedict, Pope, Peace proposal of,
and reply, 421

Brazil, Messages to, on its entry
into war, 432


Not to be penalized because big
and strong, 102

Past the era of suspicion and into
era of confidence, 100
Relation of Government to, 103
Some needs of, 12

Spirit of American business to-
ward regulation, 93, 97
(See also Trusts, Trade Com-
mission, Corporations, Direc-
tors, Sherman Anti-Trust Law)


Central America (See Latin-Amer-
Children, Co-operation of, in Red
Cross work proposed, 427
"Citizenry trained and accustomed
to arms," 78

Citizenship address at Philadelphia,
114; at Washington, 290

International exclusive economic
leagues condemned, 424

Limitations imposed by banking
restrictions, 279, 289, 329

New fields of foreign commerce,
69, 106, 279, 328

Proposal to remove restrictions on
combinations of exporters, 316,
333, 341, 452

Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and
Domestic, Usefulness of, 104, 316,

[blocks in formation]

Trusts and Monopolies, 47
War with Germany, 372

War aims and peace terms of the
United States, 464

Congress, Record of, during first
Wilson administration, 304
Congress, Sixty-fifth (war session),
commended, 429

Congress Hall, Philadelphia, Ad-
dress at rededication of, 27
Conservation legislation, 70, 86

Limitations proposed on voting
rights of controlling stockhold-
ers, 54

Responsibility of individual offi-
cers and directors, 53
Responsibility to the public, 101
Counsel and judgment of various
kinds, 284

Cuba, Honor in our withdrawal
from, 199

Currency legislation urged upon Con-
gress, 10, 39; benefits of new law,

Daughters of


American Revolu-
tion, Address to, 122
Defense, National

Army expansion for war recom-
mended upon basis of universal
service, 376

Army insufficient for routine work
of peace, 186, 194, 204
Army: Selective Draft Act, 395
Army: Selective Draft, men, Mes-
sage to, 424

Aviation Development in Navy,

[blocks in formation]

Economic boycott against Germany,
after the war, a possibility, 448
Economy in Government expendi-
tures urged, 4

Education, Vocational and indus-
trial, legislation recommended,

Eight-hour law urged for railway
operators, 294

Elections, Legislation recommended
to regulate expenditure of money

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

railway operators, 294


Federal employment bureau sug-
gested, 87

Labor pledges in speech accept-
ing renomination, 317

Labor record of first Wilson ad-
ministration, 307

Lamb, Charles, quoted, 440
Latin-America: Actions taken by
various countries against Germany,

Latin-America, Future commercial
relations with, 32, 119, 136, 335
League to Enforce Peace, Address
before, 271 (See also Peace

Liberty Loan Day designated, 430
Lincoln, Address on, at log-cabin
birthplace, 319

Lind, John, sent to Mexico as per-
sonal representative, 20

Lobby: Statement denouncing in-
sidious influence on tariff legisla
tion, 9


Manhattan Club, New York, Ad-
dress at, 125

[blocks in formation]



Capital supervision, 51
New York, New Haven & Hart-
ford Railroad sued for dissolu-
tion of mergers, 63
Placed under Government control
and operation, 455
Presidential control proposed, over
property and men, in case of
military necessity, 301, 339
Problem serious and pressing, 154
Special message to Congress to
avert threatened strike, 294;
reference to railroad legislation
in annual message, 337
Systems must be developed and
coordinated for national use,



of recommendation
that Congress approves increase
of freight rates to meet expense
of eight-hour day, 339
Railroad Business Association, Ad-
dress before, 156

Red Cross, Address at dedication of
Washington home, 392

Red Cross, Coöperation by school
children proposed, 427°
Reelection, Thinking about, renders
reelection difficult, 30

Renomination, Speech accepting, 302
Republican party, Criticism of, 81,
304, 309

Resources, Natural, Development of,
45, 317, 452

Further taxation urged,
to cover "preparedness" expendi-
tures, 146

Revenue: Special message urging
revenue to meet de-

crease in customs, 64
Rural credits (See Farm credits)
Russia, always democratic at heart,

Russia, Message to, 405

Russian democracy endangered by
Germany, 439, 450, 464
Russian National Council, Message
to, 420

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Veto of Immigration bill; first, 94,
second, 356



Alliances must give way to com-

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