CLASS IIa 257. Class IIa defined.] In Class IIa shall be included every buildg used for office purposes, and also every building used for club house urposes where sleeping accommodations are provided for less than venty persons. 258. Buildings — construction of - height of.] (a) Buildings of lass Ila which are ninety feet or more in height shall be built entirely fireproof construction. (b) Buildings of Class IIa less than ninety feet and more than fifty eet in height shall be built either of slow-burning, mill or fireproof onstruction. (c) Buildings of Class IIa not exceeding fifty feet in height may e built of ordinary construction. CLASS ub 259. Class IIb defined.] In Class IIb shall be included every buildg used for hotel, club, lodging or rooming house purposes where such uilding has sleeping accommodations for twenty or more persons. 260. Buildings - construction of - height of.] (a) Buildings of lass IIb more than five stories and basement high shall be of fireproof onstruction. (b) Buildings of Class IIb more than three stories and basement igh but not more than five stories and basement high shall be of slowurning or fireproof construction. In case slow-burning construction e required the cellar and basement construction, including the floor onstruction of the first story above the cellar or basement, shall be of reproof construction. 261. Walls-divisions and partitions-fire stops.) (a) In buildags hereafter erected used wholly or in part for the purposes of Class Ib of ordinary slow-burning or mill construction, there shall be for very eight rooms in any one story, dividing walls or partitions of acombustible material separating such eight rooms from the conguous spaces. (b) In all buildings hereafter erected to be used wholly or in part or the purposes of Class IIb, all elevators and stairs shall be enclosed partitions of incombustible or fireproof material, and the partitions f all corridors leading to such elevators and stairs shall be of fireproof r incombustible material. Such partitions shall be carried on selfupporting masonry or a framework of steel or iron. Where glass is sed in said partitions, the same shall be wired glass set in metal rames, but such glass shall not exceed sixty per centum of the supercial area of said partitions. (c) In all non-fireproof buildings of Class IIb there shall be between Dists a stop of brick, concrete or tile not less than four inches in nickness, extending the full height of joists and spaced not more than wenty-five feet apart, measured in the direction of the length of the Dist. 262. Sleeping stalls in rooms—when allowed.) Sleeping stalls shall ot be constructed or used in any room in any building now existing r hereafter erected and devoted, in whole or in part, to the purposes s which open directly upon a street, alley, yard or court and windows have a total area equal to at least one-tenth of the rea of such room, nor unless the semi-partitions forming such re so constructed that there is a clear and unobstructed interval ast thirty inches between the top of such semi-partitions and the of the room, nor unless each such stall shall open directly into e or passageway leading directly to a stairway or stairway fire the location of which is indicated by a red sign and at night ed light also. Such sleeping stalls shall not be installed in any bom in such numbers that there shall be less than 400 cubic feet per person when all stalls are occupied to their full capacity. mi-partitions forming such stalls hereafter constructed shall be mbustible material. CLASS IC - Class IIc defined.] In Class IIc shall be included every builded for a hospital, home for the aged and decrepit, for housing k and infirm, imbeciles or children, house of correction or detenail or asylum, where any such building shall have sleeping accomions for more than ten persons. =. Buildings-construction of-height of.] (a) All buildings ss IIc not more than two stories and basement in height may be inary, mill or slow-burning construction. All buildings of Class IIc more than two stories and basement ght shall be of fireproof construction. Frontage consents for hospitals.) It shall be unlawful for any ■, firm or corporation to build, construct, maintain, conduct or ge in any block in which two-thirds of the buildings fronting on sides of the street or streets on which the proposed hospital may are devoted to exclusive residence purposes, any hospital, unless wners of a majority of the frontage in such block, and the owners majority of the frontage on the opposite side or sides of the street eets on which said building faces consent in writing to the buildonstructing or maintaining, managing or conducting of any such cal in said block. Such written consents of the majority of said rty owners shall be filed with the commissioner of health before a t shall be granted for the building or constructing, or a license be for the maintaining, conducting or managing of any such tal. . Coves in rooms and corridors of hospitals.]. In every building fter constructed for or converted to hospital purposes, in all corriand rooms used by patients, all intersections of walls, floors and gs shall be formed with tangent coves. -. Elevators in hospitals.] Every building over three stories in t hereafter constructed for or converted to hospital purposes shall at least one elevator, the floor dimensions of which shall be not han seven feet by five feet, and said elevator shall be enclosed in a As amended May 8, 1916. As amended May 15, 1911, and May 8, 1916. 1. E eproof sinart will mcomoustidie doors closing on each opening anu all comply with all the general provisions of this chapter. 268. Fire escapes, balconies, platforms.] All buildings of Class IIc all be equipped with stairway fire escapes not less than three feet in ath which shall, in number, location and structural features, comply th the general provisions of this chapter relating to fire escapes. The conies and platforms of such fire escapes shall be not less than three t in width and may be made with a smooth surface of incombustible terial laid flush with the floor and with a pitch of one-third inch to - foot. 269. Standpipes and portable hand pumps.] (a) On each floor of ery building used for the purposes of Class IIc there shall be provided, - each two thousand square feet of floor area or fractional part reof, at least one portable hand pump of three-gallon capacity or one emical extinguisher of equal capacity, which shall be located and intained subject to the approval of the fire marshal. (b) In every building more than three stories in height hereafter ected for or converted to the purposes of Class IIc there shall be astructed one or more four-inch standpipes which shall extend from - basement to the roof and which shall be connected with the house mp and house tank and which shall have a Siamese connection located the street or alley side of such building for the use of the fire Dartment. Each standpipe shall be provided with one hose connecn with fire department thread on the roof of said building, and one anection on each floor and in the basement thereof, with sufficient se attached on each floor and in the basement so that a stream of ter therefrom will reach any point thereof. The pattern, quality, tallation and maintenance of such standpipes, hose and connections all be subject to the approval of the fire marshal. ARTICLE VI 270. Class III defined.] (a) In Class III shall be included every ilding used as a family residence, and also every building used for rage or stabling purposes and having a ground area of less than 500 mare feet. 274. Habitable rooms-definition of requirements as to size and ntilation.] (a) For the purposes of this chapter the term "habitLe room" shall be held to include every room in every building of asses III and VI, and every room in buildings of other classes if such oms are used for the purposes of Classes III and VI, in which a famor the individual members thereof regularly sleep or eat or carry their usual domestic or social vocations or avocations. Laundries, th rooms, water closet compartments, serving and storage pantries, rage rooms and closets, boiler and machinery rooms, cellars, corries, and similar spaces used neither frequently nor during extended riods, shall not be deemed as coming within the scope of this term. g of Class III, every habitable room shall have a window or with a total glass area equal to at least one-tenth of its floor ening onto a street, alley, or yard, as defined in section 432 of ter. None of such required windows shall have a glass area han ten square feet; and each such window shall have its top than seven feet above the floor and shall be so constructed that its upper half may be opened its full width. No such habitable all have a floor area of less than eighty square feet, nor a clear rom floor to ceiling of less than eight feet and six inches; prohat attic rooms need not be eight feet six inches high for more e-half of their area, and that such attic rooms shall have total ntents of not less than seven hundred and fifty cubic feet each. No living room shall be partitioned off or constructed in any building or portion thereof, until plans of such building and ve been filed with, and a permit for such partitioning or congobtained from the commissioner of buildings and the comer of health; and every room so partitioned off or constructed mply with all the requirements for habitable rooms as contained section. Alcoves.] Every alcove and alcove room shall comply with nirements of section 446 of this chapter. Pantries, bath rooms, water closet and urinal compartmentsments in relation thereto.) In every building hereafter erected converted to the purposes of Class III, every pantry, bath room, loset or urinal compartment shall have at least one window with area of at last six square feet and a minimum width of at least t opening upon a street, alley, or yard as defined in section 432 chapter, or upon a vent shaft not less in area than said window; habitable room shall open into or connect with a vent shaft ed.. Stairways in buildings of Class III three stories or more in ☐ (a) In every building of Class III hereafter erected, and tories or more in height, there shall be either two stairways he first to the top story or one such stairway and a stairway ape. In every building of Class III now in existence, and three stories e in height with a floor area of 1,000 square feet above the secor, which is not equipped with two stairways or with one stairad a stairway fire escape, safe and adequate means of egress from rs shall be provided by the erection of additional stairways or ay fire escapes, or such other means as in the judgment of the ssioner of buildings are required for the safety of the occupants building or the public. amended June 30, 1916. ARTICLE VII CLASS IV 280. Class IV defined.) (a) In Class IV shall be included every uilding referred to in subdivisions Class IVa, Class IVb, Class IVc nd Class IVd, as follows: (b) In Class IVa shall be included every building used as a church r place of worship. (c) In Class IVb shall be included every building having a parish all, lodge hall, dance hall, banquet hall, skating rink, assembly hall, alls used for the purpose of exposition and exhibition and buildings Laving a hall for the purpose of instruction, other than schools, inluded in Class VIII, and also every existing building having a hall sed for theatrical purposes at the time of the passage of this ordiLance, except such buildings as are included in Classes IVa, IVC, IVd, nd V. (d) Class IVc shall include every building hereafter erected used or moving picture and vaudeville shows and similar entertainments, where an admission fee is charged and regular performances are given, nd where the seating capacity does not exceed three hundred; proided, that every building of Class IVc existing at the time of the passge of this ordinance shall comply with the provisions of Class IVb. (e) In Class IVd shall be included every grandstand and every aseball, athletic and amusement park. 281. Must comply with general and special provisions.] Every uilding or structure of Class IV shall comply with the general proisions of this chapter and shall, in addition, comply with the following pecial provisions: 282. Must comply with all ordinances.) It shall be unlawful for ny person, firm or corporation, to construct or alter any theatre, exept in conformity with the ordinances of the city of Chicago relative hereto, or to operate any theatre that does not conform thereto. 283. City officials empowered to enter.] The commissioner of buildngs, commissioner of health, city electrician, fire marshal, general uperintendent of police, and their respective assistants, shall have the ight to enter any building used in whole or in part for the purposes f Class IV at any reasonable time, and at any time when occupied by he public, in order to examine such building, and it shall be unlawal for any person to interfere with them in the performance of their uties. 284. City officials empowered to close.] The commissioner of buildngs, commissioner of health, fire marshal, city electrician, or general uperintendent of police, or any one of them, shall have the power, nd it shall be their joint and several duty, to order any building used holly or in part for the purposes of Class IV, to be closed, where it s discovered that there is any violation of any of the provisions of his chapter, and kept closed until the same are complied with. |